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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10527924 No.10527924 [Reply] [Original]

i'm a second gen asian immigrant. my dad is a romantic for america, so we often grew up eating 'american breakfast,' or just a huge spread of sausages, bacon, pancakes, waffles, hashbrowns, eggs, and lots and lots of coffee.

It's a pain in the ass to make at home. So I like eating at traditional diners, but I worry I get strange looks from the other patrons, who are always white/black. its my favorite place nearby, but to this day ive not seen another asian guy there. am i being paranoid?

>> No.10527932

sounds like penis envy to me

>> No.10527938

penis envy is a female thing. i already have a penis. this is more of a racial thing

>> No.10527942

None of them are thinking about you. They are too busy thinking about themselves. When you understand this principle you will be free.

>> No.10527944

Yeah, you're being paranoid, you self-victimizing cunt. Nobody gives a fuck if you eat at a diner, stop thinking the word revolves around how asian you are compared to non-asians. Jesus fucking Christ, the god damn ego to think anybody would even take a second look at you. Nobody gives a shit. I know whitey has made fun of you, but that's because he's a soulless asshole, not because he actually picks you out of the community

>> No.10527949

>>taking the bait this hard

>> No.10527950

thanks. thats what i was forgetting. ill leave this thread up for other people with similar problems

>> No.10527952

>It's a pain in the ass to make at home.
No, it's extremely easy.

>Ami I being paranoid

>> No.10527954

Believe me anon, you are invisible to those around you. They see through you as if you dont exist.
You are nothing in this country but a souless ghost. You are one of the disappeared ones.

>> No.10527959

I'll get breakfast with you anon, post height.

>> No.10527964

what the fuck did he mean by this.

>> No.10527993

When I see an Asian in public I just start thinking about how small their penis is. Sometimes I'll give them a sympathy nod. It wouldn't occur to me that you are weird for eating like an American. We are just wondering about your penis.

>> No.10528008

my penis is brown, ruddy, and thick. 6.5" circumference across the middle, length average (6). my pubes are like someone tried to straighten out brillo. at night i like to tear off the loose hairs because it calms me down. my balls saggy and clap when i make sudden movements. what else do you want to know.

>> No.10528015
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You make both embarrassed to be American and also embarrassed to be Asian at the same time. I'm impressed.

>I can't eat western breakfast/food at restaurants because I'll be judged! I should have brought chopsticks and ate my kimchi in the corner!

Go back to Asia if you got a fucking problem. Or go kill yourself. I'm down for both.

>> No.10528019
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At this point I'm not sure who's trolling whom, or if OP is legitimately this much of a child.

>> No.10528022

>am I being paranoid
I don't know where you are but almost certainly nobody gives a shit.
Why are you worried about a black white guy thinking "huh, an Asian guy; not many around these parts"?

>> No.10528024

david chang pls go

>> No.10528028

But eating alone in a nearly empty diner is comfy

t. Azn

>> No.10528029

are those based LA riot slopes?

>> No.10528035

im more comfortable discussing my penis.

>> No.10528041
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Please, dont use racist word

>> No.10528046

Just come over to my place senpai, we'll cook you up a nice breakfast. Where do you live?

>> No.10528052

hey, any dinks that like to shoot at basketball americans are gtg with me

>> No.10528079

Ask for them to cut it up into little pieces so you can eat them with chopsticks

>> No.10528094

Roof Koreans.

>> No.10528124

masturbating and eating alone in a restaurant while the waitress watches you is hard :(

>> No.10528749

Why do you feel the need to announce your asian?

>> No.10528872

>muh based Asians! XD #deplorableandproud

>> No.10528894

You would have assumed he was white otherwise.

>> No.10529004

Are you retarded?

>> No.10529010

Just dress nice and people will think you're a foreigner traveling on business.

>> No.10529691

You're fine. nobody cares about you if you keep to yourself at a restaurant. Even if someone does care they'll forget by the end of the day.

t. dindu

>> No.10529722

Sometimes I'm the only white person in a Chinese restaurant, can see certain people staring and get asked by staff if I need a fork. Don't matter though, food worth it.

>> No.10529746
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Just order takeout, then at least people will assume you're picking up food for people who love you back at home instead of knowing the lonely bitter truth

>> No.10529747

OP eating alone isn't _that_ hard. Just find a couple places to be a "regular" at, and be a gracious guest and return enough they remember you. You'll be able to talk to your waitstaff, get that nod and such. Tip well in the beginning, and be ultra polite. Then, be busy with the paper, your phone, paperwork or something if you think it's weird to sit alone and not be doing something else. Business travelers dine alone all the time. So do retired people. It wouldn't be too insane to invite a coworker to meet with you early or someone else you know.

Not seeing other asians? Don't think too much about that, really. It can mean lots of things about where you live, your income level, or nothing at all, really.

>> No.10529759
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Hahaha thats just me anon lol. Dont look back at me or ill fucking kill you lmao

>> No.10529760

>am i being paranoid?
Yes, they go to a diner to eat, even if they give you looks they will think "huh" and go back to their meal.

>> No.10529769

This is normal, i feel out of place eating at any asian joint i go to but the same rules apply just show respect to the food and no one will give a fuck. And of course people are going to stare at you but just embrace the awkward nature of it and you will learn that its more like another world and treat it as such.

The second i enter a Chinese place and all i hear is mandarin being spoken of course i feel weird and like i don't belong but thats a ok feeling its normal to feel it.

>> No.10529772

>american """""""""""""""issues"""""""""""""""
for the love of christ BAN ALL AMERICAN POSTERS

>> No.10529851
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>my pubes are like someone tried to straighten out brillo. at night i like to tear off the loose hairs because it calms me down. my balls saggy and clap when i make sudden movements
Kek, based asian.

>> No.10529956

explain how it is that he's noticing them, then

>> No.10529967

I'm white and if I saw you, that you were Asian never crossed my mind, only possibly that you were alone

>> No.10529977

most likely their only thought when they see you is "lol he probably has a small pennis", then go back to their foods.

>> No.10529984

As long as I can wear shorts and not look out of place, I don't mind eating alone. But if I have to wear trousers I need someone with me.

>> No.10530029

OP please tell you don't have access to firearms like the pictured roof Koreans.

>> No.10530277

I used to be incredibly concerned about going to a restaurant alone.
My city has a growing restaurant scene, which I wanted to explore, but didn't have anyone to go with me.

Finally, one day, I got the balls to do it.
It really isn't that difficult - and likely you're not the only person eating alone in there.

If the restaurant has a bar, sit at the bar. If it's a classic diner, they'll have a counter.

After you realize that there's nothing to it, and you do it a couple times, it becomes easier and easier.