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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 400x400, DB21436E-697A-4BDC-88FC-DAD28E09819A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10526588 No.10526588 [Reply] [Original]

I need it, bruhs. ;_;

>> No.10526593

dumb baitposter

>> No.10526603

What size panties do you wear?

>> No.10526620

>current year
>not drinking soylent
How gauche, plebeian.

>> No.10526851
File: 135 KB, 546x700, back to pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10526872


>> No.10526875

>current year
>not ITS 2018 GUYS

>> No.10526904 [DELETED] 
File: 358 KB, 1071x808, soyboy right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high soy diet

>> No.10526909
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>> No.10526911

How are they? Could I lose weight by drinking that?

>> No.10526957

Can't digest anything but soylent, huh?

>> No.10526985

wtf is soylent? is it anything close to soylent green

>> No.10526987

soy-based drinkable "food", marketed for hipsters. IIRC, they tried to market it as a 100% replacement diet and were forced to re-label it to its current product. It's sold like that or powdered in whey-like packages

>> No.10527015

>replacing one of the few true physical pleasures in life with a shitty soy drink
I never understood this product on a conceptual level.

>> No.10527025

t. basedboys

>> No.10527037

I would understand if it were really cheap and would try to replace shitty minimum wage dinners

>> No.10527043 [DELETED] 

Increasingly and almost daily it seems, the world slowly slides more towards a future of soy based and synthetically designed "meat"- while technology is not yet to a point where it is cost effective or feasible on a large scale, the population is slowly being brainwashed to accept it. While some don't like defending their eating choices, it is becoming increasingly clear that our children or grandchildren may not even have that choice.

That is not something I want to see happen- By being vocal and not hiding what I do, by demonstrating excellent health, by sharing the stories of others that do the same, maybe there is a chance to avoid the coming weakening of our species under the guise of "plant based" compassion! I'm doing what I can and hopefully more will do the same!

>> No.10527052

whats so different compared to other 'healthy powdered drink'? what a shitty marketing gimmick but id have to say they did well considering the amount of people falling for it

>> No.10527058

It's a meal replacement drink that's marketed towards the general public as opposed to the niche bodybuilding community. I don't get how they did it either t b h

>> No.10527065

I became dumber by reading this post

>> No.10527113

Nah it's just ur dumb brain not being able to handle english

>> No.10527131

Does anyone here actually use soylent? How is it? I figure it could be good for those days you can't be assed/don't have time in the morning. Chan seems to fuckin hate the idea of soylent in general but desu it doesnt seem that bad to try.

>> No.10527134 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 1366x768, meatpillcensorship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting bans just for advocating zero carb living. I got muted for advertising when there's at least six fast food threads up 24/7. This board is sick and I'm just trying to share my healing experience.

>> No.10527152

Silicon Valley venture capital funding and organic support by the autistic tech types who only want to code and have nothing else going on in their lives.

>> No.10527166

just go to your local drug store, and find some supplements

>> No.10527174

keep fighting the good fight anon
soyboy hating is so 2017, we need to change this outdated perception!

>> No.10527343
File: 174 KB, 750x1096, 1523245650126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soyboys will rule the world

>> No.10527357

>cheaper than regular food
If you know nothing about cooking maybe.

>> No.10527361

This has to be satirical but it's very good satire so hats off to him.

>> No.10527374

I drink one a day in addition to eating 3 full meals and other snacks. That way it's just a nice 400 calories with decent vitamins and such in it

>> No.10527381

Quit posting garbage outside of /b/ or get BTFO’d

>> No.10527386

What's that chicken icon on the task bar about?

>> No.10527418

Stardew Valley

>> No.10527430

what the fuck does this soyfag garbage even taste like? slightly more processed silicon valley soy milk?

>> No.10527434

He's a good site designer too I think very "retro"

>> No.10527437

/v/irgin just got banned again

>> No.10527920


>> No.10528303
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>> No.10528331
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>> No.10528338

How much do those actually cost? Last time I looked (when it was still just the powder), it seemed to be suspiciously more expensive than actual food.

>> No.10528340

>tfw you want to drink your soylent but can't get the bottle open

>> No.10528351

They actually redid the packaging and the new cafe bottles are a bitch to open, but only because the wrapper around the bottle slides around and you can't grip it properly. It has nothing to do with how weak you are, it's about friction

>> No.10528391

Good luck explaining anything to soy posters.

>> No.10528422
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Uh huh. Yeah, its the packaging, I believe you.

>> No.10528664


>> No.10528670


>> No.10528923

Combo breaker

>> No.10530577


>> No.10530590
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/pol/ = reddit

>> No.10530601
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>this meme

>> No.10530613

I-is this real?

>> No.10530635

>Wtf I had no idea people were so woke. I'm going to have to up my game

Another aussie shitposter is born

>> No.10530648

Pancake batter.

>> No.10530665

I could not echo this sentiment more, but I have a friend who "hates eating" and is full on skeleton mode who is super excited about this trash. They're also literally autistic so I guess that's kinda what explains it. I just can't understand it though

>> No.10530681

Just get protein powder and fiber powder, put it in a water bottle and mix the two and take it with a multivitamin. You immediately have an infinitely superior product without giving into marketing bullshit and having to ingest soy

>> No.10530689

holy shit this is exactly what I do wtf

>> No.10530714


>> No.10531060

would rather chug horse seman to increase my virility than threaten my balls with new age estrogens.

>> No.10531095 [DELETED] 

You forgot
>add coconut oil

>> No.10531102

Fuck that's genius I cook with coconut oil all the time and never even thought to do that, thanks for the tip

>> No.10531121 [DELETED] 

You're fucking up son. I mean, it isn't bad to cook with it. But you'll get far more from it if you eat it raw. Something do to with it burning and/or becoming rancid due to temperature.

It's so easy to do a proper meal replacement. I don't know why soycucks insist on buying that garbage.

Chadlent drink: coconut oil, protein whey powder, fiber powder and a multivitamin. It's that easy.


>> No.10531152

It's on internet do it must be real sweetie

>> No.10531161

I switched from choco to orig today, can't w8 for the standard to show be delivered tmrw lads

>> No.10531436
File: 127 KB, 782x758, 1524604716299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost muscle capability to open my Meal Replacent Soylent
>have to buy a bottle opener
>was saving up for the next switch game
>not enough good BF points to get a cash advance
>opener would still takes 2 weeks to deliver

I thought about asking Tyrone to open a couple for me after I let him bang my girlfriend extra tonight for some more BF points. The struggles of life, eh /ck/?

>> No.10531490 [DELETED] 

I didn't laugh because the way things are going, this won't be satire soon. There are newspaper articles about cuckoldry being the fetish of smart people.

>> No.10532287
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>> No.10532637

are soylent threads paid advertisement?

>> No.10532735

I want to smash this guy in the face so much

what a stupid beta numale looking face

>> No.10532738

I bet I can crush your bones with my bare hands, faggots.

>> No.10532739

>Reddit spacing
You have more in common with him than you know.

>> No.10532743

Do you ask women what size of panties they wear? Panties don't even come in a large variety of sizes. What would you gain from knowing OP's panty size? Lastly, have you reached wizard status yet, or are you just on the fast track?

>> No.10532746

I don't even go on this website.

your wife is actually getting banged by a nigger, you should take a look.

>> No.10532764
File: 22 KB, 320x257, 22BE9914-D113-4FED-B05F-FFD341D4B492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel you fellow soylent advocate

>> No.10532785

Just low-tier /pol/ shitposting. Stick around and you'll see far worse.

>> No.10532796

just get a small bottle, anon. you might like it and if not then you can say you don't. don't give into the meme without trying it, but if it's low-quality and doesn't suit what you want it for that's its own issue. it could be worth the alternative if it's not up to your nutritional needs. I haven't had it and no interest because I don't drink this kind of stuff but it's not a bad idea to try new stuff with an open mind

>> No.10532844

Literally this, /pol/ tards are sub-Scientology/habbo hotel raid newfags who can all fucking die tbqh. Pure cancer.

>> No.10532863

based onionboy

>> No.10533096

$14 for a bottle

>> No.10533253


>> No.10533263


>> No.10533277
File: 155 KB, 1085x1446, DSC532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to buy a bottle opener
>was saving up for the next switch game

>> No.10533362

>cocoa powder
>maybe some coffee instant
>protein powder
>granola to top it off

takes 2 minutes to make and fills me up but good

don't fall for the soy meme

>> No.10533372

>it seemed to be suspiciously more expensive than actual food.
That's just part of the appeal. You know your getting your money's worth when you pay more

>> No.10533386

Is called soylent like the movie.

>> No.10533397

>instant anything
Just cook your fucking food, i though /ck/ was about cooking.

>> No.10533422

I wake up in the morning and I literally have 30 minutes to shower, shave, put on clothes and maybe eat something before going to work

Actually cooking is for when I get back from work.

>> No.10533437

Nuts are a better source of energy than that to be honest.

>> No.10533451

nuts are also fucking expensive, unless you're talking about peanuts, which I don't like

>> No.10533468

Not where i live, i still wouldn't risk drinking powder of anything.

>> No.10533599

Not just you Anon, not just you.

>> No.10534914

>implying anyone here who wears panties is a woman

>> No.10535625

Fuck off, this is a food and cooking board, individuals that see appeal in soylent clearly have no interest in either food or cooking

>> No.10535641

Soylent is a food replacement, sweetie pie.

>> No.10535691

which is clearly why it doesn't belong here.

>> No.10535780

no it's $140 a bottle

>> No.10535910


fuck off redditor

>> No.10535912


>> No.10535918

imagine if someone walked in while he was doing that

>> No.10536386

It has exactly 20% of every single micro and macro per serving which isn't something you normally see and tastes better in my opinion. It's overpriced though.

>> No.10536425

This is great. Sorry I can't lie to you anon.

>> No.10537024

honestly pretty funny
based soyboy

>> No.10537026

It's definitely satire, just look at the website.
> favorite movie: the big bang theory
Bit of a giveaway.

>> No.10537032

This anon ate his onion! Thank you based onionposter for sharing your wisdom!

>> No.10537600

Not only weight but all sense of humanity you may still have and muscle mass

>> No.10537679

Eh, I like it as an alternative to the morning oatmeal
Not like there any culinary creativity in covering with water and nuking for the 2½ minutes.

It's not like you have to brick up your kitchen and give away all kitchenware in order to buy soylent/huel/whatever

>> No.10539669


What the fuck does that mean?

>> No.10539701

Redditors/pol alt righters call themselves centipedes because of some meme video or something. Cringe, I know.

>> No.10539990


>> No.10540005
File: 12 KB, 371x280, 1524095203841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I've never seen a bottle of soylent in the wild
Are these things real or just another ̶j̶e̶w̶i̶s̶h̶ /pol/ mindtrick?

>> No.10540843

Woah. It's weird to see my face posted on 4chan. I'm actually alt-right and an omnivore, faggot. It's nice to see you think I wasn't being sarcastic though. Pleb.

>> No.10541113

>I'm actually alt-right

this is just as much if not more of an embarrassing

>> No.10541230
File: 20 KB, 109x100, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

headed up to the bay area next week, I'm expecting to find this shit everywhere

>> No.10541237
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>> No.10541272

how many people would watch if i livestreamed drinking these

>> No.10541408
File: 21 KB, 748x536, wxNkdKr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this googled knowledge of our history being spat at me like a chewed up pile of gum. like everyone knows this guy wasn't around back then, right?

for you I have googled "reddit meme" and posted the first image returned. here it is. masterpiece.

>> No.10541472

Then order some. This isn't rocket science.

>> No.10541484

Perhaps on a rocket scientist's salary.

>> No.10541491

Did that guy really make that image? I can't imagine how racist you'd have to be to think it's OK to virtue signal this hard on the back of other people's misery.

>> No.10541906


>> No.10541921

Women's panties come in size 0 to 16 at intervals of 2. That's at least 8 sizes, which is double the amount of sizes men's boxers come in. I'd say that's a lot of sizes.

>> No.10541924

Is that famed British playwright Dennis Potter?

>> No.10541926


>> No.10541928

She has centipedes in her vagina.

>> No.10542738

If you are a qt you'll get viewers for sure

>> No.10542743

We talk about food here.

>> No.10543180

>that nose

>> No.10543923

I'm from Tucson but I've never been in San Francisco tho

>> No.10543925

idk bro it's a meme