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File: 9 KB, 99x300, vark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10526100 No.10526100 [Reply] [Original]

>fell for the secret aardvark meme
its good but not worth a dollar an ounce

>> No.10526117

I could be wrong, but I think that's why it's a meme.

>> No.10526122

I'd try it, but I'm not going out of my way to order it. Don't know why this plastic-bottle regional hot sauce became meme status.

>> No.10526180

Because reddit-tier people that put their identity behind their consumerism were gushing about it. I agree with OP, it's a solid hot sauce, but it's like $10+ for a bottle most anywhere. You are literally paying a hipster tax.

>> No.10526212

So it's the sriracha of half a decade ago? Solid, but faggots won't stop gushing? Gotcha.

>> No.10526229

Maybe more like a decade ago or more. Most normies don't even know about secret aardvark yet. So give it a few years and it will be a household sauce, and a few more and you'll have vark candy, vark cologne, vark beer, little bottles of vark on for your keychain.

>> No.10526373

Is that shit about the old owner being a white supremacist true? I want to see the supposed label they had where the fucking aardvark had SS lightning bolts and shit, I cannot imagine that ever existing in PNW

>> No.10526383

Not true at all you stupid cuck

>> No.10526391

Not him, and that probably isn't true, but you sound like an absolute dumbfuck when you throw in cuck as an afterthought.
You dumb cuck.

>> No.10526441

I went to a Halloween party at Scott's place and he had that room cordoned off with DO NOT CROSS police tape. He got really drunk and someone pulled out a glass bowl and he smoked methamphetamines in front of everyone. He started clenching his jaw really hard and talking a lot. Someone complimented a painting in his living room and he started talking about how he bought it from a SS officer's great grandson. Then one weird quiet guy started taking to him about Hitler and stuff and Scott got up and ran to the room and unblocked it then he ran back to the living room and I'm talking about sprinting back and forth. He ushered me and several other people into that room and started picking things up and pointing things out and explaining the history beyond them. Needless to say I was extremely uncomfortable. Scott had like 20 bayonet knives with nazi markings on them. He had several old, tattered flags. The propeller of a Nazi biplane was hanging on the wall. He showed us a rack of real uniforms and he boasted about meeting one of the Nazis that wore it. Most people left the room, and some even left the party at this point. I tried to walk out, but Scott blocked the door and made me help him and that weird pull a war chest into the living room. It had to have weighed at least 300lb. I tried to get Scott to calm down and mellow out but he accused me of being a communist which I denied. I tried to excuse myself because I was understandably uncomfortable being there. He opened the chest and pulled out a collection of Luger pistols. He made me sit down and at some point he smoked another bowl of meth. I was frozen as he pulled out pistol after pistol each with several Nazi markings on the barrels and frames. He said they were all matching serial #s and the whole chest was worth $450,000.

>> No.10526454

You're literally an idiot. Probably low iq. Your parents should be put to death for raising such a sickening husk of a human. I can't bear to imagine what you look like, or what other depraved and draining opinions you've got loping around in your tiny squashed little head. Sitting around in your cheap baggy jeans with no socks on wearing some off-brand zip-down hoodie. It may be unzipped completely, or maybe only one third of the way leaving that v shape so we can all see what comic book character you're sporting today, but one things for sure, you're a fucking dope. You've got that wet-lipped mongoloid expression and your hair is either buzzed down or completely unkempt. You're not fat but to imagine your misshapen battered body would be just as upsetting. Ooooh what games are on sale on Steam this week? Any new apps on the app store? Is Gamestop open? These are the banalities that float around behind those plain beady little eyes of yours. You're folded out on your couch wondering what tiny piece of enjoyment you can squeeze out of your miserable life today. You'd be depressed if you weren't so fucking stupid. OOOOH you're going to play your video games on the bus today? That sound fun. Maybe some more during the day? Maybe a movie, one of the classics? Minority Report? I'm going to fucking kill you. I'll find you one day and I'll come to wherever you live and I'll shoot you through your heart. I'll leave you dead in your fucking driveway, sprawled out and tangled in your headphones. You were up all night watching Netflix and drinking energy drinks, so fitting the jack into your Nintendo DS is difficult, and then you'll look up and you'll be dead. I will freeze you in that fucking moment for forever and ever.

>> No.10526455

Haha for real

>> No.10526857

10/10 pasta

>> No.10526863


I got this for the first time last week and I'm half done with a bottle. I put it on my eggs every day and it's the shit

>> No.10526869


Aside from vodka, which is a quarter of the price, which drug is as cheap as a dollar for an ounce? The difference being that I go through vodka around 40 times faster than I do Secret Aardvark.

>> No.10527130

I went to Fogo da Chao Brazilian Steakhouse on my cheat day (I'm a vegan) and they didn't even have 'vark sauce. My wifey and her bull were on a date so they stayed while I walked out in anger and played my Switch in her Prius until they were done. That was bad enough but then my Switch's battery died and the manager wouldn't even let me charge it there even though I was paying for their food

>> No.10527509

How about some delicious soylent?

>> No.10528077


>> No.10528081

Just because Scott was a Neo-Nazi who had a room dedicated to Nazi paraphernalia and made a label that was a homage to the SS doesn't mean he was a white supremacist.

>> No.10528133

i live within 30 minutes of where this stuff is made
fuck all of you & your obsessive, sad existences

>> No.10528143

I live in Portland too, honey. No need to brag.

>> No.10528168

my favorite part about people in portland is they can't survive outside it
you are sad, woefully underprepared for real life, & immediately & glaringly distinct from others when you venture temporarily outside your concrete prison
portland is dying
not sorry about it either

>> No.10528232

I tried Tobasco for the first time two years ago.
>be me
>a highly intelligent gentleman who is picky about quality and value
>often looking for a delicious new spici sauce
>try Tabasco on a whim

My friends I tell you, it was one of the best sauces I have had this year. The prickly mouthfeel with the soury and tangy high quality vinegar. The aroma surrounding the, totally blown away.

I was able to get a Tobasco for $2.09 at Publix and they even complimented my shirt. They don't let black people touch your 'sco and they also have Lousiana Gold

Head on down to Publix today and get yourself some good mood sauce. You won't regret it!!

>> No.10528355 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 708x398, 1524417658140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wife, bull, prep, vark, switch.

[hide] 'za [/hide]

>> No.10528365


>> No.10528375

Publix is shit tier.

>> No.10528570

Not him, but what's exactly wrong with Tobasco? I swear you niggers will trash anything just because it's popular. You probably don't even eat hot sauce you just come into these threads to troll and cause trouble.

>> No.10528614

>whats exactly wrong with Tobasco

The spelling you fucking retard.

>> No.10528642

I keep seeing this. Is it a regional spelling or something?

>> No.10528644

It's not that bad

>> No.10528705

I was wondering this too

>> No.10528988

Thank you

>> No.10529046

IT's really really bad.

>> No.10529118

i think it’s british spelling

>> No.10529276

Its how we spelt it here in Portland

>> No.10529281


Yeah, low level computer nerds are some of the most entitled retards who think they're special on the face of the earth.

>> No.10529288


Portland has one of the best education infrastructures in the country. People know how to spell in PDX.

>> No.10529299



>> No.10529320

I know thats why we spelt it Tobasco here.

>> No.10529322

This was meant for >>10529288

>> No.10529723

It's not

>> No.10529737

Haha for real

>> No.10529961

Haha for real

>> No.10532143

You are right, it's worth more!!!