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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10522940 No.10522940 [Reply] [Original]

>Emirates has apologised after two siblings with severe nut allergies claimed they were advised to spend a seven and a half hour flight in the toilet.
>Shannen Sahota, 24, and Sundeep, 33, say they advised the airline of their allergies before booking the trip to Dubai and Singapore for their parents' birthday.
>Forty minutes into the flight from Birmingham Airport the pair say they learned that chicken and cashew nuts would be served despite them having told staff they were allergic.
>When the panicked duo informed staff that they could not be exposed to the nuts in the meal, a staff member allegedly told them they might be more comfortable in the plane toilet.
>However, the airline denies having any record of the allergies.
>The pair - who carry epi-pens in case of an emergency - say they were forced to sit underneath blankets at the back of the plane to avoid breathing in nut residue which can be carried through air vents.
>Ms Sahota told the Sun: “It was uncomfortable, embarrassing and demeaning. >We were stunned when a supervisor told us ‘one way round it’ was for us to spend the flight in the cabin loo.
>A spokesman for Emirates said: "We are sorry to hear about Ms Sahota’s complaint. Emirates tries to cater to all passenger specific needs by offering a number of special meals that cover as many medical, dietary and religious requirements as possible.
>“We’ve looked into Ms Sahota’s booking and our records do not reflect any mention of a nut allergy. All passengers who alert us of a nut allergy prior to travel are informed of our policy and it is also outlined on our website here. When alerted during the flight, our crew tried their best to offer Ms Sahota and her brother alternative locations in an open space in back of the aircraft cabin to minimise their proximity to other passengers who may be consuming meals with nuts.
>“We apologise for any inconvenience caused and our customer care team will be in touch with Miss Sahota directly.”

>> No.10522954

Just euthanize all those degenerate allergy people already, the world will be a better place where everybody else can eat whatever they please whenever they want.

>> No.10522958

I unironically see nothing wrong with this.
what was the crew supposed to do, serve none of the passengers a meal because of two genetic failures who probably were actually too dump to notify the airline properly and now pretend like its the airlines fault.

the crew did what they could when they found out about the problem in the air and there is only so much you CAN do. going to the toilet isnt that bad of a solution either tbqh sounds better than sitting 7 hours under a blanket.

>> No.10522972

wait what. they can't even have people eating meals with nuts near them?

this isn't a thing, right?

>> No.10522976

why is air plane travel always so overly passenger-friendly, why do passengers expect that the crew is so overly polite to them? it's not a fucking loveboat cruise, after all it's simply public transport. imagine asking for allergy awareness in a crowded subway or on a coach. even if it might have been special and exciting to fly some 80 years ago, today it's just standard procedure and an everyday business.

>> No.10522977

>scared of breathing in nut residue
do people this fragile actually exist?

>> No.10522981

no it happens. some allergies are a beast

>> No.10522985

this actually IS a thing and if you weren't such an ignorant moron, you would know better

i hope they sue emirates and bury the company into ground

>> No.10522986
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The nut allergy thing has only emerged within 2 generations or so. Therefore, it can't be genetic.

So what's causing it?

>> No.10522989

>walk past nut vendor at a fair
>walk past nut isle at the supermarket
>dude in the cinema youre in eats a bag of nuts
>die where you stand in any of these cases
how do these people get out at all?

>> No.10522994

plastics and combustion engines

>> No.10522995

he cute

>> No.10523000
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>> No.10523003

now, why werent they wearing those in the plane?

>> No.10523007

Clearly we should ban all nuts.One snowflake is more important than the wellbeing of the 99%.

>> No.10523016


I don't think I've ever heard air travel described as "overly passenger-friendly" before. People don't give a shit about nut allergies on the subway or bus because you're not breathing the same air for 7 hours straight.

>> No.10523017

no idea. maybe it's a social stigma to wear them. they were reacting stupid anyway. the airline should offer some masks if the passengers dont have them. and why all the fuzz if they had auto injectors to begin with?

>> No.10523022

on a train then

>> No.10523023

>serve none of the passengers a meal

If all the hundreds of airline meals prepared and available that are eaten on flights worldwide was the nut meal the only thing they could have served? Nothing else could have been offered on that flight?

>> No.10523024

tell me if this is stupid but could they have worn the emergency oxygen masks to avoid triggering their allergy?

>> No.10523025

>why is air plane travel always so overly passenger-friendly

Being stuck on a metal tube several thousands of feet in the air with no immediate access to the proper emergency medical help when things go wrong can make many people feel a but cranky.

>> No.10523028
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why should they feel more cranky than other commuters?

>> No.10523029

If you have medical problems that infringe the rights of the other passengers, that is a sing that you are a piece of shit who should walk to the destination

>> No.10523030

well I guess it would work very well. so no, not stupid.

>> No.10523031


Kids are tested for nut allergies now instead of just being fed nuts and dying.

>> No.10523033

Sure thing. And autism isn't on the rise either.

>> No.10523035


Only in this thread

>> No.10523037
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I wonder how many of these people have allergies.

>> No.10523039

can you just get on with it and post you agenda? what is it this time, plastic? the pill? SOY? vaccines? fluoride? please enlighten me.

>> No.10523040

you solved it mate, they should've just went to a different plane and nicked their meals to serve back on their own plane

>> No.10523045

All of the above. Fuck modernity.

>> No.10523046

no they should have free specialized gene therapy on board

>> No.10523050

he says, while typing on a computer created in various countries on entirely different continents, and eating plenty of food thanks to mass industrialization of agriculture

>> No.10523061

if you discovered tomorrow that you had a latent milk allergy, I assume you would just go and lay in front of a train track because of what a failure you are, right? and that is possible, just walk me through what you would do if you found out you're now allergic

>> No.10523063
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>why do passengers expect that the crew is so overly polite to them? it's not a fucking loveboat cruise

thats how it used to be 40-50 years ago, not all parts of the industry are caught up to the 'flying sardine can' concept just yet

>> No.10523070

>I assume you would just go and lay in front of a train track
> just walk me through what you would do if you found out you're now allergic
I sure as fuck wouldnt attempt to ban everyone else from enjoying their milk, thats for sure genelet.

>> No.10523082

t. allergylet

>> No.10523085

>avoid breathing in nut residue
that's what OP's wife has to do when I am done with her, amirite?

>> No.10523102

I wouldn't try to ban other people from eating it. How much of a nigger can you be if you force your health over the health of others?
> sorry guys, I know the flights takes 9 hours, but you cant eat the in-flight meal . Please stand still and enjoy the flight while I eat various non -nut snaks I brought from home.

>> No.10523110

how retarded are you? It's one thing if you are a piece of crap whiny vegan and want to stop people from also consuming meat around you, it's a completely different scenario when you have a lethal allergy.

I'm sure you can manage 9 hours without putting some nuts in your mouth UNLIKE YOUR MOM

That being said I'm so glad I'm not allergic to anything

>> No.10523140

I'm 90% sure these people told the employee at the gate 10 minutes before boarding.

Simple answer: airplane travel is the only corporate-run public transit.

Food allergies are a result of an overactive immune system caused by a lack of exposure to bacteria. Have you ever noticed that the kid whose mom sanitizes everything and doesn't let him go outside is also allergic to 50% of foods? I don't know how it gets this severe, though.

Accepting that you have a lethal genetic weakness isn't equitable to suicide.

>> No.10523375

>a flight that you pay a private company a hundred dollar a ticket for it "public transport"


>> No.10523512

Genelets with legume allergies should be euthanized.

>> No.10523615
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>i have a nut allergy!

>> No.10523660

This, you cheeky you. Over-sanitizafion combined with lack of exposure to natural elements basically makes it impossible for you to form a tolerance. Many allergies will wear off over time, like hay fever, if you work outside.

>> No.10523722

Also I suppose this prompted further thought - I appeciate how /an/ this board is becoming in regards to biological law and truth. No political entonation is needed - just two apes out of 7 billion who can't eat a common staple of our species' diet.

They might not have perished from this bathroom voyage but perhaps they saw, in all of their terror, that every single other passenger on that plane didn't need to run to the bathroom under a blanket in order to survive. Even children and elderly I'm sure. Natural selection every time

>> No.10523901
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>> No.10524166


Allergic to nuts?
Don't fly.
Simple as.

>> No.10524250

lack of exercise/proper sleep and poor diets have left most people pretty unhealthy with terrible immune systems.

That and all the estrogen in the water, over use of plastics, exposure to pesticides, chemtrails, vaccines, etc.

>> No.10524272

I don't see a problem, cashews are not nuts.

>> No.10524332

>So at risk of death to nuts that they can't be in the same room as them
This is the exact sort of thing natural selection was supposed to work out of the gene pool, what the fuck

>> No.10524341

Difference being that I wouldn't be at risk of death because somebody drank a glass of milk near me.

>> No.10524345

But outside is where all the white racists are!

>> No.10524532

Simple as what? Complete your thought, Ahmed.

>> No.10524575

did they expect the airline to strip-search all the other passengers and confiscate any nuts they tried to bring on board too?

>> No.10524599

The problem is that their allergy is so severe that they can't even breathe "peanut air", mong.
This is all their fault. If they had told the airline that they had a peanut allergy, and that it was THAT severe, the airline could have stocked food that didn't have peanuts in it.

>> No.10524610

It's likely that historically, autism was simply written off as either "that boy ain't right" for high-functioning cases, or "oh no, it's retarded" for low functioning. It wasn't recognized as a condition. Now, in the modern day, it can be detected and diagnosed correctly. Thus, the number of known autists in the population goes up. Same with PTSD, which was basically blatantly ignored or written off as nothing for veterans of past wars.

Next you'll tell me deaths by natural causes are on the decline due to conspiracy, when in fact "natural causes" is no longer a widely used term for cause of death because the actual causes are more identifiable with modern medicine.

>> No.10524617

Or, you know, they could have worn masks and not forced everyone else to conform to them.

>> No.10524625

ck -- food, cooking and airline news

>> No.10524626

My grass allergy never went away and I live in Texas, where it's grass season for most of the year. Thankfully, it's my only major allergy. However, it's much worse than normal hay fever, and can basically incapacitate me if I'm not loaded to the gills with antihistamines + cortical steroids.

But it never wore off even with almost constant exposure to the shit. Allergist said that I'm a good candidate for some kind of shot therapy, though.

>> No.10524650

how were these two still alive in the first place

>> No.10524666

>I'm a minority! I'm a minority! I demand special treatment!!!
Civilization is for the majority, if you're a genetic, social, ethnic, or gender minority you must conform to the majority and take personal precautions.
The last 200 years have gone badly for the human race. Medical science has saved and promoted those who would have been safely removed by natural selection, now they interbreed with the healthy populace spreading their defects.
Eugenics is the answer.

>> No.10524789

1.they got epi-pens
2.there is nothing wrong. First off, that is a meal, chances it'll be cooked off. Inhaling nuts would be viable if, say, a nut snack is offered.
3.the airline can't do anything much-catering one person to change the whole plane's meal set is weird, and asinine
4.it's their duty to report allergies
5.anti histamine treatments and medicine is available-there is no reason to panic.
I had hoped this poo in loos would have died at least, it'd be better than wasting their brains.

>> No.10524840

I have an epipen three feet to the left of me and I hate these people with such a passion.
Smelling nuts is unpleasant but the exposure isn't bad enough to set off a anaphylactic reaction. These people are prima donnas demanding the world be dragged down to their level when they're the freaks and they need to learn to deal with it.

>> No.10524853

I'm curious, really curious.
How lethal is smelling nuts? How about anti histamine medicine?
The last case I heard is singapore airlines getting sued for selling/serving peanuts snack. I'm starting to see a pattern here.
How do you people get outside without banning everyone with their peanuts?

>> No.10524898

Not the nut allergy guy, just have an anecdote of my own.
This was about a decade ago, so before the SJW and snowflake stuff really emerged. I was in high school, and we were doing a chemistry experiment which involved burning peanuts.

One of the girls was apparently allergic to them, and the fumes were enough to fuck her up royally. Not sure if she went to the hospital, but if she stayed in there for much longer she definitely would have.

>> No.10524925

>poo in the loos told to sit in the loo

>> No.10524946

Well burning peanuts surely will release the oil vapor so it makes sense if it's inhaled.
But I'm not sure how bad it is on cooked dish. As it is covered in sauce, not dry.
And what about masks too?

>> No.10524953

>How lethal is smelling nuts?
depends on the nuts

>> No.10524970

why do these people not just wear those little masks like Asians do, rather than trying to inconvenience every other fucker

>> No.10525066

>why is air plane travel always so overly passenger-friendly

Holy shit we got a time traveler from the 1950s posting on here! Quick, the CIA is going to assassinate JFK, you got to stop them!

>> No.10525088

>imagine asking for allergy awareness in a crowded subway
every bus and subway I've ever been on has been no food allowed, no pets allowed

>> No.10525096

if a seed can kill you then you were not meant to survive

>> No.10525134

I'm not this extreme, but the rest of humanity should not be forced to give up their lives to make a small minority comfortable.

I am fucking tired of special dietary concern shit everywhere, I am fucking tired of seeing (ironically non-sanitary) gloves on cooks, and I'm fucking tired of seeing mothers rubbing portable bottles of sanitizers on their kids' hands. It's no wonder you people are sick all the time. Your body never got a chance to adapt to anything other than a sterile lab.

If you have a special dietary need, whether it be for health or religion, it is up to you to deal with it, not punish everyone else.

>> No.10525158

Exactly like I said, it's unpleasant. Coughing, wheezing, running nose. It's not anaphylactic though.

>> No.10525172

Exactly like I said, it's unpleasant. Coughing, wheezing, running nose. It's not anaphylactic though.

>> No.10525180

>daughters 2nd grade class doesnt allow any nut products in lunches because of this one faggot kid with a severe nut allergy
>unless the genetic freak moves away hes going to be in the same grade as my daughter all through school, and I wont be allowed to give her nut products like a PB&J sandwich, or a bag of cashews ever

I cant even give her a goddamn granola bar in her lunch. I got a very angry phone call once because I gave her a granola bar that had "may contain traces of peanuts" on the package.

>> No.10525196

What are you even talking about? How does any of that apply to nut allergies?

>> No.10525207

I was given an EpiPen by my doctor once for a weird reaction I had to something we couldn't figure out. Never used it because it never happened again but from what I was told they seemed to just hold off/delay major reactions until you get to a hospital or some shit.
My cousin and coworker are deathly allergic to bees and when they stab themselves they still have to go to the hospital.

Cant you just stab yourself and be done with it, does it just depend on how severe of a reaction you have or just a precaution?

>> No.10525230

You're joking right? One step further and we'll have to have special permits to serve nuts and nightshades in restaurants in the more "liberal" areas.

>> No.10525233

>they were advised to spend a seven and a half hour flight in the toilet.
>Shannen Sahota, 24, and Sundeep

>> No.10525245

>Your body never got a chance to adapt to anything other than a sterile lab.
That's not how nut allergies work
>One step further and blah blah liberal agenda
Okay nevermind you've clearly gone off the deep end

>> No.10525267

>overly customer friendly

What the fuck are you On?

>> No.10525303

This wasn't a thing even 10 years ago. Fuck "nut allergy" trolls.

>> No.10525316

That's exactly how allergies work, mutant

>> No.10525341

Make her dress like a peanut on Halloween.

>> No.10525346

But nut allergies are special allergies you mental midget.
I can't expect you to understand this from your families history of inter-family marriage.

>> No.10525367


>> No.10525368

>The retard who doesn't realize you can open windows on trains in an emergency, but you can't prop open the window or slow down on a plane.

>> No.10525372

Cashews aren't even nuts. They're fruit seeds. Genelets, kill yourselves.

>> No.10525375

Peanuts are fucking lentils. What the fuck. Are they allergic to fucking bean burritos too?

>> No.10525382

how long till humans can no longer eat nuts
thanks to these people?

>> No.10525391

Well how about find a different fucking means of transportation? Why are there so many fucking people that believe that they should make the lives of everyone else harder just because they have some sort of a problem? It's your fucking problem and only you have to deal with it not everyone else.

>> No.10525397

>5.anti histamine treatments and medicine is available-there is no reason to panic.
Antihistamines treating anaphylaxis is the equivalent of using a super soaker to put out a burning building

>> No.10525398

I bring my own snacks on long flights which include nuts. There is jack shit a nut allergy cuck can do about it.

>> No.10525402

This is why we need eugenics.

>> No.10525412

I didn't know an airline had to know in advance of simply saying something in the jetway, but if that's the rules, they should have asked the two to deplane, or turned around and put them off the plane or got new food delivery. If they said something in the air, I can get why someone was unkind to them.

I've been on flights where they made an announcement about a person aboard, and then only offered pretzels down the aisle, no nuts. That's fine. I know someone allergic to cinnamon that can't go to malls with a Cinnabon aroma, afterall. Shocking but true.

I think the peanut butter consumption that leads to peanuts severe allergy is going to be linked one day to mold. Modern farming practice is different than in years past and a very specific mold and resulting toxin that happens in moist shells before processing because they sit around longer, or travel longer distances, or travel unroasted or something will be found one day. I have macaws and you have to be careful to get them clean raw peanuts free of mold and fungus.

>> No.10525439

it is possible

>> No.10525440

If you're so sensitive you can't be in a closed environment with nuts, either don't put yourself in that situation or bring a dust mask.

>> No.10525442

Feed your kid better things, dipshit. Ohhh nooo what shall we do without the peanut butter??? Maybe something better than half the garbage Americans shove in their fat fucking mouths.

>> No.10525465

>tfw have a robust immune system with no allergies, no acne, crystal clear skin, perfect vision

>> No.10525469

Protip: They should have driven or taken a boat.

It's not everyone's problem you can't breathe peanut dust. Go fucking get a mask and take the slow way.

This. If you want to get special flight treatment, you need to afford a private jet desu.

>> No.10525487

Wellbeing? From nuts? Fuck off idiot, nuts aren't that important

>> No.10525506

If you can die from SMELLING nuts god wants you dead

>> No.10525513

>when natural selection is telling you to die so instead you whine and try to live anyway

>> No.10525527


>> No.10525528

Exposure to peanuts at an early age can prevent allergies later in life. In other words, concern over peanut allergies causes peanut allergies; if we fed every kid tons of peanuts none of them would be allergic.

>> No.10525529

>implying we accurately and precisely detect and diagnose psychological abnormalities in 2018

>> No.10525538

Fucking crystal people.
You can see right through them.

>> No.10525544

my doctor has said i have a corpse-like pallor on account of my neet lifestyle and never going outside

>> No.10525547

Mine just said it was because I am a filthy ginger, so I laughed at him and cursed his family.

>> No.10525556

a girl at my middle school got all nut products banned by claiming she would have an allergic reaction if a jar pf peanutbutter was open on the same floor of the building as her

>> No.10525588

Only have 5 to 15 min oxygen in those.
It's for the time the plane goes below 10 000 feet and you can breath without pressurisation.

>> No.10525593

>my doctor has said i have a corpse-like pallor on account of my neet lifestyle and never going outside
I was on the way into my doctor's office once, and some nasty asian woman in the parking lot, was walking the same direction as I into the medical arts building, and commented on my white legs "wow, you need tan, whahah!" to make some kind of pleasant conversation *boggle* while walking. When I explained I was "trying to avoid skin cancer," she only heard the "skin cancer" part of my sentence and got very upset for insulting me just then since I had skin cancer. I didn't correct her. Stupid bitch with no filter. Your doctor? Probably aspie or foreign.

Tans are out of fashion at all class levels. The only thing good about them is that they photograph well. But, looking young and staying young trumps actual tanning. Fake bake will always fix skin tone issues in celebrities and the like, and everyone else is smartly slathering on sunblock and looking great at their reunions vs their peers. No smoking and no other addictions also help. My makeup color is "paperwhite" and I'm not insulted. It's also the lightest they sell. Getting carded at age 48 has it's personal rewards.

>> No.10525607

you're scaring the kids

>> No.10525614

& people still eat things

>> No.10525615

Only have 5 to 15 min oxygen in those.
It's for the time the plane goes below 10 000 feet and you can breath without pressurisation.

>> No.10525716

Yes but coughing, wheezing, runny nose is just hayfever tier,no?
As I believe it may be unpleasant but not lethal.
Yet there are many cases like this where nuts are banned entirely because some request.
Also this blanket thing doesn't make sense as masks are more logical choice.

>> No.10525718

Not everyone is eating reese cups amerimutt.
A lot of great food may contain traces of peanuts.

>> No.10525742

You couldn't sound anymore 12.

>special allergies

You forgot "snowflake" before allergies.

>> No.10525744


>> No.10525750

They need to know in advance in order to load the correct meals and snacks.

>> No.10525756

I can't tell if these are troll posts. People here are actually defending nut-cucks.

>> No.10525951

>why do these people not just wear those little masks like Asians do
tell me about Asians, why do they wear masks?

>> No.10526019

Only japanese wear masks religiously
1.for a trend
2.health reason
3.ayy ninjas
4.hiding identity in public

>> No.10526022

Also lotsa asians have hayfever. Lots of nips have hayfever

>> No.10526030

No, and probably I will not ban an entire airplane from any foods that contain milk traces.
Or being a bitch in general like you desu

>> No.10526046

Actual nuts are a great source of fat and are antinflamitory

>> No.10526077

welcome to the west. dealing with shitheads is a small price to pay for cheap booze and candy and relative crime safety

my HS geography teacher had a story from her college years where someone RAN out of a lecture because she opened an orange on the opposite side of the room. people like that have always existed

that would be considerate, and wh*tes can't do that

>> No.10526083

peanuts are distinct enough that peanut allergies only involve peanuts, but you should punch anyone who says they have a peanut allergy and can't eat other nuts. it's not the same allergy at all

>> No.10526092

>allergic to oranges
Do people like this exists?
This is like a new type of cancer. Why we have this kind of stupid allergies?

>> No.10526096

>1.they got epi-pens

>> No.10526102

Wait what?
The only other nut allergies that I know is pine nut allergy.
So each is distinct? Like cashews will not affect those who allergic to peanuts?

>> No.10526104

>Just euthanize all those degenerate allergy people already,

Fuck those special snowflakes.

>> No.10526121

citrus allergies exist but are rare and are pretty gay my nigga

peanuts are their own thing
ive never heard of pine nut but whatever
general nut allergies tend to not include peanut allergy

but many people have both peanut and nut allergy because north american wh*tes are mutants who are weak, with weak genes, who would not survive the winter had they not hired/imported chinks and niggers to build their houses and roads

>> No.10526127

It depends on how much stuffs you consume/exposed to I think.
They need to go to hospital to quicken the healing process I think, and as a precaution wether there is any complications or unwanted reactions.
But epipens is just like asthma inhaler so it'll save you from death as a quick measure.

>> No.10526132

Dumb phoneposters.

>> No.10526137

Well I don't have any nuts allergies nor pine nuts allergy but I often see the precautions about pine nuts.
>weak genes
Well that's what you get from getting a jungle/yellowfever.

>> No.10526169

I find that those who promote eugenics here are hilariously the ones who would be screwed the most by it.

>> No.10526182

it's a shot of ephenephreine or however you spell it. it opens up blood vessels and increases heart rate and stuff, it's more or less the LE ADRENALINE SHOT meme

i've done first aid courses and in the short words we have about allergic reactions, they basically say to stab the person with their epipen and advise them to go to the hospital, but don't call 911 unless their condition worsens/they ask you to. it's advised to go to the ER, but not necessary in all cases, it's really up to the severity and type of their allergy

i am NOT a phoneposter and that was VALID spacing. each line break delineated a thought in a sensible way, as the first three lines are essentially a list and that following the paragraph break (double line break) is a new self-contained thought. kill yourself you redditor

>> No.10526191

>my HS geography teacher had a story from her college years where someone RAN out of a lecture because she opened an orange on the opposite side of the room
Do Americans really eat even during classes?

>> No.10526204

No, it was bumper-sticker thought. Your and idiot.

>> No.10526206
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get a brian, moran

>> No.10526297

I don't think that's gay enough tho. At least not compared to water allergy (Aquagenic urticaria)

>> No.10526309
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based tsu man

>> No.10526316
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im from Quebec and it really is basically just the US south except french and somehow even angrier.

>> No.10526340

In middle school, they told us to be mindful of those with peanut allergies. Since I was a poorfag, I regularly relied on PB&J sandwiches, and sure as fuck wasn't going to drop them just because of one or two clowns in my grade.

>> No.10526389

What about my nuts?

>> No.10526465

Same man that's all I would really eat. They would tell me not to but then I would ask if they are going to buy me something.

>> No.10526661

What do hospitals do that an EpiPen can't besides make sure you can still breathe?

>> No.10526684

1. Airlines aren't responsible for this and there's no way to guarantee a peanut sterile cabin due to OTHER PEOPLE bring peanuts and residue from anything they've eaten previously onto the cabin.

2. You have a severe allergy to a common ingredient that could kill you? BRING YOUR OWN FOOD AND DON'T CHANCE IT FLYING MILES HIGH IN A METAL TUBE.

3. Tell the airline about your defect in advance.

4. Better the two peasant dumbasses throw up in the toilet than for the carrier potentially losing thousands by pissing off first class Emirates passengers who'd want beaucoup compensation for having their flight diverted.

Airline customers are retards.

>> No.10526693
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>an hero because lactose intolerant

Hmmm... I can kill myself or I can get used to soy...

>> No.10526717

I'd rather go suicide than living eternally with soy
It's literally almond water, it's not fucking milk

>> No.10526729

Soy shouldn't be 'literally' almond water...

>> No.10526782

how pathetic do you have to be to be killed by airborne peanut residue?

>> No.10526794

Instead it's fag in a can

>> No.10527080

>however many people on that flight can't eat some damn nuts because of two faggots
They shouldn't have been allowed on

>> No.10527084

Soy milk ain't milk yo what the fuck
U braindead vegan brain, can u even understand what is milk nigga?
Shieettt's all retarded

>> No.10527170

They probably didn't have them.

>> No.10527171

Epipens are no longer cheap.

>> No.10527172

then they were, Im sorry, fucking retarded. with an allergy like that why wouldnt you take the simplest of precautions?

>> No.10527183

You're not forced to breathe recycled air for hours at a time. You can open a window on a train, and leave on a subway.

>> No.10527197

Do you really expect some humans who can't even into toilet to understand such hygiene standards.

>> No.10527214

You are in fact not forced to get on the fucking plane at all.

>> No.10527216

They don't choose to not have access to sanitation facilities. You do choose to be ignorant, however.

>> No.10527218


>> No.10527233

I don't think a thin piece of cloth is enough to filter chemicals out of the air.

>> No.10527239

Unless you want to go somewhere long distance in the world in a timely manner. The fault is with the two for not informing the airline of their nut allergy beforehand, but to expect people not to travel because of something out of their control is ridiculous.

>> No.10527241

woudnt really call nut dust "chemicals". it works for germs so why not the presumably much larger nut bits in the air?

>> No.10527254

First, it doesn't really work for germs, it stops your sneezes from getting far from your face, at least the consumer grade ones. Second it's not nut dust, it's the oils and smells, which is being vaporized by heat and other such things

>> No.10527333

Lmao and choose not to use it, but worship it instead? Are you really this thick headed, or too poor to afford reading news?
And letting them being ignorant and not notifying the airline before, nor preparing for the situation?
You're fucking off yer rocker mutt.
>obsessed with UK loos imports
Perhaps you're obsessed with memes and can't channel it properly with your peabrain.
Try again next time dumbass.

>> No.10527350
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>bongs defending loos
No wonder your country is turning shit, you've been eating literal feces in your curry.

>> No.10527351
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>im from Quebec and it really is basically just the US south except french and somehow even angrier.

us south rolls coal, quebec makes it a competition


>> No.10527354

>UK loos imports
He was on about Americans, retard.

>> No.10527457

I don't know man, making sure you can continue to breath sounds pretty vital to me

>> No.10527480
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Post yfw no allergies

>> No.10527503

I think if your affliction is so severe that you can't even be in the same fucking room as a nut, you need to call ahead and be aware of the proper precautions yourself. People need to take responsibility for themselves. Do diabetics expect that the airlines will provide them with insulin if they forget it at home? That's on you, dumbass.

>> No.10527626

>"they", as "they" on OP's news
>"they on plane"
>coming from UK to meet parents at singapore
>A m e r i c a n s
Perhaps the illiteracy of american education indeed, or you're the one obsessed.
You are truly a waste of carbon

>> No.10527654

Rajesh pls

>> No.10527684
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allergylets will never know our power

>> No.10527713

What absolute selfish shits. Who do they think they are to order other people to bend over backwards to conform to their snowflake conditions. Just like thoses cunts that go to restaurants and claim the are allergic to every ingredient in the meal but orders the meal and demands the chef changes the meal to suit their needs. That's not how society works; if you have the problem, you sort it out to ensure you are not a problem to other people. I, for example, can't drink milk. So you know what I do? I don't fucking order milkshakes!

>> No.10527758

>Go to lunch for children in the US back in the day used to be PB&J sandwiches
>Fast forward to now and these people claim that they can't so much as breathe the same air as someone that has a few peanuts for lunch
Why do these people exist? Why are they so awful? Even in the 90s nut allergies were rare.

>> No.10527830
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we're gonna love them

>> No.10528243

Better than we did, certainly.

>> No.10528276

Even if you were really a sociopath and not just playing one on the internet, would you really want someone to die on your flight? Even just from a practical perspective, it seems like it would ruin your flight far more than not getting your shitty airplane food.
They'd probably do an emergency landing without letting anyone off the plane, so now your 7 hour flight is 11 hours, and there's a guy decomposing next to you until then.

>> No.10528318

Based. Fuck nut allergy fags. I couldn't have reese's pieces at school when I was a kid because of faggots like this whose mothers' never gave them peanut products when they were a baby.

>> No.10528322


>> No.10528394

>telling them after they were in the air
Idiots, glad I'm only allergic to Brazil nuts

>> No.10528478
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Pick one

>> No.10528533
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>heh, I only feed my seven year old child the finest of meals including, but not limited to: beef Wellington prepared by none other than Gordon Ramsay and only the freshest of sushi that I had shipped from Jiro’s

>> No.10528563
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>the amount of /pol/ brainlets in this thread who think a nut allergy is only a minor inconvenience rather than an actually lethal allergy

I really didn't know people could be this stupid and misinformed. I expected too much.

>> No.10528567
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>the amount of people that think people shouldn't be at least partially responsible for their own lives

>> No.10528569

Kids don't play outside anymore and are kept way too clean. Without exposure to minor infections and pathogens and such, your immune system never learns how to properly differentiate between actual threats and background noise, and massively overreacts to random things. It's why allergies have become so pervasive in the first world, especially in cities, butvim the third world their prevalence hasn't changed much.

>> No.10528572

The crew is suggesting dedicating a precious limited commodity to solve your problem and all you can think about is ways to get offended? These people deserve to be sterilized for more reason than one.

>> No.10528578

"nut allergy" by itself is totally meaningless. that could be anything from "hay fever" to full-on anaphylatic shock.

Thank you.

>> No.10528586

No one here thinks it’s non-lethal. We just shouldn’t be inconvenienced simply because you drew the short straw in the genetic. It’s fucking ridiculous that I wasn’t able to peanut butter in elementary school just because some stupid genelet existed.

>> No.10528609

>No one here thinks it’s non-lethal

>meanwhile, several posts into the fucking thread

>> No.10528655

Just going to throw this out: Nuts don't actually taste good

>> No.10528663

Especially cashews, which are actively disgusting

>> No.10528899

>not liking the taste of nuts
Get a load of these fags.

>> No.10528901
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I pity the fools who have food allergies.

>> No.10529181

How the fuck is it possible? I would understand if it were a peanut factory but just people eating food containing peanuts near you? That's everywhere, even the airport that they passed through would have thousands of people eating products with peanuts in them. They didn't die then.

>> No.10529287

The only people really against eugenics are the ones who know they'd be culled.

>> No.10529312
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>pretending that his original "le /pole/ stupid" comment had a point to begin with

Stop arguing over nothing and shut up. You don't deserve an argument.

>> No.10529324
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Basically this. And also those overly-attached mothers that will do all they can to save their physically and mentally disabled babies on life support for decades because """"""every life is valuable""""""""

>> No.10529347

They just want to inconvenience people for the attention.

>> No.10529374

Maybe its because I pay a quarter on the bus and 1000 bucks on a fucking plane ticket? I expect them to serve me. On the point, what the fuck do those cunts think is supposed to happen? They are supposed to change something for 100 other people just for 2 people? They could have put on a mask

>> No.10529405

If it is that severe, I wonder if they would be at risk for being on a plane that served nuts one flight before. Not being able to breathe in nut air is plastic bubble sort of life style. They should know better and I think they’re exaggerating at the least and likely fabricating to some extent.

>> No.10529887
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>the amount of people who never read about epi-pens, knowing the effect of inhaling peanuts, thinking all nuts allergies are similar, and somehow still think it's the airline's fault for their no notification or preparation

>> No.10529903

You mong the shit couple complained 40 minutes into the flight. What are you going to feed the whole airplane passengers with, bread rolls?
(although I wouldn't mind desu that would be hilarious)

>> No.10529914

>nut allergies exists
this is what happens when you don't let natural selection do its job.

>> No.10529915

If someone dies on that plane the plane will still go to it's destination.
Also, so what if their death is their fault?
Probably better than having such burden to society with their weak genetics

>> No.10529965

If you have it bad enough that even skin contact with aerosolized peanut dust from someone eating them near you sends you into anaphylatic shock, you're either already dead or a bubble boy and not on the plane. So presumably the only problem for them is mucus membrane contact.

If you have that severe a condition how the fuck do you go on a plane without a good filter mask and goggles? These people need to be designated mentally handicapped so they can allow handlers to make common sense arrangements for them.

>> No.10529976
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Considering this shit didn't even exist 50 years ago I'm pretty sure these people are faking it for attention or otherwise wildly exaggerating their "condition".

Even if you do have some reaction to peanuts you need to grow the fuck up and deal with it instead of going into hysterics because someone opened a pack of Planters on the other side of the building.

>> No.10529999

Something to do with the bacteria responsible of resisting internal parasites now going against the human body. Especially those living in urban areas, since aparently country people rarely get allergies. This may have been already debunked though.

>> No.10530048

on the one hand i feel bad for them since it does suck to be super allergic to something like that, but on the other hand, goddam, if you're THAT sensitive to something in food that it being eaten in your vicinity is a risk for your life, then you really need to go out of your way to make sure shit is set up instead of expecting other people to work around your ailment. like jesus they should have breathing masks or something on hand for this kind of scenario. yeah it's embarrassing, but if its between that or never flying on a plane because they might give out peanuts, i'd choose the mask

>> No.10530177

are you fucking 12? that's how most allergies work, you will develop them as you age and are exposed to whatever it is you become allergic to more and more. For example if you start eating shrimp for the first time you can literally develop an allergy to it and die if you eat any more of it. It's not a laughing matter, it's serious and if you had a family member involved in something like this you wouldn't be joking about it, it's really fucked up. so fuck you.

>> No.10530180

Uh of course so they can get their special treatment you ignorant moron.they need a special treatment and of course it's our duty of those who has no allergy to understand them.
What do you think, we just let them suffer? How inconsiderate of you, we must protect them and have some conscience to help them maintaining their weakened genes!

>> No.10530182

wrong by far.

>> No.10530208

All the hayfever adults would be dead by now by your logic
That's retarded. Also alllergy comes in various degrees. Some of those with shrimp allergies can eat shrimp and only have puffed lips and some may die from smelling shrimp oil.
>muh family member
Yeah your "adult" family member probably retarded then not being able to maintain his weak genes.
Grow up, the allergylets should know the world doesn't revolve around them. Stupid tard.

>> No.10530350

It doesn't work that way. I ate a ton of fruit as a kid and became allergic to pretty much all fruit in my 20s. I also played outside in the dirt every day and still became allergic to dust.

>> No.10530369

Are you autistic? He's reply to an anon that said soymilk is just almond water when it's not. Almond milk is not soy milk. Almonds aren't soy, what's so hard to understand?

>> No.10530376

I'm not saying it's vaccines ... but it's vaccines.

>> No.10530407

No, it isn't.
>t. someone who has been vaccinated yearly and has never had allergies to anything

>> No.10530576

>be in uni
>be lazy and tired all the time so I bring in a peanut butter sandwich to class every day and eat while taking notes
>one of the last couple days of the semester this girl looks over and blurts out in the middle of lecture
What is it with allergy fags blowing their shit out of proportion and expecting the world to kiss their feet? Is it some kind of control fetish?

>> No.10530589

>girl tells you she's allergic to peanut butter
>you think of kissing her feet
odd, but it's not hurting anyone i guess

>> No.10530600

Sounds very politically/religiously motivated towards Indian people. The only thing I need to know is if they ACTUALLY informed Emirates airline that they were allergic to peanuts. That is literally where I am stuck at with this story.

>> No.10530612

>Yeah your

>> No.10530782

That picture accurately describes 3/4 of the people I see every day in Manhattan. Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.10530794

The shots work, anon. It sucks ass, but I now have a sense of smell throughout the year, and only need allergy meds a few days a year. This down from barely being able to breath most of the time.

>> No.10530801

Not to mention the disastrous wars of the twentieth century that killed off the healthiest young men.
The comparison between the old untermench and the modern neonazi is not a kind one, natch.

>> No.10530812

I will place large amounts of money on the fact that you've never once interacted with the people you pretend to have a problem with

>> No.10530840

While soy milk tastes like total shit, almond milk is pretty damn good. A little cinnamon and sugar and you're golden.
Still, it's not actually milk.

>> No.10530877 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck cares about some pajeets with shit genetics crying about "muh allegies" and "muh meanie ragheads put le nuts in le food"?

This is a White Man's cooking board, get this shit back to redd.it.

>> No.10530909 [DELETED] 

>I get to decide what's important and what isn't
Am I on 1917 soviet russia again? Please don't kill my family, I'll give you all my grain.

>> No.10530944 [DELETED] 

>the majority is usually retarded
>we must cater to them
Sure. More like demogenics.

>> No.10530955

You are saying that like is bad.

>> No.10530996 [DELETED] 

>have cholinergic urticaria
>when temperature in the body raises due to emotional, enviromental, etc. factors, start getting rashes, hives, red skin all over my body
>feel like I've entered hell
>terrible itchiness all over
>when itchiness stops I start losing all energy and fainting
>anaphylaxis symptoms
>refuse any kind of treatment, no doctor even knows

Now THIS is a reason to kill yourself.

>anon why is your face so red
Every time I die a little inside. Some day I'll just die from anaphylaxis and be done with it after a bad episode.

>> No.10530999

Have you tried not being a faggot ?

>> No.10531006 [DELETED] 

Yes, I've ever since stopped following your father's teachings. But it didn't work.

>> No.10531084

>Emirates has apologised after two siblings with severe nut allergies claimed they were advised to spend a seven and a half hour flight in the toilet.
>Shannen Sahota, 24, and Sundeep, 33


>> No.10531358

Pretty sure back of the plane is the galley too where they heat up the food?

>> No.10531393
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I don't see a single word about either of them actually having an allergic reaction.
Almost as if the attentionwhoring cunts made a bigger deal of it than it is, no?
What if someone walked around the airport eating cashews? Would they drop dead from that? Fucking retards.

>> No.10531415

I've always wondered this. You can control the contents of the food you eat personally, but what if three people on the table opposite order the chicken satay? Or what if you're in the middle of a busy train and some guy cracks open a packet of peanuts? Do you just live in constant fear?

>> No.10531422

Well they obviously confront the peanut-offender and risk getting their shit pushed in.


Cry to any form of authority to make the bad men stop their peanut crimes against humanity.

>> No.10531427

>ugh, these fuckers, who do they think they are? Why should I be expected to SKIP LUNCH just because it'll fucking kill them?

>> No.10531430

Generally they don't go places they expect to find nuts. It's not a difficult concept, why did you need to have it explained to you?

>> No.10531433
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It didn't kill them, though, did it? In fact, I don't see anything in the article to suggest they had ANY reaction at all.
They are either so retarded they don't know their own condition or, more likely, they play it up for victim points from gullible idiots like you.

>> No.10531442

People who are that genetically inferior shouldn't even be leaving the house let alone travelling. They just ruin everyone else' time by needing to be catered to at all times.

>> No.10531493 [DELETED] 

>stop eating because i say so
Back to the grave with you, stalin

>> No.10531495

Just safe spaces like international airports, eh?

>> No.10531538

I used to have none but fate decided to fuck me over. I developed a mild general nut and peanut allergy two years ago and a allergy so snapple tea of all things back in high school, all of which i regularly consumed before getting the allergy.

The snapple one is particularly fucking stupid, breathing it in swells my throat and contact with it makes me break out in a bad rash. First time it happened was one of the worst days ive had

>> No.10531648

>milk allergy
Thats not an allergy dumbass. Thats everyone in Asia

>> No.10531699

>"Sir your peanuts are triggering me!"
>Gets peanuts thrown in their face.

>> No.10531716

>Had a customer try to pull shit shit in my garden center because she was "Deathly allergic" to strawberries.
>She was hacking and wheezing in her lardo scooter telling everyone that she cannot breathe because of the flowers on the plant.
>I have to go to this scene because I am medic trained and this is drawing a fucking crowd.
>I see the situation, see that she is parked in front of the plants and throwing a fit about her allergies to a plant she can literally roll away from.
>"Ma'am, if you are so allergic to this plant, why are you parked in front of it?"
>Her sudden gasping and gagging is cured as she starts to yell at me about not respecting her "deadly allergic reaction"
>"Ma'am, it appears you cured yourself, because you are now breathing properly and wen't from hardly able to speak due to your throat closing up to perfectly capable of yelling."
>"I guess it's a miracle"
>She shame rolled out of the garden area.
>Never got a complaint filed on me.

>> No.10533373

Or even more likely they have a severe condition and were lucky to not have a reaction.
>What are you complaining about, it's just a bee that would kill you if it stung you and you're going to be stuck in an enclosed space with it for hours, why are you angry at the flight attendant for letting it fly around everywhere?
This may surprise you, but sometimes international flights are not optional, in such a case someone who generally avoids places they are likely to encounter nuts might instead notify those who make nut based decisions ahead of time and expect a small concession, such as for the flight to serve a non nut based meal for their trip, as this causes little bother to the airline and would put them in danger if they do not.

>> No.10533413

>as this causes little bother to the airline
That depends on if and when the allergic customer informed the airline.

Informed well in advance? Sure. Not that big a deal to accomodate. On the other hand if that notification happened only a few hours before takeoff? Huge problems. Airline meals are prepped well in advance. It's not like an airline can suddely change it's hundreds of meals last-minute.

>> No.10533471

>being shocked that they were told to go to the back because the crew didn’t want them to die
What the fuck? If I had allergies I wouldn’t think twice about vacating the area. It seems as if these people expected the plane to land, or everyone just not eat for 8 fucking hours. Entitled retards. Think with logic and not emotion. The world does not and will not ever stop for little old you.

>> No.10533971

Do third world countries have allergies?

>> No.10534000

>It's not like an airline can suddely change it's hundreds of meals last-minute.
But i'm special so you have to do it!

>> No.10534003

I know quite a few dudes that had allergies in my shithole, they eventually just stopped having them when they reached certain age.

>> No.10534016

how did you get the dudes to not be alergic to your shithole? Condoms? Diet change? You clever homos never cease to amaze and disgust me.

>> No.10535331

They said they did, the airline disagrees. Someone's lying and it's probably the airline. They probably told someone and that person probably forgot to tell someone who could actually do something about the issue.

>> No.10535602

Are you stupid, what the airline gonna do, pretending it's not there when fully knowing that the siblings has their notice then?
That's illogical.

>> No.10535827

holy fuck that's awesome

>> No.10536617

Who cares if you’re so genetically inferior that you can’t even breath around nuts without dying you should just be put out of your misery

>> No.10536721

Reminds me of this retarded Canadian whore who died kissing her fuck buddy after he made a PB sandwich. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/girl-with-severe-nut-allergy-died-after-kissing-boyfriend-who-had-eaten-peanut-butter-sandwich-a7073501.html
If you have an allergy that will kill you bring a fucking epipen you genetic losers.

>> No.10536987

>The pair - who carry epi-pens in case of an emergency - say they were forced to sit underneath blankets at the back of the plane to avoid breathing in nut residue which can be carried through air vents.

Jesus christ just fucking kill yourself if that's how you have to live.

>> No.10537009

>Dying because someone you kissed had peanut residue somewhere on their person
Our mammoth hunting ancestors are rolling in their graves.

>> No.10537107

>be human
>has been existing thousands of year
>able to achieve point of evolution where it's possible to split atoms and see galaxies billions of light years
>literally dies inhaling air nuts
W e w

>> No.10537142

Milk allergy and lactose intolerance are two different things.

>> No.10537147

>have something wrong with YOUR body
>EVERYONE should change their habits to accomodate YOU
God I hate retards.

>> No.10537790

Shut up. Just. Shut up. Before you infect hollywood.

>> No.10537803

>I'm allergic to nuts so I can be killed by nut particles in the air
I call bullshit

>> No.10537858

>Before you infect hollywood
Oh heaven forbid they get infected with a few crazy right wingers.
God knows they need some.

>> No.10538080

These names sound more Aremanian than pajeet desu

>> No.10538183

It's a lack of exposure to immunogens causing people to have an oversensitive immune system which elicits an auto immune chimp out. Note the correlation between children of single mothers and allergic children with Munchausen by proxy.

>> No.10538206

Are those big scoop necks the gayest tshirt cut ever conceived

>> No.10538250

>you must conform to society
>muh eugenics
Way to be a brainlet socialist.You're right that they should fuck off though and walk/get a boat/die if they can't even breath the air in the plane.
>muh majority
>tall people should be shorter
>everyone should be a 100 IQ brainlet
>everyone should be genetically identical
>I don't understand the concept of niches

>> No.10538259

they are actually quite comfy, especially if you have chest hair, it's less ticklish

>> No.10538268

This. If you can't even feed on seeds then you should just Chuck off.

>> No.10538272
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>> No.10538291

Nice try Jamal