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File: 144 KB, 1200x800, 2017_10_27_eataly_022.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10522854 No.10522854 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Italian pizzas so much better than American ones?

>> No.10522891

looks great
maybe americans can't appreciate simplicity

>> No.10522945

Adding thrice the cheese is not particularly american.

>> No.10523416

00 flour

>> No.10523418


pretty sure all those are in America

>> No.10523836
File: 123 KB, 700x420, c700x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except they aren't? Just because it's the "original" pizza, doesn't make it better. Kind of ridiculous that a burnt piece of dough with some cheese and tomatoes is considered superior to the vast and diverse plethora of American pizzas just because of "muh tradition".

>> No.10523841

Fitting, as you seem to make them thicc as fucc and loaded with just about everyting what you can find in the pantry.

>> No.10523854
File: 83 KB, 650x609, Take_Your_Best_Shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to defend superior america pizza
>post meme tier hipster 'za

>> No.10523855

If that pic was supposed to look better than OP then that's pretty sad

>> No.10523864

Stop being so pretentious. You're not impressing anyone.

>> No.10523869

Drenching stuff in cheese is a very easy way to improve your dish. People just like fat.
Neapolitan pizza should be accommodated for tasting great without ridiculous amounts of cheese. Remember cheese was and is the most expensive thing about a pizza.

>> No.10523871
File: 80 KB, 1000x750, pizza fritta-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Naples pizza to be pretty weird with the soupy center and all. Was not a particular fan, but of course I admit the tomatoes were much better than in most American pizzas.

Their real innovation is fried pizza sold on every corner. Why can't new york food carts into this?

>> No.10523875


Isn't that just fried dough?

>> No.10523879

looks fucking dreadful m8

>> No.10523881

Well it's filled with the standard pizza toppings. I usually got tomato sauce, cheese, and friarelli (broccoli rabe).

I couldn't find a picture but they fold it up in a paper so you can eat it while walking.

>> No.10523882

looks like a giant corn fritter

>> No.10523885
File: 104 KB, 768x1024, pizza-fritta-foldd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found it

>> No.10523893


So more like a fried calzone. I can definitely respect that.

>> No.10523899

the dough. and just an fyi, the US has some great pizza. the key component is the crust.

>> No.10523911

Yup. If you've ever had the Indian bread https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhatoora it tastes pretty much the same.

>> No.10524489

I bought some 00 flour the other day and holy shit my pizza came out 20x better. I was already using gluten and bread flour but this was just on a whole other lvl

>> No.10524504

Because they know when there's too much of an ingredient. I love how much lighter Italian pizzas are. Of course, I'm not gonna lie and say I don't indulge in a greasy-ass deep dish every now and then.

this too

>> No.10524555


Americans don't know what Italian pizza is actually like.

>> No.10524590

I do, and it's mediocre. This is like white people who hype up "authentic Mexican food" when it's just mediocre slop and the Americanized Taco Bell is legitimately better. If it wasn't better, then Taco Bell would serve cheap authentic Mexican food, not what they serve now. In the same way, if authentic Italian pizza was better, we'd have that instead of our huge variety of different pizzas.

>> No.10524595

It really does make an enormous difference for thin crust pizzas especially if you cold ferment for 48 hours. You can't duplicate the texture with standard or bread flours or adding gluten. It's well worth splurging $10.00/5lb bag.

>> No.10524664

>Taco Bell is anything but trash
lmao the state of mutts

>> No.10524669

authentic italian pizza requires long rising times, wood fired oven and ingredients ( such as flour and tomatoes of the right quality) which aren't easily avaible in the us, that's the only reason other pizza style are more popular (and profitable)

>> No.10524681

i was also astonished of the quality of the mozzarella in southern italy, just can't even compare it with the regular one

>> No.10524685

they aren't

>> No.10524694

everything is available in America, its super easy to get ingredients of any quality.
Now getting people to pay twice as much for a mediocre style of pizza is a bit harder

>> No.10524695

>success as a fast food in a country with an obesity epidemic determines whether a cuisine is good or not
This is the most American post I've ever read.

>> No.10524710

What's an Italian pizza to you? Brick oven wood fired margherita Neapolitan pizza?
It's buffalo/bufala mozzarella, water buffalo milk is used.
These mongrels in the US will piss and moan if they spend $7.50 and don't go into a food coma. I mean it's ok to stuff your face once in a while, but they want that full lethargic feel for lunch and dinner. They would literally have to eat a whole pie themselves in Italy and 3 cans of coca cola to get that feel, and it may not happen considering the cheese is real and the coke will have cane sugar and not hfcs.

>> No.10524714

>reading comprehension

>> No.10524738

You can get a pizza like that in any real city in America.

>> No.10524739

Italian pizzas are great, but they are easily the worst style of pizza.

>> No.10524751

If "mm-m-m--mmuh authentic Mexican food" could be produced as cheaply and as fast as Taco Bell (pro tip: it can) it still wouldn't sell as well because it's garbage. Prove me wrong you obsessed second-worlders. Oh that's right, you fucking can't because all of your "opinions" are formed around your obsession with the only nation that matters.

>> No.10524760

>the only nation that matters
I mean you don't see salty losers with any other country's name in their mouths. I guess it must be true, they can't stop thinking about us :^)

>> No.10524771

>people who eat a lot of food determine whether a cuisine is good or not
What a crazy theory you have there. Look I know you're practically starving because the people in your nation are so poor, but extreme hunger tends to make everything taste good, so you don't really know what you're talking about.

>> No.10524780

You fuckin moron, they can't mass produce mexican food like that, would be a logistics nightmare for one and good luck finding people who can cook even simple mexican food and those iq80 workers would probably food poison people left and right cross contaminating. Taco Bell is streamlined for just about everything, I'm surprised they use left over meat to make chili in house even, not even sure if that's true, think for a moment. Can you imagine fastfood workers trained to make authentic mexican food, although simple, them handling food every step of the way would be a catastrophe, you're talking inconsistent results and food poisoning galore.

>> No.10524784

lol whatever retard. stay obsessed.

>> No.10524785

ok hick.

>> No.10524787

Hey man, I'm Mexican too and I understand it's hard to read retarded posts like that one but you gotta just let it slide man. They'll never understand

>> No.10524802

>th-they'll never understand muh superior slop that mi abuelita shits out of la ano
Keep telling yourself that, paco. Your shit doesn't sell because it sucks :^)

>> No.10524807

had few pizzas when i was spending vacations in italy. in by-the-beach restaurants pizzas were good, but nothing special, really simple. few days later i went to small town, Montecarlo and praise Jesus for pizza i found there. thin, just right dough, tomato sauce, delicious cheese, after 1st we couldnt resist to order another 2..

>> No.10524833

>eating a high quantity of garbage makes your culinary opinion relevant because you "eat a lot of food"
This is what Americans actually believe.

>> No.10524848


I can't tell if you are trolling or legitimately this dumb. Either way you should either go back to /b/ or hang out in the shitty franchise food threads the corporate marketers keep posting.

>> No.10524858

the dough is kept in a fridge for 2 days before cooking

>> No.10524865

>paranoid and obsessed eur*poors actually think corporations care about this shithole

>> No.10524869

fucking hell the mutt tears in this thread are delicious
all over a pizza. lmao

>> No.10524870

In free markets, the best rises to the top. You wouldn't know anything about that in your communism-lite bureaucracies though.

>> No.10524873

I mean you're the one who can't keep our name out of your mouth. We're living in your head



>> No.10524890

>our name
that's right, you own it

>> No.10524900

>In free markets, the best rises to the top

>> No.10524909

Had plenty of pizza in Italy. Was tasty, but nothing special. Would take a square from my favorite joint in Brooklyn over it any day of the week.

>> No.10524911

>Confusing high demand for cheap, bland pig slop from the majority of palateless amerilards means the pig slop is decent food
You're one reason everyone laughs at amerilards.

>> No.10524914

because you can't improve perfection

>> No.10524994


>you are either the recipient or producer of memes

(You) are just a below-average consumer.

>> No.10525374

Because it's made in italy and uses the real cheese.
Americans never eat real mozarella nor know any real pomodoro, just some american cheese slapped with some mushy pizza sauce. Also probably they'll scream "ewww fucking leaves what the fuckk" when they see the basil and sue the chef after.

>> No.10525383

Why is your life like this?

>> No.10525388

>this is the ppwer of capitalism
>kfc is godlike tier because the demand is much more!
>more people eating it the best it is!

>> No.10525389

whoa you're an expert on Americans

>> No.10525394

Because I'm not an amerilardo creature

>> No.10525831

supply/demand, retard. This is why your shitty nation is irrelevant

>> No.10525837

Does it really matter if third worlders like you laugh when you're infinitely worse off than us? Nope

>> No.10525842
File: 60 KB, 500x350, foodEmpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more, bitch. We have already conquered your lands with our food. We have established a food empire and there is nothing you can do to stop us.

>> No.10525845

These are good too, but I'd rather there be more cheese and basil. Guess that's why we are so fat

>> No.10525847

Lol imagine being this obsessed with a nation of people who don't give two shits about you

>> No.10525854

Is there a video related to this picture?

>> No.10525858

Have fun dreaming about me again, bitch :)

>> No.10525865

Memerita Pizza

>> No.10525906

American style fries, pizza, burgers and fried chicken are undeniably good. But the chains mostly suck, it's a mere tease.
Even many flyovers disdain KFC, I don't get it's popularity.
I'm guilty of getting fries and a large sod at McDonald's with a coupon for $1. That's hard to turn down.

>> No.10525941

I know, most chains are garbage. Even KFC, although I think the appeal comes from getting a bucket of fried chicken, plus some mashed potatoes/corn/biscuits and having a big dinner with zero effort

>> No.10525954

>insistence and repitition of nonsensical catch phrases in a belligerent context
literally a symptom of schizophrenia

>> No.10526066

I'm American you faggot. The free market is good not because it encourages the production of the highest quality products, it's good because people like me can get away with selling garbage to people like you. You'll even defend the garbage online, accusing everyone who points out you're eating garbage of being a communist.

>> No.10526075

I don't call kfc as food, it's fast food, and it's only intended for a blubberface ameritards who are stupid enough to buy them, just like your fried butter.

>> No.10526080
File: 44 KB, 306x510, 3D71367000000578-0-image-m-13_1487587281448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this butthurt over the truth
>having two digits iq in 2018

>> No.10526136

Because American cuisine is a subpar version of the original pumped with sugar and preservatives

>> No.10526160

I don't understand why confusion over bay leaves triggers me so hard.

>> No.10526328

Italian here. You are all fucking stupid. Not every single pizza we have is just plain margarita. We can pack it with a lot of shit, from smoked meats to seashell. It's as unhealthy as an American pizza and it authenticity has nothing to do with it. An average family anywhere doesn't eat gourment shit every dinner, and we all have unhealthy shit. The only difference is the amount of soda and the portions, but it has nothing to do with authenticity.

>> No.10526360

Tomatoes were imported into Italy from America.

>> No.10526371
File: 501 KB, 800x550, Alicepizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you. Your chains are better than ours and it is bullshit. Either import these companies into America or we will take our tomatoes back. Then no one will have good pizza.

Is that what you fucking want, huh, Mario?

>> No.10526376

american pizza is more influenced by northern regions of europe that focus more on meat and cheese-heavy dishes, so if you don't like that then you won't like american pizza as much. the pizza in your pic looks like it'd taste good but i usually feel like crap eating something like that because it won't have nearly enough protein for me and too much carbs.

>> No.10526404

We have pizza hut and whatever chain you have. I've gone to america and I know you have excellent local places full of, while not authentic, great italian food including pizza. Fuck off with your wannabe bullshit. I love the food here, but it's not like I never had fucking macdonalds. The really frustrating thing about americans is that, even when they are trying, they are complete dumbasses at understanding how things work outside their country. We are humans, jelous, greedy, selfish, whatever. Yes we have an identity and the stereotypes can be accurate, but it's not like all we do is eat, work for the mafia and visit the pope. We have "authentic" food I would personally call crap, and shit I like, the same with any fucking country.

>> No.10526419


Mario eats at McDonald's and wants to lecture us for being dumbasses, everyone.

>> No.10526431

Like most people have. Not that I eat there all the time, but that your search for authenticity is nothing but a reddit meme for retards who can't properly enjoy fine dinning. There's authentic food that is crap, and there isn't, it's like fucking organic memes, a buzzwords that has no impact on actual quality.

>> No.10528513

taste and quality ingredients are undeniable in Italy. You just happen to be a retarded underage

>> No.10528537

It's a "sicilian pretends to be Italian but fucks it up by showing he can't distinguish good food from shit" episode

>> No.10529153
File: 59 KB, 640x329, p5onht9mlgdkj0yvnjao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen to me you greasy motherfucker when I tell people that Italy has better pizza chains than America you shut the fuck up. From now on. Shut the fuck up.

In fact, just stop saying anything. Your stupid trolling is stupid. It should go back to the taco bell threads.

>> No.10529185
File: 1.24 MB, 1500x900, orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pic of a local Chicago style thin crust pizza. Which looks just as nice as OP pic. So, you know, fuck off now.

>> No.10529189

You're an idiot.

>> No.10529196


, said the dumbass.

>> No.10529198

Why are you typing like a passive-aggressive woman?

>> No.10529203

The dough. The dough is so much better than our shit and I've tried to replicate it at home and can't.

>> No.10529205

It doesn't look anywhere near as good you retarded shart

>> No.10529237
File: 102 KB, 550x495, 1410008702828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>america doesnt have wood or flour

>> No.10529246

Why are you typing like a fucking subhuman tardfart?

>> No.10529252

Yeah, you're right, it looks 100% BETTER than OP. OP is a silly little shit for brains.

>> No.10529268

>56%er "banter"

>> No.10529359

are wood pizza oven common in america? is 00 flour common and not overpriced?

>> No.10529400

Yeah, you can get wood fired pizza everywhere, pretty much. There's about 6-7 wood fired pizzarias near me just in my suburb, plus there's a guy down the street with a portable wood burning pizza oven who does catering and events, street fairs, etc.
Even back in my little hometown (population 8,000) there's a couple wood fired pizzarias.
As far as 00 flour goes, you can get any kind of wheat flour here, I'm not sure what the going wholesale price is, but I bought a 3 lb. bag for $8 from King Arthur Flour, which is a common national brand.

>> No.10529932

Are you by any chance a roastie or do you just have cunt as your mouth

>> No.10529939

Perhaps your brian cannot comprehend what a good food should look like

>> No.10530288

>Mexican gordita
>Pasty but with masa instead of dough
>Taco bell gordita
>Flour tortilla taco
This is why people think mexican food is shitty
>Italian pizza
>Wheat, tomato, cheese and toppings of varying quality when you aren't only looking at the top gourmet artisan pizza places
>American pizza
>Same but we also have variants
This is why people think pizza snobs are shitty

>> No.10530335 [DELETED] 

if you can't tell he's serious you're way too fucking dumb to call others dumb ever
>company with over $10 billion in sales caring about some dumpass board that gets 4k posts/day on it

>> No.10530972

>americans prefer greasy and fatty garbage food
>american companies fulfill this market
>therefore american food is objectively the best food in the world
an utter brainlet, if your tastebuds and body hadnt been deformed from racemixing and eating literal garbage from birth you could appreciate real food like the rest of the world

>> No.10531098

And thanks to your overuse of preservatives, those same 500 year old tomatoes are being turned to pulp, shipped cross-country, and slopped onto your beloved shitty pizzas.

>> No.10531157
File: 114 KB, 1050x700, 19PIZZA-LUCALI-slide-7LW4-master1050-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here eaten Lucali or any of the other legendary NYC places?
I wonder how it compares to the 'real deal' in Naples

>> No.10532075

lmao the crust looks terrible, like it was cooked in a pie dish

>> No.10532105
File: 97 KB, 700x467, Italian-Pizza-Dough-peel-cookingwithcurls.com_-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

younger people probably prefer the american style, since they just throw everything on it and call it a day.

when you are older and did develope a real character, you appreciate a great fluffy yet crunchy dough and premium toppings that don't simply mish mash into a giant ball of flavours where the individual ingredients are no longer distinguishable.

>> No.10532292
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 1444707989271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$8 for a single bag of flour

So eight times the price of normal flour.
Making pizzas made with it less commercially viable.
Which is what is being discussed in the first place.

>> No.10532298


I've been to a couple.
They're good, but still different.

If you're Italian and you go in wanting to see if "them Americans finally figured out the pizza" you're still going to come out disappointed because the food is still tweaked to appeal to the locals, so it's not going to be an Italian pizza.

But if you just go in wanting to taste an entirely new crust that's not fast food nor tryhard "muh authentic Italian" it's good.

>> No.10532312

>an entirely new crust that's not fast food nor tryhard "muh authentic Italian"
I wish there was actual choice on this matter.
Fast food crusts are made of plastic, and restaurants seem to have mixed up their cookbooks since they make their crusts like they're making sponge bread. All places advertising as Italian have to be the worst though.
Their pizzas are made like they read a wikipedia page about Italian crusts and declared themselves chefs, so they only have the thinner and drier part down, without any of the taste or texture.

>> No.10532325

The taste and texture you're probably thinking of can be achieved easily cold fermenting the dough for 48 hours preferably with a sourdough starter instead of commercial yeast. I'd imagine the american restaurants don't want to take that much time and space for the long fermentation.

>> No.10532330

There doesn't look like much difference between this and the local pizza I get. Presumably the ingredients are much higher quality.

>> No.10532540

That's retail. If you knew anything about pricing, you'd know wholesale prices are much lower. Also, that company, King Arthur Flour, is high priced anyway, because it's a "premium" retail brand. Pizzas using 00 flour are perfectly commercially viable, what the fuck do you think good pizzarias use?

>> No.10532543

>can't even spell butthurt
Yeah, you're a real fucking brainiac, moron.

>> No.10532556

Italians are so fucking obnoxious and ridiculous. Every time there's a "muh authentic Italian food" thread, they prove over and over that they're unpleasant and pig-headed.

>> No.10532585

>I do, and it's mediocre. This is like white people who hype up "authentic Mexican food" when it's just mediocre slop and the Americanized Taco Bell is legitimately better
in all honesty, I refuse to believe that you have ever tried an actual italian pizza IN italy. not a single sane person would say such a thing if they did. of course, if you don't like pizza in general, you will think it's mediocre but not a single pizza lover will say that italian pizza is not extremely tasty.

>if authentic Italian pizza was better, we'd have that instead of our huge variety of different pizzas
you apparently don't understand the process behind making italian pizzas. it's extremely elaborate and not applicable in America unless it's a very specialised restaurant. wherever I ate really good pizzas in Rome, the restaurants were specialised on making pizzas, sometimes with rooms only for one or two guys making the dough

not only americans. most people don't know what Italian pizza is like because, as I have stated before, restaurant owners all over the world are too lazy to make them. here in Germany, there's not a single (italian) restaurant that offers authentic pizzas even though the costs for toppings could probably be reduced by an insane amount if they did make simple Italian ones

>> No.10532590

I'm not an italian but people are just passionate when it comes to their cultures and especially food cultures. you come off as someone who doesn't understand it, yet you frequent a board for cooking? cmon, you should know better

also, it's usually the people saying that authentic food sucks who are obnoxious. I like to urge these people to just actually try out authentic food instead of shitting on it even though they have never tried it. people are so full of hate that they forget what it's like to enjoy some good food

>> No.10532592

you seem like a reasonable person.

now get out

>> No.10532601


>> No.10532623

I understand more about food and food culture than you do, and people who are obnoxiously and overly rigid that things "can only be this way" are the worst. There's nothing wrong with cooking authentically, but to obsess over it and see no other way is just, as I said, pig-headed. Food and culture mix and evolve over time. People these days seem to be having a hard time with that fact, even those that's how it's always been. Every culture in the world has adopted dishes, techniques, and foods from other cultures throughout history.

>> No.10532715

ways and reasons food is evolving today are different from the past tho

>> No.10532755

Not really, it's the intermingling of cultures through migration and trade, then and now.
Doesn't matter anyway, it's going to happen no matter whether you like it or not. What's important is that people should know both the authentic foods AND their worldwide variations, and realize the values of both. Food culture is and always will be intermingling and evolving.

>> No.10532875

>it's the intermingling of cultures through migration and trade, then and now.
not just this, for the first time in history humanity has an abondance of food and information about other places of the world
also marketing and industrial logic play a huge role in the way we experience food

>> No.10532905

>marketing and industrial logic
But this applies mainly to premade manufactured food, fast food, and chain food. Which, does have a certain effect on food culture, but is different than cooking at home or in privately owned restaurants.

>> No.10532934

>but is different than cooking at home or in privately owned restaurants.

Sadly, most restaurant food and most home cooking is also made with shit-tier industrial ingredients, simply because that's cheapest and that's what most markets stock.

You actually have to work to find heritage-breed, free-range, meat and high quality veggies (no, the "organic" section in your MegaMart doesn't count) Luckily those things are available, and are pretty easy to find thanks to the internet, but let's not pretend that most home cooking isn't made with factory-farmed stuff & that most restaurant food didn't come from a Sysco truck.

>> No.10532965

>Why are Italian pizzas so much better than American ones?
Italy has cuisine other nations can only imitate.

>> No.10532981

How's that tomato sauce treating you

>> No.10533025

While you're on about "pretending", let's not pretend that more and more people who actually cook aren't sourcing quality ingredients on a regular basis. This is part of our ongoing evolution with food.

>> No.10533027


>> No.10533056

more care is taken into the sauce
american pizza is covered in either way too much cheese or way too many toppings

>> No.10533996

>Monsanto genetically modified doug
> artificial cheese
> pesticided tomato
> tons of sugar

''Muh idalian peezah so bad god bless Murika''

>> No.10534328

Americans and pizza franchises all over have no regard for taste
They sell greasy carb heavy trash called "pizza" but really it only serves to fill you as a customer rather than let indulge in flavours

>> No.10534348

simple, italian pizzas are well made while american pizza is just a mess with shitton of grease

>> No.10534399
File: 1.51 MB, 1267x1633, sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there you go mate. enjoy ;)

>> No.10534421

Cold ferment up to 6 days and extremely high temperate to bake with is key for this kind of pizza style.

>> No.10534453

I can go anywhere in America and eat a pizza like that.

>> No.10534461
File: 2.04 MB, 2048x1360, GoldSliceP_MClassic.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is best kind of pizza. Everyone else can go home.

>> No.10534508

I dunno. So as long as it's not deep dish, I don't really mind. Both kinds have their strenght and their flaws. Not the deep-dish, though, because the idea is probably better served for fucking anything else but pizza.

>t. Italian