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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10517673 No.10517673 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw consume too much fruit, not enough veggies

What do, cu/ck/s?

>> No.10517769


>> No.10517822

Stop eating completely and only drink water. It'll be painful for a few months but eventually your body will adapt and begin to photosynthesize. Being healthy/fit will become effortless after that.

>> No.10517917

You could have a V8™!

>> No.10518008
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Snort cyanide, it'll solve that problem.

>> No.10518046

I had this exact problem in my life, I just could not stop consuming copious amounts of fruit and not enough veggies.

I actually called this help hotline and they put me to a dark room for two weeks and beat me with spatulas and threw vegetables at me. The only fruit they gave me were tomatoes and those are some borderline shady fruit if you ask me.

I am pretty sure you can google them, it really helped me.

>> No.10518155

Eat meat
Drink water

>> No.10518221

I'm the opposite bro, I always have the taste for veggies but even the thought of eating fruit makes me gag. I'm exaggerating of course but anyway who fares more well in the long run, he who only eats fruits or he who only eats vegetables?

>> No.10519460

>but anyway who fares more well in the long run, he who only eats fruits or he who only eats vegetables?

Definitely the fruitfag

>> No.10519546
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Veggiefags would fare better, simply because eating large amount of fruits is unhealthy due to the amount of sugar you consume. Especially fructose is bad for you because the body can't metabolize it properly and most of it will end up in your liver as fat.

The recommendation of two servings of fruits max a day exists for a reason. That doesn't mean fruits are unhealthy, but like many other things, excess is.

>> No.10519577

>Implying there is amount higher than 0 of anti-nutrients and pesticides you should be consuming

You need education