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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 744 KB, 1500x1500, FBA994E6-BC92-4E85-ADC3-C53D751C03E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10517290 No.10517290 [Reply] [Original]

The more you know

>> No.10517306

I'm a vegan and I although I have been on a soy only diet for 17 years I have suffered from ovarian cancer, Type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and mini strokes.

>> No.10517335

Good. You sound like a fucktard

>> No.10517345

That doesnt mean you need to eat soy all the time and chemically castrate yourself on the other hand if you are a women go for it.

>> No.10517351

Soy isn't that powerful of an estrogen analog buddy

it's a meme, and you're dumb enough to believe it

>> No.10517362

Meat and dairy contain actual mammalian estrogen

>> No.10517382

Yeah whatever man, go drink your Soylent.

>> No.10517386

So? i dont eat meat all the time, the image says to replace diary products for soy only, so in IMO any type of food in excess is bad for you doesnt matter if it cures cancer and shit, you got to eat balanced.

>> No.10517388

How much does Big Soy pay you, soyboys?

>> No.10517401

Yeah but fatties on the internet might call you mean names.
I'm not sure it's worth it.

>> No.10517414

So people with critical thinking skills are all shills eh?

thinking is so hard right?

>> No.10517427

vegans - "eating meat!!! ugghh! dont you know they pump that full of hormones. youre gonna mess your body up!!!"
also vegans - "excuse me, the estrogen in soy doesnt do anything to you"

>> No.10517445

No, but all shills don't have critical thinking skills, especially soy shills.

>> No.10517472

thank's for proving you're a dumbass

I love it when stupid people self identify

>> No.10517476

It's the carbohydrate induced motherfucking insulin response that inhibits testosterone. Exogenous estrogen is irrelevant. Soy-swilling glucose-powered carb addicts have inhibited testosterone.

>> No.10517506

I'm glad someone else out there can think

i'm really getting tired of the feminizing meme

>> No.10517513

I'd rather get cancer and diabetes than go down like a faggot

>> No.10517518

I think you mean
"Go down on a faggot"


>> No.10517520

>literally believes people are paid to push soy
>doesn't understand what bait is

The ABSOLUTE STATE of you faggots.

>> No.10517524

>I-I'm just trolling!
That's against the rules too.
If you want to push your poison so much take out an ad, but please stop shilling here it's embarrassing.

>> No.10517525

It's not an estrogen overload that's the issue, it's testosterone inhibition. This is where the onions meme comes into play. Onions too inhibit testosterone. Any exogenous glucose/fructose/sucrose/lactose intake fires up the insulin response and blocks testosterone. Numales and soyboys haven't been consuming soy in regular, large quantities for very long yet. A lifetime of Standard American dieting is the root cause of the emasculation epidemic. These manchildren drinking beer and eating sweetened pulverized grains know not the havoc they've wrought. Bread and circus. Video games, factory foods, beer, pizza, all tools of pacification, domestication, and genetic engineering. Formerly apex-predator carnivores, the species has diverged. We now have a growing herbivorous slave class. Weak, limp, diseased, brainwashed masses have been engineered to create profit for the elite apex predators. Trafficking humans for sex, food, and sport is commonplace. The lid's about to get blown off this shitshow. Start healing and freeing your mind and body today by eliminating plant foods altogether.

>> No.10517532

*are all tools

>> No.10517533

>causes other types of cancer
>not a complete protein
>not absorbed as efficiently as animal protein
>it doesn't actually reduce heart disease. The cholesterol heart disease theory is unproven.

>> No.10517535

I'm trolling?

Your either a troll or so unbelievably fucking stupid there is no hope for you.

Again, you seem to think critical thinking equates to being a shill

what a sad existence you must have, but I guess it is subjective. You're probably so fucking stupid you don't realize it and are quite happy.

>> No.10517540

You're forgetting the effect of eating fibre with sugars and carbs

it slows down the absorption and lowers insulin spikes significantly.

rule of thumb is to have ~10% fibre by mass to sugars and simple carbs.

This is one of the main reasons pop is so fucking bad for you because it is just a smash of sugar with zero fibre to slow it down.

>> No.10517554

so what should I be eating? serious question, I fall into the americanized diet category big time

>> No.10517562

Minimize refined sugars and simple carbs

Make sure that your fibre content is >=10% by mass of simple carbs and sugars in your food

Maintain a diverse diet. Dn't over eat and avoid processed foods because they contain nitrite and nitrate salts that cause cancer and fuck with your blood pressure.

>> No.10517563
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>> No.10517571

One typo totally validates your soy conspiracy
You really don't like people being smarter than you huh?

It must make life difficult life with 7 billion people on the planet and 6.9 billion being above you intellectually.

>> No.10517572

sorry for the brainlet question but how do I avoid processed foods? what does that mean?

>> No.10517575
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>people type well-thought posts on 4chan and proofread them before they submit

>> No.10517595

Processed foods include most deli meats
most sausages

99.9% of fast food foods

Cheese 'slices'

almost anything that is meant to be microwaved.

Best advice is to start reading the ingredients on your food. It'll take time, but you will learn much.

If it contains 'Sodium Nitrite or Sodium Nitrate" it is bad for you
The world heath organization released a report about ~2 years ago with a conclusive link that these compounds cause cancer.

Unfortunately this includes commercial bacon.
If you love meat, find a good butcher and get non preserved foods from them. They go bad faster, but they are so much better for you.

>> No.10517605

fuck bacon, so other than sodium nitrite and nitrate, what else should raise a red flag?

>> No.10517615


brominated vegetable oil (it's in mountain dew and some other random shit)

>> No.10517627
File: 164 KB, 960x960, 13173978_10154239360265337_6723076848741908236_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue-pilled turbo-normies will deny themselves proper cheese and milk and ice cream because they think it will help them squeeze in a few more years of life
>red-pilled poltards will never enjoy miso paste or Nattō in the fear it will make them grow tits
The black pill truly is the best pill. Salut.

>> No.10517628

thanks, I'm still feeling a bit vague though. So fresh fruits and veg in general are fine. Fresh meat is fine. Avoid fast food and sugary shit.

>> No.10517629


Don't eat white bread or pasta

it is just simple carbs (starch) which turns into sugar.

I think sticking to this
will really help
You should start eating a wide variety of spices too. Tumeric (curcumin) is one of the best things you can eat.

>> No.10517638


>> No.10517639

brominated vegetable oil? lol...such a random thing to tell him to look out for

processed foods mostly include cereals and other carb foods, most anything canned, etc etc

"healthy" deli meat cured with celery extract is a scam becuase the celery product turns into sodium nitrate as it decomposes

>> No.10517646

Yeah fresh fruit is good, just don’t over do it.
For example, an orange is much better than orange juice simply because the fruit constant so much fibre it slows down sugar uptake and prevents an insulin spike

Vegetables are less delicious but even better.

You need to aim for a diet that has a wide varety of minerals and amino acids.
Quinoa, while hipster, contains 16% protein by mass and every essential amino acid.

>> No.10517649

Yeah, I guess I just think that it should be illegal for consumption like it is in the EU.

Nobody should be eating bromine for any reason ever.
it's fucked that it is a food additive in the first place.

>> No.10517665
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>typing like a brainlet makes me smart!

>> No.10517667

>Yeah, I guess I just think that it should be illegal for consumption like it is in the EU.

there honestly isn't even any research saying it's particularly bad to my knowledge. the sugar from the mountain dew is about ten billion times more destructive to your body.

>Nobody should be eating bromine for any reason ever.
Just like vaccines kill children because they contain MERCURY?!?!?!?

get the fuck out of here with that low-understanding-of-science bullshit.

>> No.10517669

pretending like you've never had a typo isn't convincing anyone

>> No.10517680

I never have and I never will, because I'm not an illiterate soyboy.

>> No.10517684

>there honestly isn't even any research saying it's particularly bad to my knowledge.

well there is. Bromine isn't a micro nutrient and is deterimnetal to human helath.

it is the reason why mountain dew lowers sperm count more than other soft drinks.

You are correct however, that the massive amount of refined sugar is likely a bigger problem.

>Nobody should be eating bromine for any reason ever.
ok fine, if there is a vaccine that contains bromine sure, for the greater good

i'm not some dipshit anti-vaccier. I'm actually a fucking scientist, and I live in reality. We're not talking about medical science we are talking about a general diet.

>> No.10517692

alright thanks for the help

>> No.10517700

>well there is. Bromine isn't a micro nutrient and is deterimnetal to human helath.
post the research.

>it is the reason why mountain dew lowers sperm count more than other soft drinks.
this is an urban legend from elementary schools in the 80s dude.

>I'm actually a fucking scientist
no, you are not, because you don't even understand the extremely, extremely simple concept that an raw element and its compounds are not the same fucking thing. spouting fucking urban legends about mountain dew. jesus christ.

>> No.10517729

Any time, nigger.

>> No.10517732

WHy does that AR have a P90 magazine on the top? I like the profile it gives it but I'm having a hard time understanding why it's there, it doesn't even appear to be filled with boolits

also wtf is up with that flash hider? it doesn't look like it'd be very good at its job. And why is the stock so thin? As far as tacticool meme rifles go, this looks pretty sweet but I don't understand why literally anything on it is the way it is.

>> No.10517734

it lists references

>myth from the 80s
no it's not, its because of bromine

yes I am. I have 15 published articles and a patent. My background is in nanoscience, photonics, surface science, and plasmonics.

you're dumb as fuck because you don't realize that some elements are damaging in almost any form because your body will digest the oil and free the bromine.

fuck off and KYS

>> No.10517739

basically if it seems like it's not something directly derived from a fruit, vegetable, or cut of meat, eat it only in moderation

the advice youve already gotten is fine but note that bacon isn't really "processed" in the sense we're using. it's very bad for you because of its fat and salt content though. fat and salt arent intrinsically bad on their own, you in fact need some, but bacon has too much and too should be enjoyed in moderation

>> No.10517742


Did you have to look some of those words up buddy?

>> No.10517749

salut :)))

>> No.10517752

Brominated vegetable oil is not elemental bromine you retard "scientist". Jesus fuck. I even called you in this and you're actually oblivious to the implications. Please take high school chemistry.

I've been on the internet for 24 years. It's VERY obvious when you are talking to an ignorant teenage liar.

>> No.10517760

>I've been on the internet for 24 years.
>Bromine is not an element

lol fuck buddy

i'm a 33 year old scientist

you're just so fucking stupid you change the argument in your head.

The bad part of brominated vegetable oil isn't the oil

but hey, molecules never change, and your body doesn't do any kind of chemistry that moves atoms around so it'll totally be fine right?

fuck tard

>> No.10517762

Not him, but hes right brominated veggies have elemental bromine in them which is a class IV carcinogen

>> No.10517770


good night faggot

>> No.10517774

>i'm a scientist
how to instantly tell someone is NOT a scientist of any sort, since if they were actually a scientist, they'd know better than to call themselves that and namedrop a specific field and their specific trade in that field

>> No.10517776

>specific trade

I'm not an electrician dumbass

lol fuck, your head must be on fire right now.

>> No.10517781
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>> No.10517782

You can tell he's not by how he fucking types and the fact that he's here.

>> No.10517791

mammalian estrogen =/= phytoestrogen

>> No.10517802
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>> No.10517818

Is that a side-view mirror? Please tell me this isn't airsoft.

>> No.10517840 [DELETED] 

Just eat a healthy diet and stop believing memes on the internet.

>> No.10517851
File: 24 KB, 820x559, BRUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not an electrician dumbass
true, im gonna assume you're a "mature student" and are in the first year of some generalized science program at your local community college because mommy said she wont make tendies for you anymore unless you either go to school or get a job

i can offer you either furry porn or that i will refrain from posting furry porn if you tell me. your choice

>> No.10517865
File: 124 KB, 736x981, m82lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im guessing it's real because it has a real (looking) buffer tube

an airshit would have batteries and shit where the buffer tube of an AR usually goes

also the drum magazine looks real, an airshit one would have big flat paddles that go right to the side to shove around the 6mm plastic balls but that looks like it's divots for actual rounds. but it could just be dolled up and that buffer still hollow and empty except for some wires tho

>> No.10517889

It's an AR57. Some retards modified an AR receivers to take 5.7 and their magazines. They leave the old magazine in as a catcher for the brass.

Anyways, it's too expensive for target practice, why the hell wouldn't you just use a .223 for hunting not to mention this would be illegal sometimes even for shooting varmints most everywhere, and less effective for home defense or defense of country because it's not a PDW when it's semi-auto only. Not being a hunting gun it's not /ck/, and further more an abomination.

>> No.10517891

>p90 mag
>directly over long barrel

they can keep that

>> No.10517894

i can understand why you would want to use a nice top-loading gun with a p90 style mag but keeping the old stanag in there seems beyond retarded

do you want your furry porn now or do you want me to resist the urge to post anything furry for at least the next 8 hours

>> No.10517909

also wouldn't 5.7 excel for hunting medium or smaller game since it's similar to .223 but with a worse range, and its innate armor piercing properties helping to not splatter small animals against the ground while helping to penetrate the skulls of deer and coyotes and such

>> No.10517920

You don't shoot animals in the head when you hunt anon wtf

>> No.10517925

why wouldn't you, it's not like you eat that part, but you eat everywhere else you might shoot it

i thought that in hunting, you generally go for the head, heart, or lungs, not necessarily center mass like you would if you just wanted to kill a fucker

>> No.10517941

You don't ever shoot the head except to kill boars etc

>> No.10517944

why not

i dont hunt, guns are tedious to acquire here and hunting permits even moreso

>> No.10517951

Nogunz detected

>why wouldn't you.
It's a smaller target, dipshit.
It's like someone trying to shoot your peabrain instead of aiming for your fat gut.

>> No.10517967

>It's a smaller target, dipshit.
unless it's something really small like a rabbit it's not THAT small and even then you should be using a smaller rifle at closer ranges

just like don't miss

>> No.10517968

yea but that's related to the stress of having to tell everybody about being vegan, not the food

>> No.10518131

they aren't sending their best, anon.

>> No.10518136
File: 62 KB, 900x632, the-look-of-love-is-in-your-upper-lip-warren-sarle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a reason men have a lower lifespan. It is because they are men.

If men consume more soy, they become more like women, and also have an increased lifespan.

>> No.10518146

Also the stock is so thin because it's a jewy ATF workaround "not stock it's an arm brace" thing so that johnny special snowflake can have his AR57 with a short barrel, to go with his angled forward grip and what looks to be a polymer or carbon lower? Holy fuck this kid was trying hard, kind of regret posting this picture now.

>> No.10518308

>Make sure you drink your estrogren whilst eating your estrogen
Recent research by whom funded by whom and participated by whom?

>> No.10518398

low carb vegan diet is very much a thing

If anyone's interested check out Vegetable Police and liferegenerator's YouTube videos on the matter.

>> No.10518427

yes goy
stop eating meat and dairy, thats for US
you eat soy and vegetables

>> No.10518944

>eats meat from a female
everyone knows the best beef comes from a stear

>> No.10518984

>Isn't that powerful
So you admit it has an affect on the human body in a similar way estrogen does?

>> No.10519016

>Critical thinking skills
I don't think you have any right to comment on anyone's critical thinking skills. It's been proven that phytoestrogens are endocrine disruptors, we just don't know to what extent.

>> No.10519136

Purple or green pill you casual extremist.

>> No.10519164

It's important to remember these surveys are usually done on Americans, and Americans who eat soy instead of dairy (usually vegetarians) are likely to live overall healthier lifestyles.

>> No.10519179

I can tell you've never actually shot a firearm in your life and most likely never will, let alone have gone hunting.
You only get 1 clear shot so you have to make it count. We're not talking about 360 no scoping a deer, kid.

>> No.10519588
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I'm a carnist and I've become a trap and sucked 200 separate dicks and have zero testosterone.

>> No.10519593

Big Soy has 99.5% of their product eaten by the hundreds of billions of land animals fed and slaughtered each year. Are you retarded, uneducated, or simply have never worked near a farm?

>> No.10519601

Who do you think pays shit tons of money for this "research"? The more you know

>> No.10519608

This is such a retarded argument? Have you ever done research before? Studies are funded by someone otherwise they can't be studied and published. Did you think McDonalds would study the benefits of bok choy? The average meatcuck IQ right here guys.

>> No.10519729

and the worst part is - im a guy so i actually had to grow ovaries before I got ovarian cancer

>> No.10519759

animal feed is the lowest value product, once Big Soy get the goyim to become the animals then they make more money