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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 250x250, Mama_instant_noodle_block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10505446 No.10505446 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this. Do you:

a) boil water in a pot on the stove, add the noodles and cook them

b) put the noodles in a bowl filled with water and microwave until cooked

c) boil water separately, place noodles in a bowl, pour over hot water and allow to sit on the bench until cooked

Justify your answer.

>> No.10505449

A is the only option for non-brainlets

>> No.10505452

Boil water in kettle, pour into noodles,
Microwave for 2 minutes drain a little water, add favours.

>> No.10505454

B, 2-3 mins in microwave>waiting for water to boil

>> No.10505455

No. I prefer food.

>> No.10505460

I do C if I'm feeling really fucking lazy. But never B. Makes the noodles too soggy for me.

>> No.10505487

You know that you don't need to microwave if on top of using boiling water, right? The noodles will only take an extra minute longer to cook just sitting in the hot water than the would if you used the microwave.

>> No.10505495

It's quicker and keeps the soup hot

>> No.10505499

c because i like my shit with a bite and my soup c concentrated (i dont drink it after)

>> No.10505512

>boil water in kettle
>pour over noodles
>allow to sit for 3 minutes while noodles cook
>water still too hot to handle let alone put in your mouth

How hot does the soup need to be?

>> No.10505517

I just don't eat them at all bruh.

>> No.10505519

B just seems depressingly lazy, and I don't need more reasons to feel shitty if I'm already making dollar ramen. I guess it works, so whatever, I shouldn't judge.
C is my go to, boiling water from the kettle, pour over noodles in a bowl. Typically I'll drain half the water once they're cooked before adding the seasoning.
The nice thing about kettle vs. microwave is using the extra minute or two to cut up some green onion and prep a mug of tea.
Tea + ramen = max comfy

>> No.10505553


>> No.10505667

d) microwave ramen with water to a boil, let sit for 5-10 minutes, add flavour packet and mix.

the only way.

>> No.10505682

depends on the instructions on the packet

>> No.10505685
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>yfw it's a different thread and your reading comprehension is 0/10

>> No.10505696

the only way? this is the most plebeian, boring of ways
>let sit 5-10 minutes
oh nvm didn't realize you had a pussy on your face instead of a mouth, christ

>> No.10505724

do i need to throw in an egg and crackers to not be a plebeian? Do only pussies have patience?

sorry I enjoy having more volume, texture, and flavour.

>> No.10505734

no, you don't have to. it helps sure but I don't expect anyone to go hard everytime on a 50 cent meal
don't even fuckin joke m8
>more flavour
using the usual amount of seasoning in the usual amount of water? what? how is that more?
>more volume, more texture
You realize that as volume increases, texture decreases? Those noodles might be bigger but they're inflated with the bare minimum seasoning; you got soggy bland noods, dood

>> No.10505742

to clarify, soggy noodles = soft noodles, like dissolve in your mouth, which is what happens when you let your ramen sit for for longer than it takes to eat it

>> No.10505746

boil with kettle, then put on stove top and continue boiling until rolling boil, then add frozen vegetables

>> No.10505767

Adding the packet too soon makes the noodles absorb the flavour, and it isn't gonna come back out just for your tongue. Having more water also reduces the flavour because not as much will stick to the noodles.
Letting it sit prevents both, but you could also just pour some water out after.
If you don't add too much water the noodles won't be all soggy and the top will just be a little bit tough and sometimes even a bit crunchy.

>> No.10505772

use kettle to boil water, pour boiling water into pot, boil noodles on the stove
add sachet into bowl, add three or four or five spoons of the boiling water, mix
drain noodles, add to bowl
this way you get hot water fast, cook the noodles fast and even, no need to measure the water, all the powders are dissolved and rehydrated, and dont have too much soup

>> No.10505787

obviously agree that too much water is only detrimental
I am a proponent of pouring some out before adding the packet
mainly taking umbrage with the sitting time
agree to disagree on that

>> No.10505791

Damn, this guy can do a noodle

>> No.10505839

Heat up the stove while i get the water and noodle packets
when the pot is on the stove add the spice packets and noodles
bring to boil until the noodles aren't hard anymore, wait 1 more min and then put them in a bowl

>> No.10505853

>Heat up the stove while i get the water
this is illegal

>> No.10505909

>B just seems depressingly lazy
You mean efficient?

>> No.10505960

>I guess it works, so whatever, I shouldn't judge
that was clearly stated.
'Work smart, not hard' sure, I'm on board, but personally I'd rather hear the slow build of a kettle boiling vs the low hum of the microwave followed by the obnoxious alarm
And when you're making poverty meals, every little bit of humanity helps

>> No.10505984

boil water, add flavor, veggies and meat
then put noodles and eggs

>> No.10506019
File: 192 KB, 1200x1200, Pork---Ramen-Stir-Fry_exps152485_SD132778B04_12_4bC_RMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of these. You should fry the noodles and add eggs, beef, chicken, pork, shrimp, whatever. Check YouTube for fried ramen recipes.
Tastes better and you might forget that you are a poor fag who can only afford ramen for dinner.

>> No.10506074
File: 570 KB, 800x800, 00854285000138_products_800x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d) toss the salt packet and boil it in real broth

>> No.10506186

sprinkle seasoning on top then hit it with a hammer

consume raw

>> No.10506218

>start boiling water
>crush and break the noodles up while still in the packet
>30 seconds from end add an egg drop
>drain all broth/water after 3 mins
>transfer to bowl, add flavor packet and shredded mexican cheese
>maybe some hot sauce

>> No.10506235
File: 10 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't need instant ramen for this. just buy some real fancy noodles.

>> No.10506311

C) for me. Its the easiest one because I have a machine to boil water really fast for tea and such, so its pretty convenient

A) gives the best result and you can add extra ingredients, buts its a mendokusai as fuck, comparatively

B) yields the worst result. I've only done it in situations of necessity, like not having a method of boiling water efficiently

>> No.10506318

>float ramen brick
>microwave (5:00 for Mi Goreng)
>add half sachet of seasoning, save the other half

>> No.10506325

Mexicans just eat them uncooked.

>> No.10506371
File: 44 KB, 500x488, 39BE2667-5F70-4EE4-892E-EFB838741806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A is the only option that allows you to add eggs and other veggies, which is the entire point

>> No.10507467

A) because I add meat, an egg, shit like that, and I can let it cook too

>> No.10507527
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, ramen+takoyaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10507689
File: 475 KB, 500x240, alwaysunny-denimchick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of meat? I'm a big fan of adding shit to ramen but I've never added meat before

>> No.10507821
File: 36 KB, 600x600, flavortown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the above. I pour the seasoning packet into the noodle bag, crunch it up good, and eat it like chips.

>> No.10509253

seek help

>> No.10509266

What part of "poorfag" did you forget to read?

>> No.10509346

why would a "poorfag" buy instant ramen when a pack of spaghetti is 10 times cheaper?

>> No.10509351

I'll never understand why eating instant noodles like this is as popular as it is

>> No.10509352

Sounds like someone has never been to prison.

>> No.10509451

save other half for what?

>> No.10509518

Snacking on

>> No.10509821

a) boil water in a pot on the stove, add the noodles and cook them
Because it says so in packet

>> No.10510011

I have no interest in reading niggers.

>> No.10510051

1) Crush noodles
2) Put in plastic bag
3) Stand in hot water line
4) Fill bag with hot water enough to cover noodles
5) Twist bag closed and put it in cell for 5 minutes

>> No.10510061
File: 43 KB, 347x426, chris-trans judges you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put the kettle on
>break noodle block into roughly 8 separate pieces
>dump entire seasoning sachet in
>pour boiling water over
>let it be for like 5 minutes
>eat when cool enough

>> No.10510076

A with proper Korean fanning technique objectively produces the best noodles, but C is just too convenient

>> No.10510077
File: 66 KB, 659x609, so_good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add herbs/spices/garlic/lemon etc
>open noodles
>set aside flavour sachet
>bin noodles
>play with sachet while delicious food is cooking
>bin sachet
>plate delicious, nutritious food
>consume with glee
pic very much related

>> No.10510530

boil water in in a tea pot, then put the noodles in the teapot, then add seasoning. leave boil for a few then pour outbid teapot the noodles should come out of the spout

>> No.10510668

>Boil water on stove.
>Open ramen packet and put spices into bowl.
>Add a little water and stir, making a paste.
>Add in oily packet if it has one.
>Add in dried veggies if it has one.
>Put ramen on top.
>Add boiling water to just barely cover ramen.
>Cover with lid and let sit 5 minutes
>Add poached egg to ramen along with fresh shallot and sliced mushrooms.

It's probably a shitty way of doing it and I'm open to other ideas. But basically close to answer C because that's how I've always done it.

>> No.10510677

Why is it when I read this the first thing that came to mind is one of those stupid asian dragons sitting in a bowl looking confused with that Akinator look of confusion on its face?

>> No.10510684

d) dont pollute my body with garbage

>> No.10510688

>boil water in in a tea pot

That'll ruin the teapot.

>> No.10510878

d) eat them dry

>> No.10510930

>Check YouTube for fried ramen recipes.
Can't really find anything at a glance. What's a good video? I don't care about recipe, just technique.

>> No.10510945

the only real way to eat ramen is to:

>put pot on stove preheating it
>boil the water
>open the packet of ramen
>turn off the stove
>throw the ramen in the bin
>make literally anything else

ramen is shit, why the fuck is there an entire thread dedicated to making what is quite possibly the simplest fucking ready meal on the planet.

>> No.10510949

Because you touch yourself at night.
Go away.

>> No.10510956

A because you gotta let that veg cook before you add the ramen.

>> No.10511686

This black woman is pretty funny and a good cook


>> No.10511829

A, except I prefer to boil it in broth seasoned with soy sauce and miso instead, then let the noodles simmer for awhile while I'm prepping the other stuff to put on at the end.

>> No.10511948

B when I was younger, A more recently, never done C unless they are cup noodles.

>> No.10512050
File: 18 KB, 328x220, 1437159110934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10512072

Used to do A, now doing C whenever I eat them.