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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10498214 No.10498214 [Reply] [Original]

best BBQ:

north carolina > south carolina > kansas city > texas > memphis > alabama

>> No.10498224

>best BBQ
Ultra high quality meat and no sugar sauce.
You burgers simply don't comprehend what real BBQ is.

>> No.10498234

south carolina should be 1 and texas should be 2
Other than that list is alright

>> No.10498241

There's an awesome emerging BBQ scene in the UK at the moment. It's spearheaded by hipsters but I can live with that because the food's awesome. Scottish beef is where it's at for me.

>> No.10498247

NC > TX > Memphis > South Carolina > Kansas City > Alabama.

Although, im at least pretty inclined to see any ranking where NC is first, and Alabama is last. Alabama puts Mayo in their bbq.. Fucking mayonnaise in BBQ sauce, it shouldn't even be ranked.

>> No.10498252

Bodeans on Tower Hill.
Probably the best barbecue you'll ever have.

>> No.10498260

Texas is up there for certain; but south carolina is shit tier. Mustard does not belong in bbq

>> No.10498433

It's gotta e Eastern NC BBQ with the vinegar and hot pepper base, no tomato, or even worse, ketchup in it.

>> No.10498497

You can be sure when anyone except inbred AL sister fuckers discuss BBQ, AL style is never mentioned.

kansas city > texas > memphis > north carolina > south carolina>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sister fuckers

>> No.10498524

>have a rib cut named after us
>still not considered a major BBQ city
w-where my saint louis bros at?

>> No.10498529

let's get one thing straight, it most certainly isn't shitty american bbq

>> No.10498625

this is an american bbq thread
if we're talking international, then southwest korean takes the spot for first.

>> No.10498631

Argentine meat is dry and over cooked 100% of the time

>> No.10498635

St. Louis style is indistinguishable from Memphis style

>> No.10498690
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>No Churrasco
Totally wrong

>> No.10498739

>Alabama puts Mayo in their bbq
Referring to the "white sauce", generally, only found in the Muscle Shoals vicinity, associated with "Big Bob Gibson" and his BBQ joint. Usually used only on smoked chicken. Nobody else in the state likes it. Mayo used because either too poor buy tomatoes, or too stupid and lazy to know how to grow them. It's Alabama's only claim to fame, BBQ wise. Every other style there is something stolen from somewhere else. You can find good Q in Alabama, but it's gonna be modeled on some other style.

>> No.10498743

Korean BBQ is grilled, dumbfuck, it's not even comparable and I like Korean BBQ especially kalbi when the shortribs are butterflied instead of that wretched LA crosscut method.

>> No.10498784

Filthy fucking foreigners don’t know the difference between BBQing and grilling.

>> No.10498792

Do Americans really cook meat using fire??

>> No.10498823
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bros give me your best vinegar bbq sauce recipe

>> No.10498847

I may be moving to Kansas city in a month for work, is the BBQ as good as they say it is? All I have to compare are the BBQ and Pit Beef Joints from the DC area.

>> No.10498858

Oi mate

>> No.10498868

Literally everything you will ever need to know about any style of American BBQ

>> No.10498910

6th - alabama. Because its alabama

5th - south carolina. Its tasty but a bit one-dimensional. Not a fan of the mustard-based sauce.

4th - north carolina. Also a bit boring...both eastern whole-hog and lexington style. Both have shitty sauce.

3rd - texas. Good rubs good sauces...unfortunately they dont seem to eat pigs.

2nd - kansas city. Ribs butt brisket, pigs and beef. Great. The sauce is a little sweet.

1st - memphis. Much like kc with a better use of rubs and a slightly more spicy and less sugary sauce...served on the side.

But let me enlighten ya'll....
The best bbq you will ever put in your mouth is mine. I start with pork shoulder and a jamaican-style wet rub which marinades for 2 days. The shoulder is hot-smoked with pecan for 14 hrs then placed in a pressure cooker for 1hr with a little eastern-carolina style sauce. This will change you.

>> No.10498916

First you said that Eastern Carolina sauce is shitty, then you say that you use it.

>> No.10498940

>3rd - texas. Good rubs good sauces...unfortunately they dont seem to eat pigs.
Granted that Brisket is king here, but I have a good story for you.

>>I'm working for a big company. Guy from the California office gets sent here on business. I'm his "minder" for the day. Take him out to a local BBQ joint for lunch. The guy, a programmer of Asian descent and small stature, asks the serving lady:
>>"excuse me...those ribs on your menu. Are those beef ribs or pork ribs?"
>>Immediately, from out of nowhere, a 6 foot 6 angry black man, built like a linebacker, wearing a blood-and-sauce stained apron and wielding a knife so big it might as well have been a sword steps into view:
>>"Who asked that? <looks around. nobody says a word> You tell 'em that in TEXAS we eat PORK ribs"
>>then stomps off back to the kitchen muttering something about needing a cigarette.
>>dead silence for a while
>>Guy says....uh, I'll have some ribs.

>> No.10498941

1qt apple cider vinegar
1/2c ketchup
1 tbsp onion powder
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp crushed red pepper flakes
1 tbsp kosher salt
1 tsp garlic powder

Combine. Simmer briefly. Cool.

This is a standard lexington style sauce except it is significantly more bold and flavorful than what is typically served in western and central north carolina.

>> No.10498945

The ONLY great barbecue in the US is in Texas and North Carolina. Now, I'm not saying there can't be a good barbecue place randomly somewhere else, but TX and NC are the only barbecue-centric states that focus almost singularly on the meat itself, usually big whole cuts of beef or pork, respectively. And only offer sauce as a courtesy for plebs. Memphis can get a shout out for ribs, but I've had just as good if not better ribs in TX and NC. Plus, in central Texas, you get all that German and Czech smoked sausage and other more ethnic smoked cuts. I could tell you barbecue stories from my childhood that are like meaty fairytales that could lull you to sleep with the sweetest dreams imaginable.

>> No.10498947

He asked for a vinegar sauce not a shitty Lexington tomato garbage sauce

>> No.10498966

I use it for the vinegar...not that it alone imparts any magic to the pork. Nc bbq sauce sucks because they typically dont add enough salt or spices...its just slightly spice vinegar. With the aforementioned jerk rub it works. You could use plain vinegar. I use Georges original

>> No.10498975
File: 2.81 MB, 640x360, korean girls react to big american MEAT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if we're talking international, then southwest korean takes the spot for first.
Then how come these Korean girls love big American MEAT so much?

>> No.10498984

Nothing worse than overspiced BBQ. Heavy spices work for shitty cheap meat or bland chicken, but when you’re working with good beef or pork and cooking it low and slow with smoke all you need is a simple rub and a simple sauce. You want to taste smoke and meat more than anything.

>> No.10499002
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>Carolina's that high
>Memphis near the bottom
You wanna go OP?

>> No.10499008

I live near the border of NC and I still have yet to try any bbq.

>> No.10499014

Youve obviously never made lexington style bbq sauce and i dont think you'd even recognize bbq sauce unless you dipped your nuggies in it. Lexington style is the quintessential "vinegar-based" sauce Thats a ratio of 8:1 vinegar to ketchup and still a very vinegary sauce. So go hump someone elses leg little boy...you dont know shit about bbq.

>> No.10499016

I always skip out on ribs these days because of the cost and high ratio of bone. Maybe I ought to just suck it up and get some ribs next time.

>> No.10499021

Eastern > Lexington
Keep your fucking ketchup out of the vinegar sauce, negro.

>> No.10499026

Several people have already cast their vote for Texas as best international BBQ

>> No.10499036

Fucking this. That's why I hate Carolina BBQ. All you can taste is the vinegar.

>> No.10499040

Don't reply to the butthurt coastie dude.

>> No.10499043

Is American BBQ made with rabbit?

>> No.10499049

My post was in support of a simple vinegar sauce that just cuts through the fat with its acidity(the GOAT bbq sauce). If all you can taste is vinegar, you added too much.

>> No.10499053

Does Florida have any BBQ to speak of BESIDES hispanic cooking? Not that I'm complaining, just curious.

>> No.10499055

I always keep a rabbit by my side when I BBQ, don't want to asphyxiate.

>> No.10499056

this is the correct ranking. there should be a power gap between Memphis and the Carolinas too, although not as big as the one between the Carolinas and Alabama

>> No.10499062

Yeah sorta but without salt youre going to miss all that flavor. I live in north carolina. Nc bbq smells fantastic...smoke and pig fat dribbling into the coals. However with few exceptions they dont season the meat and under season the sauce leaving me disapppinted nearly every time...the flavor is never on par with the aroma.

>> No.10499064

Wisconsin BBQ is the best you cunts

>> No.10499068

I'm sure you could find decent bbq in northern florida.

>> No.10499069

florida isn't the south

>> No.10499074

Mexican bbq is best you heretic.

>> No.10499082

You sure about that? North Carolina gets whiter and whiter as you move west.

>> No.10499084

Rabbit is for well off people.

>> No.10499085

Sure, but going the other way with a heavy jerk rub isn’t right, either. Salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, mustard, brown sugar, nacho powder is my go-to rub.

>> No.10499096

>several texans have already cast their vote texas as best international bbq

>> No.10499097

>Rabbit is for well off people.

>> No.10499098

I swear that said ancho when I hit post.

>> No.10499099

4chan really needs flags on every board so we can filter out the cancer that is the 4chan Ameriboo.

>> No.10499103
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My fucking sides

>> No.10499106

Forced flags would eliminate all the people false flagging to bait others from their own country with insults.

>> No.10499116

Where the fuck is Hawaii?

>> No.10499123

In Tijuana we have BBQ stands everywhere and the meat is either cats, dogs, skunk, field mice or sewer rats. I eat it just about every day. It is sooo fuckin good you have to try it.

>> No.10499130

>Sovereign citizens don't have a right to vote for their nation's affair
Fuck off commie

>> No.10499134
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s-sounds great, anon...

>> No.10499137
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>> No.10499138

Have a vegan friend coming over, what Bbq style would taste best with marinated grilled tofu?

>> No.10499143

In the pacific ocean. :^)

>> No.10499145

You havent tried it. Its not authentic but it is amazing. I think youre imagining a dry rub like on ribs and thats not what i do. The shoulder goes into a pressure cooker after smoking. The flavor is more bold than traditional bbq and i dont think it even qualifies as bbq since its pressurized but fuck its tasty. The meat just falls off the bone...ya put a chunk on a burger bun with some of the drippings...youll have two kinds of wet in your pants.

>> No.10499149

This is the foundation recipe. Keep it simple and adjust the sweet / savory ratio to your liking, as well as the spice from the peppers. A good blend is sweet, sour, spicy, and savory all at the same time and is fucking awesome on pork and chicken alike.

1.5 cups apple cider vinegar...no you can't use white vinegar
.5 cup brown sugar
1tbs salt
1tbs black pepper
2tbs red pepper flakes
few shakes of hot sauce of choice to taste

>> No.10499153

I would fucking pay good money to go to a bbq cook off between Hawaiians making Kalua Pork, and North Carolinians making whole hog pit bbq. It'd be the best of both worlds, everyone fucking wins.

>> No.10499156

pork roast : N carolina

Brisket: Texas

Tri tip:California

Ribs: memphis

>> No.10499159

wtf is nacho powder

>> No.10499163

What's in the marinade?

>> No.10499164

That's probably the case. I've never made it myself and I live in Maryland so it's not like I've ever had REAL Carolina BBQ

>> No.10499165

Confirmed for legit vinegar sauce recipe. That's exactly how I make mine, except I also add a little garlic (not too much, you don't want to overpower with it).

>> No.10499166

Hey texas can i put beans in my bbq sauce?

>> No.10499169

Oh fuck off, ass.

>> No.10499170

BBQ should have absolutely no sweet taste at all. No sweeteners. No honey. No sugars. AT ALL! PERIOD!

>> No.10499175
File: 15 KB, 457x234, texasball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git out.

>> No.10499178

>Hey texas can i put beans in my bbq sauce?
Yes. The more beans the better.

>> No.10499182
File: 104 KB, 600x600, hot dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /ranch beans/ here?

>> No.10499185

Texan detected...and you are wrong.

>> No.10499186

Someone said the other day at work that tri tip (the cut itself, not just bbq) is really only big in California. That's not true, is it?

>> No.10499192


Do flyovers really put ranch on their beans?

>> No.10499196

It is true.

>> No.10499198
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Them's fightin' words boy.

>> No.10499203

Absolutely agreed

>> No.10499205

anon pls

>> No.10499210

>South Florida isn't the south.

>> No.10499222


>> No.10499225

And nothing. That's it. Please clap.

>> No.10499230

And that’s a good thing!

>> No.10499242

There isn't one yet, just wanted to hear suggestions of which cuisine would work out best

>> No.10499247

Thank you greatest ally, I wasn't sure how to feel about what I read until I saw this.

>> No.10499259

>tripfags being cancerous
What a fucking surprise

>> No.10499272

Some of us tripfags are decent but we can’t use our trips because we get bullied. :(
Mean fucking niggers.

>> No.10499277

>pulls your pork
How do you respond?

>> No.10499280

Soysauce based marinades are always a safe bet with tofu.

>> No.10499282

I know ppl in other states who are surprised when they do find it.

Its a very flavorful cut from the bottom of the sirloin. I have no idea what they do with it in other states. Maybe burgers?

>> No.10499283

Me. I make homemade ranch beans fairly regularly, but I always have a few cans in the pantry as backup.

>> No.10499319

I’ve literally never seen Tri-tip for sale in a butcher, grocery store, or anywhere.

>> No.10499329

NC bbq is truely the best. Although i haven't tried kansas city bbq

>> No.10499357

BBQ is a method not a dish

>> No.10499366

Its one of the most flavorful cuts of beef, it lacks tenderness of ribeye or filet. It takes some time to trim as it is usually sold untrimmed amd there is lots of waste.

>> No.10499374 [DELETED] 
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Gonna be in Durham on business for a couple weeks; any of you NC bros have bbq joint recommendations, for both eastern and lexington style?

>> No.10499379

Memphis for me. I enjoy south carolinas vinegary sauces but I love a good dry rub rib. Honestly korean bulgogi can be fucking amazing. I had som at the Super H mart in dallas, the texture was of meat clouds and the taste was incredible.

>> No.10499382

All a BBQ need is coarse salt and pepper, none of these fancy schmancy sauces

>> No.10499475

We don't put sauce on our BBQ in Texas, dumbass

>> No.10499480

Is that Brazilian BBQ? I had chicken hearts from one place and it was one of the best tasting things I've ever eaten

>> No.10499653
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Both wrong. Australia all the way.

>> No.10499661

For me, it's the pulled pork with a bunch of pickles.

>> No.10499666

What kind of wood is usually used for the slow smoking in Australia? Are Hickory, Maple, Apple, and Cherry as popular for BBQ there as they are here?

>> No.10499670

>best BBQ:

No such thing.

As long as the meat is smoked properly, then it will go well with everything from just plain old salt and pepper, to any number of BBQ sauces and rubs. Variety is nice.

>> No.10499680

>Australia all the way.
I hear you guys got plenty of wild rabbits. do you BBQ them too?

>> No.10499682

There's a little BBQ joint inside a gas station a few minutes away from my house, and in addition to the usual stuff, the dude makes tacos and nachos from his (fucking delicious) 16 hour smoked pulled pork that he tosses with a chile verde sauce. Fan fucking tastic.

>> No.10499693

>dude makes tacos and nachos from his (fucking delicious) 16 hour smoked pulled pork that he tosses with a chile verde sauce. Fan fucking tastic.
Fuck that sounds good.

>> No.10499711

>dude makes tacos and nachos from his (fucking delicious) 16 hour smoked pulled pork that he tosses with a chile verde sauce. Fan fucking tastic.
We got an In-n-Out but I'd trade that for your BBQ joint instead. In-n-Out is way overated.

>> No.10499713

I use my smoked pork for everything from sandwiches, to taco's, stir fry, pizza topping, and Étouffée. Stuff's the bomb.

>> No.10499716

Is this in Texas? There's place right next to me that makes tamales with their brisket.

>> No.10499752

Yeah we have bbq in north florida.
Its okay but its just wanna-be SC style

>> No.10499753

i have yet to go to a gas station where the food is not god tier

>> No.10499771

Why in a state so large are the minds of its indigenous people so small? There is a world beyond the border. Go ahead...cross it.

>> No.10499789

TXfags are either steers or queers, so there's that.

>> No.10499791

Gas stations is where Hunt Bros. Pizza got started and made them one of the largest in the US. Never tried it but I'd like to.

>> No.10499797

Hunt Brothers is mediocre and inferior to Casey's.

>> No.10499801

List of the largest fast food restaurant chains


>> No.10499802

That is pure bullshit. Every bbq place has sauce, and you can ask for some or not. I personally don't like it, but I've seen thousands of people in my lifetime eating bbq with sauce in TX. The only places that don't even offer any sauce are the new hipster as fuck places that think they know what bbq is, but don't.

>> No.10499803

>There is a world beyond the border
And it's disgusting...

>> No.10499808

A method...
For smoking pork.

>> No.10499809

>Hunt Brothers is mediocre and inferior to Casey's.
Thanks for the heads-up
I guess I'll skip it.

>> No.10499820

No no sorry...
The other border

>> No.10499864

I work with a "real texan" and he has never had chili without beans. Most of the rhetoric about texas food lore is nonsense propagated by television cooking shows, marketing campaigns, and the pseudo-cognoscente.

>> No.10499883

Texas is a highly regional state, with cultures differing not only among the four major geographical divisions, but, in some places, from community to community, and even family to family. Originally, Texas chili was served with beans that were prepared separately.

>> No.10499912


Vinegar and mustard based BBQ can easily stand up to what Argentina has.

>Alabama puts Mayo in their bbq

I thought only Peggys Sugarfoots used mayo in the sauce (fuck Texas and anything they call "BBQ", fuck Texass in general)

>> No.10499914

Arthur Bryant's is worth checking out

>> No.10499967

You work with a real faggot.

>> No.10500341

You know full well he's talking about a convivial grill party and not smoked meat. But anyway, Australia is as big as the contiguous 48 states so obviously the answer is "it depends" people in fruit growing regions often use orchard wood, redgum is popular wood in the southern states, when I was living in outback Queensland people there would use gidgee, a hard, dense, oily acacia.

>> No.10500353

>convivial grill party and not smoked meat
Then why is he posting in a thread about the best BBQ?

>> No.10500416


>> No.10500439

I already said that.

>> No.10500592
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>south carolina
>cole slaw in the fucking bbq

>> No.10501091

bates city bbq

>> No.10501132

thanks friendos.

>> No.10501262

>Slow cooking
Gas BBQ, fukken hot. Cook your snags and steakettes until they're starting to go crispy and slap em on buttered white bread.
Anything else fancier is hipster soyboy shit.

>> No.10501291

Sorry buddy, but that's grilling, not bbqing. Maybe make a backyard cookout thread if that's what you're after, but this thread is about meats cooked low and slow with smoke. That's what BBQ is.

>> No.10501295

Thats grilling not BBQ you fag.

also using gas for anything other than a game day tailgate grill is pathetic.

Wood>hardwood lump charcoal and wood chips> charcoal briquettes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gas

>> No.10501393


>> No.10501411

Its called a grill you stupid fuck. You're cooking on a grill, just because you butcher and misuse words worse then your typical anglo. Due to what I assume is the natural result of inbreeding, and your criminal lineage; doesn't make you right.

>> No.10501413

Hey roofucker, it's a grill.
Nice punctuation, stupid.

>> No.10501414
File: 427 KB, 625x339, Pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected better bantz from an Aussie. Its the one thing you people are good for; aside from losing to emus.

>> No.10501416

My use of commas, and a semicolon, was grammatically correct.

>> No.10501424

No, they really fucking weren't.
>You're cooking on a grill; just because you butcher and misuse words worse than your typical anglo, due to what I assume is the natural result of inbreeding and your criminal lineage, doesn't make you right.
If you want me to explain why I made the changes that I did, I can.

>> No.10501426

Yes. Yeah, it's amazing. The beef and chicken are good too

>> No.10501428

Do you have some sort of hard on for run on sentences?

>> No.10501432

You almost had it right.

North Carolina>Texas>everything else>nig mustard sauce.

>> No.10501434

>foreigner thinks grilling is BBQ


>> No.10501437

NC/SC tie.

>> No.10501438


>> No.10501448

To be fair, Texas is bigger than a lot of countries. And the US dwarfs them by landmass. This confuses the europoor.

>> No.10501450

>bantz from an Aussie
They're little bitch crybabies. Just like the bongfaggots.

>> No.10501459
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>> No.10501466

American bbq is still good nigga
never met anyone who disliked them

>> No.10501468


>> No.10501473

It's not a run on sentence. A run on sentence is when you have multiple clauses that aren't linked properly through conjunctions and punctuation.
>You're cooking on a grill;
That's an independent clause. It can work on its own as a complete sentence. The semicolon indicates that the rest of the sentence is its own thought, yet it's still connected enough to the first part to merit a compound sentence.
>just because you butcher and misuse words worse than your typical anglo
That's a dependent clause, as indicated by the subordinating conjunction "because." A dependent clause needs to be attached to an independent clause in a grammatically correct sentence.
>due to what I assume is the natural of inbreeding and your criminal lineage
That's a parenthetical, and you can use commas, em dashes, or the namesake parentheses to denote these. They add extra information to a sentence, but can be removed without affect the grammatical structure.
>doesn't make you right
This is an independent clause with an implied subject "that."
We have a independent clause, a dependent clause, a parenthetical, and an independence clause, and they're all separated properly. My formatting is not a run-on sentence.

>> No.10501678
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>All these butthurt yanks

>> No.10502236

Rhode Island

>> No.10502326


>> No.10502714

Dutch, by far

>> No.10502964

ur missin out m8

>> No.10503349

I genuinely cannot find any evidence that this even exists.

>> No.10503496

No beans in chili is basically a hipster thing before hipsters were really around. I think it was a response to places jewing you out of meat and kept putting less meat and more beans in their chili. The best ratio is probably about 2-3:1 meat to beans. Don't get me wrong, I think that meatless chili can still have merit, but it does need to specify that, and not just call itself "chili".

>> No.10503545

No, it came from the Terlingua Chili Contest.

>> No.10503707
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>"South Carolina" or "North Carolina" BBQ

South Carolina especially is fucking confusing because there are like 5 very different styles, and everyone always assumes SC BBQ is that shitty yellow mustard style slop they puke out in the midlands.

Should really be divided up between the God-tier "Carolina BBQ" which is the traditional slow cooked whole-hog vinegar/pepper version that's been served across the eastern reaches of NC and SC since forever, and then everything else where they throw a bunch of unnecessary shit like mustard, slaw and fucking ketchup into the mix and ruin perfectly good pig.

Really, the selection of fixins push Carolina BBQ leagues beyond the rest in comparison, despite there being some tasty selections in Texas. Still can't beat the likes of biscuits with red-eye gravy, liver hash and rice, real mac and cheese, hush puppies, pork cracklins, blackeyed peas, fried okra, and nanner fucking puddin' to round it all out.

>> No.10503987

so is this a marinade or what? do i simmer it to let the sugar thicken it? please respond

>> No.10504014

No and no.

You brush it onto the meat repeatedly while it cooks. If you're making a pulled pork sort of BBQ you can spash a little in after you've "pulled" it.

>> No.10504052

Excellent sauce, also if you have any pork left over that for some reason won't be eaten in sandwiches or by itself, you're obligated to turn it into brunswick stew

>> No.10504077 [DELETED] 

>Alabama puts Mayo in their bbq
Not really, 95% of BBQ places aren't near the Gulf Coast and don't have a white sauce.

>> No.10504092


If Texas took advantage of pork it wouldn't even be a discussion.

>> No.10504104 [DELETED] 

I guarantee most of you fags have never even eaten BBQ from Memphis, Alabama or Kansas City.

>> No.10504164 [DELETED] 

>All of the bandwagoning soyboys rating AL last
Blue Moon BBQ, Full Moon BBQ, and Jim N Nick's are delicious and not one of them put mayo in their sauces like you memers that watch the Travel channel and saw the 1 nignog BBQ joint that does that think

>> No.10504225

It's not used as a marinade, no.

A marinade is something you use to soak a piece of meat in before cooking, but this is simply used as a condiment to season and compliment the meat after it's been cooked. When it's time to pull the pork off a pork butt, some will take all of the pulled meat and use the sauce to season it right then and there. What others do is pull the pork and then simply add the sauce as needed after its plated. Think adding ketchup or mustard to a burger.

This sauce can be used as a "mop", which is drizzled or sprayed over a piece of smoking meat to help keep it moist, but if that's the case, it's best to cut it with water and use a 1-1 or 2-1 ratio of water to sauce, then put it in a spray bottle, and spray down your meat every so often to help keep it moist in the smoker.

You can make the sauce with heat, or without. With heat, simply heat up your vinegar enough to make it easy to melt in the brown sugar, then add the rest of your ingredients and let it simmer on low for half an hour. Then simply cool, bottle or jar, and give it a good 24 hours to blend. Without heat simply mix the dry ingredients into the vinegar, allow it to settle overnight than mix the shit out of it again and let it settle another night before using it.

>> No.10504647

Smoke the meat nigger

>> No.10504747
File: 83 KB, 768x1024, 1508548686733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your state has no regional BBQ style
>tfw your states only culinary contributions are Fry Sauce and Pastrami Burgers

>> No.10504831

>meat romney detected

>> No.10504868


what the fuck is a Carolina?

KC > Austin > Memphis

That's the BBQ Triangle, and that's where it stays. A thread died for this bullshit

>> No.10504880

you're hearing this from flyover (US) country, and gonna be in Argentina in a couple a weeks.

Argentina beef is the best in the world. fight me.

>> No.10504885

>Scottish beef

what do they feed the cattle?

>> No.10504912

"i haven't tried BBQ outside of my area therefore all other BBQ is a culinary abortion"

>> No.10504917

California hipster faggot, please go....

>> No.10504918

my niggas

saved. sounds legit

that's exactly what i'm saying. fuck carolinas

>> No.10504955

>saved. sounds legit
It is.

Just don't make it too sweet....unless you like sweet. That's the beauty of the recipe, as its all up to your personal tastes. Some like it more sweet, some more spicy, some more peppery, and it's all pretty g'damn good over smoked pork.

It's just a great sweet/tart/spicy blend that is pure awesome with light meat like pork and chicken.

>> No.10505002
File: 12 KB, 403x268, Skynrd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBQ fucking rocks! Thank you based rednecks!

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgkYN3QjD5M

>> No.10505264

>"I don't know how to greentext on 4chan because some asshole brother i'm related to and who I'm also fucking on the side never told me about "Shift+."

assholemotherfucker piss off you cunt sucking asshole grabbing asshole motherfucker. flyover country here, the most biased and based BBQ quotient in the whole country, so you can pissoff to whatever grub hole your mother conceived you in was from, because I know you eat shit for a living

>> No.10505270 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10505279

The only decent post in this thread.

>> No.10505405

deep fried hay

>> No.10505408
File: 8 KB, 300x168, D.A.C..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gawd bless the U.S.A. y'all!!

>> No.10505796

Too busy getting shot at.

>> No.10505827

I used alder wood most often when I smoke. Or at least a mixture of alder and hickory chunks.

>> No.10505843 [DELETED] 


You seem to be unfamiliar with 4chan posting culture. /ck/ is a Trump free zone, anon. We'll give you a pass this one time, but now that you know please refrain from it in the future. Thank you, and enjoy yourself.

>> No.10505845

There is more than one type of BBQ in the US faggot hence the thread title.
You faggots don't know the difference between grilling and bbq'ing

>> No.10505847 [DELETED] 

Hillary lost faggot.

>> No.10505851

from SC and putting slaw onto the meat is not a thing here, not sure where that came from

also vinegary mustard sauce is the GOAT bbq sauce

>liver hash
real hash is never made from just liver

>> No.10505868

>all these proud fly-overs
I'm from new york(not the city) and we have some pretty okay bbq.

>> No.10505917

>New York State
>not flyover
You are only fooling yourself.

>> No.10505969
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>> No.10506013
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>> No.10506116 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 1010x1024, 4GQAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, no safe spaces for you. He is your president and has a >50% approval rating. That means more than 1 out of every 2 people you encounter walking down the street give him a thumbs up.

Have a rare Trump though, for your efforts.

>> No.10506428

NC bro here. Our bbq is literally the worst. You can get good results with a real pitmaster, but 99% of the time you end up eating rope-y pulled meat literally soaked through with vinegar.

>> No.10506471

South Carolina > Memphis > Texas > North Carolina > Kansas City > ranch sauce > dog piss > Alabama
Why is Alabama bbq sauce even a thing?

>> No.10506507

>Why is Alabama bbq sauce even a thing?
It isn't to anyone not from that shithole of inbred pedos. AL sister fuckers touting their bbq would be the equivalent of a MS cotton farmer doing the same.

>> No.10507256


>> No.10508734
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Nashville bbq

>> No.10509257

There is nothing wrong with white bbq sauce, it's just different than what people expect. It is a finishing sauce for chicken or pork and when made properly should be peppery and tangy with a rich, creamy texture. Personally I hate mayo and find that swapping out for plain yogurt improves the sauce greatly.

>> No.10509283

So would you be from where they dump a spice rack on the meat, drown it in vinegar, drop a salad bar on it, slather in mustard, or soak it in sugar syrup?

>> No.10509372
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Pic related, tastes better aged.

>> No.10509398
File: 66 KB, 610x458, 20120220-193388-best-rib-tips-hot-links-uncle-johns-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago BBQ
rib tips, hot links, a sweet and tangy vinegar/ketchup sauce

>> No.10509399

Texas and Australia are the only natural places BBQ can exist. It's what real men who actually work out in the scorching heat cook because they don't want to actually cook but BBQing is dumb and fun and easy enough to do and you can feel accomplished with minimal effort because you did a whole 12+ hours of work for the day and you just want a bite but the wife's had enough of it and your fellas/mates can gather round for some beer while you wait for it to finish occasionally prodding it just for that sense of accomplishment because no one thanks you for your 12+ hour day in 100+ degree heat labor.

>> No.10509460
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Lmaoing at this thread

>> No.10510006

>ketchup sauce
get >>>/out/

>> No.10510130


>> No.10510150

I thought it was gross until I tried it at Royals Hot Chicken and that changed my mind on mayo sauce, it's fucking delicious

>> No.10511058
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>> No.10511064
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>> No.10511072

You don't mix them. Slaw makes a great condiment as long as it isn't too watery or loaded with mayo.

>> No.10511077

Pulled pork + vinegar sauce + vinegar slaw on a bun with some beans and potato salad might be the greatest lunch there is.

>> No.10511108

>You don't mix them.
Correct. I don't mix them. But in SC, at the place we went, it was mixed together.

>> No.10511124

Meh, depends. Only because of retarded moralfags and pussies. They were nice enough to assemble a list of stores that might carry it though.


>> No.10511152

Are you rural-ish? Start a garden and buy a cheap 22. Rabbit will bring itself to you, little bastards.

>> No.10511168

I've been to plenty. But the best fish sandwich I've ever had came from a gas station. Never found it again when I was going that way again. Maybe I was slightly lost. Makes it feel like a dream, but my dad remembered.

>> No.10511186
File: 31 KB, 616x462, 1435869335054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know in some parts of of the gulf states, Alabama in particular, this is kind of a thing to a have a BBQ and slaw sandwich. Not really something common in SC or NC, though.

>> No.10511251

Santa Maria tri tip is best bbq

>> No.10511302

Setting any regional barbecue aside, one of my specialty dishes is slow cooked pulled pork tacos with raw red cabbage dressed in a sauce made from the meat drippings, habenero peppers, vinegar, and honey. Top with feta and cracked black pepper.

Cabbage makes a nice texture juxtaposition with the tender meat.

>> No.10512568

>bbq and slaw sandwich
>not common in the carolina

>> No.10513437


As a Texan living in CA, I can say that tri-tip is basically the most liked cut in the state. I didnt even know it was a thing until I moved here and everyone is always ranting and raving about it. I don't think it's anything special and read somewhere that tri-tip used to be considered a garbage cut.

>> No.10514229

>As a Texan living in CA
No such thing, you lost your citizenship at the border.

>> No.10514240

Same (Texan living in NorCal), and I'd never seen tri tip till I moved out here. But, I like it. I do a lot of grilling and smoking meats, so it was natural for me to learn that cut too. I started by learning the Santa Maria style, and now do it up on the smoker as well. It's a good cut, comes from the bottom sirloin, but you should always by a whole tri tip and trim it yourself as needed (like you do with brisket).

>> No.10514249

Santa Maria style isn't bbq, it's grilling. But, it is delicious.