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10492679 No.10492679 [Reply] [Original]

Hello and welcome! to anon's Sunday dinner cookalong
Featuring: shitty lighting and dirty surfaces

Today we're making some simple spicy couscous
Dubs decide if I also get some sausage next to it

Pic related most of what we'll be using, should serve about 3 but let's be honest, there's nobody else here and there never will be. That's 250g of couscous there
This will be a fairly slow thread since I will post while actually cooking so feel free to bump with memes shitposts or content of your own

>and no I'm not gonna use carrots this time you pieces of shit I'll never forget

>> No.10492689

>he doesn't cook a traditional roast for sunday dinner

American im guessing?

>> No.10492733
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not even close bby

I love chopping eggplants
Also halve as many olives as your patience allows

>> No.10492769
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AROMATICS and a small drink to keep us going
Thyme from personal production of course
Chili sauce because I couldn't be added to get the real stuff so we'll try this. Worst case scenario I have some red peppers as backup

>> No.10492838
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Eggplant, olives, thyme, onion, fried together with a bit of water added for 10 minutes

>> No.10492865
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Prep the bullion to be used in the couscous
For the best results, I use 1 block of Knorr® per 0.01L of water
Just like the pros

>> No.10492876

I usualy only cook my couscous in water.. does the bullion really add flavor?

>> No.10492889

Cooking in broth or stock always adds flavor. Bouillon is a really lazy way to make a decent broth.

>> No.10492904
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Knorr® always adds flavor anon
>but srsly it does, same for rice

Prepped the tomatoes (fucking hate having to chop tomatoes), with the chili sauce, and some balsamico. We're gonna throw the couscous in here, mix it around, and then let it soak in the added bullion

>> No.10492934

>not using canned tomatoes

>> No.10492948
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Couscous has soaked in all the nice tomato sauce and now it's time to combine and mix shit up
So that's what we're gonna do with the eggplant stuff, throw it in and mix it up
Unfortunately it was a bit too watery so I added a bit more couscous to soak up the sauce, don't like it overly runny

Plot twist: it's not hot enough!!!
No worries, that's why we got backups

>> No.10492994
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Depends, in this case I always felt like it works better with regular chopped tomatoes

This fucker will surely save the dish and bring the heat

>> No.10493046
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And that's it! The extra pepper was very welcome, mixed it in bit by bit
Garnish with cheese, extra olives if you want, green onions because they're green and otherwise it doesn't look all that great really

If you want some meat you can easily serve a bit less of this and have something fatty next to it. Dunno how well chicken would go with it

>> No.10493085

eagerly waiting and watching

>> No.10493090


You should probably open the thread and turn on auto-update, because nothing is going to happen if you just stare at the post in the catalog.

>> No.10493094

Looks pretty gucci mane desu...much better than 99% of shitty threads on this god foraken cooking forum

>> No.10493099

Notes for improvement:
- while the chili sauce was fine, it wasn't hot enough and a bit sweeter than this dish needed, so it's better to either just add some peppers to the tomato mix or use the real deal, harissa paste
- some yogurt or cream might go well too as a topping

b-but it is d-done, anon

>> No.10493139

thanks anon :3
it's very easy to make and highly adaptable to whatever your preferences are
you can make it a bit sweeter, hotter, saltier, it goes with a lot of things and that's why I like couscous so much
think I'll make some meat next to it for lunch tomorrow
>protip: fry up some fatty meat and then tip all the fat over the couscous for some intense indulgence

>> No.10493144

Anyone interested in a totally bastardized colcannon cook-along?

>> No.10493162

Show the fucking boullion on the op thumbnail so I know to hide the thread retard

>> No.10493173
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BASTARDIZED, you said ?
that's my favorite kind of cooking
and I've never seen colcannon but I've been meaning to make it

take it away, chef

oh anon :3

>> No.10493282
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Okay, pleb filler is a go.

You're gonna need potatoes, onions, cabbage, butter, shitty beer, green onions, a spice mix you like and depending on your uses, meat. It's supposed to be a side dish but I make it as full dinners so I put meat in it. In my opinion pork or pork-based sausages are best, but you can use pretty much anything that would fit in a stew.
I'm gonna peel a fuckton of potatoes so it could be a while until my next post.

>> No.10493364

>One block per 10 ml
>That sodium content

>> No.10493423
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Standard procedure for mashed potatoes, i.e. peeling, cutting to more or less equal size pieces, covering with water and bringing to a boil

>> No.10493504

I choose to believe you jest and you didn't actually take my post seriously

I couldn't possibly keep a stove that clean desu

>> No.10493514
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Shred the cabbage, mince the green onions and put them on standby

The light and potato phone are tricking you, it's actually fucking filthy

>> No.10493595
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Chop the onions, prep your meat to make bite-sized pieces and saute in another pot on med-high.
Make sure your potato water is simmering, adjust heat consequently.

>> No.10493641

>cheeky potato phone gets me again
every time man

is this the part that's bastardized? wasn't this supposed to have less meat?
qt rough ol' pot tho

>> No.10493654
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When the onions start looking golden and the meat about halfway cooked, throw in a bit of beer and scrape the bottom of the pot with a wooden spoon

Yeah, I don't even think this is supposed to have meat in it in the first place.

>> No.10493662
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When you're done with deglazing dump the rest of the beer can, the cabbage, a healthy dollop of butter season with salt and pepper, mix, put on low-med and cover.

>> No.10493737
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Potatoes are cooked (can easily cut through them with a knife), so now we drain them and mash with butter. When the texture is fuwa-fuwa, throw in a fistful of spring onions, some of your spice mix, salt and pepper and mix. Normally at this moment you'd put in some milk or something, but I don't like milk and the cabbage mix is gonna make up for the dryness plenty enough anyway.
Remember to stir your cabbage and meat mix occasionally.

By the way does anyone care aside from OP out of politeness?

>> No.10493760

I (not OP) care

>> No.10493761

Neat, thanks, I just wanted confirmation I wasn't doing it for no reason.

>> No.10493770
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>tfw my attention doesn't matter
m8 it's not about the (You)'s it's about the process
and by the looks of it you could throw in some more butter to make it more creamy, at least that's how I usually like mashed stuff
aren't you french? isn't butter like half of the french diet :3
the show ain't over til you plate the thing
but wtf is fuwa-fuwa

>> No.10493771

I'm following

>> No.10493781
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Sowwy, that came out wrong.
There's still about 3 tablespoons of butter in that plus a bunch more in the cabbage, I'm trying to be a bit reasonable.
Fuwa-fuwa means fluffy
Pic related

>> No.10493812
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Meat and cabbage mix is nearly done, at this point you can throw in more beer or use stock and keep it simmering for a bit longer.

>> No.10493827
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I can't even tell if this is now cute or weeb

and I just realized you're more likely canadian since it's daytime

>> No.10493863

go die in a vacuum please

>> No.10493891
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When the cabbage is soft and creamy and the meat is cooked you pretty much just take the two pots' contents, mix them together and adjust the seasoning to your preference. Kinda looks like ass but tastes great.

I wish pictures would've came out better but the lighting is kinda weird at the moment.

>> No.10493898
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>> No.10493944

The lighting is so weird that it looks like you applied a filter.

>> No.10493967

Maybe my phone camera's lens is fucky too, welding shops do strange shit to phones.

>> No.10493976

I care. It's always nice to see and later attempt recipes that others personally enjoy making.

>> No.10494016
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it's fairly common for cheaper (phone) cameras to blow out the highlights in pictures like that
could be fixed in some app probably

looks good anon, perfect for cold days
unfortunately it's 20+ over here across the pond so that might have to wait a bit
oh and here's some extra inspiration for next time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpRcFx8JQl0

>> No.10494055
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Huh, might try that next time since it's apparently the actually correct way.
Thanks m8

>> No.10494230
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...and wa la!