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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10492116 No.10492116 [Reply] [Original]

that's it, it's over. The rice takes forever to cook, it's soggy at the end, and sticks to the bottom of my pot. I am buying a crate of instant rice.

To tell the truth, it's amazing I haven't done it already. I am an efficiency cooking fiend. Most everything I prepare is quick or requires no human intervention, or both!

>> No.10492121
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oh I forgot I was supposed to post a picture and not asuka

>> No.10492332

Rinse 1 cup jasmine rice, add to rice cooker pot
Add 1 cup water
Put lid on, plug in, and turn on
Wa la, that was so difficult.

>> No.10492392

Are you too efficient to clean up after yourself, you shit pig?

>> No.10492401
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for me it's minute rice, the best white rice

>> No.10492439

Oh man, this thread reminds me. Instant oatmeal is far better than regular oatmeal. Love the stuff. It's so much easier to digest.

>> No.10492499


Jesus how do you fuck it up that badly?

Get a Ricecooker you useless shit.

>> No.10493505

well, certainly. it wouldn't be very efficient to clean.

>> No.10493519

What>>10492499 said. Grab a rice cooker, shouldn't be more than like 25-30USD. They're convenient, and a lot come with steamer trays for steaming veggies and shit.

>> No.10493590

but I could get 6 kilograms of instant rice for that price. And rice cookers also take a long time and make a mess.

>> No.10493600

Instant rice tastes awful.
>>make a mess
How so?

>> No.10493605

Rice is the most fool proof food I've ever seen
It's harder to fry an egg than to cook rice mate like seriously what the fuck are you on

>I am an efficiency cooking fiend
Well off to powdered meals for you then

>> No.10493610

>Rice cookers take a long time
>make a mess
>rice cookers make a mess
>rice cooker

God bless you you useless retard, hope you never procreate

>> No.10493620


Or you could look further ahead, and realise how much you'd save buying dry rice and using a ricer cooker.
No, don't strain yourself, that's probably a little much for your simple brain.

>> No.10493733

well if I still had my rice cooker I could show you how dirty it was but I gave it away to my neighbour and threw the other one in the trash I think. She might still not have cleaned it, she's a lot dirtier than me and I don't think she's even a very efficient cooker like me, but there's a stranger over there now so I can't go over like I usually would but anyway, yeah, I got it all sorted out. I usually just eat some sort of nameless stew I create that only takes a few seconds to prepare. You dump in frozen vegetables, noodles, beef, and seasoning and voila. Or something like that. I also have milk tea and so on.

>> No.10493763

Imagine being so ill equipped for life that you can't even cook a staple that keeps the majority of the world population alive without help from something automated

>> No.10493782

rice cookers are extremely fucking easy to clean anon.no joke . you will kick yourself for waiting as long as you have to get one . I forget how long mine takes but somewhere like 15-20minutes maybe tops . Im usually doing other shit and its done when my meal is cooked

>> No.10493786

minute rice takes a minute

>> No.10493796

Am I being bamboozled?

>> No.10493811


>somewhere like 15-20minutes maybe tops

My zoj takes around 40 minutes for white rice, and over an hour for brown. It doesn't matter though, because you set it first and then prepare your other food or go do something else.

Yeah, and it tastes like absolute shit.

>> No.10493818

Is that why you're here communicating with a computer instead of using drums and smoke signals like your ancestors?

>> No.10493854

No, you just say it's bad because you have some sort of irrationality present in your mindset.

and no one could possibly know if they are hungry in precisely 40 minutes

>> No.10493871
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>and no one could possibly know if they are hungry in precisely 40 minutes

Oh, you're just trolling...

>> No.10494155

Why don't you guys just steam it in a saucepan? Takes 15min.

>> No.10494530

pretty pathetic that you think there is some vast conspiracy where every time someone doesn't think like you it's a huge trick

>> No.10494548

I eat on a set schedule. It doesn't matter if I'm hungry or not, I have to eat at a certain time in order to fit with my job and various other activities. So if I know I'm eating at 6 PM it's no problem to start cooking at 5:20. When or if I feel hungry is totally irrelevant.

The claim was that "no one" could know. Therefore if a single person might know then anon is mistaken. That hard to wrap your brain around?

>> No.10494567

>eating when you are not hungry


>> No.10494578

>Cooking when you are hungry and overeating becuase you made way too much.
Not a probably for everyone, mind you, but I usually try to make shit before I get starved so I don't binge on it.

>> No.10494601

lol nice fairy tale but you don't need to lie to win arguments

>> No.10495089

No, seriously, it's kind of like not shopping when you're hungry.

I used to be fat.

>> No.10495117

thinner than you mohammed

>> No.10495125

Come to my country. Pretty much all supermarket rice is 8 minute rice (we're a nation of lousy cooks). Honestly, the 8 minute Pandan and Basmati rice are good enough for me.

>> No.10495150

Or you could be like most people, and make a reasonable amount of food when you are hungry.

The tism is strong is this thread.

>> No.10495153


>> No.10495163

Most people, sure, but for some people that's hard to do when you're hungry. Is it that hard to grasp?

Literally what?

>> No.10495168

>>and no one could possibly know if they are hungry in precisely 40 minutes
Are you retarded

How can you not know when you're going to be hungry?
Surely even a complete idiot can have a general dinner time at which they prefer to eat and can start preparing food before then accordingly

>> No.10495174

I know, right? I never have leftovers merely because I always make single servings. Also I only have one bowl so if I do eat leftovers I have nothing to put it anyway.

>> No.10495181

time is an illusion mister and I am not bound by it

>> No.10495197
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>can't even cook rice
lmao my dude feel free to leave at aaany time

>> No.10495230

>there is an infinitely easier and quicker way to do what I am doing
>but I refuse to do it in order to feel superior on an internet ricemaking forum

>> No.10495278

>Minute white rice
>Cooks in 5 minutes

>> No.10495310

times have changed man, they have stuff that takes less than a minute even I think

>> No.10495609
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speak for yourself m8

>> No.10496467

>Make a mess
Anon with this pic >>10492121
You're beyond complaining about things making a mess. Rice cookers don't make messes - you do and then don't clean them up after

>> No.10497057

how could one clean something that doesn't make a mess?

>> No.10497320

How the fuck did you manage that?

>> No.10497342

Hell, minutes in general are too long. A minute should be 40 seconds at most.

>> No.10497394

What the fuck is all that shit?

>> No.10497395

Don't even get me started on seconds.

>> No.10497401

How the hell do you fuck up rice? Get a rice cooker and add in a cup of rice for every cup of water (for me, 3 cups of water and 3 cups of rice). Evenly spread the rice in the cooker so it will cook properly.

>> No.10497413

>710mL of rice (dry)
I'm guessing your BMI is well over 35.

>> No.10497416

>>he thinks all kinds of rice require the same amount of water
You already fucked up.

>> No.10497417

oh sweet fucking jesus. You know you can remove the inner pot so, I dunno, it can be washed like any other pot?

>> No.10497421

If you get a rice cooker, make sure you get a good one. Those $30 ones are terrible. Don't be a cheap ass, get something good.

>> No.10497423


Rice cooker keep rice hot over a period of days. A family will use this rice. Do you have a family? A loved one to share it with?

>> No.10497433

>add in a cup of rice for every cup of water (for me, 3 cups of water and 3 cups of rice).
>for me ... 3 cups of rice

>> No.10497440


The rice keeps for a few days. I use that amount for me and my gf, but even if he lived alone, its not unreasonable. A lot of people use rice as the base of all their meals. Its not ideal, but it saves money.

>> No.10497448

you don't need to fight minute rice so hard you guys

just let yourself have fast rice

>> No.10497459

Well if he spreads it out over a few days, that's fine. No idea why he'd want to, though, having paid for an automatic cooking device. Maybe he's using it for stir fry?

>> No.10497489


Thats the beauty of a rice cooker, the rice you cooked yesterday is there, and good to go. If you're short on time, or just plain lazy, it makes dinner a whole lot easier.

>> No.10497502

Is it not unhygienic to leave it out at room temperature for a day?

>> No.10497635


I don't know, literally everyone in Japan does it, and it tastes ok. The cooker keeps it hot and moist, it's amazing.

>> No.10497643

For the most part, yeah. It's kept in a closed container. You could probably just leave it out for about little over two days, or you could wrap it up and throw it in the fridge where it'll keep for maybe a week.

>> No.10497646


Just to be clear, its not room temperature, the cooker keeps it hot. You should use it by the third day though, thats when it starts to taste less than ideal.

>> No.10497661

Fair enough. I would guess it's more likely to be hygienic if it's kept at cooking temperatures. And if it's properly sealed, it shouldn't dry out too much.

>> No.10497845

If you're going to post images garbage why not just post Rei?

>> No.10497865 [DELETED] 

Wait dont tell me youre some lonely fuck who assumes that one pot of rice is enough for like one person? Lmfaooo

>> No.10497889

>he probably didn't use uncle ben's rice