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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 265x190, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10486847 No.10486847 [Reply] [Original]

>dude, you have no idea. In-N-Out is amAAAAYYzing

>> No.10486861

Good thread op, much will be learned by all who participate in this insightful debate.

>> No.10486863

I have never gotten the appeal of in-n-out. I was raised in california and I always got shit from people when I said I wasn't a fan. Not that I didn't like it, or wouldn't eat there, but that I didn't want to suck the collective cocks of everyone who works there.

shit's memes

>> No.10486865

What a fucking soy

>> No.10486866

people on /qa/ said the filter isn't work here so I'm testing.

>> No.10486874


>> No.10486875
File: 143 KB, 559x623, 5 guys are faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In-N-Out is ok....if you're a faggot
real men eat whataburger

>> No.10486877

I don't care. I don't browse this board anyway

>> No.10486888

are you /needsitbruhs/ ?

>> No.10486911

What possesses folks to pose like this for pictures? This kid is just begging for a dick to be photoshopped into his mouth (or a real one to be inserted, more likely).

>> No.10486914


>> No.10486916

not me, but nice trips

>> No.10486921

The filter is only on /pol/, /fit/, /tv/, /v/ and /mu/ afaik

>> No.10486927

>real men eat whataburger
How's that possible, the only things in TX are steers and queers?

>> No.10486944

come on down and find out, soyboy

>> No.10486958

And lgbt

>> No.10486978

Also /g/.

>> No.10486982

>literally the soyboy board

>> No.10487298

I think it's some meme where they're trying to imitate a cartoon