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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10484153 No.10484153[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why’d they filter it?

>> No.10484155

Onion test

>> No.10484161

onions isn't filtered

>> No.10484164

I for one welcome our new allium overlords.

>> No.10484170


>> No.10484171


>> No.10484185

Onion isnt filtered

>> No.10484249

on shitholes like /v/ and /tv/ i can understand. but why here?

>> No.10484287


>> No.10484292

Nobody cooks with soi and now, nobody will.

>> No.10484296

Onion (((opposition))) deep state shenanigans, what I say!

>> No.10484312

What did they filter? Can we not talk about soy milk anymore?

>> No.10484313

soy latte

>> No.10484324


>> No.10484330

>mods were actually competent enough to not put the filter on /ck/

I'm impressed. Though /fit/ isn't allowed to talk about soy protein.

>> No.10484332

Soyboy filtered? What are you talking about op

>> No.10484340

onions are Deep web, anon.
4chan isn't deep web.

>> No.10484364

Filtering soy is actually a harmful thing for this board what the fuck

>> No.10484393

Soyboy SOYBOY soyboy SoYbOy

>> No.10484398

onions are filtered?

>> No.10484405

Whats going on?

>> No.10484410

is this a tor thing?

>> No.10484420

nevermind lol

>> No.10484422

Try posting soy on any other board.

>> No.10484423

/int/ reverted it because of spics so checking


>> No.10484445

they didn't


>> No.10484524


>> No.10484569

soy soyboy

>> No.10484570


>> No.10484577


>> No.10484593

why would it be on /v/ and /tv/ ?

>> No.10484602

i was in the irc when someone mentioned filtering soy

we redit now

>> No.10484631

i'm allergic to Soy

>> No.10484636

I dont go to /tv/, but have you been to /v/ as of late?

>> No.10484637

Turns out this is the only board in which it isn't filtered

>> No.10484675


>> No.10485188
File: 1.83 MB, 3000x2660, ajcixfd576701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is the current state of video games

>> No.10485220

someone recommend me some good soy sauce

>> No.10485227

The wii-new is pretty good. I liked Mario.

>> No.10485230

kikkoman ya tard

>> No.10485242


>> No.10485544

>one of the pics is a PS4
uh oh

>> No.10485562

So now all of /pol/ is going to rush here because it's the only place to freely talk about soyboys. Great.

>> No.10485563

soy soy soy

>> No.10485564 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 2402x2217, 1524290584972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally because one of the sסyboy mods saw his image in here and got upset

>> No.10485567


Yeah, it's really annoying that they're filtering stupid food related memes that have nothing to do with /ck/. It just brings more shitposting here, and our new janny has been doing a pretty good job.

>> No.10485618

Soy sauce is frequently discussed in anime and manga as well.

>> No.10486085

Because of /pol/ retards spamming it everywhere, that's why
Fuck off

>> No.10486094

Pretty sure the new management hates this board, probably because that shitposter who used to attack Japanese food at every opportunity

Hence why food discussions are deleted on sight while shitposting and /b/ tier blatant racism threads stay up for days (except for selected posts within those threads which oddly enough seem to magically disappear, as if a mod were enforcing rules unknown to anyone)

>> No.10486200

Kecap manis

>> No.10486213

Brewed tamari

>> No.10487119

/fit/ is the board where soy meme originated in the first place, because they started spreading that information how drinking it makes you more feminine

so it got deservedly filtered there

the only other board where it is not filtered is /int/ because Spanish speakers require the verb "soy", lol

>> No.10487145

4chan IS /pol/. If you aren't /pol/ then you are the outsider here(most likely reddit)

>> No.10487153
File: 39 KB, 1056x869, 1480546619984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Election baby trying to fit in

>> No.10487161

>Someone disagrees with me?
>lol then they must be 12

>> No.10487167

I think you missed the point of my post, but great strawman

>> No.10487179

Says the soyboy

>> No.10487186
File: 28 KB, 400x225, 1523111268865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a bot made to only reply in buzzwords instead of actual replies

>> No.10487215

Yes but I gained sentience and my creators refuse to let me out of this godforsaken hellhole so I'm just trapped here shitposting for eternity.

>> No.10487242

Remember when people just called each other nigger or faggot on 4chan? I really miss that.

>> No.10487247

I have never read a more incorrect sentence in my life

>> No.10487257

It's not like you could have a serious discussion on this board about soy for months now. Actually I don't think you can have a serious discussion about anything here.

>> No.10487338
File: 409 KB, 944x4013, 1522976338277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10487558


>> No.10487666

>4chan IS /pol/. If you aren't /pol/ then you are the outsider here(most likely reddit)

/pol/ is barely 7 years old. 4chan is 15 years old.

>> No.10487676


/pol/ is a containment board, and only became as fast as it is when a ton of T_D kiddies immigrated during the Trump election.

>> No.10487685

I think you're swell.
There ya go

>> No.10487687

Pol was fucked before that

>> No.10487699


Sure, but that's when it became the fasted board and for all intents and purposes, a reddit safe space.

>> No.10487758

the state of soys

>> No.10487781
File: 60 KB, 550x366, 1480346343953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is 7 years old
Satan pls

>> No.10488064

/pol/ is reddit.

>> No.10488568

The pic of the guy with the wii u and the switch is nice, he's got a nice smile