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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10480607 No.10480607 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really a good source of protein, or do you think the people who do it are secretly gay for wanting slimy textures in their mouth?

>> No.10480610

Few things cook as fast as eggs do. There is no reason to drink that shit.

>> No.10480645

Eggs are one of the very few foods whose vitamins and proteins increase in bioavailability after cooking (another being tomatoes).

There is really, truly, no reason to consume raw eggs.

>> No.10480879
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This. The protein is identical whether it is in slime form or has been denatured by heat. Your body breaks it all down into amino acids anyway; there is ZERO difference to your digestion.

The only additional thing raw eggs are going to do for you is give you salmonella or E. coli poisoning.

>> No.10482026

there's no microbes in the egg, they live ON eggs. just wash 'em eigs johnny you fuck

>> No.10482055

Buy unwashed eggs, wash them right before using them and remember to store leftover meals with raw eggs in the frige and eat them over the course of a few days.

And even if you get a little bit of salmonella into your food, it doesn't matter if you're healthy.

>> No.10482064

>The protein is identical whether it is in slime form or has been denatured by heat.

That is false, heat changes the composition of the protein just as it changes the composition of fats. That's like saying burnt eggs = eggs right out of the shell, which obviously makes no sense.

The same is applied to cooking vegetables. Generally the more you cook them, the less nutritional value they retain.

t. biochemist.

>> No.10482071

Incorrect. It is possible for a salmonella-infected hen to pass on the salmonella to the egg via the ovary.

Though this is really a matter of being pedantic, the incidence of that is terribly low.

>> No.10482092

The avidin in the raw yolks will entrap key vitamins like B7 which is needed for several metabolic processes. You're losing out by eating them raw.

>> No.10482095

more like t. failed undergrad idiot

Cooking vegetables will make the fiber less dense and insoluble, thus less able to perform its function as indigestible material to make you shit, but you still get most of the calories, sugars and vitamins from cooked vegetables. Just because it tastes different doesn't mean the heat alters the net caloric or nutritional value of those foods.

>> No.10483572

theres only like 7g protein in an egg. Eat /deenz/ instead

>> No.10483586

It's not that you don't get protein from raw eggs, it's that you don't absorb as much by the time it passes through your system.