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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10479326 No.10479326 [Reply] [Original]

>Doctor recommends high fiber foods like oatmeal, brussel sprouts, and bananas
>Try it for a day
>Spend the entire night on the toilet
>Switch back to easy mac and everything's fine again
Why do doctors give such bad food advice?

>> No.10479331
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I wonder why?

>> No.10479334

if you've been eating a particular way for a long time then your gut is adapted to it. even eating a lot of vegetables will give you gas if your body isn't used to it.

>> No.10479336

you will adjust to a higher fiber diet. you have to keep doing it

>> No.10479345

You need to ease your body into eating better. Try making mac and cheese with whole wheat macaroni.

>> No.10479472

Fucking fat clueless moron post #3546

>> No.10479538

none of these foods are high fiber

>> No.10479592
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>oatmeal isnt high fiber

>> No.10479637

Oh geez, thats ezpz right? Try that no fat cheese, no fat pb, all the shit that tastes like shit...get right on it op...

>> No.10479639

that's because any time you change your fiber intake your body reacts poorly you stupid fucking faggot frog

listen to your fucking doctor's advice, he's smarter than you. eat more fiber for a few days and everything will be fine

>> No.10479663

Are you the same 40 year old who had never cooked before?

>> No.10479666

I don't feel right if I don't eat a bowl of muesli in the morning.

>> No.10479670
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Your poop will go back to normal if you stick with the high fibre for a few days. Don't give up OP! You will be nice and healthy ^_^

>> No.10479740
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>> No.10479804

What the fuck are you talking about? Cheese and peanut butter IS healthy.

>> No.10480043

> feeling run down and lethargic
> go to doctor
> “stop shooting heroin!”
> man, is that guy a broken record.

>> No.10480047

>Are you the same 40 year old who had never cooked before?

No, that's me.

>> No.10480066

As someone who has suffered from constipation, fiber is the absolute worst fucking thing. Just makes the stool massive and difficult to pass, leads to hemorrhoids and eternal suffering.

>> No.10480078

when you increase your fiber, you need to do it gradually. if you do it all at once you can get diarrhea or constipation

>> No.10480230
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bitch, please. my waifu and most of my friends are doctors and most couldn't tie their own shoes. frankly a large part of them are alcoholics, regularly smoke weed and one even smokes meth. come in with any problem and they're going to bad-mouth you to the rest of the clinic. doctors are not smarter than anyone else, they're just 'over-achievers' who want a title and are generally terrible people

>> No.10480267

4 grams of fiber out of just 1 cup is high fiber.
Also it's not like all oatmeal even has that specific amount of fiber content, there are hundreds of different oatmeal products around today.

>> No.10480304
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>average around 40 grams of fiber daily
>only shit once or twice a day
>turds are long sasuages

>> No.10480316

they are in league with big toilet paper

>> No.10480337


>> No.10480346
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>Average 0 grams of fiber daily
>Still shit fine thanks to cigarettes
psssh... nothin personnel... kid...

>> No.10481407

This is true.

Switched to a healthy(ish) diet after 10 years of eating like garbage. My apartment smelled like the inside of my asshole for 2 weeks because I was farting so much.

>> No.10481444

>ONLY once or twice
Should i be concerned? t. Sometimes goes 3 Days without pooing

>> No.10481450

low fat isn't healthy you pleb, but if you're going to have grains then they should be whole grains

>> No.10481453

You should at least poo every day or on occasion on the second day. Improve your diet.

>> No.10481459
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>Not drinking rot gut extra dry vodka every day, all day
>Not shitting 5 times a day
>Not being able to shit through a screen door
>Not using a roll of toilet paper ever 2 days
>Not wanting to kill yourself because your 34 and successful but empty inside because the lack of a family you spent your whole adult life trying to prepare for
Do you even /ck/ my dude?

>> No.10481460

I dont know whats wrong with it though.

>> No.10481705

nurse, we're going to need more sedative. the patient is in delirium again

>> No.10481731

I recommend high fiber foods like oatmeal, brussels sprouts, and bananas.

>> No.10481735

Why do we have to poo everyday? That's so fucking inefficient. I'd rather stick to my diet and poo just once a week.

>> No.10481759

>t. /Ourguy/

>> No.10481911

>tfw asslet can't handle true braps

embrace the gas anon, become master of farts

>> No.10481930

its the water jews, they want you to waste it on flushing

>> No.10481937

Some people don't enjoy carrying around pounds of shit inside them

>> No.10481960

Eating like shit is probably ok up until your mid twenties but after you hit 30 you pretty much have to eat a good amount of fibre and drink plenty of water or else you will get blocked up with poop.

>> No.10481969
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>falling for the cooked meme
>doesn't know that raw instant or rolled in cold milk is more delicious as well

>> No.10481981
File: 4 KB, 241x209, EAAA0846-B29A-49C5-B367-8D4087CF9D25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8g of fiber for 50 carbs is high
it’s the same exact ratio as the cooked ones retard. you can enjoy eating oatmeal, but don’t pass it off as a high fiber food.

>> No.10481992

Same ratio to overall carbs, sure, but different ratio to how much you have to fucking eat. You'd have to eat 4 cups cooked to get what you do from 2 cups raw. 1 cup raw also takes up less space than 1 cup cooked, which is a big plus for some of us that aren't mega-fatasses.

>> No.10481993

Why not eat mac and cheese with a tiny bit of broccoly and a little bit more broccoli every day?

>> No.10481994

>Really hate vegetables
>I've always straight up refused to eat them as a kid and my parents didn't really care
>grew up
>eat nothing but meat and milk products
>shit once a week
>it always feels like a bunch of rocks coming out
>they're black
should i force myself to finally be healthy?

>> No.10481995

They don't give bad advice. Your GI tract is fucked due to previous bad habits--probably some 'sperg tier diet of the same thing every time.

Get some more variety and fiber in your diet. You'll probably have a few days of issues while your body adapts. Then it will go away.

>> No.10482009

or you can eat food that’s actually high in fiber

>> No.10482013

What would you suggest?

>> No.10482014

good day for a jump my dude.

>> No.10482028

I eat nearly nothing but vegetables, fruit, eggs and joghurt and a small serving lof fish every other week and I only shit once a week, to.

>> No.10482542
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Maybe tmmrw Anon, maybe tmmrw.

>> No.10482554

Remember to hide all pepe/wojack threads for a better and more fulfilling /ck/ browsing experience. Thank you for your time!

>> No.10482581

remember to not be suck dick for a living or you'll end up making posts like this on 4chan

>> No.10482728

Remember to pay attention during English class.

>> No.10482785

Eggs, yogurt, and fish dont have fiber. Eat beans every day and you will shit daily at a minimum

>> No.10482818

Holy shit you mad lol

>> No.10483148
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Fuck off back to whatever nigger fagit plebbit Cooking cuck board you're from asshole, you obviously don't belong here.

>> No.10483160
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>> No.10483197

U mad bro?

>> No.10483215
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Naw, Not at all mate. Just sick of plebs shitting up /ck/ acting like 4chin isn't 4chin.

>> No.10483271

Based memer.

>> No.10483499

I'm 32 though.

>> No.10483553

if you eat raw oats all that soluble fiber is going to soak up the water in your stomach and intestines and likely lead to harder shits

>> No.10483648

laughed too hard