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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 665x385, hitle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10478970 No.10478970 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow as we all know is 4/20, but not everyone knows it's Hitlers birthday. What would you make for Hitler on his birthday, /ck/?

Personally I'd do a German Chocolate cake with a nice cream cheese frosting. Big enough so he can share with all of Germany.

>> No.10478989
File: 42 KB, 480x360, colum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We remember.
I think uncle Adolph would like a McChicken

>> No.10478999

I'd make him his last meal, a bullet.

What a pussy.

>> No.10479019

That dude had more balls than your trip wasting ass. Prove me wrong by eating one yourself.

>> No.10479232

Uncle Adolf would probably prefer a salad desu, with a nice piece of lemon creme cake for dessert.

>> No.10479287

What makes him more of a pussy than you.

>> No.10479413
File: 133 KB, 1024x682, nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cyanide capsule. Fuck him.

>> No.10479419
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>> No.10479424

Wow what a tough guy. Fucking kike.

>> No.10479447
File: 39 KB, 417x480, -.- . -.-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd keep it simple. Some Brats, kraut, kartofflesalat, and some mustard with a liter of dunkleweizen.

>> No.10479450

>not giving credit to one of the most successful rises to power in history
>trivializing suicide in 2018
how's highschool? maybe stick to reddit bud

>> No.10479459

I'd give him some over the top modern frankenstein vegetarian meal

>> No.10479479

Baked jew pie
I hear he has millions
6 million in fact

>> No.10479745

Rice and beans or whatever the fuck it is that faggot vegetarians eat.

>> No.10479754
File: 183 KB, 1115x648, 1523426344037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His favorite meal

>> No.10479755

Hold the phone, this Hitler guy hated Jews?

>> No.10479757

I read a book that said his favourite foof was liver dumplings

>> No.10479761

Any rice and beans worth eating will contain pork, anon.

>> No.10479772

It's also my birthday tomorrow. What are you planning for me, OP?

>> No.10479784

My ass for you to eat

>> No.10479798

He is literally, provably, historically less of a pussy than you.
I mean I don't care about any of the nazi shit that floats around the website, but it really doesn't make sense to call a guy who had such a huge impact an outright pussy, it's just not true.

>> No.10479830

Hitler did not kill 6 million Jews that is just propaganda from the Frankfurt School

>> No.10479992

I would serve a piece of paper that says "whatever you do, stay out of Russia. You got this"

>> No.10480024
File: 74 KB, 1200x800, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fought on the frontlines of ww1, earned the iron cross unlike trump who dodged the draft using rich connections
>supported the freikorps during the german civil war, probably beat up a few commies himself
>had to fight with the red front, even having some of his closest friends die fighting them during the political chaos of the weimar republic
>didnt pussy out of the putsch; put himself in harms way almost getting shot for his cause
>didnt pussy out and flee berlin, stayed right where he was either until the battle was won or it was lost; never surrendered, martyred himself for his country

yes tell me more about how adolf is a pussy mr tough soy

>> No.10480077

Since he'd be speedballing a big bag of Laffy Taffy/Jolly Rancher type candy with a couple of king size Snickers.

>> No.10480097

hitlers bday so edgy xD

>> No.10480134

Something kosher.

>> No.10480254

The original soyboy numale

>> No.10480279

i'm not a racist, anti-Semitic asshole, so i'd probably just feed him another bullet.

>> No.10480342
File: 126 KB, 500x432, 20180417_193242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*le tough soyman meme*

>> No.10480352


>> No.10480361

bring it on, i'm starving :^)

>> No.10480372

I'd castrate that syphilitic bitch and feed him his own balls with a hefty sprinkling of Draino.

>> No.10480385


you have got to go back, reddit..

i'm not either but I can still chuckle at something like this.

>> No.10480390

A salad dusted with amphetamines, probably, accompanied by videos of Eva and Blondi getting it on.

>> No.10480407

German chocolate cake isn’t German. It’s named after a guy who’s last name is German and invented some dark chocolate for baking. Hitler loved spiced apple cake and coffee with dark chocolate melted into it.

>> No.10480415

He sure loved cake

>> No.10480434

This, it's really good. My friends all love it, and it's similar to one that Hitler use to sneak slices of at night when he lived in a large Manor in Bavaria.


>> No.10480553

Alright well I hope you like dudes assess

>> No.10480559

Wow this thread is a great idea and destined to be bountiful with discussion of food and cooking. Fucking /pol/ddit.

>> No.10480581

fuhrer cakes, his favorite

>> No.10480587

German chocolate is named after a guy named German and not the country.

>> No.10480600

You need to develop a sense of humor.

>> No.10480617

>"develop a sense of humor"
>still shitting his pants laughing at the same "le epic racist jokes xD" everyday

I'm all for edgy, racist humor, but most of the jokes are slight variations of other ones that have been done over a million times in the past. Maybe I've just become jaded with it, but you're a fucking newfag if you still find it funny when someone says "nigger" on 4chan.

>> No.10480626

I'd make a moron that didn't know a thing about military strategyburger. That blue collar idiot ruined Germany's chance at winning the war, luckily.

Dirt people shouldn't be allowed to run anything, they run it into the ground. We're seeing this today in the US.

>> No.10480628

only neurotypicals laugh at jokes less than ten thousand times

>> No.10480637

over seventy percent of this website's current population are under sixteen and first heard of it this year

>> No.10480692

That looks really fucking good

>> No.10480708

Unironically kill yourself, faggot

>> No.10480709
File: 319 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20180419-013557_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He likes human ashes, how bout some human shit chocolate pie. Ashes, shit, same difference.

>> No.10480710

but your mom is gay

>> No.10480714

Hello Mordecai. How's tel aviv?

>> No.10480715

how can there be americans here that praise hitler or lash out at you while defending him
I lost many family members who fought for freedom against the tyranny of communism and fascism and one of those was my great grandpa
a power hungry asshole tyrant who killed a bunch of people out of megalomaniac madness is not to be defended nor praised, what the hell?

>> No.10480727

No tyranny is greater than that unleashed by the jew.

Also, hitlers favorite cake looks pretty tasty.

>> No.10480728

A lovely cyanide parfait.

>> No.10480730

welcome to 4chan. its not usually this edgy on this board

>> No.10480744

a plate of delicious knische seasoned with kosher salt

>> No.10480750
File: 140 KB, 1079x884, Hitler soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tall glass of soylent

>> No.10480753

how many jews have you even met? I have jewish coworkers and college partners and I get along with them just fine
can't understand why would someone hate them just because they're jewish

>> No.10480757

Vienerschnitzel and a Black Forest gateau.

>> No.10480764

thank you. my nephew told me I could find interesting stuff here and I like to cook so I got in here but I'm amazed at what I'm reading

>> No.10480770

If he's so successful, how come he killed himself? Lmao

>> No.10480781
File: 116 KB, 710x978, 43eccb84d87fe8565c97108cfa40289d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would probably make him a warm German potato salad, some browned butter spaetzle with carmalized onions, and Eggplant schnitzel (instead of veal, because he is a veg head)

>> No.10480797

just ignore threads with pictures of WW2 and you should be good.

>> No.10480799

I believe this is 100% true. I've been here since 2006 and while most of the normal jokes have progressed, the edgy racist jokes have stayed exactly the same yet retards here still get excited about them.

>> No.10480817

why are you so upset

>> No.10480832

Boomers get the bullet too.

>> No.10480849

> people want to be racis
> can't irl
> can here
> anon surprised they lile it
I think reddit is more your speed.

>> No.10480850

You dumb nigger, german potato salad contains bacon. You wanted austrian potato salad.

>> No.10480858

German chocolate cake does not originate from Germany you fucking idiot. It's named after a guy who's last name was German. If anything you should make a healthy balanced meal, with as little meat as possible because Hitler valued animals.

>> No.10480862

> Hitler valued animals
Nobody is perfect anon.

>> No.10480871

Wow, Hitler had some really nice houseplants.

>> No.10480874

absolutely based poster riling up the redditors

>> No.10480882

Because it's the same song and dance here every fucking day.

I'm not surprised people enjoy being racist, I'm annoyed that nobody comes up with any new jokes instead relying on variations of the same handful of racist jokes. I'm all for them if people would get new material, but thanks to redditors like you swarming this site this entire place is a stagnant hellhole of reposts and has been for the past several years.

>> No.10480893

>he can't just ignore shit he doesn't like

>> No.10480917

CIA confirmed last year he escaped to Argentina. Why do people still believe he killed himself when no physical evidence besides the skull that belonged to a female the ruskies claimed was Hitler's was found?

>> No.10480919
File: 68 KB, 1024x538, 1482651792143m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you cranky because you haven't had your nightly dose of nigger dick down your throat?

>> No.10480943

I would make it because it's delicious. I don't give a rats ass where it's from. I'd make him some pelmini while I'm at it and I'm sure he'd enjoy it.

You on the other hand would just shove it up your own ass and moan, faggot.

>> No.10480955

Several. One in particular was at a trade school I went to. He got blackballed from the womens dorm because he went out with the moms, and word got out that he "liked the children". Natural stereotypes exist for a reason. 9/10 it's a damn good one.

It's the truth. It tastes sour and bitter at first, but then you discover that it's because you've never had the fuhrers favorite cake.

>> No.10480972

nice source

>> No.10480993

u mad soybro

>> No.10480999

he was vegetarian you idiot

>> No.10481027


>> No.10481034

go back to 9aga soynigger

>> No.10481035

He was wrong about a few things, yes.

>> No.10481042


He was a german hillbilly that knew how to talk to other german hillbillies. Filth convincing filth they were hard done by. Ring a few bells?

>> No.10481070


>> No.10481072


>> No.10481101

>me vs them good vs evil mentality

>> No.10481193

Hitler was the first western world leader to stand up to Zionism and Communism. He'll be viewed as the faulted hero he is in the future.

>> No.10481194

better make it quick, life on earth won't be possible by the end of the next decade

>> No.10481199


He manufactured 'zionism' like trump is manufacturing 'darkies'.

Fascists need an enemy. They're like your crazy borderline personality disorder family member that needs to freak out about everything or they don't matter.

Grow up, you dipshit.

>> No.10481215


Socialism is good, complete state Communism is bad, but you're not educated enough to know the difference. Look at Norway, look at the US. They make America look like sub saharan Africa. How could you possibly know that though?

>> No.10481217

If only he'd been killed before breeding lmao

>> No.10481221

socialism is when the workers own the means of production, this is not the case in any european state

>> No.10481225


no, socialism is any means of collective bargaining or group rights. It's not just owning the means of production, which is more on the communist side of that concept. Social healthcare isn't owning the means of healthcare, unless you consider yourself part of the government. You gotta stop using words as a constraint and start thinking for yourself.

>> No.10481229

die yankee

>> No.10481233


I'm not American, dipshit. How do you kids stay up so late? Oh right, it's friday.

>> No.10481266

Not unless you live in Kiribati or something

>> No.10481271


why don't you deep south garbage people just fucking suicide? You voted for a guy destroying your economy. You're really too stupid to live. That's not even an exaggeration.

>> No.10481272


>> No.10481274

yankee means nothing more than "american" to absolutely everyone living outside the united states

>> No.10481276

yeah the side all the 80iq niggers and spics vote for is the one with all the correct answers. lol.

>> No.10481279

People like you prove him right everyday.

>> No.10481281
File: 71 KB, 600x400, IMG_1240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LISTEN dipshit. German chocolate cake got its name from Samuel German. The baker that created it. NOT GERMANY
Second. You wouldn't put cream cheese as the frosting because the point of the German chocolate cake is the coconut-pecan custard topping.

>> No.10481293


You voted for a senile narcissist. You're officially dumber than dogshit. You didn't even vote for Reagan before he became Alzheimers fuck up. You were too stupid to even wait for that.

>> No.10481294

You got a source faggot? Economy is the best it's been in decades and the Chinese trade deficit needed to be rectified,so what are you talking about besides your retarded hateboner for a man more successful than you?

And I second the cake suggestion.

>> No.10481307

it was allegorical
"german" chocolate cake, which is really american, made completely wrong symbolizes the posters in this thread, 56 percenters who pretend to be white

>> No.10481313


Yeah, that's why all the redstate fuck up teachers need to walk out to get a wage they can even live off of. No Americans are saving for retirement, everyone is living on debt.

You're really not tuned in are you? You're listening to Wall Street horseshit and vomiting that back to idiots. Jesus Christ you're a kid living on your parents debt.

>> No.10481316

How do you know he wasn't referring to a German type of chocolate cake, one with a cream cheese frosting (of which there are many) and not your special (and revolting sounding) snowflake (((Samuel German))) cake?

>> No.10481325

I'm pretty sure I know what I voted for dipshit. I don't need some asshurt foreign pseudo regurgitating mainstream media buzzphrases at me.

>> No.10481327

because he title cased german chocolate and only total retards would do that if they were not referring to the precise confection with that name

>> No.10481330


>> No.10481331

you voted for israel lole

>> No.10481333


Enjoy your endictments, you fucking utter moron fuckup. You voted in the mafia, you fucking fucking idiot. You are dogshit.

>> No.10481334

Am i the only one that assumes posts like these are bait from the start ? People don't actually have these opinions here right ?

>> No.10481336

woke teenage girl

>> No.10481344


You're too stupid to realize what is happening. Good for you.

You're the simpering tard people need to quiet.

>> No.10481345

yeah, this website was founded in 2016 by and for people who were banned from twitter for being too redpilled, nobody else would ever come here

>> No.10481355

this might as well be true, the website it describes and the one we have in reality are identical in every detail

>> No.10481398
File: 104 KB, 640x640, 1485464304732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just that you seem so very enthusiastic about expressing your retarded political ideas, but for some reason you never do so on /pol/, or in a best case scenario you get laughed out of the thread a few posts later.
So you see, i can't believe you have such bad opinions when there is a board where you can just throw them out there and thousands of people will debate you until you improve your opinions and arguments.

>> No.10481401

epic twitter screenie twitterbro

>> No.10481408

no it's just that I'm being oppressed by underage faggot twitter rapefugees

>> No.10481519

Nigger.. haha

>> No.10481523

this wins so much interbutt lmfao

>> No.10481525

Samuel German didn’t invent German cake. He invented a type of dark chocolate used for baking, and the person who created the cake using his chocolate named it after him. Dumbass

>> No.10481534
File: 131 KB, 600x800, polvssjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post opinion that goes against the grain of the hivemind
>thread either ignored or get called a "shill" and have your thread spammed with off-topic infographs

/pol/ is just as bad as the SJWs it claims to hate so much when it comes to suppressing others opinions. I find it hilarious and also shocking that you retards are so delusional.

>> No.10481538
File: 19 KB, 706x674, polarguingwith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10481555

hmm I wonder why she hates /pol/ with a passion..

>> No.10481557

Not necessarily the beliefs, just the people who go there. It's okay though, keep being obnoxious circle-jerking shitheads just like the jews want.

>> No.10481558

Wrong side homie, I got a job and I pay my way, best quit projecting.

And what do the teachers have to do with the economy? The economy doesn't set their salary dipshit, so why even bring it up?
Once again, where's your source?

Bait aside, I've always heard Hitler loved French pastries, but he fucking hated France, so what would be a good pastry with that in mind?

>> No.10481563

you can't defend hitler and attack soy at the same time, hitler advocated for soy as an aryan alternative to meat

>> No.10481621

Probably some chicken, broccoli, and pasta.
I'm a simple man, as is he. I bet we could have gotten along smashingly.

>> No.10481624
File: 277 KB, 240x287, yeiboi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10481659

Rice paper wraps, with that hard tofu, I bet he's never had a lot of Asian food. Frozen bubble tea. Some sort of apple crumble/chocolate cake.

Pretty interesting thinking up a vegetarian meal.

>> No.10481662

Came here looking for Starbucks drama , found this.


>> No.10482084

Blood sausage was one of his favorites and probably something he ate on occasions like this.

>> No.10482129

OP here. I know, I just don't care. It is delicious. I'll bake it anyways.

>> No.10482152
File: 206 KB, 1200x600, literallyhitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday.
God willing, your work will be finished. Amen.

>> No.10482158

oh, nevermind. can you get me a cake or something?

>> No.10482164

Due to the bullying by Americans and Russians

>> No.10482172

Lol nigger

>> No.10482224

>CIA confirmed last year he escaped to Argentina
source? I honestly wouldn't even be surprised

>> No.10482316

Come on, seriously think about that. Can you come up with a possible reason why the racism jokes stay at the same level? Perhaps because it is suppressed at every age, socioeconomic level, etc? There's a reason why most counterculture communities (punk, etc) usually have a WN/nazi niche of some sort, because it is easily the most rebellious thing you can do in our current society. Not advocating it, but that's undeniable.

I'm not saying that everyone should be publicly yelling NIGGER from the rooftops 24/7, but don't be surprised when you hear some 40+ years old lawyer, doctor, etc saying a simple and childish racist remark. Even if they have thought racist stuff all their life, it's probably one of the first times they have said it out loud. Here they can comfortably proclaim it as much as they want and that's a new platform for our modern society, you simple nigger

>> No.10482326

I'd bring the furher some pizza. Something light like a basic cheese with fresh basil. I bet he never had pizza outside of his one trip to italy.

>> No.10482335
File: 122 KB, 1200x525, 1475540783925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh, now i see, a completely anonymous and largely unmoderated free speech board is censoring you. Now i truly see.
> hivemind
Listen anon, this isn't reddit where the mods the karma and the likes decide what the consensus is. All you have on /pol/ is the strength of your argument. It's a free marketplace of ideas like any other truly free speech environments so the best ideas will overcome the others. The same thing happened with Uncensored Politics, discord's largest political server which got shoa'd for having illegal opinions, even though there were thousands of people from all ideologies.
> get called shill
You go to the place on the internet with the most information on the black race, make a thread about how they're just like us, and you expect what ? People to take you seriously ? They call you are a shill because you either are one at this point or you're dumb or ignorant enough to have that opinion in spite of all the evidence you have at your disposal, so it doesn't matter anyway.
> off topic info-graphs
> oh no they're censoring me with their facts

>> No.10482339


>> No.10482399 [DELETED] 

Hempseed pancakes for veg protein that has less estrogen than soy, and some biodynamic grown salads

You're implying Trump is a hillbilly? There are legitimate criticisms of him but this just makes you look mentally deficient. A New Yorker who inherited $100m, and married his kids off to prominent jewish families is a hillbilly?

>starting a war because you love your niggers so much
>having the highest population density of niggers in the country
>creating the biggest welfare states in history because you love your niggers and cheap labor so much
>being the factory for cuckservatives who "compromise" with leftists and agree to destroy rural white's drinking water, gun rights, job opportunities, and education

If you think debt and the next inevitable recession is any one party's fault, you watch too much Fox News/CNN/MSNBC/NewsCorp. Just wait for the inevitable subprime auto loan bubble to burst, along with the other housing loan bubble that has been building since 2012, and blame it on who you are told to. Did you really want another Clinton Administration, this time withOUT a dot com bubble for them to ride?

>> No.10482407
File: 49 KB, 600x800, C66897DD-A362-4473-BC93-83D03BDAA560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food & cooking

>> No.10482426

Hempseed pancakes to show him there are veg sources of protein with low(er) amounts of estrogen than soy, and some biodynamic grown salads.

>> No.10482431

Not edgy, just extreme political beliefs

>> No.10482442

Always assumed /ck/ to be the chill board that doesn't have /pol/bait threads. I was so naive.

>> No.10482453
File: 30 KB, 618x679, 1523822419323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag doesn't know that she can hide threads she doesn't like

>> No.10482459

It's usually the /pol/tards baiting leftists to destroy any chance of a good thread, but this was the opposite

>> No.10482461


>> No.10482463

she (male)

>> No.10482464


holy shit fall into a ravine and die

>> No.10482597

saving pic thx

>> No.10482742

the more people shit on hitler, the more I respect his views.

>> No.10482893

>you have to be /pol/ to admire a guy who believed in his views till the very end
I swearI am starting to believe the "/ck/ is the most female populated board" meme.

>> No.10482957

Edible bullets when.

>> No.10483059

Females don't like him because he only had 1 ball which helps explain why he was a low test pussfag.

For his birthday he would deserve nothing less than tofu marinated in soy sauce, miso soup made from soybean paste and a jug of soylent with copious quantities of sugar to wash it all down.

>> No.10483099

>German Chocolate Cake
>Cream Cheese Frosting

Pick one.

>> No.10483128

Welcome to the warped minds of today's youth.
Idiots on the left praising communism and stalin and idiots on the right praising hitler and fascism, illustrated perfectly here on 4chan.
This is why the world is fucked when the next generation takes over. Hopefully I don't make it that long.

>> No.10483131

We never said he was perfect. Hell, he didn’t even finish the job. Probably because of all that soy...

>> No.10483169

>all these btfo /pol/s

hell yes

>> No.10483190

Because there’s books out there written by members of Hitler's inner circle who assisted him with carrying out his final commands in April 1945 while trapped in Berlin, surrounded on all sides

>> No.10483201

There's no source because the guy you responded too is full of shit. The CIA only claimed there were updates to an investigation dating back to the 50's because of documents released around JFKs assassination. It was Columbia, not Argentina, and the agency's conclusion was that they were highly skeptical of the claims made in the documents.

>> No.10483203


>> No.10483278

Anything is edible if you're brave enough.

>> No.10484511
File: 573 KB, 267x199, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of triggered stormfags makes me chuckle.
also, checked.

>> No.10484550

He's lying.

>> No.10484576
File: 600 KB, 650x994, 565681CC0EC542C48407CC7D2945D75A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever the enlightened centrust.

>> No.10484596

He really hated commies. Turns out not all Jews are commies but all commies are Jews.

>> No.10484610

too bad your faggot grandpappy died fighting for gay disco globalism instead

>> No.10484640

>But all commies are jews
This is completely, verifiably false.

>> No.10484647

You're right, some of them are neocons

>> No.10484651

I mean, you should praise Stalin and Mao for pursuing their beliefs of maximizing human suffering as well.
If we're gonna be consistent.

>> No.10484655

>neocons are communists
Don't get me wrong, they're far from actual conservatives but this is the dumbest thing I've read all day

>> No.10484688

>You don't have to be /pol/ or a retarded college student to admire genocidal tyrants
Stormfags and commies are both delusional.

>> No.10484693

It was clearly meant that the remainder that aren't communists are neocons. Sorry this was lost on you, now stop arguing against points no one is making.

>> No.10484695


>> No.10484696

We weren't talking about all jews being communists, but all communists being jews.
PLEASE exercise reading comprehension and the ability to follow an argument.

>> No.10484706

>Sorry this was lost on you

>> No.10484877

False, all commies are capitalists or communists. Makes sense considering we're cattle to them.

>> No.10484900

Today OP is not a faggot

>> No.10486593

>muh gampy fought and died so ten year olds can be transgender niggerqueers
Lol bye-bye Gampy

>> No.10486599

He was Austrian you dumb fuck.

>> No.10486649

German apple cake sprinkled with raisins and hazlenuts, AKA "Furher Cake".

>> No.10486661

Haggis and mint juleps.