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10473387 No.10473387 [Reply] [Original]

corn or wheat?

>> No.10473389


Corn for anything other than burritos.

>> No.10473390

Aside from a few baked dishes, wheat is better in every way.

>> No.10473391

Flour because this is America and fuck you

>> No.10473396

>nutritionless carbs or nutritionless carbs

I'll take my lettuce wraps with extra meats and fats

>> No.10473397


>> No.10473402

Both are good for their proper applications, but corn has better flavor and texture.

>> No.10473403

Nixtamalized corn is hardly nutritionless, dummy.

>> No.10473406

>says the country that grows and eats more corn than any other
You are a faggot.

>> No.10473408

Wheat and flour. Never fucking corn unless you are frying it.

>> No.10473410
File: 109 KB, 768x1024, 1510517555697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both but corn is slightly better. Also Latinas are sexy

>> No.10473412

Corn overpowers the flavor of everything other than the spiciest ingredients unless it's drenched in sauce, and has the texture of dollar store paper towels. Fuck corn.

>> No.10473415

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.10473419

Great in syrup, shit in tor-tillya. Get your priorities straight, 3rd world cuck

>> No.10473423

i prefer corn for street tacos, but flour tacos for literally everything else

>> No.10473428

Kill yourself

>> No.10473430

So you prefer to look "cultured" in public, but would rather eat something that tastes good in private. Gotcha.

>> No.10473436

Found the palatelet.

>> No.10473439

Found the dude who collects his empty IPA bottles like pokemon cards

>> No.10473441

So, just how fat are you, pigboy?

>> No.10473451

I don't drink, except for special occasions. Which is why I'm both a better cook and have better tastebuds than you.

>> No.10473452
File: 1.44 MB, 640x640, gun_latina.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you guys fajitas, tamales, enchilada, tacos are the fucking bomb.

>> No.10473460

No I agree that corn is better, it's that fat woman that was disgusting

>> No.10473462

Healthy enough to keep your country fed with my scraps :)

>> No.10473463

fine then I won't post my whole folder of her

>> No.10473469

I'm a US citizen, you fucking fatass mong.

>> No.10473470

thank christ

>> No.10473472

This was my issue as well.
Thank you, but you should still kill yourself.

>> No.10473474

>corn for real cooked meat fillings
>wheat for modern american fillings like rice and beans
I prefer the corn tortilla meat filling package.

>> No.10473476

You sound just like the cast-iron cucks. Give it up. You got meme'd and having been living a subpar life. It's not too late to turn it all around. Take the flourpill.

>> No.10473481

I unironically heat up corn tortillas in my cast iron skillet.

>> No.10473490

Holy shit you’re a faggot. Many of the best chefs are chain-smoking drug addicted alcoholics. What you are is a fucking Nancy boy who needs to go back to plebbit with the rest of your kind.

>> No.10473509

>Many of the best chefs are chain-smoking drug addicted alcoholics
I'm not the person you replied to but that is pathetic af for it to be said almost as if it was a standard.

>> No.10473510

>If you're not a substance abuser, you're a faggot
You sure are overly defensive of your shitty life, aren't you? Also, all those "best chefs" you're talking about either quit drinking and drugging, or quit the business and become losers. You can't do both and survive. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.10473517

STFU, you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. Go back to snuffling up Taco Bell, mongrel.

>> No.10473518

You're so cool, dude.

>> No.10473526

corn tastes better, it is a better ingredient and "tool" for eating and they last much more.
Wheat can taste good but they are soft and can get gummy after a while. Plus, they usually have a very safe taste, a lot like bread. And like bread, they taste great when freshly made or lightly burned, but you gringos mostly eat pre-packaged tortillas, which taste like plastic.

This comes from a Mexican living in the Northern part of Mexico where you find both types, remember that a tortilla is also used for eating, so structural integrity and stiffness are very important, however, due to flour's more neutral flavor you can fry them and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on them while they are still hot and ten eat when they get warm.

>> No.10473549

I think I'll take our health standardized packaged tortillas over your abuela's fecal matter and cartel victim blood infused corn, Pablo.

>> No.10473564


>> No.10473579

corn for tacos
flour for burritos

>> No.10473600

Eurotrash here. I've only ever used the flour-based kinds for wraps and quesedillas.

I only use corn-based for deepfrying pieces into tortilla chips, or oven heating it into tortilla shells. How do make it into something that is actually tasty when filled with meat, sauce and veggies?

>> No.10473602

I agree with you on wheat being very "safe" tasting. I know exactly where you're coming from.

>> No.10473606

rip my sides

>> No.10473610

You just brown the corn tortilla a little bit on a heavy skillet.

>> No.10473643

before I get shit:
>meat=chicken thighs brined in lemon juice + 8% salt, then dried and dry-rubbed in cinnamon, koriander, black pepper, chili flakes, smoked paprika, garlic and onion powder cumin. Then pan fried.
>veggies = peppers/onion caramlised in pan
>sauce = tomatoes, onion, chili peppers, little bit of a sugar, salt, black pepper, cumin and sugar simmered into a sauce
>+sour cream

>> No.10473655

Not that guy but you can do both and thrive. Functional addicts are everywhere.

>> No.10473659

Tried it, it still tasted kind of carboard-y. Probably because it's pre-packaged way to dry(for preservative reasons). I googled making my own but without a press it seemed kind of impossible to get the thickness. I've yet to see a reliable recipe that uses a rolling pin.

>> No.10473697

If you put the dough ball on a flat surface, I think you can use a cast iron skillet to squash it into a perfect round.

>> No.10473701


>> No.10473749
File: 1.10 MB, 2560x1440, 20170216_173343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based spic telling the truth - homemade corn has a greater depth of flavor in addition to containing no fat. Flour tortillas are good but loaded with lard. Having said that any typical gringo pendejo that buys packaged, stale corn or flour tortillas at their pig slop trough wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

>> No.10473756

You sound like you gargle a lot of dicks

>> No.10473825
File: 35 KB, 422x506, 990c55c6132168190a9146f7604df6c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latinas are sexy but that one is disgusting look at her gut it's massive and hanging out over her pants

>> No.10473833

Both. Corn and wheat are both acceptable, but each has uses where they excel and uses where they are sub-par.

>> No.10473843

Corn if made fresh
Wheat otherwise

>> No.10473903
File: 674 KB, 1200x900, 4256_erin_m_7d517493-fc12-4901-8d7c-20683f93d2e8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using freedom-tillas

>> No.10473920

I do not know. I think its pretty sexy. There is this older latina lady where I work with that similar figure, and I think she is really attractive. I just want to bend her over, and fuck her. She has really nice full legs, nice ass, and breasts. I would really like her to get down on her knees, and suck my dick.

>> No.10473944

That's great dude, I'm really happy for you. Thanks for sharing this thoughtful post with the community.

>> No.10473968

anytime faggot

>> No.10474055

My gramps said the only reason they grew corn in his village was to feed the pigs

>> No.10474095

Your gramps sounds like a priveleged faggot.

>> No.10474111

>texture of dollar store paper towels
You need to soak corn tortillas in water first before you heat them up in a pan.

>> No.10474131

Corn if "authentic", wheat if I'm just making ground beef tacos at home.

>> No.10474142

corn eating pig detected

>> No.10474148

Fresh: corn
Store bought: flour

>> No.10476085

your gramps would get killed in my hometown for saying such things