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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10472408 No.10472408 [Reply] [Original]

I dumpster dived a crate of avacados, a bunch of cold brew coffee, loaves of bread, jalapeños, bell peppers, and fennel anise bulbs (similar to an onion?)
and then I got a can of creamed corn from the foodbank

I'm thinking sauté the peppers and fennel bulb and then adding creamed corn at the end and maybe even black beans at the

well I'm going to sauté the peppers and fennel and I am thinking of adding creamed corn at the end, is that a bad idea? would a can of black beans pair well with the creamed corn?

and then I'm gonna shove it all in big loaves of bread for authentic poboy sandwich
top with avacados and green onion

is this a bad idea? I've never used canned cream corn

>> No.10472452
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you should get add your name to some job applications you fucking lowlife hippie

>> No.10472509

why? so I can work a days worth of labor to afford this shit I pulled out of a trash can in 15minutes? and then not have time to cook it and enjoy it with my friends?

it took a while but I'm finally fettinng my priorities straight

>> No.10472519
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>Finally getting my priorities straight
>Doesnt want to get a job
>Actively dumpster diving to survive
Are your priorities to live like a feral raccoon?

>> No.10472529
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>> No.10472534
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actual picture of OP. yeah your parents must be really proud now that you're finally "fettinng" your priorities straight. christ.

>> No.10472561

Who's worse, OP or my faggot friend who doesn't want to get a job and is too proud to dumpster dive?

>> No.10472572

so are you naggotfiggers going to help me with this recipe?

duck you I'm doing it
black beans pair with sweet corn and anis pairs with black beans, idgaf. broke skateboarders are hungry they'll eat it

>> No.10472586

I recommend adding a liberal dose of arsenic to your dish.

>> No.10472607

Ripe avocados can be refrigerated at least a couple weeks. Just have one a day with your other stuff instead of trying to make a big batch that will immediately brown because you don't have lemons or yellow lemons.

>> No.10472637

>lemons or yellow lemons

>> No.10472657

do your friends know you're feeding them garbage?

>> No.10472672

What is it with fucking losers and skateboarding / riding a bmx bike as an adult?

>> No.10472677

i do not have a fridge

yes , I tell people before they eat it

>> No.10472698

Mexico doesn't have limons and limas. They have limons and limons amarillos.

>> No.10474139

dumb amerifat

>> No.10476071


>> No.10476079


I hung out with dumb skateboarders back in high school too and they would have thrown a hissy fit if I fed them creamed corn with fennel.

>> No.10476111

Anon you should do a Food Not Bombs some time

>> No.10476126

fuck these other fools, you're doing good son.

Make a sort of a guacamole out of the avocados, some of those jalapenos and spring onions. Get some lime because without it'll be shit. Eat that with the bread.

Cut the bell peppers and fennel to finger sized bits (the core of the fennel is hard so trash that). Throw in w them some of those spring onions also cut to little finger bits and some jalapenos if you want to. Saute them in a hot pan w some salt and little bit of sugar. Keep tossing that shit. When the peppers are soft throw some dark wine vinegar in it and let it boil and stain all that stuff. Take it of the stove and throw in some nuts and herbs if you got some, check the levels of salt and pepper. Serve that with some rice or whatever grains u got.

>> No.10476154

OP, your friend at least still has some form of standards and pride.

>> No.10478675

Hanging out all day without a job, dumpster diving, and being a fucking crusty greasy goddamned gutter trash is the literal opposite of doing good. Why don't the two of you retarded assholes meet up and eat dumpster guacamole out of each others assholes and blow each other fucking faggots.