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File: 88 KB, 767x767, waterglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10472288 No.10472288 [Reply] [Original]

Got any tips for making water taste good, or seem appetizing?

>> No.10472296

Add high fructose corn syrup, carbonation, and 23 original flavors.

>> No.10472297
File: 1.23 MB, 843x664, 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put kiwi and limes in it

>> No.10472300

Be thirsty. Serve it cold. Maybe with a slice of lime in there. Crushed ice = Heaven. Start out with good water, like distilled water.

>> No.10472301

Don’t be a fat fuck and stop asking for everything to apease your diabetic tongue
(Storyng a jar of water with rosemary and lemon slices in the fridge is also good)

>> No.10472302
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brush ya teeth
infuse with cucumber slices

>> No.10472303
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Add a slice of lemon for a gourmet touch.

>> No.10472304
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>> No.10472306

The best tasting water comes from a tap in California with a label that says "Do not use under penalty of law"

>> No.10472317

Vape it

>> No.10472321

be thirsty

>> No.10472362

I use those caffeinated water packets from walmart

>> No.10472374

I'm not sure if this thread is ironic or not

>> No.10472381

Enjoy your mineral deficiencies.

>> No.10472383

>falling for the fluoride meme

>> No.10472387
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Hot day, ice, 1 slice of lemon and using a fucking glass bottle to pour yourself a glas.

>> No.10472388

Okay Alex Jones

>> No.10472393

Just add lemon juice, no sugar necessary. Makes it a bit more desirable to drink

>> No.10472453

Add sirarcha to it

>> No.10472471

be thirsty before drinking it

>> No.10472506
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I see, you‘re a cultured man aswell.

>> No.10472555

That isn't a problem if you eat food. It can be worse for your teeth, so it's good to do a fluoride rinse. Swallowing it does no good.

>> No.10472611

Work out and live here in phoenix where it's fucking hot.

>> No.10472623

>From a glass to a glass
Just skip some steps

>> No.10472629

VOSS water is best, you get a free glass out of it for like $2.

>> No.10472640

Good quality ice is best. I don't know why but most restaurant ice tastes like literal garbage when it melts.

>> No.10472644
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>lemon juice
>no sugar necessary
>lemon juice

>> No.10472654

Clean and chilled water, not American brown water

>> No.10472679

serve it like the picture you posted, pre-chilled for a min or two

>> No.10472689


>> No.10472715

elderflower cordial
chill the water

alternatively, replace with alcohol

>> No.10472724

Wouldn't that dissolve your throat

>> No.10472739

Put any kind of fruit in the water bottle and store water bottle in the fridge for a day.

>> No.10472761

i don't mean to sound like a good ol' boy but manual labor is what makes water taste genuinely amazing, especially if it's cold and it's summer

>> No.10472804

I've tried it with strawbs, didn't work, just made the water taste bitter not like strawbs at all

>> No.10472825

Splash of vinegar. That's how the Romans did it. Works for me.

>> No.10472841
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the water of life

>> No.10472860

add 1/4 cup soylent powder

>> No.10472949

No additional sugar, sorry. Some people make lemonade out of the bottled juice AND white sugar, so I wanted to indicate that im just recommending to splash some lemon juice in the water. Marginally easier than slicing up a lemon

>> No.10472979

There is a reason restaurants do this.
Might be just in our minds but plastic is associated with cheapness and glas is not.

>> No.10473435

Move your disgusting fat ass. Water is great after a bit of exercise.

>> No.10473597
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>its safe to consume poison so long as its ppm is reallllllly low

yes....yes, 100% safe

>> No.10473633

Any idea on how to remove bleach taste and smell from water?

>> No.10473646

add more water

>> No.10473650

Chuck some fruit slices or flower petals in it. Filtered and distilled helps.

>> No.10473683

Seriously I can't even drink it at this point and must always but bottles,
It's even white sometimes

>> No.10473742

Use vape flavors. They make any kind you want.

>> No.10473764
File: 18 KB, 306x306, Humbah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add ice.

>> No.10473799

>nicotine infused flavored water
Is this DIY zippy water?

>> No.10473814

It makes me really sad that some areas don't have groundwater in their taps.

>> No.10473829

it literally is though
holy shit we established this centuries ago
Paracelsus motherfucker, have you heard of him?

>> No.10473836

but it turns the frogs gay

>> No.10473837

>drinking water from the dirty dirt
All my drinking water comes mined from 6 million year old glacial ice.

>> No.10473870

boil it to activate the nutrients

>> No.10473885

I find myself wanting to say this all the time when referencing strawberries but always catch myself and never do but it's all because of a fucking pop-tarts commercial.

>> No.10473901

Squeeze lime into it.

>> No.10473923

>its safe to consume poison so long as its ppm is reallllllly low
Are you implying this is false? That's literally a true statement.

>> No.10473978

I just pooped in your soup. It's fine tho don't worry. It was only a tiny poop. Eat up yum yum!

>> No.10474376

Mio and salt for a calorie free electrolyte booste

>> No.10474406

you just described all food ever. the air you breathe too.

>> No.10474443

Literally just go a while without it.
It goes from "Why the fuck do these waterysoyboys keep raving about this" to liquid crack.

>> No.10474461
File: 141 KB, 1018x728, 1523196846337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck am I supposed to wash my hands after I touch water?

>> No.10474809

If I'm starting to get dehydrated and getting a soda craving strong enough that water's no longer appealing I take a spoonful of hot sauce (slightly hotter than what I'm normally comfortable with) beforehand. Allows me to chug a good amount of water.

>> No.10474830

water already tastes good

u r a pleb my man

>> No.10474874

Drop of bitters

>> No.10474907

Looks like a comfy lunch

>> No.10474950

in seltzer, plastic also means a shittier seltzer. it leaks gas over time and is softer which means less CO2 can be dissolved. This makes a seltzer which is weaker and shittier to drink. glass bottle seltzer or nothing.

>> No.10475235

remember every time you smell a fart/outhouse smell/rotten food/formaldehyde it's tiny particles of whatever you're smelling that are entering your nose, lungs, and mucous membranes

>> No.10475352

Mature past the age of 18

>> No.10475365

with water

>> No.10475387

Wow, anon! A slice of lemon? You’re so cultured.

>> No.10475390
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I'm wearing my Dr. Pepper shirt rn

>> No.10475526

humans have solved this problem already

-add literally any flavor you like
-try both alkaline and acidic water

>> No.10475805

fuck outta here when i was younger and not eating at ruby tuesday, if i got a lemon in my water i was feeling high class

>> No.10475892

workout water will taste amazing afterward

>> No.10475959

Room temp just after waking up

>> No.10476194

Keep a Brita filter in your fridge so you'll see cool refreshing water when you open your fridge and drink that instead of stuff that makes you fat.

>> No.10476311

Most restaurants don't clean their ice machines, that's why

>> No.10476316
File: 271 KB, 1500x1500, rightcup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're looking for a Right Cup

>> No.10476858

That's atrazine

>> No.10476867
File: 10 KB, 203x271, saddog3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had enough money to drink as much soda as i wanted and after horrendous moments of weakness and sugar consumption water makes me feel clean again

>> No.10476916
File: 427 KB, 700x1049, Cucumber-Mint-Water-with-Lime-Infused-Water-Recipe-by-Five-Heart-Home_700pxZoom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cucumber, lime, and mint

>> No.10477016


>> No.10477024

have your boyfriend teabag it

>> No.10477036
File: 32 KB, 355x355, 51KUfBVg+1L._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a infuser waterbottle, handy if youre on the go allot
pic related
otherwise if youre using tap watet get a good water filter and just drop a few slices of fruit in it

>> No.10477089

Unironically this

>> No.10477315

what kind of shithole do you live in

>> No.10479060


Such refined post...

>> No.10479075

I once left the lemons in one of these for long enough for them to turn a dark green. Gave the water an almost minty taste.

>> No.10479297

herbal tea. I started brewing a shit load of it and putting it in growlers to make iced tea and I probably doubled my drinking intake