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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 508 KB, 5568x3712, Rpb7VEz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10470575 No.10470575 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10470578

It's hip to not like Japanese food on /ck/ now so I guess I dislike this.

>> No.10470588
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Lets eat

>> No.10470589

people have just started to see japanese food for what it is; overrated bland garbage with very little variety.

>> No.10470594
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>> No.10470597

I can taste the salt in this comment

>> No.10470600
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>> No.10470635

what happened to food pics from japan guy? is dirty dollar bill guy still around?

>> No.10470659
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Served at work party last week.

>> No.10470662
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Hazelnut chocolate candy. No is why it's Mozart themed.

>> No.10470669
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At the annual Shizuoka hanami festival

>> No.10470675
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Shizuoka - style oden

>> No.10470681
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Matcha ice cream Christmas cake

>> No.10470692
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Tokyo Borscht (more like a stew) and a tomato chicken soup.

>> No.10470698

This, it's instagram photobait but overhyped like nothing else

>> No.10470722

Spoken like a true cuck.

>> No.10470729
File: 610 KB, 1553x1254, 466C7086-C397-474A-BBA7-A6253FC2A3FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¥2000 in Osaka

>> No.10470738
File: 1.32 MB, 2370x1451, 005EABC4-88C0-49CA-B8CE-94152E88F130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¥5000 in Hiroshima

>> No.10470742

How does it feel to have your only knowledge about food be delivered to you through memes and shitposts?

>> No.10470751
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Ninja Noodle
¥6000 in Kyoto

>> No.10470767
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>> No.10470778
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I had some tamago kake gohan and I really disliked it. I wanted it to be good so I could have something else for breakfast that I don't normally have but I couldn't even finish a bowl of it. Disappointing. Don't fall for the Japanese breakfast meme

>> No.10470781

Jap food doesn't extend in the US much farther than Sushi joints and particularly bad Ramen.
And I grew up around San Francisco which is pretty much the best case.

>> No.10470797

That's spaghetti... ;(

>> No.10470804

That must be really tasty

>> No.10470828
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It was pretty good, but I prefered the mocha almond.

>> No.10470925
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>> No.10470968

sushi is disgusting

>> No.10470974


>> No.10470976
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>> No.10470978

>Around $130 for a day's food
Is this the next evolution of the Jiro meme? If you've lived in Japan outside of the tourist areas you would know that food for the average working man in restaurants is actually relatively cheap.
And no, I'm not JUST talking about those shitty meat scrap and rice bowls.

>> No.10470981
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Banzai meatloaf and rice fries
¥1200 in Tokyo

>> No.10470982
File: 2.72 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_5387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, set menus are plenty of food and usually like ¥1000

>> No.10470985

Even that's on the pricier side for something like lunch. It looks good, though.

>> No.10470996
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>ITT: I went to a bunch of tourist traps in Tokyo and was disappointed to be served bland food obviously catered to Westerners

Let's post some real japanese food. Starting with Sansai Soba

>> No.10471002

why do nips bastardize other nation's foods like this?

>> No.10471003


>> No.10471006
File: 945 KB, 1661x1526, 7B2D5EB6-C211-4F5B-B772-13D8EED57284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¥150 in Hiroshima

>> No.10471008

like most food, everyone have their like and dislike.
I hate food that slimy and mussy so i don't like tamago gohan, also rare steak too.

>> No.10471015
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korokke, the unsung hero of the コンビニ

>> No.10471021
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I prefer tempura because it's easier on my tough than korokke.

>> No.10471023
File: 239 KB, 800x638, japanese-cabbage-pancake-okonomiyaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fag still mad he blew 50000 yen on maid cafes and never got his japanese gf

you guys probably know this one but, seriously, if you ever get the chance to come to japan, get an okonomiyaki.

>> No.10471024
File: 3.23 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_4316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do burgers?

Also you realize that guy is shitposting, right?

Here's real Japanese western food. A double burger with Shizuoka wasabi mayo.

>> No.10471028

that sesame seed distribution looks a little questionable

>> No.10471035

I hate burgers

>> No.10471036

>that sesame seed distribution looks a little questionable
It's because Japan is so autistically obsessed with making food look good. In fact the number one reason why fruit is so infamously expensive in Japan is because if they look even a little weird they just toss 'em.

>> No.10471045

>if they look even a little weird they just toss 'em.
This, if a peach is a little uneven or have a small hole because it got pick the wrong way.
They throw it instantly into the trash.

>> No.10471078
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Everything in this thread looks great -- except that nasty canned tomatoes barf on this plate

I get it, its a japanese english breakfest thing, just improvise and grill something fresh, anything

>> No.10471146

>English food still fucking disgusting even when bastardized

>> No.10471174

a sloppo' shit if i've ever seen one

>> No.10471178
File: 1.05 MB, 1610x1672, 2F1B1243-EF32-4E32-8FD3-C99266883692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese stir fried wagyu wit vegetables

>> No.10471183
File: 1.09 MB, 2146x1935, 3B9FC1AE-330D-417E-BB2E-9C29C7BB0332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first attempt at Japanese ramen right before I added the broth.
Turned out pretty good.

>> No.10471195

>exchange rates never change

>> No.10471199

Most of them are niggers that post fast food threads and terrible memes. Don't let them keep you down.
That being said, most other Asian countries have better cuisine kek.

>> No.10471461

because mozart kugeln are a thing?

>> No.10471501

>40 dollars for a bowl of stir fry

>> No.10471554

there is reason why it's a meme. steamed rice and raw egg give one of the most beautiful combinations.

but you have to open that flavor. rice should be steaming hot. egg should be flavorful like egg, don't know how to describe it, try free range. most important, when combining with rice, egg should start to cook. it shouldn't become scrambled, no curdled white or yolk allowed, half way through is enough.
to avoid sliminess let it rest a couple of minutes after combining, or try to add two yolks instead of a whole egg. also you can take approx 100g, handful, i don't know, of rice per one egg. aim for slightly soupy, slightly runny consistency. egg will stay raw at this stage. put it on fire; med, med-hi. stir constantly to the point when egg becomes to coagulate, colour changes to paler, light streaks appears on surface. texture will become silky and creamy.

not only for breakfast, i eat it whenever i can reach it.

>> No.10471578

Japan is very expensive.
Also the USD/JPY exchange rate was very poor when I lived there

>> No.10471584

When I lived in Tokyo for five years working as an animator for a well know studio I found the exchange rate particularly bad however I was earning a large wage so it didn’t matter too much.

>> No.10471728

There are places like that. They also tend to be the only places with English menus, kek.
That said, you can also get a bowl of stir-fry in Japan for 230 yen. Just depends on where you look and whether you're an Ameritard otaku like the guy posting these pics.

>> No.10471732

I often make this at home, it is probably my favourite dish

>> No.10472101

What is it??

>> No.10473287

Why isn't soba more popular here? I have to go way out of the way to get anything more than cold noodles and a sweet broth on the side. So annoying

>> No.10473301

may as well call steak bland because it's not deep fried and covered in sugar.

Assuming you are knocking sushi, it is all about a good quality cut of fish. Of course there are lots of ways to decorate it up too (thanks amerilards)

>> No.10473443

Just fucking cook the egg next time, and add some hot sauce and sautéed vegetables.

>> No.10473478

They burned the shit out of that burger

>> No.10473537

>why do yanks bastardize other nation's foods like this?

>> No.10474270

You have a weak childish sense of taste

>> No.10474309

I ate for next to nothing when I was in Japan. I would sit in restaurants and just tell them to bring me what everyone else is eating. If they didn’t speak English, I would just point to someone else’s food. Didn’t care much what it was, if it was good enough for him it was good enough for me. I’m not surprised some faggot who took a pic of everything he ate and recorded the price of everything spent this much on food. This is why the Japanese hate weebs. They have no issue with guys like me who just wander around drunk and just want to have a laugh. It was hard to stay sober with all the young guys buying me booze all the time so I would hang out and talk with them for a few minutes.

>> No.10474772

Idk how soon this thread will die, but shooting anyway.

Any personal recs for kaiseki in Tokyo? I'm a little overwhelmed with tablelog and apparently ratings are so-so because the Japanese are picky.

>> No.10474813

Its extremely cheap to eat in Japan if you don't try to eat like an American. That means consuming a lot more fish and not eating massive steaks. The first month you'll feel hungry all the time but then after that when you visit home you'll realize how gross the amount of food is that restaurants typically serve

>> No.10475000

Real talk, why don't asian dishes have cheese in them? Hell, even Indian food and Mediterranean dishes have cheese in them. Asian dishes tend to be the only dishes that don't use cheese.

>> No.10475004

this is a food and cooking board stop asking about gay sex tourism.

>> No.10475015

What's the Japanese food with largest service size?

>> No.10475020
File: 76 KB, 800x470, Intolerance-lactose-carte-monde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asians have a higher lactose intolerant rate than most the world.

>> No.10475159

I guarantee you've never eaten at a Japanese restaurant.

>> No.10475538

Japanese cuisine may be good at making the most out of simplicity, but because of this it can get quite boring after a while, aside from the more traditional stuff (which is what i like the most) everything is blander chinese rip offs and deep fryed everything.

Just not that great and overrated

>> No.10475543

He probably has eaten at a "Japanese" restaurant run by Vietnamese with a sushi bar 100s of miles from the ocean

>> No.10475545

I'm a complete and total weeb but even I think Japanese food pales in comparison to Chinese food.

>> No.10475971
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>> No.10475993
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>> No.10476371
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>> No.10476381
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>> No.10476388

mah nigga

>> No.10476602

i can't believe you brainlets fell for this obvious bait. He didnt even do the romanji right.

>> No.10476895
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Clearance at my grocery store.
They're very bananay.

>> No.10476914

Yo I'm the same way.
I want to move to Japan for the culture, but I know if I did I'd probably buy half my groceries from a Chinese store and just make Chinese food all the time lol

>> No.10476919

>t. Butthurt weeb who’s never actually been to japan

>> No.10476920

I can understand wanting to dot he tourist thing, I would like to do that, but 40 dollars for a bowl of stir fry is ridiculous. Is he going to maid cafes with yakuza bouncers?

>> No.10476930
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This is the version I had at one of the ‘England’ themed cafes I went to.
The crazy nips are obsessed with the UK, Royalty and all the that stereotypical bong stuff.

>> No.10476935

Maid cafes are made for Western tourists. Same thing with capsule hotels, love hotels, all the indoor theme parks, anything "weird" or "kooky" in Tokyo is designed to extract as much money from Westerners as possible.

Native Japanese otaku are way too socially anxious to go to a maid cafe, and most other Japanese people don't give a shit about them.

>> No.10477310
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>> No.10477339


>> No.10477341

How is MOS burger? I've never had a chance to try it.

>> No.10477373

It's ok, better than McDonald's, not as good as A&W.
There are better burger chains in all honesty.

>> No.10477703
File: 62 KB, 607x405, kushi katsu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality jap nigiri is why they prefer this to rolls
I hated nomikai food when I worked in japan. always "formal" so the portions were even smaller and the flavors completely nonexistent and bland cuts of raw shit. and the only thing you could get drunk on was the cheap shit sweet potato shochu fire water.
more bland "traditional" shit
little grilled or fried meats are where jap food is motherfucking excellent. kushi katsu was the best, pic related.
nah, dude, plastic wrapped tuna mayo sushi rolls were best get from convenience stores
might be oyakodon, which is an egg and chicken mix piled on top of rice in a bowl. could be wrong though
theyre way more into france and its cuisine than britbongistan dude
also check out my photos of jap food in dying thread:

>> No.10477731
File: 170 KB, 957x1300, kushiage-japanese-food-kushikatsu-deep-fried-skewers-61648406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kushi katsu had lots of great vegetables too. crunchy lotus wheels, mushrooms, and hard boiled quail and whole chicken eggs were the shit too.
good japanese food is what i truly miss from that humid, rainy, peer pressure-based expensive hellhole.

>> No.10477744
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Stamina-don(Pork bowl)

>> No.10477756

and donburi plates were always good. there was a local one I always ordered with tender chicken, a soft boiled egg, seaweed, bonito, sesame, ginger piled on top.

>> No.10477762
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forgot pic

>> No.10478313
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Japanese pizza is good when seaweed but bad when little bits of corn all over

>> No.10478314
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Did the Japanese have cheese before the gaijin came?

>> No.10478316
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>> No.10478322

I really don't think so but not sure

>> No.10478323

it's a raw egg on rice, what did you expect

>> No.10478421

Nah, for a while they didn't even have livestock.

>> No.10478438
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Why so little ramen? Ramen is too delicious

>> No.10478454
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The fuck? Even African tribesmen had livestock. How did they turn out so good?

>> No.10478498

t. flyover thats only ever eaten at happi house.

>> No.10478512

My local favorite Japanese restaurant nearby servers Soba. Its great, really flavorful stuff.

>> No.10478515

>wasabi mayo
where can I get this?

>> No.10478519

>rice in ramen
is that a thing?

>> No.10478526

Cow's milk was never really a very cultivated ingredient in East Asia and hence it's not really implemented in their cuisine and many have a lactose intolerance.

>> No.10478527

I get the impression that its something you're better off making yourself

>> No.10478529

Why do Japanese like kit kats so much?

>> No.10478537

If you want a detour away from ramen and sushi get some udon with tempura, gyudon, or soba. Don't restrict your tastes in Japanese cuisine to just two things that everyone eats to the point of blandness.

>> No.10478548

The name "kit kat", when spoken by a Japanese person, is "kitto katto". And that sounds very similar to the japanese phrase "kitto katsu", which means "[you are] sure to win". So people eat them as sort of a good-luck-charm before some kinnd of important event, like taking a big exam, work interview, important buisiness meeting, etc. Sounds silly but is 100% true. Google it!

>> No.10478667

so you dont mix until after the first 2 minutes or do you just not supposed to mix the egg with the rice at all?

>> No.10478669

I like california rolls cheap and hard to mess up and always tasty

>> No.10478682

they didn't eat meat back in the day

>> No.10478801

This is wrong and dumb.
I've stayed in several capsule hotels, and there are always plenty of Japanese people there.

My first trip to Japan a friend demanded to go to a maid Cafe. They have a card system where every X number of visits your rank levels up, and you get discounts and shit.
While we were there they had a celebration because some salaryman was on his 500th visit. A weirdo sitting next to us was singing along with all the songs.
Japanese people absolutely go to maid cafes.

And as for indoor theme parks, if you are counting stuff like Namja Town in Sunshine City you're wrong there too.
What the fuck, man?

>> No.10479000

>still not green texting

>> No.10479004

How did you do that?

>> No.10479119
File: 209 KB, 1200x797, 1200px-Gyuu-don_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here eat Gyudon on the regular? It's pretty nice for how easy and cheap it is.

>> No.10479131
File: 38 KB, 520x520, Cjjwi2JUoAE2tIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste, most donburi is pretty good either way too.

>> No.10479140

did you put it on warm or cold rice or something? rice should be rice cooker hot
I bet you think carbonara is a slimy meme too

>> No.10479149

Where do you go where food is less than $10? Mcdonald's?

>> No.10479151

bowl of ramen is 100 yen most places

>> No.10479253

Nigga what? ¥500 at least, but often ¥700 and up if you get stuff on it.

>> No.10479306


>> No.10479365

Fast food/chain ramen goes for 100-200 yen but if you get it from a local restaurant it's more like 500

>> No.10479429

What a fucking shit thread.

>> No.10479442

But raw fish tho
Sashimi mastrrace you filthy gaijin

>> No.10479484

I spent 4 weeks in Japan and I agree with this.

Still a great country.

>> No.10479594

wrong. i miss being in japan mostly because of the food. Yoshinoya was good as fuck and cheap. I would go to Pepperlunch on the reg too and it was pretty baller. that was japanese "fast food", if you go to a nice place, you get truely unique food you cant get in a western place. im not even a weeb or anything, i just happen to be stationed there so its not like I would talk it up for no reason. People that believe the meme of jap food being bland or boring are mouth breathing niggers.

>> No.10479609
File: 1.89 MB, 1200x788, IMG_452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its good as fuck

>> No.10479631

Are you mentally handicapped (retarded)?

>> No.10480015

I've been in Japan since time began, listen to ME.

>> No.10480182

Convenient (konbini) stores, my dude.

>Lawson's has healthier options
>family mart has the best fried chicken
>7-11 likes to release seasonal/limited time only items.

Either way, it's a helluva lot better and cheaper than McD's, and you'd be eating what most Japanese folks would be eating. There is also plenty of other kinds of restaurants that are affordable and filling (noodle, curry shops are notoriously cheap). I can't think of any particular chains off my head, but a quick Google / YouTube search is helpful. Also there are often menus listed outside the eatery if you want to check prices.

It's not too hard to eat cheaply in Japan. The most expensive part of a traveling budget is the plane ticket and lodging (& JR passes if you're doing that).

Unless the exchange rate is against your favor, you should be fine budget wise.

That being said, I hope you don't plan on going to Japan with the intent on eating cheaply the whole time. It's ok to splurge a little bit. Stuff like meals at ryokans, Kobe/wagyu beef, and even some desserts that are generally hard to find outside of Japan are worth it imo.

I'd probably avoid gimmicky character cafes unless you're really into the kawaii culture aspect. Like maid cafes, food is generally mediocre for what you're paying.

>> No.10480454
File: 7 KB, 260x141, 260px-Fermentedchilibeancurd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fermented bean curd is their version of cheese, kinda like blue cheese

>> No.10480702

I had some tofu that was described to me as being pickled in miso that tasted exactly like a smoked cheese. It was awesome.

>> No.10481174
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>> No.10481264

Why are you frogposting at me?

>> No.10481625
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>> No.10482081

They didn't even have bread or frying, and many other things. Both things the 'Tugas introduced to them.

>> No.10482091

you mix, you always mix. waiting can eliminate sogginess and raw taste of white. mixture will mysteriously thicken after a while, i don't know the science behind it. but if rice is cold, it won't benefit much. and if rice is properly hot, it isn't necessary.
on the other hand, you can add egg to cold rice and then reheat it to desirable degree of creaminess. think of it as carbonara, as some gentleman has pointed out.

just remember
very-hot-|rice| + not-too-cold-|egg| = moderately-hot-|egg-over-rice|

>> No.10482243

i love carbonara. The taste of the tamago kake gohan was just very lackluster, although for some reason it had a nice aftertaste. I put the egg in right after my rice was finished cooking in the rice cooker, moron

>> No.10482481

sashimi-Konjac interesting.

>> No.10482610

konyaku is flavorless filler garbage that is only still eaten cus of tradition, and was eaten in the past cus people had to eat whatever they could, not cus it actually tastes good in any way.

>> No.10482660


nigga no

>> No.10483260

>not Red Wings
What a faggot

>> No.10483451

710 ~828Age ( Asuka jidai), there was a way to make cheese in the book called Engisiki .

That book said they used it to devote for god and medicine..

>> No.10483982

Did you add some MSG and a splash of soy sauce like your supposed to.

>> No.10483987

Konyaku is a popular diet food. It fills you up without having appreciable calories. I agree it's not very good but it does have a purpose beyond muh tradition.

>> No.10483999

>I've only ever eaten at Asian-fusion restaurants and "Japanese" restaurants run by Chinese immigrants

I'm from Western Washington and I can tell you, without a doubt, Japanese food can be amazingly flavorful.

>> No.10484009

Funny. I was just talking about oyakodon with a co worker today. I've made it before even. Good stuff.

>> No.10484010

did you use no seasonings and literally just eat egg on rice?

>> No.10484456

Yeah, it's one of my go-tos for a quick and easy meal.

>> No.10484932

Looks bang on mate

>> No.10484935

People like this almost shame me into shaving off my beard, but luckily I just look angry all the time.

>> No.10485294

You're witnessing someone that's gotten so into the identity politics of a website that they literally do not know how else to react to something.

>muh frog

>> No.10485958
File: 110 KB, 1080x1440, L5EfATs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10486250

soy sauce, sake, mirin