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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 234 KB, 1400x788, starbucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10462190 No.10462190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Welcome to Starbucks, anon! What can I get started for you?

>> No.10462203

iced vanilla late, venti.
no, i do not have a barnes & noble rewards card.

>> No.10462208

You can get directions to a real coffee shop.

>> No.10462216

>The leftists have turned against Starbucks
This is the bullshit they both deserve.

>> No.10462223

>when liberal's pet Negroes turn on them
I have all I need, madam.

>> No.10462232
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>tfw Starbucks is the best coffee shop in my town even though all the other ones are doing the whole “LOOK AT US! WE’RE SMALL AND UNIQUE AND PRETENTIOUS AND WE HAVE THE BEST COFFEE IN THE WORLD”

>> No.10462240

Steal the tip jar and run.

>> No.10462254

'bucks, eh? Well Mr. 'rista, I'll take a 'ti 'cha 'no.

>> No.10462269

>Be flyover dweller
>His best coffee shop is a Starbucks
It checks itself out.

>> No.10462275

Caffé Americano, iced with two extra espresso shots

>> No.10462276
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Sad really.

>> No.10462287

There's around seven or eight coffee shops locally that aren't black horse or starbucks and only one of them consistently makes decent coffee. There's even a microroaster that routinely puts out sour diarrhea.
I just don't know anonymous.

>> No.10462293

Grande earl gray tea with one pump of vanilla syrup, extra tea bag please.

>> No.10462295

Ok I've been seeing this shit all week and I have no idea what's going on?
With with the blacks protesting Starbucks?

>> No.10462387


Two black men were simply sitting down waiting for their white friend to show up

>> No.10462394

Why are they protesting Starbucks though?

>> No.10462396
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Starbucks® Blonde Cappuccino please :)

>> No.10462408

Don't know

>> No.10462416

To raise awareness and concern? If no one batted an eye at this nothing would have been done.

Fuck Starbucks though. I've had a similar experience with them in being denied to use the restroom even though I had already ordered something. I know there's a lot bums around that area, but fuck just let me use the restroom instead of resorting to pissing outside your establishment. Cunts.

>> No.10462422

Cause white people love starbucks.
And fuck white people.

>> No.10462430

Nah, fuck the bums. They are literal animals. You let one questionable looking person in to use the washroom, the next minute there's a manifesto written on the walls written in shit

>> No.10462439

yeah, there's a boutique coffee shop in my city that sells 8 dollar espressos that all come out tasting like sour cigarettes. what irked me the most about going there is that i walked in, ordered an espresso and the teller said "which one?" i told her to give me whatever she recommends, but she started in on some diatribe about their two different offerings.

like, i ordered a fucking espresso. i told you to give me whatever you recommend. i made this so, so easy for you, and i'm promising you 8 of my dollars if you could just give me a goddamn shot of coffee. unreal.

and then it ends up tasting like sour fucking cigarettes.

>> No.10462442

Or OD in the bathroom. Seriously, I live in a relatively safe area and we still have druggies shooting up in bathrooms everywhere.

>> No.10462447

2 blacks got arrested in Philly cause they wanted to use the bathroom and the manager wouldn't let them cause they wouldn't buy anything. They were waiting for a "friend" aka drug dealer most likely

>> No.10462458

Granted if you paid you should have been let in

but NOPE
fucking drug addicts and bums keep leaving needles in the trash can or storing shit in the floor drain, and then taking the lid with them. Or people ripping toilet paper to shreds on the floor, or just outright stealing a full roll.
Or stealing tips
Or stealing donation money
fuck bums

They also tried to camp outside for the longest time until we kept calling the cops on them for 2 months straight.

>> No.10462459

Large black coffee please.

>> No.10462460


Which is why I said that I understand that they would limit them to paying customers only. Doesn't help that the cunt at the cashier replies in a rude tone and immediately goes back to talk to some blue haired twat about some inane shit.

>> No.10462466

The person they were waiting for was an older, white real estate developer. They were commercial real estate agents. If your going to be a racist piece of shit, at least get the facts straight.

>> No.10462471

>immediately goes back to talk to some blue haired twat about some inane shit.
I really do hate that shit.

But yeah, be wary of bums and their bummish ways. Sometimes they'll trick you by buying some cheap coffee. And they use that as an excuse to become Poocasso all over the mirrors

Take some effort to appear more hygienic, mate. Being mistaken for a bum is on you, not them

>> No.10462474

Well if they were so upper class, why didn't they just buy something? They're not running a charity.

>> No.10462476

Those are some shitty employees. You should've made a complaint.

>> No.10462481

lol dude called the fucking cops on them and had them arrested for trespassing. you don't think that's a little extreme?

>> No.10462486


They weren't waiting for anyone. They were just being a nigger you jerk off. NPR did a whole story on it.

>> No.10462489

they were given every opportunity to leave

>> No.10462491

I'm sure there was some escalation there.
>Sirs, if you are not going to order anything, then I must ask you to leave
>No, we're waiting for someone
>Nonetheless, policy is that you must be a customer to use our premises
>We're not leaving.

What then? That's trespassing

>> No.10462492

>Take some effort to appear more hygienic, mate. Being mistaken for a bum is on you, not them

I would mate but I had driven off to a construction site for a catering gig. No time or place to get fixed up.

>> No.10462517

One Venti vanilla FRAAAAP please, extra foam

>> No.10462522

>When police arrived, two Starbucks employees told them two men had asked to use the restroom but were told they couldn't because they hadn't purchased anything. The men allegedly refused to leave after being asked by Starbucks employees. Ross also said the two men refused to leave after being asked three times by police officers.

Now I'm just mad this is a even a fucking story.
Get asked to leave by the employees. Get asked to leave by the police.
Say no no no no no no.
What the fuck did they expect to happen?
Private. Fucking. Property.

>> No.10462524

Black people need constant attention be it negative, positive or anything in between.

>I'm buying commercial real estate but can't afford a cookie or black coffee....yeah right

>> No.10462655

is it racist to point out how unkempt they are and wearing sweatpants?

>> No.10462744

nothing, their black coffee is shit and over priced

>> No.10462759

>arrested for trespassing
Every fucking time. Even the smart, rich ones can't help but be entitled and chimp out apparently.

>> No.10462761

i remember my first time seeing a nigger. it was a lot like this.

>> No.10462767
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Black...to go.

>> No.10462772

the best part is that "normal" people see this replayed over and over on the internet and more get redpilled every day.

>> No.10462791

They don't though.
They hear what they want to hear
>Blacks unlawfully arrested for doing nothing!
>Typical of the Trump era... *sips soy latte*

>> No.10462823

I'm going to buy a super venti 8$ latte and a 4$ muffin that they microwave, to show my support for their anti-black policy

>> No.10462835
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>> No.10462854

>One white guilt coming up

Live by the white genocide, die by the white genocide. If this had happened at Chick-Fil-A the company would have backed up the owner and have faggots with megaphones kicked out and all would be right with the world ...

>> No.10462869

maybe, but fuck starbucks
the left eating their own is glorious

>> No.10462873

>The person they were waiting for was an older, white real estate developer. They were commercial real estate agents.
who the fuck cares, buy something or get the fuck out

>> No.10462885

But they're not eating their own
They've turned hard on the poor manager who was doing his job. I bet that guy wasn't a fart smelling leftist. And he got fucked over hard by this debacle
The sad irony is that he'll probably end up homeless and refused access to Starbuck's bathrooms

>> No.10462894

>The sad irony is that he'll probably end up homeless and refused access to Starbuck's bathrooms

lol no. He's white, he'll be fine.

>> No.10462909

what he's saying is that blacks should have to follow different rules than everyone else and then calls someone a racist for not agreeing lol

>> No.10462913

>applies to next job
>HR googles his name
Yeah, he's never being hired as a manager again

>> No.10462944

I will hire him to guard my white hipster coffee shop away from n words

>> No.10462955

Two black men had the cops called on them for not leaving when asked to since they weren't buying anything

>> No.10462970

you're insane if you think liberal soyboy numales are anywhere near managerial positions where this guy would turn up

>> No.10463013

No, they weren't. The cops blocked them in with chairs during questioning and then, when the man they were meeting arrived, and verified their story, the cops COULD have allowed them to leave, but arrested them anyway. Also, they were there 15 min before the white manager bitch called 911. You're just a fucking racist. If the shoe was on a WHITE foot, you'd be having a temper tantrum.

>> No.10463026

>anytime whites aren't uplifted as superior we cry "white guilt" and stamp our wittle feet

>> No.10463038

I'm just happy there is less criminal scum off my streets. Them being black is just a bonus.

>> No.10463050

>uplifted as superior
>having anything to do with soy-humans crying every time a negro has a shitty day, or climbing up on the cross to atone for crimes of birth whenever a white person does something fucked up
But at least you snuck in an infantile facebook tier jibe you amazing fucking retard.

>> No.10463057

You need to wipe that shit chip off your shoulder, grow the fuck up, and get educated. Your ignorance is not equal to my knowledge.

>> No.10463059

They were released, dumbass.

>> No.10463062

The charges were dropped, you fucking tardfart.

>> No.10463065

they'll be back in jail eventually
bank on it

>> No.10463071

>educate urself witeboi
>das ignant
>im a scholar because my black history degree says so
your knowledge is equal to shit, your arguments are equal to shit, your life is equal to shit. Fuck off back to wherever you came from.

>> No.10463073

> If the shoe was on a WHITE foot, you'd be having a temper tantrum.
yeah, because it would be wrong if this happened to a white person

>> No.10463083

I've personally called the cops less than 60 seconds after asking someone to leave the store when they refused back when I was working retail. Guess what, they were white.
Also, you don't get a free pass on your crimes if you stop doing them when the police show up. Cops were called for trespassing, offenders were found trespassing at the scene of the crime. At that point it doesn't matter if the cops give them the chance to leave or not, they're already enough circumstantial evidence for an arrest.

>> No.10463097

Your part of the problem in this country. You should move, you little totalitarian gimp.

>> No.10463098

They dindu nuffin'! Them boize was good n' shit, turnin they lives around, goin to church and skool n' shit.

>> No.10463102

Get back in your trailer and stfu, Cleetus.

>> No.10463111

>You should move
You're so mad you can't even be bothered to make sense.
Want another shocker? The people I called the cops on didn't get arrested because they left after realizing I actually called the cops on them instead of staying in the store pretending to be entitled princesses.

>> No.10463113

You should be kissing their asses for inventing the power grid, computer, and internet you're using to express your misplaced shitskin pride.

>> No.10463116

extra large cold brew black

It's like chocolate milk for grown ups.

>> No.10463117

>The person they were waiting for was a Mexican drug dealer there to sell them crack. If you're going to be a butthurt piece of shit whiteknight, then get your fucking facts together.

>> No.10463119

That's poor people's fault. I hate poor people because they're not responsible enough to use a fucking bathroom and they don't use coasters.

>> No.10463131

>establish store policy to prevent bums, addicts, and niggers from chimping out in your store and destroying your public bathroom
>ask blacks to abide by policy
>blacks proceed to go full on nigger mode
>cops come and arrest niggers for nigging

Nothing to see here.

Fuck black people.

>> No.10463142

fucking loled

>> No.10463145


>> No.10463147

Tall dark please.

>> No.10463151

U mean wyp*po

>> No.10463158


Hilarious and sadly true.

>> No.10463184

Don't confuse poor with homeless. I've met some cool, hardworking, proud poorbros.
Handouts abound in the US despite the memes, including food, shelters, medical treatment, halfway homes, rehab and public housing. If you're completely homeless for years you are truly fucked in the head or on dope/crack.

>> No.10463203
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My nigga. I have never met another person who likes black cold brew.

>> No.10463231


>> No.10463304

>Older, white people can't be drug dealers
Who's the racist piece of shit, you prick?

>> No.10463347

what happened? is starbucks "too white" or something?

>> No.10463359 [DELETED] 

do your bakeries dont have a coffee shop?

>> No.10463367


>> No.10463374
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>> No.10463376

>what happened?
Whites stopped busting open the heads of uppity blacks fucking shit up for the rest of society is what happened.

>> No.10463375

No you.

>> No.10463380

>what happened? is starbucks "too white" or something?

Trespassing/Loitering niggers wanted to use the bathroom and sit in starbucks w/o buying anything.

Was asked repeatedly by employees to leave and they refused

Police were called and they asked the niggers to leave numerous times, they refused

Niggers were arrested

Apparently this is racism ....fuck I hate niggers, kill them all now

>> No.10463387

You put that tin foil hat on extra tight this morning, didn't you?

>> No.10463388


>> No.10463474

So a man that manages abandon buildings and sells to people, sounds like the perfect skillset to pick up a side job of slinging crack. You're just a narrow-minded asshole.

>> No.10463758

Ethiopian Clover, medium
2 shots of espresso
1 shot of blond espresso
Matcha powder
Lemon Wedge

Once I get it pull out flask and pour in a shot of Nikolai

Perfect coffee by far. Everyone else can leave

>> No.10463777

Vanilla bean hazelnut

>> No.10463873

They were on private property and didn’t buy anything, then were told to fuck off. Now you fuck off cuck

>> No.10463895
File: 42 KB, 498x614, FF93B92E-1DCC-472D-B8D6-6C59F8783BCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a cuck
You are a disgrace to the entire human population

>> No.10463919

oh, you'll get teabagged alright.

>> No.10463944

If you're going to start trouble I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

>> No.10463970

a cookie pwease

>> No.10463991
File: 223 KB, 1300x957, wisconsin-brookfield-brookfield-square-mall-cell-u-all-phones-black-AW1BG6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi, may I please use the restroom? I'm waiting for a friend

>> No.10464025

We get the exact same thing anon

>> No.10464031
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>Ross also said the two men refused to leave after being asked three times by police officers.
Why do blacks always have to argue/fight with the police? Do they not realize this is why Treyvon, Mike Brown, and every other negro got in trouble? And then the Jew media leaves those parts of the stories out to make it look like they were upstanding citizens who did nothing and were harassed by white supremacist cops.

>> No.10464083

Even McDonalds have better coffee than Starbucks. Try harder.

>> No.10464089

Because jews and good goys reward them for it. The manager got fired, they get 15 minutes of fame.

If they pulled it in a bagel shop it wouldn't have been news.

>> No.10464153

Because you tolerate it instead of busting heads and kicking them the fuck out of your nations.

>> No.10464196

What happened?

>> No.10464212

zimzam isn't a cop

>> No.10464218

They were breaking the rules, they were asked to comply, they didn't, they were asked to leave, they didn't, at that point they're trespassing and it was perfectly appropriate to call the cops. As someone who's worked at a restaurant it's routine to call the cops on someone who's asked to leave and refuses. It really says something about black people that even rich real estate developer black people can't abide by simple rules, and act like they're the victims when they're punished for it. And apparently can't afford to buy a cookie and avoid the whole thing, which is what any normal person would do if they were told to buy something or GTFO.

>> No.10464297

What kills me most about the microroaster place is there's clearly 40 grand worth of equipment just along the bars. Let me pull three shots myself I'll calibrate it for you.

>> No.10464304
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#Strawberryverymuchfrappucino お願いします

>> No.10464329

>And apparently can't afford to buy a cookie and avoid the whole thing

Their egos can't afford it, they're keeping it real ... really niggardly retarded.

>> No.10464344

Because they're going to obviously blame Starbucks for what happened.

Boycotting businesses is the new trend.

>> No.10464356
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The fuck you mean bitch I work here with you.

>> No.10464589

maybe they should had have just fucking left

>> No.10464596


>Antagonizing the Starcucks employee and not the person who did it or just the business itself

>> No.10464694

why are they bullying him? is he the manager in the news?

>> No.10464772
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>they were commercial real-estate agents
What kind of real estate agent wears this shit?

>> No.10465183

What kind of clothing changes an American's rights?

>> No.10465201

Starbucks was well within their rights to tell them to leave. It's not a race or class issue. Whether you're Whitey McHonkington or Wakanda D'Prizon their policy is that if you're not buying something you're not supposed to be loitering. If you're there and not buying something you thus are loitering and can be asked to leave.

>> No.10465204

I'll have one McChicken, please.

Top kek

>> No.10465206

That's not their policy. Starbucks actually has a silly corporate policy which basically reads: just assume everyone is nice :^)

>> No.10465209

Unless it's a city store. Since any city store that let's people sit around inside without buying anything will attract the homeless.

>> No.10465210

i want to play on your switch fellow soybro

>> No.10465211

Why not talk to them instead of call the cops, but again I've never heard of such a policy.

>> No.10465212

They did. And they didnt want to leave.

>> No.10465214

Ah okay. What a couple of dumb cunts. Why are these stories always such piles of trash when you get all the details.

>> No.10465226

Who gives a shit about niggers?

You truly are cu/ck/s

At least theyll be making memes of this over on /pol/, what a bunch of faggots and niggers you are, bar the odd few keeping it real

Fuck all you non whites and liberals

>> No.10465232


Because it involves blacks, obviously

>> No.10465240


One that got the job through affirmative action

>> No.10465242

It's federal law in the US that a business can refuse you.

Because it involves race. First you get claims that "IT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK" but never the question of "Were they booted because they're black or is it only a story because they're black?" Same shit with police shootings (in that if the race is the "right one" you'll hear about it). Not trying to make you or anyone do too much work here but Google the Daniel Shaver shooting and police video (it was murder, frankly) and ask yourself why you've never heard his name until this post. Oh and then someone will call me /pol/ after reading that and interpreting me as the boogeyman of the day. Anyways, that's why they're trash - details no longer matter when there are ideologies at stake.

Another interesting question - was the employee(s) who called the cops even white? Everything is assumed this is some StarbucKKKs white guy on poor blacky crime when for all we know it's some black or Hispanic or some other race behind the counter.

>> No.10465246

A couple of black guys had been just hanging out in a Starbucks for a few hours. They were told they had to be paying customers. After refusing to buy anything or leave, the police were called.
So naturally people are pretending it's racism.

>> No.10465256
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Thank god it's summer soon.

>> No.10465258


>> No.10465263

I don't really need more awareness and concern towards blacks, I've learned all I want to about them

>> No.10465349

Because everyone starts screaming about whites and then the other half scream about blacks and no one every really tries to figure out what happened, they just want to react in a way that fits their own self interests while forcing the ones who dont care to listen to this shit for the millionth time

>> No.10465372

I order from Starbucks like once a month. When I do it's whatever sugary seasonal special they happen to be offering at the time.

>> No.10465564

>he doesn't know what the modern blacklist is

>> No.10465588

when the cops showed up the naggers started saying the cops can't tell them what to do because the cops only make $45k so they don't know anything. fuck those darkies

>> No.10465590

FBI's most wanted?

>> No.10465591

why didn't one person scream 'omg black dude has a gun!'?

>> No.10465618

You throwing out racial slurs doesnt help your cause m8. You might as well not bother since as soon as you dispense those words your point becomes moot due to your obvious bias

>> No.10465626

ok redit. thanks for your input. as always your opinion is trash.

>> No.10465654

I don't have a cause m8. cock smoking faggot

>> No.10465737

Then why are trying to argue

>> No.10465772


>> No.10465958

True, but he chimped out instead of acting like a human and that is why he was executed.

>> No.10465979

>I've never heard of such a policy.
Therefore it doesn’t exist? Why are you cunts so retarded? Stores in major cities all have policies preventing the general public from entering and using their bathrooms. Leave your parents basement and quit being so ignorant.

>> No.10465999
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>They were commercial real estate agents.
So, even worse scum than drug dealers? Good for Starbucks, I hope the police tased them.

>> No.10466018


They make it sound like the niggers were just minding their own business quietly, but there's a 100% chance they were acting like monkeys, which is what promoted the manager to kick them out.


Because the last generation of niggers have been raised with KANGZ N SHIT and liberals treat them like sacred cows.

>> No.10466041

Yes can you please kick out more negros?

>> No.10466047

If you knew how many psychology, biology, videogame designer majors I worked with back in my pup days at sbux lol

>> No.10466055

You some sort of nigger?

>> No.10466062
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Would that be irony since they had a campaign about racism or some shit?

>> No.10466064

>What kind of real estate agent wears this shit?
>he thinks you have to dress up all the time
>tfw I wear sweats because based boss allows us to wear whatever we want unless we have to because custom and stuff