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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 1024x683, RED MEAT IS THE HEALTHIEST THING YOU CAN EAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10460668 No.10460668 [Reply] [Original]

I've been Zero Carb Carnivore for a week and I need to tell everyone. My test has doubled, blood sugar and mood are stable, and my man-milkers are shrinking, as is my skinnyfat gut. Meat heals. It's the definitive cure for soyboyism. I'm not gonna stop forcing this meme until it explodes, so you might as well just try it now and see how awesome it feels to free your body from inflammatory distress and sugar addiction.

Why aren't you eating animal products exclusively? Didn't you know that plants are full of toxic antinutrients like salicylates? Children refuse to eat vegetables for a reason. Don't forget it. You have a choice to make. Eat carbage, feel like shit, perform like shit, and die painfully from degenerative diseases or thrive as the apex predator you've forgotten you truly are.

There will never be a peer reviewed study on the benefits of carnivory because the agricultural-pharmaceutical complex deliberately pushes bad science to keep people fat, stupid, and malnourished. It's time to wake up.

>> No.10460688

eat meat

>> No.10460690

have fun with your rectal cancer
balanced diet is the best way to be healthy

>> No.10460702

>Children refuse to eat vegetables for a reason

They like fruit though

>> No.10460728

No shit, its full of sugar

>> No.10460730

Low carb high fat masterrace. Our ancestors didn't become ruthless survivalist killing machines by eating fruit loops and hydraulic pressed excretions of soy beans.

>> No.10460740

Kinda blows a whole through OPs theory

>> No.10460750

>available in large quantities year round
yeah ok buddy

>> No.10460782

Share your test results, before and after. A quick pic with timestamp will do.

>> No.10461101

your a land animal.
you require land animals.
whoda thunk it?

>> No.10461284

your liver called

he quits

>> No.10461346

t. carb addicts deluded on agri-pharma complex false science

>> No.10461630

Tempted to do zero carb, but it doesn't seem like it's economically viable in the slightest.

>> No.10461779


Op is trying to trick you into making yourself sick while he's on a vegan diet, which is proven to be optimal on human health.

This cuck doctor has been on zero carb all meat diet for a few years and his test levels are on par with women, even less.

>> No.10463722

dude switch to only eating white meat this week and add fats you will lose a shit dton of excess water weight i fasted teo weeks ago and then went on to eating red meat snf this week im only ewting chicken pork and turkey

>> No.10464592

This faceberg boast of mine got 61 likes on a ZC group.
Day 5 and loving it! My self-esteem is improving. I'm swaggering around like the apex predator I am! Finally managed to quit smoking too thanks to this WOL. I wish the mental health system prescribed meat as a mood stabilizer! I feel like I'm just waking up from an eight year bender, remembering all the stupid things I've done while under the influence of carbage. All these angry sugar-craving bacteria have been served their eviction notice and things have gotten really quiet in this formerly noisy brain. Diet was always the root of my addiction and mental health issues. Carnivory is the best bipolar treatment I could ask for. When I tried the opposite direction with veganism I ended up in a mental institution for two months. Hmm... Carnivory is like a natural filter for delusion. I'm starting to see through a lot of the new age nonsense that used to preoccupy me.

I haven't been passing much stool, but don't feel bloated or constipated at all. I think I've just been so malnourished that my body is absorbing the vast majority of the food and there's nothing left to poop! Also the ten year perineum party/fungal fiesta is over. No itch, no odor. This alone makes everything worth it. I'm happy that my appetite is starting to increase. Buying a fridge full of delicious cuts of beef helped, where I was only eating the cheapest ground beef before. My perception of the meat quality definitely affects appetite. Still deprogramming a lot of food myths.

I've had chronic inflammation between my ribs and in my shoulders and hips for years, and I'm only 26. After one week on ZC the inflammation is way down everywhere.

Am I about to hit a wall or something? This feels too good to be true!

>> No.10464611

All the zero carb bitches love me and I'm still a complete noob. Check out this post fucking roasting the establishment.

"Credible sources" caused the cancer, obesity, Alzheimer's, and autism epidemics. I'm glad I threw the book out the window and simply observed nature. There's a genuine conspiracy at play here. The trillion dollar agri-pharma complex manufactures health problems and symptomatic treatments which cause other problems. They deliberately mislead us with bad science and people just eat it up. It's a cascading negative feedback loop that profits from ignorance. Of all the forms of fallacious logic, the appeal to "authority" grinds my gears the most. I would wager people lived much more freely as carnivorous nomads, before the dawn of agricultural enslavement. We dont call the comfy perks of modern society "trappings" for nothing.

I watched my carbohydrate and aspartame addicted mother die of acute metastatic liver failure, not from breast cancer, but from the barbaric cut/burn/poison tactics of surgery, radiation, and chemo destroying her immune system. As far as I'm concerned, the food and medical establishment is inherently hostile to life.

I'm a real human being. You can eat what you want, I just need you to know that everything you believe about food is wrong. Kindly fuck off with your vegan bullshit. I was forced to take antipsychotic medication and was locked in an institution for 55 days because of vegan delusions trying to "raise my vibration".

>> No.10464625

The military-industrial-agriculture-pharmaceutical complex is turning many status-quo dissenters into a bunch of limp-dicked pseudospiritual pacifist pussies through vegan and new age propaganda. The truthseeking community is rife with this garbage. I fell victim to it and ended up psychotic on this vegan shit. It's all part of the depopulation agenda. If only people knew how fucked things actually are. Expect to see lots more young people dying of degenerative diseases in the coming years. Even worse are movements like childfree, MGTOW, transgenderism, I call it LGBTBBQ. People willingly exit the gene pool, deluded on toxic food and ideology. I'm fucking done with this shit. You can have your bread and circus until this whole shitshow collapses. I'll be innawoods eating delicious meat. A warning to you, if society does collapse and the rule of law fades, vegans are fair game.

>> No.10464635


>> No.10464655

Not sure how long you've been eating this way? I tried zero carb (just meat and water) for about 3 weeks. And for the first week or so I felt really great too. I also noticed some other things though. 1st of all I noticed new wrinkles on my face, just a few days after eating this way. 2nd of all I felt really aggressive a lot of the times. By the end of the 3rd week I couldn't stomach any more meat. I felt physically tired eating meat.
Switched to an almost vegan low protein diet (fish a couple times a week) and have been on it for nearly 2 months. Feel pretty fucking great.
Jordan Peterson and his daughter are eating a meat only diet and apparently its working well for them (http://mikhailapeterson.com/)) . Keep in mind they have only been on it for a short time. Also keep in mind that a high protein diet ages the body the fastest.

>> No.10464663


plz OP when you post stuff like this mentally unstable people actually believe it, exactly like the crisis actor thing

>> No.10464669

is this that raid I've heard about?

>> No.10464678

>eat zero carb
>never shit again

I've been lchf for the better part of three years, you need veg for fiber my dude

>> No.10464702
File: 739 KB, 2448x3264, c9f1c57865783605f0e48ad0c2c73337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was the veganism that made me psychotic and got me involuntarily admitted!
Sure it was pal. Sure it was.

>> No.10464822

Either these are interlocking baits, or this is the dumbest thread on /ck/ in a long, long time. At least Pajeetfag is not so conspiratorial that he sleeps in a tinfoil bed.

>> No.10464894

You forgot to eat a proper fat ratio. Sounds like protein overconsumption. My jaw would get sore chewing that much dry, lean meat. How do you cook your meat?
Your body literally can't digest fiber, why would you eat it just to create shit? It actually leaches moisture and nutrients out of your colon. I've barely shat since going ZC because my body is absorbing the food almost completely. I'm thoroughly enjoying producing dramatically less waste out my ass. I'm all about efficiency. When I do shit it's out in one squeeze.

Clearly people are fucking fat, sick, and dying eating SAD. Try ZC for yourself and see if it works for you. Every time the real redpills come out so too do the ad-homs questioning my mental health. It's a very old tactic! The soviets used to lock up political dissidents under the guise of "mental health treatment", drugging them into oblivion and mentally castrating them. I'm fixing my health problems one steak at a time and y'all niggas is jelly.

>> No.10464919

It sure pushed me over the edge. My fixation on geopolitics segued into new age indoctrination and then into veganism. My first manic bipolar episode and diagnosis occured after cold-turkeying all my vices and starting a severely calorie-restricted vegan cleanse. Couldn't have happened without spending way too many hours a day on 4chan malnourished mentally and physically. I thought I'd found the solution then and I did all kinds of crazy shit. It's dishonest of me to solely implicate veganism as the root cause. More accurately, it was the last straw.

>> No.10464942

>You forgot to eat a proper fat ratio. Sounds like protein overconsumption. My jaw would get sore chewing that much dry, lean meat. How do you cook your meat?
I steamed all my meat. I first tried fatty beef only then after a while added butter on the side. I ate till satiety.
How long have you been eating this way?

>> No.10464992

>I ate 300 calories a day and suffered health issues, veganism is the problem.

>> No.10465102

> I thought I'd found the solution then and I did all kinds of crazy shit
>b-but this time this is the real deal!! mom i swear im good this time! i read about zerocarb on reddit i'm a lion now mom!! vegetables are poison!!

Yeah whatever bud. Stay outta trouble.

>> No.10465245

>still cooks his food
Fucking idiot.
Too little fat, you need to supplement with dairy fats unless you are butchering your own animals. I also bet you weren't eating organs.

>> No.10465276

It is. A bit more expensive, yes, but when you get into it you feel less hungry and eat less. Besides, most people spend a fortune on snacks, cookies, candy, soda etc that they don't count towards the food budget. All that goes too, so for me at least it's slightly cheaper to eat low carb.

>> No.10465298

I did add extra fat with butter, pork fat, and bone marrows. I ate all kind of organs from liver to brains.

>> No.10465318

enjoy your colon cancer

>> No.10465350

I've seen that guy on JRE, even Rogan was skeptical.

>> No.10465882

>stable blood sugar

everyone with a functioning pancreas has stable blood sugar.

>> No.10465920
File: 71 KB, 1000x1038, tmp_32493-wire_1522104850846-791635791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about macro breakdown. OP is taking it to extreme with

0/40/60 carb/fat/protein

Where as, in my view, a much more sustainable lifestyle with all the benefits and more is


- Aim for 0 sugar (1 serving of fruit max)
- Eat only green vegetables that grow above ground, eat a fuck ton of them
- Eat mainly fish and poultry, avoid processed meats
- supplement the rest with delicious fats. Mainly unsaturated (avocado, nuts, cold pressed oils), some unprocessed saturated are OK (butter, occasional red meat)

Don't fall for extreme memes. Actually sticking with a lifestyle >>>>> any cuck diet

>> No.10465943

How's scurvy?

>> No.10465946


>> No.10465948

>low protein

>> No.10465955

I think you mean 20/30/50, not having protein means no gains.

>> No.10465969

>not chewing pine needles

>> No.10465975


>> No.10465994

That's how pirates prevented scurvy argh

>> No.10465997

Does it work? Can you explain?

>> No.10466006

Pine needles have vitamin C in them. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C. The Indians told Columbus and the like.

>> No.10466007

>rectal cancer
They figured out veganism does that too. We're apparently all getting ass cancer no matter what we do

>> No.10466012

Sweet, thanks. Might try this shit then. What about the bad breath I keep hearing about?

>> No.10466017

Idk, moutwash? Gum?

>> No.10466028

That isn't a solution though, when the bad breath comes from the guy you can smell it through the mint.

>> No.10466046

Because its caused by wi-fi radiation.

>> No.10466063

brush your teeth dammit
and floss, believe me I just had a cavity filled

>> No.10466075

just make saurkraut and get some fiber in your meat only diet

>> No.10466079

if anything, make a tea white the needles, squeeze some lemon in it too and it's a pleasent way to drink heated water

>> No.10466105

>Jordan Peterson and his daughter are eating a meat only

$2,000 rug salesman does it means that it's a pretty good indication that you shouldn't, he is a conman

>> No.10466108

That's a myth disseminated by dentists bought off by floss megacorps.

>> No.10466112

Carnivore zero carb is a meme and few people do it for more than a few years.

On the other hand primal diet which has raw meat and organs, raw whole milk, pastured eggs, berries in the summer and honey in the fall, can be done easily for an entire life time it is the closest diet to our ancestors

Also this: >>10466105

>> No.10466118

>he thinks he's an Olympic athlete that needs to eat over 20% of his macros as protein

Even if you're lifting, you don't need that much protein. 20% is more than enough

>> No.10466126

In a first world country it is.

If you're a poorfag I guess you can buy frozen and drain the syrup.

>> No.10466133
File: 297 KB, 1000x4250, PB21_Infographic_FINAL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>primal diet includes coffee
Just like our ancestors drank! That said, this looks like a decent diet.

>> No.10466137

It comes from the stomach though.

>> No.10466140

0.82g per lb bodyweight.

>> No.10466176

Also these diets should reflect your ethnic history.

So if you are a northern European then you should not be eating a Central American diet of avocado's and tropical fruits, as the current generation is probably the first in history to eat these foreign Foods

>> No.10466303

>a fatass who spends all day on the computer calls people soyboys
>a fatass thinks he's an "apex predator" because when he goes to the grocery store, he buys more meat than usual.
wow, most pathetic post today

>> No.10466369

I only eat bread and tofu, and my test is through the roof, cholesterol is in healthy levels, I bench 600 lbs and run a marathon every week. I'm not gonna stop forcing this meme until it explodes, so you might as well just try it now and see how awesome it feels to free your body.

>> No.10466382

t. soyboy

>> No.10466399

>t. soyboy
Soy is why I'm jacked bruh! I'm not gonna post any peer reviewed material to prove my diet is legit either, bruh! It's all a conspiracy, bruh! BRUH!

>> No.10466400

>a soyboy gymrat doesn't get the perfect body by just doing basic exercises at home and eating a zero carb carnivore diet
>he has to compensate with at least four hours at the gym, and still slurps pasta like he's sucking off his alpha
>he's literally drinking the bone(r) juice of animals

>> No.10466407


>> No.10466414
File: 214 KB, 1200x900, fucktrumpswholefamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat eaters of the world
Unite and take over

>> No.10466456

I thought those things on the left were considered literal dog food. Don't tell me white people actually eat those as sausages

>> No.10466473

Do you know what a hot dog is?

>> No.10466492


Alex Jones isn't a person (also, they're probably for the kids).

>> No.10466504

Yeah, you usually have sausages for those

>> No.10466507

When I eat something that's mostly carbs like pasta I get hungry again 2 hours after.

>> No.10466527

Fiber is extremely overrated. My best shits are when i eat lots of grass fed red meat

>> No.10466623

Scurvy is actually caused by a lack of vitamin C in conjunction with continued carbohydrate intake. The exact mechanism is not known, but it seems it might be certain ketones that essentially fulfill the same function as vitamin C.


>> No.10466652

I haven't brushed my teeth in a week of ZC and I've never had fresher breath.

Get fucking debunked son.

I'm so grateful to have finally figured out the simplest and easiest way to heal my mind and body. ZC has allowed me to break severe addiction patterns while maintaining homeostasis, something that just wasn't possible for me on a vegan diet. Quitting smoking was easy. I feel so good naturally from properly regulated neurotransmitters, of which the vast majority are produced in the gut. Without all the angry sugar-eating bacteria fucking with dopamine and serotonin levels, I'm not prone to mood swings or psychotic thinking. In fact with this newfound awareness, I'm quite embarrassed at myself for all the bullshit I used to believe. I'm not saying ZC is the only way to live, but for me and my severe addiction patterns, cutting sugar 100% was the only way to regain self-control. I couldn't even last more than a few days on keto because I had no discipline. A handful of blueberries ballooned into pizza delivery and a carb coma on multiple occasions. Now I see pizza for what it is, pure poison. I was working in a bakery while trying to do keto around christmas and ended up losing my job for sleeping in after caving and ending a 3 day fast with a large pizza and garlic bread. Over christmas my whole fat family carb-binged nonstop. We're talking baskets full of popcorn, chips, candy, and chocolate on standby all day and night. It's no wonder several people had major GI distress and hours of quality time were lost shitting in the bathroom. It breaks my heart to see the way my father and his morbidly obese girlfriend feed her young children. My father even told me after my mother died that he "doesn't want another medical case". Living there was just killing me slowly. As a former fast-food and junk addict, having a house full of junk made it impossible to make healthy changes.

>> No.10466657

Just wait until you start raw zero carb.

>> No.10466670


>> No.10466727

Looking forward to that. Baby steps. Blue rare for now.

>> No.10466749

>yfw tin foil is actually full of toxic aluminum
Tin foil is a conspiracy bruh. Mr. Jones should know better.
I never cook with or even handle that shit. Exogenous aluminum no ty.

>> No.10466779

Why not jump right into it? Raw meat actually tastes much, much better than cooked which is dry and desaturated. It would taste like absolutely nothing if it wasn't for all the spices.

Just keep in mind to eat it at room temperature, as it's closest to the ideal state of meat, body temperature.

>> No.10466796

I love eating Lettuce Wrapped Triple Cheese Burgers

>> No.10466893

Why the is /ck/ suddenly filled with stay at home moms posting about their new fad diets on facebook?

>> No.10466904

All diets are shit.

>> No.10466918

>vegan diet, which is proven to be optimal on human health
Nope. There is NO conclusive evidence on any diet to support such a claim.

>> No.10467149

seriously, even being a vegan hater i recommend you to stop being a retard before your liver swells and a lot of things start failing because you don't get enough vitamins

>> No.10467195

There is literally not a single essential nutrient that cannot be gained on a carnivorous diet, especially a raw one.

>> No.10467257

This isn't a diet. It's the original human way of living. Diets never worked for me. This is a total lifestyle overhaul. I'll never go back to eating carbage.

>> No.10467299

Generally people hit a wall of adaptation where they start to consume much larger quantities of meat. Sounds like you didn't push though the rough part of adaptation.

>> No.10467318


let me get back to you when you post your scurvy sores in /fit/

>> No.10467335

>literally perpetuating the satfat is bad meme
>literally encouraging pressed oil consumption
How would we ever survive without oil refineries?
Humans have been eating animals way longer than we've been able to cultivate and press olives and avocados.
I hope you're at least being paid to still this nonsense.

>> No.10467342


>> No.10467356

Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C which is essential in production of the amino acids hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline by transporting hydroxyl to lysine and proline. Raw meat already contain these amino acids. The only cases of scurvy are discovered in people who continue to eat high carbohydrate diets without vitamin C, thus if you eat more or less no carbohydrates, your body does not need it.

>> No.10467357

There appears to be an alternative biochemical pathway for preventing scurvy that occurs when one is eating a fat-burning ketogenic diet, as opposed to a sugar-burning glucogenic diet. While the mechanism of action is not entirely clear, it is considered to be an established fact. Dr. Stephen Phinney has speculated that the blood ketone beta-hydroxybutyrate may itself be the anti-scorbutic factor.

Vilhjalmur Stefansson, an anthropologist who lived with the native Inuit tribes of the Arctic and ate their traditional all-meat diet for almost a decade, agreed to spend a full year under the observation of physicians in Bellevue Hospital in New York in 1928-29 – eating nothing but meat – to prove that an all-meat diet was health-sustaining and capable of meeting all of the nutritional needs of the human body. His diet did not contain any dietary sources of vitamin C. He did not develop scurvy any other vitamin deficiency diseases during the course of the one year study. Here is a summary of the study results:

>> No.10467367

1. Two men (Stefansson was joined by Andersen,a colleague and friend, in the study) lived on an exclusive meat diet for 1 year and a third man for 10 days. The relative amounts of lean and fat, meat ingested were left to the instinctive choice of the individuals.

2. The protein content varied from 100 to 140 gm., the fat from 200 to 300 gm., the carbohydrate, derived entirely from the meat, from 7 to 12 gm., and the fuel value from 2000 to 3100 calories.

3. At the end of the year, the subjects were mentally alert, physically active, and showed no specific physical changes in any system of the body.

4. During the 1st week, all three men lost weight, due to a shift in the water content of the body while adjusting itself to the low carbohydrate diet. Thereafter, their weights remained practically constant.

5. In the prolonged test, the blood pressure of one man remained constant; the systolic pressure of the other decreased 20 mm. and the diastolic pressure remained uniform.

6. The control of the bowels was not disturbed while the subjects were on prescribed meat diet. In one instance, when the proportion of protein calories in the diet exceeded 40 per cent, a diarrhea developed.

7.Vitamin deficiencies did not appear.

8. The total acidity of the urine during the meat diet was increased to 2 or 3 times that of the acidity on mixed diets and acetonuria was present throughout the periods of exclusive meat.

9. Urine examinations, determinations of the nitrogenous constituents of the blood, and kidney function tests revealed no evidence of kidney damage.

10. While on the meat diet, the men metabolized foodstuffs with FA: G ratios between 1.9 and 3.0 and excreted from 0.4 to 7.2 gm. of acetone bodies per day.

11. In these trained subjects, the clinical observations and laboratory studies gaveno evidence that any ill effects had occurred from the prolonged use of the exclusive meat diet.

>> No.10467452

Just do paleo if you want a meme diet. Eating only meat doesn't seem like a good idea, humans didn't evolve as strict carnivores.

>> No.10467554

>my man-milkers are shrinking
Fuck, wait. I'm a female on low carb diet right now. Did I fuck up? I only eat meat once a week though because poorfag, tofu is my staple, along with dairy and eggs, and fruit and veg. Does bread make your tats fat?
Fruit and veg are inarguably the healthiest things you could eat. I get cravings for salad all the time because of dem vitamins. It's also the best way to maintain a low calorie count while still being full.
Why is this so hard, just tell me what's healthy to eat. Fucking science.

>> No.10467623

I've decided life's too short to argue. Rather than refuting people's bullshit I'll just focus on sharing my amazing progress. Smiling, nodding, and eating steak.

>> No.10467639

>Did I fuck up?
The only thing you did wrong was think that OP was telling the truth. It's all one big troll post.

>>Why is this so hard
Because you're looking for a "magic answer" when such a thing doesn't exist. It's nonsense. Eat all things in modernation. End of story. There are no magic bullets when it comes to diet.

>> No.10467694


>> No.10467748

Lmao just fast until you don't feel like shit anymore and are at a healthy weight for your height.

Like Haha Nigga Just Stop Eating Lmao

>> No.10467772

I have a T bone steak but want to eat something with melted cheese for dinner. What do /ck/? What dishes involve a T bone steak and melted cheesy good stuff?

>> No.10467826

Chips and queso on the side
Some kind of casserole w/ melty cheese as a side dish
Mac and cheese as a side dish

>> No.10468090

It's a lifestyle change, not a diet.

A diet would imply you only do it for a certain period and then go back to your old, "normal" shitty way of eating.

For example, fasting is a lifestyle change. I feel so much fucking better since I started doing it. When I eat on refeed days, I avoid heavy carbs and eat good lean meat and raw or sauteed veggies. I've lost almost 20 lbs in 2.5 weeks and this is while I was eating like a pig when I visited my college friends 2 weekends ago.

My skin has improved. My mood has improved. I feel more energetic. Carbs really are Satan, but the knowledge that you don't need to stuff your face with 6 meals a day has changed my life.

Protein and fats are good. Excess carbs are bad.

>> No.10468674

>It's the original human way of living
First of all that's fucking bullshit. Second of all even if it was true, that doesn't mean it would be a good diet. And certainly it doesn't mean it would be a good diet for EVERYBODY.
How long have you been on this diet? Seriously.
People who've been on it for a week should have no fucking business advising anybody to do anything. You know nothing. Zero. You have no clue.
What would be on the end of that period of pushing through? More wrinkles? More aggression? Nah sorry you're talking bullshit. In fact unless you have a fuck ton of experience with how this diet may affect people differently you really shouldn't be spouting nonsense.
>Why is this so hard, just tell me what's healthy to eat. Fucking science.
A lot of things could be both healthy and unhealthy it generally depends on the dosage. You have to experiment with your own body and notice the differences.
Here's something to keep in mind: you eat to live, not the other way around. If your current way of eating stops you from doing the things you want to do, perhaps it robs you of your energy both mental and physical, then it's time to try something else. It's really as simple as that. Many people are trying to confuse you by giving you conflicting information so it's important to do the experiment yourself.

>> No.10469138

>20 lbs in 2.5 weeks
Yeah, most of that is water weight.

>> No.10470157
File: 300 KB, 1584x864, tsoyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10470238

>This isn't a diet.
It is, by definition

>It's the original human way of living.
It is not. Never in our evolutionairy history were we ever exclusively carnivores. Nor are we today.

Eat whatever you want, but stop trying to justify it with mom-science.

>> No.10470250

>three men
Only about three orders of magnitude shy of being relevant

>> No.10470258

>eat less calories
>lose weight

congrats OP, you're finally on the way to realizing how many calories carbs have in them.

>> No.10470272

>Why is this so hard, just tell me what's healthy to eat. Fucking science
Because your health depends on many factors besides diet. And it is near impossible to exclude those variables from your tests.

>eats meat, stays healthy
>but he also exercised, didn't drink, didn't smoke, lived in a rural area, was well educated, married, high income, .....
Why is he healthy?

>> No.10470274

>being this mug mulch of a logiclet

>> No.10471257

>not being a fungarian