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File: 29 KB, 384x384, 85628868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10459415 No.10459415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think?


>> No.10459426

animals are too dumb to be "innocent" in a sense of morality

>> No.10459433

Can you explain?

>> No.10459443

Well can you explain how an animal could be "innocent" or sinful/guilty? They don't really have the mental capacity for morals or even personality (except some species such as chimps, known to have unique personalities and complex emotions)

Most animals are just there, to eat or be eaten

>> No.10459450

Are you Asian? Because I'm pretty sure the only way someone could actually believe that is if they were in a culture severely brainwashed to believe they're justified in torturing animals for no reason.

Most sane, normal people have no problem seeing personality and empathy in other animals. Not trying to be demeaning, but another possibility is that maybe you have autism, since people with autism struggle with understanding emotion in others?

>> No.10459455

She doesn't have a very good meat to fat ratio. It would be like chomping on a dry chicken breast. 30%-35% body fat please.

>> No.10459462


Every animal on Earth would try to eat you if only you were smaller. Even your pet dog.

>> No.10459467

Are you the same person pretending to be someone else agreeing, or are there actually more than one of you this confused?

>> No.10459515

an animal would fucking eat you alive if it had the chance, humans are superior enough to be humane and grant a quick painless death when sending animals to the butcher.

>> No.10459520

>torturing animals for no reason
>butchering for consumption is torturing
>see chinks cook dogs means all people who eat meat are animal torturers

>> No.10459527

>assumes animals aren't tortured in 99% of farms
>calls me a retard despite doing zero research

I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.10459530

Except it's not quick or painless and you kill and torture the animals for literally no reason.

>> No.10459534

And if animals jumped off a cliff given half a chance, I bet you'd do that too.

>> No.10459546
File: 481 KB, 553x827, 1520990484656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, those memes sucked. If anything they only strengthened my resolve to consume the flesh of animals for pleasure and nutrition.

>> No.10459551
File: 106 KB, 377x564, 1475967750521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are Asians who do that, not humans. And its not like you even care to differentiate when you scream at the consumers for buying meat products.

>> No.10459552
File: 47 KB, 640x543, vegan books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's the state of EBW.
I had forgot it existed. Kinda like Myspace or Rathergood or Rotten.

They're not going to win over anyone to their cause with those shitty memes, that's for sure.

>> No.10459553

>says others are retarded for not thinking that 99% of animals are tortured in farms
>tells others to do research while he provides zero proof to his claim of animals being torurtured in farms

All vegans are brainlets but not all brainlets are vegans.

>> No.10459570

Actually it's Americans, Asians, Australians, etc....
Look up standard practice in your country.

>> No.10459583

i think veganism will get more popular year for year.
in a far away future it could even be normal to not eat meat , if humans get more on earth they need to change anyway, maybe products from insects will be more accepted then.
i wouldnt mind eat insect products when you cant see them like a powder

>> No.10459587

>animals tortured in 99% of farms
jesus christ anon, where did you pull that figure out of?
for that to be true, you'd have to include all kinds of retardation such as "not talking to the animals is torture"

>> No.10459592

but eating insects is murder and immoral!!!!
also eating plants is murder too since plants are also living things

>> No.10459600

That is a form of torture.

>> No.10459609
File: 97 KB, 960x960, 26169284_1955820361099127_1222361044061845630_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most animals are severely confined, to the point they can't even do the most basic things like turn around... They go insane from it. And that's just one of the most basic standard practices a majority of animals go through. I could list hundreds of other standard and barbaric practices, but call me selfish but I'm going to cross my fingers you look up this information yourself because I just can't be fucked at the moment to write an essay. Sorry.

>> No.10459615

Animals are too stupid to understand the choice between good and evil and thus cannot choose to be good. They're not innocent or corrupt, they're just meat.

This is also true of small children and the retarded, but we don't eat them mostly for practical reasons. Hard to farm.

>> No.10459618

Animals do not have the mental capacity to "Go insane".
What a shitty vegan you are. You have the opportunity to spread your message but instead you're lazy and sag you "Can't be fucked". More helpless are going to be consumed because you just couldn't be fuck to write an "essay". Do you feel proud?

>> No.10459627

>and the retarded

Is this what your guardians have been telling you?

>> No.10459634
File: 266 KB, 712x708, 16806999_981925501944431_2596467066353200468_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 4:30 AM and I haven't slept yet. Give me a fucking break. And yes, they bite the bars of their cages til they bleed and develop many other behaviors caused by severe, chronic stress.

I think you're a troll but I will link one thing for you at least for now: http://theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/animals

>> No.10459639
File: 69 KB, 720x720, DmxMKlV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight. I have to be up early in the morning. See ya if I have some down time tomorrow I guess.

>> No.10459645

I don't care because animals do not have moral value.

>> No.10459649

i can accept most, but 99% nope, not a chance.
it's not being selfish though, it's just that you know that 99% is BS and you don't want to prove yourself wrong. i wouldn't prove myself wrong either though
no, it just isn't and this is my last reply to you

>> No.10459655

What a ridiculous image. Who the fuck cares about males?

>> No.10459657
File: 201 KB, 1013x793, 23456262_1604480246240866_6244641602071875679_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 99% of animals are raised in factory farms, and standard practice in factory farms is torture, so....

And animals are tortured outside of factory farns as well, so I was actually being pretty conservative with that number.

>> No.10459659
File: 116 KB, 800x800, sQyXKtr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last one wasn't me by the way...which should have been obvious...

>> No.10459661

but eating insects instead of meat is moraly more ok. pigs&co have more humanlike anatomy ,they feel like us see our emotions and are intelligent
also farming insects is environment friendly.
when you dont want to kill plants too go frutarian.

>> No.10459668
File: 96 KB, 877x960, 3n8XILQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More okay...sure. But why not just eat legumes, grains, fruit, vegetables, seeds.... Tastes better I'm sure and isn't fucking vile.

>> No.10459671

I'd like a source on that claim that cows freeze to death in the trucks. From my experience as long as a cow is fed it will not freeze even in some pretty fucking brutal weather.

>> No.10459678

Silk worms can't even live outside of captivity anymore. They are effectively a symbiont with the silk-farmers, the only options are to keep doing what we are doing is to kill them all.

>> No.10459679

I hope they do. Freezing to death is one of the more pleasant deaths a guy can experience.

>> No.10459681
File: 103 KB, 736x736, u2jHAT9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally a photo of a cow freezing in a truck in the meme.... And I have personally witnessed animals dying from the temperature extremes they face within the trucks... They're not protected from the weather and they don't give a fuck. They're all packed on top of each other in their own waste for days, no water or any care given, and although I don't live in an area cold enough to freeze, can assure you that the animals definitely do die from the brutal journey from farm to slaughterhouse.

>> No.10459684

that's assuming factory farms standard practice in every country is torture and that's straight up false.

>> No.10459687

that's not what a meme is, dumbass. writing words over a picture doesn't make it a meme. why the fuck do all these facebook assholes have to be stupid near me when i'm not on facebook?

>> No.10459696

Actual vegans that are keen to stop others from eating meat: Do you honestly believe you will effect real change in the way most people eat in your lifetimes, if not ever? Why do you think so? Have you actually convinced anyone to change their diets?

>> No.10459698
File: 58 KB, 720x718, sitting dog1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute piggies.

I don't deny that animals are adorable and that they'd probably rather frolic in a field than be factory farmed. But I enjoy steaks and I am perfectly willing to allow a certain level of animal suffering to ensure those steaks keep coming.
I draw the line at suffering that is pointless. I.e. kicking the pigs or skinning them alive when you could easily have killed or stunned them first.
That's why I despise Chinamen.

>> No.10459699
File: 50 KB, 526x393, l2c5FQf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's straight up false

And that's a straight up blissfully ignorant assumption, but I'm primarily educated in the U.S., although I can't think of any country off the top of my head that doesn't torture their animals as standard practice in factory farms....

You're welcome to try, but you'd still be trying to find a needle in a haystack only to stab it into your eyeball, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10459702
File: 98 KB, 634x835, peta sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans lie all the time. And the rest of the time they still spread bullshit because they're ignorant.

>> No.10459703

When I was vegan I got more people to convert by being honest and telling them I only started as a personal challenge and learned of the benefits later on.

Then I’d cook them dope vegan food.

I could still do the latter but if I was overly preachy it wouldn’t have had any effect.

>> No.10459705
File: 66 KB, 612x720, 17361775_10154517608621909_4687136900546204492_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've convinced literally hundreds. Also yes. Because with education, it's inevitable. We will also literally need to change the way we eat if we're going to survive on this planet.

>> No.10459708

An animal with ice on its face isn't the same as freezing to death. I get ice forming on my face when I cut wood in winter. The only cows I've seen die due to exposure are either the orphaned young, the sick, or the injured.

>And I have personally witnessed animals dying from the temperature extremes they face within the trucks
>I don't live in an area cold enough to freeze

You have a folder full of PETA propaganda and I am supposed to take your word on anything?

>> No.10459712
File: 114 KB, 960x960, 21151352_1634552903255909_8116656736368115422_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans lie all the time

Most people lie all the time to be fair, but you're probably just fucking confused to be honest.

>> No.10459715
File: 62 KB, 720x718, sitting dog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also despise PETA and the retards who support them. Most of the latter don't even know that PETA want to take away their pets.
Brainwashed Facebook cunts.


>> No.10459717

whats your favourite brand of soy?

>> No.10459719
File: 101 KB, 560x431, pug stew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't claim to speak the truth all the time, but I don't take out adverts in newspapers or stuff mailboxes to spread those lies either.

>> No.10459720

>linking to ebaumsworld
you need to go back.

>> No.10459734
File: 74 KB, 750x742, 18301291_1509403815757086_5676364987142972147_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the Los Angeles Pig Save and Los Angeles Animal Save....

I have witnessed animals dying from the heat and brutal conditions. They're also dying from thirst. The ones who are strong enough to get to the bottles of water gulp the water down like they've just been rescued from a deserted island. But there are a good portion of them who are too sick and injured to even stand.

>> No.10459737
File: 108 KB, 960x960, 26731274_10157079934655299_422994057769414389_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, where was the lie?

Again, pretty sure you're just fucking confused.

>> No.10459747

Gas-lighting and shock photos are the kind of thing a cult would use to brainwash someone.

>> No.10459760
File: 97 KB, 960x960, 28377561_322185858290435_5343139231827043249_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry the reality of what you do is so shocking to you? But that's not the fault of PETA lol.

>> No.10459776

I could talk about the ethical treatment of animals, but you only want to use extreme examples.

>> No.10459787

Look how weak the West has become.

>> No.10459789
File: 92 KB, 834x960, LrPpFXk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10459793


>> No.10459803

>op pic
So we should only eat the flesh of the convicted felons?

>> No.10459816

Too much time believing everything that gets posted in your facebook echo-chamber does this to people.

>> No.10459825

It's true. Predators tend to be slim and sleek and fast instead of large lumbering meatpiles.

>> No.10459829

We should only eat mean animals. Ducks, dolphins, cats...

>> No.10459838

> By the age of nine Baboumian had developed an interest in weight training, which led him to pursue bodybuilding as a young man. In 1999 he won the IFBB German junior bodybuilding championship, and in 2002 he became the overall junior champion at the Gießen Campions-Cup
>Since 2006 he has been competing at IFSA Strongman events.
>Baboumian has been a vegetarian since 2005, and became a vegan in 2011

So he juiced and ate meat until he got big, then he juiced and ate eggs and drank milk until he got rich, and then having earned all of his titles, having cycled more than an i7, he started to buy expensive tubs of soy protein and declare himself a vegan.

>> No.10459839

Dont forget geese. Fucking geese, man.

>> No.10459845

They might "fidget" for minutes but if you sever their carotid arteries they stop feeling a long time before that. Bleeding out might take a while but once you cut the bloodflow to the brain the loss of conscience happens in seconds. That''s how a "sleeper hold" works.
You'd think someone working in a slaughterhouse would know that an animal twitching does not mean it's still alive. But then again, he probably doesn't have that job because he did really well in school.

Like I said, though; as long as it's a matter of cost and efficiency I don't care if the animal suffers.

>> No.10459850
File: 342 KB, 664x452, veganlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not be vegan, you can get b

>> No.10459851
File: 100 KB, 812x685, asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the lie in the image that suggests that shearing a sheep leaves it mangled and bleeding? Gee, I fucking wonder.

>> No.10459866
File: 8 KB, 626x128, god i wish that were me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10459869

It reminds me a lot of how Pro-Life folks get their message across. Maybe they're the same people I don't know.

>> No.10459874
File: 333 KB, 1024x678, honk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure even vegans approve of killing and eating honkers.

>> No.10459877

>shearing a sheep leaves it mangled and bleeding

Alright, I thought you crazies had some weird shit to say before but goddamn this is a new high of retardation, too much for me to even waste anymore time looking at.

>> No.10459883

Excellent opinion, couldn't have put it better myself.

>> No.10459887

Nice reading comprehension, brosef.

>> No.10459895

the left cannot meme
their brains do not work correctly as they are anaemic

>> No.10459912

don't forget that milking a cow is murder

>> No.10460010

God doesnt forbid eating animals, therefore it's moral to do so.

>> No.10460015

I don't recall any children dying because their meat eating parents insisted that they eat only meat. We do however have instances of children dying because their parents insisted that they be vegan.

>> No.10460024

Oh no they are being sent to dacow or cowschwitz?

>> No.10460041

The only reason the loony left exists is because we allow them to. Always remember that, cucks.

>> No.10460048
File: 659 KB, 480x270, 1507957524157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until in vitro meat becomes a thing and then vegans will have no excuse not to eat meat.

>> No.10460067

Eat what you eat and shut the fuck up.

>> No.10460070

>except some species such as chimps, known to have unique personalities and complex emotions

Chimps are also amoral when it comes to non-chimps, though. Their primary meat source is colobus monkeys, which they eat live.

>> No.10460147

>Most sane, normal people have no problem in seeing personality and empathy in other animals.

Extremely self destructive and dangerous way of thinking. Anyone actually living around animals normally designated for consumption would disagree with you.

>> No.10460266

Vegans are based. I'm going vegan the next time I go grocery shopping.

>> No.10460274

God doesn't forbid anal sex with men either

>> No.10460594

i only eat gay animald

>> No.10460601

Holy shit that site still exists? I used to use their jackblack soundboard to make prank calls when I was a kid.

>> No.10460658
File: 113 KB, 600x416, C3DD2B1C-811C-47E5-9022-B659C1A2819B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. Every male chick that’s thrown into a blender is a male chick that wasn’t castrated and raised to be succulent, flavorful capon.

>> No.10460719

>Most sane, normal people have no problem seeing personality and empathy in other animals
actual projection

>> No.10460769

For every animal you don't eat OP, I'm going to eat two.

>> No.10460772

uhm it's actually literal rape, shitlord

>> No.10460796

WOW i dont care

>> No.10460802

can we skin the soyboy too?

>> No.10460928

Same. Especially after reading the comments here. I don't want to be associated with the kind of dummies who justify animal abuse. Enough is enough, I have to change.

>> No.10461226

Yeah, that's totally not biased and did a ton of research on.

>> No.10461309

These are so fucking stupid.

The cost of raising a sheep means that farmers want to get as many fleeces of wool out of them as possible so doing a piss poor job of shaving them is the last thing they want.

>> No.10461318

You're so fucking obnoxiously ignorant it physically hurts.

>> No.10461340

Sure, there's a desire not to harm the sheep. But when you have a fuckload of sheep and they need to be sheared quickly, sometimes mistakes happen.

Also, do you think that the temp workers who get hired to shear sheep really give a shit about the well being of the sheep, especially when they're being yelled at by their supervisors to shear MOAR SHEEP ASAP? You didn't think the "farmer" who owns the ranch personally shears all the sheep, did you?

>> No.10461356

you absolute brainlet these animals would not have existed in the first place without human intervention.

>> No.10461367

What's vegans take on small fish?

>> No.10461371

Mate you are a fucking nutcase or from some third world shithole. Every spring you can see farmers round here shearing sheep and you know what? They do it with shears not by ripping it off the sheep leaving it with awful wounds and unable to produce high quality wool.

Cows, sheep, chickens and pigs would be extinct in many countries if we didn't bloody eat them.

>> No.10461389


>> No.10461449

I don't see the problem.
Animals used for meat production are well-fed and most of them are slaughtered fast and painless.
Overall, they're doing better than a huge part of humanity.
No reason to complain.

>> No.10461457

Sheep are not slaughtered for wool and most wool products today are made out of cotton, because it's cheaper.

>> No.10461464

Now that's a good boy if I've ever seen one.

>> No.10461579

>most wool products today are made out of cotton, because it's cheaper
I'm not sure I follow. Wool is often mixed with cotton/other cheaper materials, but if wool isn't used it's not a wool product.

>> No.10461592

It's called "Baumwolle"(lit. Treewool) in german, so I count that as wool.

>> No.10461604

I was wandering around DC the other day when some guy came up to me and asked if I wanted to "see a VR movie". I said no, and saw their peta sign/table after I refused. Sneaky fuckers acting like they're gonna show some cool video or something when it's really a vegan propaganda film. It made me irrationally angry.

>> No.10461623
File: 58 KB, 960x960, 20840935_513911945619341_5089994773189851248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sheep are not slaughtered for wool

Oh boy....


You really think they just let them die of old age? God I wish I was that naive again.


>> No.10461639

>You really think they just let them die of old age?
No. They get slaughtered for meat.
Not wool.

>> No.10461698

>No reason to complain.
Nutjobs need to complain to justify their nutjobbery.
Not all vegans are nutjobs of course, nothign wrong with having a set of ethics for the food you consume. The crusading ones though, are wackos 100% of the time.

>> No.10461733

>What do you think?
Vegans can't meme

>> No.10461918
File: 743 KB, 245x300, facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10461962
File: 45 KB, 480x488, 29496891_335986440256036_7795751068731958639_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah and torturing and killing baby animals so you can stuff their mutilated corpses in your face when you could just as easily eat something that doesn't require that and has all the same benefits as well as being healthier and better for the environment is totally not something a wacko would do.

>> No.10461990
File: 45 KB, 600x455, 29513077_222022185204268_8026247285950611414_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't be able to follow the majority of 4chan user's posts. If you do, it's time to worry. 4chan user's are the most confused and confidently ignorant bunch I have ever encountered on the internet. It's difficult to tell when they're trolling and when they're genuinely retarded, or both.

Now I remember why it's been so long since I visited this site...

>> No.10462098

What do you think happens to the cute baby animals when land is cleared for farming?

What about the ones in the field when the big harvesting machine drives through?

Or the ones when the stalks are burned to prep the field for the next planting?

>> No.10462114

This is when vegans move the goalposts from “I’m not a murderer, unlike you” to “I may be a murderer, but at least I feel bad about it, unlike you.”

>> No.10462119
File: 48 KB, 794x787, 19875208_1596241510470299_1596107536282892173_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you really not considered that animals eat a fuckton of plants? Also there's veganic agriculture.

>> No.10462131
File: 49 KB, 460x696, 23131579_153700285369792_262885391849909031_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or when we respond with what should be common fucking sense...

You fucks are desperate to feel better about yourselves and it makes you really fucking obnoxious.

>> No.10462167
File: 60 KB, 832x960, 22089804_10209995726391230_3476685059851877330_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10462179
File: 46 KB, 681x445, 22852035_151987975541023_8456233320785122158_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They shouldn't exist in the first place. They're bred to suffer. And if you see one farm and think that's the only way things are done you're an absolute fucking mongoloid. Get out.

>> No.10462181

Animals are property, we should be allowed to consume them if we want.

>> No.10462201

>They shouldn't exist in the first place

Did you ask livestock if they would prefer to never exist at all? No, you didn’t because lifestock are insapient and can’t answer anyway :)

>> No.10462202
File: 44 KB, 480x475, 24775134_139076316868087_1105516533126772451_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chickens manipulated to have their bones crush under their own weight
>Cows manipulated to overproduce milk, making infections virtually inevitable and their bodies to go lame when they're still babies
>Sheep bred to have a ridiculous amount of wool so they can't survive on their own
>Animals are literally bred to suffer and die as babies for trivial conveniences, all while destroying the environment past the point of no return

Oh wow, what a tragedy that would be!

>> No.10462455

It never fails to astound me how many responses vegan threads get. Are carnists that disturbed and made insecure by a fraction of the populace that they have to go full bore attack mode on those that choose a higher level of consciousness in their food choices? Live and let live keeps the blood pressure down, remember?

>> No.10462465


I always hear people talking about how annoying vegans are, but how the fuck are people not laughing at how obnoxious these defensive meat eaters are? It's fucking embarrassing. 4chan meat eaters are at least 1000 times more annoying than any vegan I've ever met or heard of honestly.

>> No.10462509

Vegan threads get lots of replies because there are lots of omnivores. Vegans have to pad their numbers with samefagging.

>> No.10462530

>i don't understand why people come to 4chins and shitpost.
try suicide.

>> No.10462543

I want to believe that all these people defending animal abuse are trolls but there are actually people like that IRL so it's hard for me to gauge the sarcasm levels.

>> No.10462544

See >>10460067

I told these dipshits off way early in the thread but no one listens because they're fucking stupid.

>> No.10462561

>still doesn't understand why shitpost bait gets shit posts
you are one dense bastard. no wonder you are vegan.

>> No.10462585

Sorry I'm not an expert on the science of neckbeards. I'm new to this 4chan thing.