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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 649x433, Piepenbring-Chik-fil-A[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10457884 No.10457884 [Reply] [Original]


>New York has taken to Chick-fil-A. One of the Manhattan locations estimates that it sells a sandwich every six seconds, and the company has announced plans to open as many as a dozen more storefronts in the city. And yet the brand’s arrival here feels like an infiltration, in no small part because of its pervasive Christian traditionalism. Its headquarters, in Atlanta, are adorned with Bible verses and a statue of Jesus washing a disciple’s feet. Its stores close on Sundays. Its C.E.O., Dan Cathy, has been accused of bigotry for using the company's charitable wing to fund anti-gay causes, including groups that oppose same-sex marriage. “We’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation,” he once said, “when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’ ” The company has since reaffirmed its intention to “treat every person with honor, dignity and respect,” but it has quietly continued to donate to anti-L.G.B.T. groups.

OK, look. I'm sorry about electrocuting the gays. Really. but Chick Fil A has really good service ok? it's fucking clean, everyone there is way too nice, it's clean, once a fucking worker asked me how my day was, it's fast, it's clean did I mention how fucking CLEAN these places are? Seriously humans do not work at Chick Fil A they're fucking pod people amd i'm willing to buy overpriced gay electrocution chicken for that and if other stores want to compete maybe they shouldn't hire ignorant potheads.

So eat shit new york. Also god forbid someone try to promote community and values.

>> No.10457895

I live in that shithole state. Can't say I oppose gay marriage, but I don't support it, either.

Maybe I should go there just to fuel the tears.

>> No.10457909

Yankee tears are delicious.

>> No.10457917

If you cared about the gays, you wouldn't fill up your car with fuel from shithole countries where being gay is actually detrimental to their health (read: they stop breathing). I'm actually pro-gay by the way. I don't know why people are surprised a company known for its religious leanings is against gay marriage.

>> No.10457920
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I really don't care if faggots want to get married or not. It is funny seeing people getting mad at Chick-fil-a.

That said, the sandwiches are fucking disgusting. Pickles in a chicken sandwich? Crazy.

>> No.10457930

>2 original chicken sandwiches
>large waffle fries
>10 pc nuggs
>dude says "my pleasure"
>dude brings to to my table
>delicious use of chicken pickles and peanut oil

gayfags can't even

>> No.10457934

yeah but chick-fil-a's food is mediocre at best

>> No.10457938

Goodness this guy is salty.

>> No.10457947
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Does liberals think life is hard? Think about being conservative for a second. Most of the celebrities, musicians, actors etc. are liberals, most companies and corporations sponsor liberal values, most food/restaurants promote liberal values and donate to liberal causes, most news outlets have a liberal bent, et cetera et cetera.

Conservatives have the biggest patience and capacity for tolerance. Let us have our measly Chick fucking Fil A, okay? Will you crybabies be okay with that? Think you can handle it? Really? Okay.


>> No.10457948


>> No.10457949


>> No.10457954

I'm all for harming New York, but the term marriage really isn't up to the Christian church as every fucking religion and non-religion has marriage in some form or another.

I really don't give a fuck if the government recognizes clam-jousters and cavern-explorers as legal couples and gives them the same rights as heterosexual couples.

>> No.10457968

>chick fil a

you mean evangelists right? why would a good conservative care about gay marriage, the government should have no say in our private affairs

>> No.10457971

Chick-filA is expensive as shit already for it's mediocre food, imagine the insane price mark-up this shit gets for being located anywhere south of harlem

>> No.10457973

wow, didnt expect /pol/ to infiltrate /ck/ outside of soy shitposting

>> No.10457982

where did you live? in California its like 4 bucks for a sandwich

>> No.10457984

>I'm not gay
who is he trying to convince?

>> No.10457997

I don't think marriage should be managed by the government anyways. No government should officially "allow" or ban gay marriage.

Anyways, people should be free to dislike gays as long as it's not criminal (e.g. assaults and murder). No "hate speech" bullshit laws like what some countries are beginning to do.

>> No.10457998

>stop by to grab dinner one night with the wife
>they need to make a new batch of fries so they ask us to pull up and off to the side
>5 min later a girl comes out with all the food piping hot, an apology for the delay, and a card for a free item
>wishes us a good night

I can't think of another fast food place like it.

>> No.10458004

/pol/ is everywhere on 4chan. People don't hate /pol/ because they say meany racist things. /pol/ injects politics and non-whites iq scores jaypegs into threads whose topics are totally unrelated.

>> No.10458010


>> No.10458016

>people from the most popular board in 4chan naturally browses other boards
>calls it "infiltration"


>> No.10458023

Those breakfast chicken minis changed my life

>> No.10458024

4chan has always been racist, newfriend

>> No.10458029


>> No.10458037

This. Where has service gone?

>Spent the weekend with the parents in from out of town
>tfw home is tiny and not hospitable
>we eat out all weekend because not poorfag
>tfw service sucked from lowly VI to hipster lucille's
>we still tipped cause polite wypipo rules

Feels super bad anons urban living blows

>> No.10458040

Hate speech laws should only be covered under something like verbal assault or intent to cause many things.

Walking up to a person on the street and saying "You're a filthy fucking nigger!" is verbal assault or evidence that you're going to start a physical confrontation, making many reactions on his part justifiable. However, ranting on the internet is not verbal confrontation that could lead to physical violence.

>> No.10458041

But it's never been "omfg guis we're so edgy and racist". Maybe /b/, during the whole Scientology raids but it was contained to /b/

>> No.10458046

>it sells a sandwich every six seconds
O rly? That's a lot of sandwiches.

>> No.10458048

Why do New Yorkers eat so much bad food?
Anything halfway decent there is inconveniently busy and overpriced, and everything else is shit. There is no decent food

>> No.10458051

Eh I never liked the "verbal assault" criteria because it's such a legal gray area.

>> No.10458063

because new york gets a lot of transplants from elsewhere in the country.
>t. native new yorker who tried it once on a promo giveaway and it was meh at best.
you want a good fried chicken sandwich? go to fuku

>> No.10458072

fuk u

>> No.10458078

Previously 4chan has only ever been racist when you announced your race, and only sexist when you announced your gender.

I was mostly on /a/ and /k/ during the raids, but racism was non-existent. Shit-posting and spam were rampant, but at least they were fun and funny sometimes.

>> No.10458086
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>but racism was non-existent
what an extreme revisionist claim

>> No.10458091

I went to the Chic-fil-a in Manhattan. It was pretty cool, the line looks so long when you're outside but when you get it they have people take your order on the line and the sandwiches come out, like they said, every six second, so it doesn't take long once you're past the door, the line just looks long from the outside. Compare to Shake Shack which is a fucking disaster of waiting. And despite how packed it was there were still seat available upstairs and I ate it and I talked to a friendly guy that was sitting next to me.

Food was good, not like gourmet but probably as gourmet as a fried chicken sandwich gets honestly. expensive though but it was tasty.

>> No.10458100

I'm going to correct myself here and say blackface was edited onto people obviously and antics like that will always be a part of 4chan. But fuck, we make fun of white people too.

Remind me to fill my Eskimo quota by the end of the month.

>> No.10458109

>Remind me to fill my Eskimo quota by the end of the month.
>ever forgetting those filthy, seal-fucking igloo-niggers shitting up everything

>> No.10458136

>Chic-fil-a in Mahattan is dirty as fuck, full of niggers

I don't know what I was expecting.

Btw, all Chic-fil-a managers are brought in form other states.

>> No.10458138

At least they can't shit up 4chan. They haven't figured out how to make ice, salt-water, and baby-seal into internet connections yet.

I started to realize how stupid that sounded after I submitted it. You never see that 'Around Blacks' pic these days.

>> No.10458217

We don't have this restaurant in my country but if we did I would eat there every day.

>> No.10458223

I don't care about fags. You have to go back.

>> No.10458261

I immediately lose respect and trust for journalists who can only describe things they disagree with as creepy when it typically isn't creepy at all.

>> No.10458420


>> No.10458454

You're confusing conservative with libertarian. cons support fostering traditional and productive social mores and behaviors

>> No.10458495


>> No.10458507

why do they have your "respect" in the first place? who gives a heck about your "respect" at all? that has to be the most meme word in the past decade. respect is SHIT, IT'S SHIT

>> No.10458532

>that has to be the most meme word in the past decade

I think you mean "diversity".

>> No.10458652

most people would consider this neutral reporting, because leftist bent is so thoroughly entrenched in american journalism. it's basically a thinly-veiled passive aggressive attack.

>> No.10458680

>muh chicken sandwiches
Do amerilards really have heated debates over which brand of fast food to shove down their obese gullets?

>> No.10458685

libs on suicide watch

>> No.10460766

Yes, they even had protests and counter-protests in 2012 over it. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/08/01/chick-fil-appreciation-day-brings-out-supporters-more-protestors.html

>> No.10460779

For you.

>> No.10460793

It's not like we're rioting in the street over Nutella or anything

>> No.10460840

Right but that anon didn't say that you double nigger, the problem with /pol/ is the fucking constant need to derail threads with politics, most of us just don't fucking care and what's worse, some of you fuckers intentionally samefag yourselves pretending to be liberals to completely shit up a thread. That's the fucking problem, and yeah sure some of them are trolls doing it for (you)s but it was the same with fucking bronies or furfags or any other subculture that absolutely has to insert itself everywhere where it's not needed.

>> No.10460851

Kys homosexual faggot

>> No.10460855

>Make political thread on /ck/
>Get political answers

>> No.10460863

This. Just doing a drive-by post to say, if you actually responded to this thread in seriousness, you fucked up

>> No.10460901

>urban living
>some cramped, small dwelling
>not poor

>> No.10460933

>the absolute state of libcucks in the year 2018

>> No.10460942

Imagine feeling ideologically threatened by a chicken sandwich.

>> No.10460981
File: 10 KB, 171x167, 1522721976009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good lord

>> No.10460996

the absolute state of the left

>> No.10460999

shut the fuck up you fucking mudslime


>> No.10461067

Found the suburbanite

>> No.10461090

>people complaining about about the employees being too courteous

Holy fuck. Is this really how Amerilards feel? If you aren’t being served by a rude nigger, it’s “creepy”?

>> No.10461098

>not getting extra pickles

It’s 50% more expensive than other fast food and 500% better. Maybe it’s different in NYC though.

>> No.10461110
File: 94 KB, 500x495, 3B4B7816048342A591B35AC36ABC1653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food chain operated by good Christian people is being protested by angry millennials
I don't know what you expected desu op

>> No.10461116

>Third largest business in America
>Still no restaurant outside of the US
>Shotgun pepe.jpg
Why are they so hellbend on not going overseas?

>> No.10461129

>Using electric shock therapy
>Hypocritical to the teachings of Jesus
>"Good Christians"

>> No.10461146
File: 11 KB, 180x200, 1422418820588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the qt at the chik fil a drive thru smiles and says "my pleasure"

>> No.10461168

point me to one single example of any chick fil a employee in the history of the company, performing shock therapy on anyone

go.ahead anon, I'm sure we'll both die before you can but I want you to try anyways because that's what you get when you say retard shit like this; a nice faceful of humble pie

>> No.10461173

>A bloo bloo bloo our little liberal coven likes fried chicken too oh no ahh it's so good, no we're getting invaded that's it.
Shit like this makes me wish Kimmy would let fly with the nukes.

>> No.10461174


>> No.10461185
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1509885647692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frying faggots is bad
go back to /a/ you disgusting trap

>> No.10461196

They don't have to do it. All they have to do is be associated with it. All they have to do is not speak out against it. If they make money for a company that touts electro-shock therapy (torture) should be used on people and donates that money they made to those causes, they are accessory. That's it. They support it. No mental gymnastics you can sling out will change that. They defy the word of God and teachings of Jesus by supporting torture.

>> No.10461225

wow anon I don't see you speaking out against blood diamonds or southeast asian slave labor or the treatment of women in muslim-majority countries or pedophilia

guess that means you're just gung ho about all of them, wow, what a fucking disgusting monster you are!

>> No.10461236

I don't remember anybody mentioning any of those things or any companies that support any of that stuff in this thread, so I guess you're just trying to bring in immediately irrelevant things to deflect from demonstrating why these Christians are hypocrites, but okay. Stay mad friendo.

>> No.10461246

I'm a lib but fuck how ass blasted do you have to be to not like a place so much that you write articles about it in the fuckin paper? I don't support them but shit I don't tell my friends to not go there and post on the internet how much I hate them. Goddamn

>> No.10461253

What are u on about. Not even him but youre switching the rules you just made in ur last post. Muslim will hate faggots even more so than Christians.
You should go to saudi arabia to meet some and get thrown off a building fag

>> No.10461257

Well I do. My 5th marriage is going to look illegitimate if queers can marry

>> No.10461262

Nice one redit top kek!

>> No.10461264

>immediately brings up muslims

>> No.10461265

I worked with an openly homosexual man once and he refused to eat there and called them "big its".

>> No.10461269

>Saudi Arabia conducts Shia practices
Saudi is pro Sunni you fucking retard.

>> No.10461271

>[...]how ass blasted do you have to be to not like a place so much that you write articles about it in the fuckin paper? I don't support them but shit I don't tell my friends to not go there and post on the internet how much I hate them.

This means you are not a lib, anon.
Welcome to the dark side.

>> No.10461273

Yeah i dont get why libs are obsessed with them when they very openly hate fags

>> No.10461297



>> No.10461320
File: 916 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-04-13-14-57-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chic fil a is evil and oppressing me :((

>> No.10461331

Chic-Fil-A hates gays.
One often-publicized treatment to "cure gays" is shock therapy.

It's called hyperbole. Perhaps you ought to consult a dictionary.

>> No.10461332

>totally heterosexual

>> No.10461333

yeah by your logic you should hate muslims even more >>10461196
but you dont because you genuinely cannot think for yourself

>> No.10461338

quote me on where I said I don't hate muslims

>> No.10461342
File: 40 KB, 595x720, 24067909_1638582212831948_5857302347179081396_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a radical centrist

>> No.10461349

dios mio..

>> No.10461358

I don't really know what defines a radical centrist, but I love guns, abortions, universal healthcare and hate religious nutjobs and far right and leftists.

>> No.10461362

fags hate everything

>> No.10461363
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>> No.10461379

>"those gosh darn christians infilitrating us, who do they think they are? it's evil!"
Meanwhile I see the drive thru fucking full with like 8 cars, inside full of people eating, line with like 6 people in it, and the workers are churning shit out just fine. It's almost as though normalfags do not give a single fuck about them being anti-gay

>> No.10461380

naw son don't put me with those sissies.

>> No.10461406

The only reason to care is because the gay lobby and leftists will soon want to force churches to perform gay marriages. Before slippery slope invoked, History shows leftists pushing the boundaries of what are civil rights and what the govt should do to ensure that these oppressed groups are accepted.

>> No.10461408

>wowwwwww I was just STARTING A CONVERSATION about them by accusing the company of supporting this grossly heinous practice with no evidence whatsoever :^))))))))))))

chick fil a doesn't "hate gays" you fucking absolute blithering retard. SOME PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR CHICK FIL A happen to hate gays. huge fucking difference.

>> No.10461412

I hate fags thou

>> No.10461420

I'm just upset that Chik Fila isn't as good as people make it out to be. Then again I rarely eat fast food.

>> No.10461451


Bullshit like the New Yorker does not represent most people who actually live in NYC. It only reflects pseudo-intellectual arts majors and people who just moved here from San Francisco.

>> No.10461480

They should live and let live and love thy neighbour, like good old pansy Jesus, right? Let judgement occur by God and only god?

You should read the bible, friend. That's like calling Islam a peaceful religion.

>> No.10461491

I hate all of these people. Just eat the sandwich or don't and fuck off.

>> No.10461557

pretty fucking based

>> No.10461573

It's the best fast food place around.

So it's kind of like that well polished turd.

>> No.10461608

Wow, it's almost as if people go to a fast food joint to get fast food instead of the CEO's take on identity politics. Personally, I think they're above average in the chicken department, but their fries are pretty good.

>> No.10461645

He's some faggot from Brooklyn, probably a trust-fund transplant from some flyover state where he thinks the "ethos" of NYC dining has to be some greasy spoon with rude staff and a subpar rating from the health department.

>> No.10461674

I'm gay (power bottom twink) and I live in Manhattan. What happened last night is the 100% complete truth.
I was on my way back to the bus station after having my neg hole pozzed (fingers crossed) by dozens of men while doing poppers and smoking crystal when I looked up and to my horror I was outside of a Chic-Fil-A store. I could feel the oppression and hatred emanating from within that "restaurant" (it's actually a hate camp that indoctrinates bigots) from outside on the sidewalk. I almost broke down in tears after being reminded of how hated we are in American society during drumpf's fascist regime. But instead I gathered myself together, held up a proud middle finger, dropped my skinny jeans and shat out a giant log of congealed semen, urine and feces right on their doorstep. This is how I helped fight against oppression and hate on behalf of the LGBTQID+last night, this is my story.

>> No.10461679

>fucking chick fil a with their anti gay agenda
>proceeds to virtue signal with his phone made from slave labour and children sent down to mine rare earth minerals. The workers in the factories have such shitty conditions the factories put netting on the ground and fences on the roof because so many people suicide off them
>while wearing clothes made by people who are chained to sowing machines
>drinking their shitty starbucks coffee harvested by people not being paid a living wage, even in africa
>petting their ugly dog bred so hard the brain doesn't fit in the skull
etc etc
almost everyone's a hypocrite if you look hard enough. But these retards think that taking a stance against a fast food company that's actually pretty fair and with good standards (even though I personally don't like chicken) just because they don't support homos 100%. nice, you're definitely good people now, here's a diploma.

>> No.10462090

Worked at a CFA both FoH and BoH in PHX for a year. AMA.
Also yes everyone is nice but atleast half are faking the other half are legitimately up beat beacons of positive energy.

>> No.10462102

As a former worker it's alright. The tendies were alright and the spicy chicken with pj chz is bomb with some CFA sauce.
Breakfast is where the real food is at. I swear the butter spread they got to brush onto the minis had crack in them.

>> No.10462129

At CFA if orders went past 6 min (from the order getting placed at the register) you'd get hella bitched at.
>TFW the GM was so fucking cool he'd be the guy supporting with getting more buns/butter/dropping chicken into fryers.
Seriously probably one of the best teams I've ever worked on. Also forgot to mention

>> No.10463100

when you took the job interview, did they ask whether you are religious or not?

>> No.10463130


4 hours late but this guy gets it. I live in seattle and drive around seeing dumb fuckin black lives matter signs and other such bs in peoples' yards. everyone I know who does shit like that is a total garbage human. one stole like 3 grand from his employer, another one cheats on his spouse regularly. yet they act so fuckin self righteous and better than me because they write #refugeeswelcome on facebook. it's like, guess what faggots: people who are actually decent don't fucking advertise it by posting that bs on facebook or putting a sign in their yard.

>> No.10463140

That shit is japanese tier wtf
Is that even possible in the states?

>> No.10463141

>>proceeds to virtue signal with his phone made from slave labour and children sent down to mine rare earth minerals. The workers in the factories have such shitty conditions the factories put netting on the ground and fences on the roof because so many people suicide off them
This desu, I would like to know how much recycling and reusable shopping bags it takes to offset the Apple plant in Shenzhen dumping metallic organic compounds directly into the water supply to make your soyPhone 40.

>> No.10463270

as far as fast food goes, their chicken sangwhiches are pretty good, senpai

>> No.10463280
File: 621 KB, 716x633, hardee's chicken biscuit size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I prefer a Hardee's (or Carl's Jr. for west coastfafs) breakfast chicken biscuit more than I like Chik-fil-a's chicken.

It's bigger and tastier than CFA's, and for me it always came out piping fucking hot. My Highschool was right across from one and every monday and friday I'd go there to get one before class. Was pretty nice.

>> No.10463291

Degeneracy isn't purely a religious thing. It destroys nations.

>> No.10463301

hahahaha I love when r*ddit newfags say this shit. This glorious era of non-edgy non-racist 4chan never existed, retard.

>> No.10463344

What a truly oppressed people. You only spend your days spreading propaganda online, calling for the death of Muslims and minorities, electrocuting children, and refusing to listen to scientific evidence.

>> No.10463357
File: 39 KB, 941x281, CFADF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been waiting to reuse this.

>> No.10463396
File: 333 KB, 729x1416, 1498652307205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy knowing the people you "save" will turn right around and chop your head off

>> No.10463442

Want me to make a strawman of a "typical liberal" to balance out your utter trash of a comment?

>> No.10463996
File: 269 KB, 494x430, 8240aafb884af5dd8c0d8b191327e65353711c53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine and all, but ever since pic related, I can't help but feel inclined to not take any NYC opinions about food seriously.

>> No.10464088

I hate the overuse and misuse of this word. Literally anything the left doesn't like is "creepy." Any publications that call things "creepy" or include phrases like "and that's a good thing" should be boycotted.

>> No.10464108
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 1474855327985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chick-Fil-A is infiltrating the city with its devout Christianity
>says the liberal arts hipster who infiltrated the city, raised cost of living, and is now pushing out the city's original devoutly Christian Italian, Hispanic, and Black population

>> No.10464114


our guys at Bon Appetit had a pretty good chikfila video

>> No.10464156

>refusing to listen to scientific evidence

>> No.10464215

Majority of the USAs oil comes from Mexico and South America.

>> No.10464281


Is that supposed to be one of those post-ironic 'deconstructions'?

>> No.10464489


>> No.10464528

>you mean evangelists right? why would a good conservative care about gay marriage, the government should have no say in our private affairs
Because marriage IS managed by the government, dunce.

>> No.10464536

>tfw live in NYC
>never had Chik-Fil-A
>constantly hear people rave about it on the internets
>now I'm evil or something because I want to try it
Fucking faggots always ruining things for everyone else.

>> No.10464538

What a bunch of New York faggots.

>> No.10464637


Welcome to my horrible state. I'm not religious, but all the bitching from liberals makes me support whatever they hate.

>> No.10464644

gaurantee this faggot has no issue with mosques and synagogues. but MUH WYPIPO is always an issue

>> No.10464652

Weekly reminder that chik fil a doenst even donate to those groups liberals are up in arms about anymore.

>> No.10464675

>no C
D-do you remember?

>> No.10464698


That is almost always the case.

>> No.10464708

>Boo hoo why isn't everyone important a backwards warmongering bigot like me?

>> No.10464725

guess who controlled the presidency and both houses of congress in all 4 of our major wars the last 100 years?

>> No.10464732

Every time I go to chick fil a it's always packed, no matter the time, and has at least 20 cars piled up with over 30 people inside. I love going their food but having to stand there for 40 minutes to get some isn't worth it.

>> No.10464900

Conservative celebrities get blacklisted

>> No.10464932

Your iphone is made in an Asian sweatshop. So are your clothes.

>> No.10464943

Go look up the paper entitled "A cleansing fire: Moral outrage alleviates guilt and buffers threats to one’s moral identity". It's worth the read.

>> No.10464981

Is it fun, baiting teenagers?

>> No.10464985

Only the real hardcore fags care about their policies still, Chick-fil-Gay was over 5 years ago. I'm gay, I eat there, food's delicious, don't give a shit.

>> No.10465002

Yea, I used to eat it a few times a week because there was one nearbye, but it was just an okay chicken sandwich. Waffle fries were pretty bomb, but I quit eating fries for health.

>> No.10465019
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No one gives a shit if you label yourself as a conservative. People care when you sidle up to bigots and selfish cowards.

Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence. If you want to be a Nazi, go for it. But don't expect anyone to congratulate you for making retarded choices.

>> No.10465022

You don't actually support free speech, stop pretending

>> No.10465042
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made me laugh

>> No.10465043
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Link to archive plz

>> No.10465068

Why not just do him for making a threat and or assault? Why the hate speech aspect? It's not needed.

>> No.10465069

The problem is that often you see lefty/pol/ shit being stated and that's apparently fine. I'd rather neither say it, but if we have to have left leaning stuff, then we should have right leaning stuff as well.

>> No.10465071

So you really hate Muslims then?

>> No.10465073

Yes, Saudia Arabia just beheads them. So progressive!

>> No.10465077

>Reading propaganda online.

I grew up in Bradford and saw it turn from a sleepy English town to a 3rd world shithole. Muslims are not your friends.

>> No.10465079

>Warmongering bigot
>Most Conservatives are anti-interventionist and respect the rights to a private lifestyle.

>> No.10465080

You're not a supporter of free speech and the Left is not only far more bigoted and frankly, evil, but has lead to more death and destruction over the last hundred years than any other political group.

>> No.10465891

They go easy on him because hes on TV though. They dont want bad rep.

>> No.10465911

>Pickles in a chicken sandwich? Crazy.
drink kerosene

>> No.10466022
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>anyone I don't like is a nazi!

>> No.10466053


I remember this was so crazy they jammed up the interstate near here for miles to get in line.

The servers were walking all the way to the on ramp to take orders and give out drinks

>> No.10466077

their pricing is more egregious than any of their opinions on gays

>> No.10466092

> lgbtqid+

You forget the asexuals and pansexuals you fucking bigoted faggot

>> No.10466145

Don't worry, the + means "everyone else who isn't a republican fucking white male"

>> No.10466196

>live in one of the few cities in the country with excellent food from many different regions and cultures
>eat overpriced fast food chicken sandwiches

>> No.10466426

I always thoght those chain fastfood restaurants in NY were for frightened flyover tourists. I couldn't imagine a local eating at one.

>> No.10466599

The world would be an objectively better place if the extreme right and left were culled and were culled every year. Both extremes are only useful to the rest of humanity when they keep each other down so it follows that getting rid of both is the optimal solution.

>> No.10466871


If the people there weren't retarded turboshit libs or hybrid crocodile/human sewer dwellers they would live somewhere else, so you can't expect much intelligence out of them.

>> No.10466882

Nice objective news source.

>> No.10466890

why are libcucks so retarded bros?

>> No.10466895


>> No.10466903

I wish we could all be progressives so radical change happens over the course of a few years instead of days.

>> No.10466906

How is calling someone a nasty name starting a fight?

>> No.10466924

>one of Dems' biggest talking points this cycle was "let's bomb Russia because they spread memes about us"

>> No.10466932


>> No.10466933

>large number of people eat a fast food franchise's new location
>this is a "creepy infiltration"

>> No.10466941


>> No.10466957

Thinking people only oppose faggotry because of religion is a dangerous trick to play on yourself.
You're on 4chan, I assume you've seen the pictures of progressive parents bringing their kids to the Folsom street parade? The brave HIV activist trannies reading "gay culture" children's books at schools?
Homosexuals base their entire lives around fetishism and transgression. You can be straight as an arrow, but if you walk around in bondage gear with your wife screaming about how you're strong for having STDs and anal fissures, I'm going to be just as sickened.

>> No.10466999
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>> No.10467050

Not him but I worked at a CfA. They can't legally ask you that- they care far more about a "clean cut" appearance than what religion you are. There were a couple of nerdy brown (probably Muslim or nonreligious) guys who worked at mine.
As fun as it is to meme, it's only their founder that's a hardcore Christian. The company itself doesn't push anything, even in their custom children's books, which are just generic "be nice to others" messages

>> No.10467635

So? Most parents are retarded and raise their children shitty. Extremists are particularly egregious and the right teaching their kids to hate anything different than themselves and slamming popguns in their hands at the age of 4 to shoot at targets of nogs or latinos are just as bad. And stop pretending that when lgbt's were persecuted the US was a shining beacon of moral virtue, lol.

>> No.10467754

i worked at chick fil a im human and have a dick but if you follow the guidelines and act like how a normal human is supposed to act you will get a bonus

>> No.10467779

The absolute state of Western society.
>ask public figure a question about their views
>get mad at their answer
Same thing with the Duck Dynasty guy. What a surprise, a stupid hick said gays are going to Hell when asked about gays.

>> No.10467943


I'd work at a gay death camp for the keks.

>> No.10469100

Fuck jew york and all the brain-diseased SJW scum who live there who would never even bat an eye at a kosher deli or a halal restaurant or any retarded shit they support but somehow has a huge issue with a christian chicken sandwich restaurant.

I would rather fill our cities with full-on nazis than these stupid fucking white-hating hypocrites.

>> No.10469123

>They don't have to do it. All they have to do is be associated with it. All they have to do is not speak out against it


>> No.10469134

What exactly are you "conserving"?

>> No.10469135
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When unprovoked, it's reason to believe the other person is hostile, a reason to defend yourself. I believe people have a right to their personal safety against aggressors.

An attempt to contact authorities or talk down the offender should be made, but the person being verbally attacked shouldn't be held responsible if the offending party continues to escalate the situation by either threatening the person, violently gesturing, brandishing a weapon, or physically assaulting them.

>> No.10469139
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>> No.10469200

>Be me.
>Minding my own business walking the streets of NY.
>See a new Chick-fil-A.
>Try to ignore it as I pass, but I cannot.
>Mostly due to the gout of flames that shoot out of the doors that burn anyone who might be gay.
>Try to drown out the sounds of screaming babies and trans people as they are burned alive or tortured by the disgusting cis employees that scream bible verses and electrocute people.
>Cannot help a single one of the innocent people as they are dragged into the bowels of the store to be horribly tortured.
>Cry a little.
>Want to take a picture but my phone got stolen by a minority who needed it more then I did a few blocks ago.

>> No.10469221

I bet they would let a black person walk in and use the bathroom without getting them arrested.
Unlike Starbucks.

>> No.10469381

Being a retarded christian is alt right?

>> No.10469390

Wait a second, didn't Kimmel gay bash someone a while ago?

>> No.10469403

Kek'd and quoted for truth.

>> No.10469408

The only bad thing I have to say about Chick Fil A is that there is always a screaming child in the dining room.

>> No.10469421
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>> No.10470009

The difference is that governments don't spend millions sending rednecks into schools to teach children that it's fabulous while they do with drag queens and such here. (Not in the US, somewhere in Europe).

>> No.10470012

It was though. Literally a hundred times better than today.

>> No.10470013

Yes. Leftists are hypocrites and never expect to be bound by their own rules.

>> No.10470046

haha I espouse my political views on a Vietnamese cutlery board

>> No.10470333

Yes but them continuing to escalate is not the original insult starting a fight, it's separate actions. The first one to physically assault the other is the one in the wrong, no matter what happens before (unless actual threats of physical violence are made).

>> No.10470342
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Sometimes I get the impression there's a lot of racist asians on at night.

>> No.10470361

>contact authorities over an insult

>> No.10470390

that sort of thinking is what has led this country to be the shithole it's become. once upon a time people were held personally accountable for their words as well as their actions. no one should be free to say whatever they like without repricussions.

tl:dr you sir have offended my honor, I challenge you to a duel

>> No.10470399

This is high-quality bait.

>> No.10470403

>no one should be free to say whatever they like

>> No.10470404

Cheers to that. In the good old days, nobody could goad someone into punching them and expect the cops to arrest the "attacker." The shit-talker would get hauled in for running his mouth and wasting the police's time on top of getting punched.

>> No.10470405

>free of consequence
don't leave out part, dumbass

>> No.10470426

What kind of consequence are you suggesting?

>> No.10470430

depends on what's said, but respect was a lot more fucking common when insulting someone got you bitch slapped

>> No.10470435

Getting popped in your loud fucking mouth for talking shit, and the guy who slugged you being within his rights to do so because you were asking for it.

>> No.10470438

So you're just against free speech.

>> No.10470442

no, I'm saying that just like actions have consequences, so should words.
allowing people to run around being disrespectful shittalkers isn't doing anyone any favors

>> No.10470444

That's literally saying you're against free speech.

>> No.10470453

well if free speech is the ability to say absolutely anything consequence free then yeah, it's overrated. and you're against it too. don't even pretend you're not out there calling for consequences for people who say things you think are racist or bigoted

>> No.10470452

>letting people physically assault anyone who says things they don't like
>not against free speech
you can't seriously believe this

>> No.10470458

I'm not. People can say what they want, that's exactly the point. How would you feel if they decided you couldn't say what you want?

>> No.10470462

You're trolling or incredibly dense. If Person 1 can be blatantly toward Person 2 without legal repercussion, then Person 2 should be able to throw Person one a goddamn beating without legal repercussion.

>> No.10470463

first amendment was regarding political speech, it wasn't written so you could call 90yo grandmas whores in the grocery store

>> No.10470464

This is still an issue after half a decade?

>> No.10470465

like instead of talking shit, I wouldn't say something unless I'm passionate about it to accept the consequences of speaking my mind

>> No.10470467

Blatantly disrespectful*

>> No.10470469

No, person 2 should be able to be a dick back. Physical assault is not acceptable in a civilized society.

>> No.10470473

that sentiment is how civilized societies devolve into shitholes

>> No.10470474

Any censorship is a very fast slippery slope and if you had a brain you'd know that.

>> No.10470479

>a society where people can beat the shit out of each other isn't a shithole

>> No.10470480

>people still falling for the "free speech is unnecessary" bait

>> No.10470482

Anon, stop being mean.
His culture isn't used to being made fun of!

>> No.10470485

You are clearly a product of the pussification of this generation. You'd have been ripped apart if you'd grown up in my time.

>> No.10470486

>a society where people can shit talk each other to the point of mass shootings is civilized
thought you were against bullying man, bullying is just words

>> No.10470487

if you talk to anyone they could beat you up and say you offended them

>> No.10470491

if they beat you up, then you probably did offend them. people don't just attack each other for no reason

>> No.10470493

Why would I be against verbal bullying?

>> No.10470494

if we enact your laws then I could beat you up because i feel like it
you underestimate how many people just like violence

>> No.10470528

fear of over correction is not a legitimate reason to avoid correcting a serious issue

>> No.10470532

>a serious issue
>hurt feelings

>> No.10470534

What serious issue? People having to hear something they don't like? People being able to criticize the government/each other?

>> No.10470536

lack of personal responsibility

>> No.10470542

There's plenty of personal responsibility. Assholes don't have many friends, people get fired for being a dick, etc.

>> No.10470547

Have you retards never heard the phrase "violence isn't the answer"
You punch me for disagreeing with you I'll kill you in self-defense.

>> No.10470971
File: 305 KB, 250x188, hiro laygh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those buns
I bet the price is something ridiculous as well holy New York is a fucking joke.

>> No.10470991

god damn nigga you are not self aware. holy fuck its scary how many people think like you. you are an awful type of person.

>> No.10471026

ITT: religious maniacs, closeted homophobes, and antivax libertarians argue over whose dumb ideas are more valid

Fast food is garbage and Chicka Filla is no different, have fun virtue signaling with your hate crime chicken sandwiches

>> No.10471050

>hate crime

>> No.10471058


>> No.10471062

>We at the Gay and Lesbian Business Association (GLBA)

>> No.10471091

I was completely with you for the entire post, when you were talking about sticking with a brand you like as opposed to boycotting it due to a shitty social justice campaign. But then you went and ruined it with the last line.

>> No.10471095

I'm all for freedom of speech and diversity, but when a company like this has an opinion I disagree with I need to make sure it is wiped from the face of this planet.

>> No.10471118

You have a sensible attitude but unfortunately there is an unclear line where speech becomes harmful. There is a difference between stating your honest opinion on homosexuality where it's relevant and saying something deliberately hurtful with the intent of causing distress, which can contribute towards mental illness. I'm not saying that government should necessarily legislate against it, in fact I don't really have a solution. I just think people are too ready to differentiate free speech from actions which cause harm.

>> No.10471126

I remember being on /b/ around 10 years ago, there was a lot of casual racism, but I remember it being jovial as opposed to the distracting and insidious racism /pol/ brings in. You got the impression the people doing it probably knew black people and people of other minorities irl who they liked and respected. Plus it's easy to ignore somebody flooding a thread with "nigger", a little harder to ignore someone derailing a discussion into a debate on Jewish conspiracy or race mixing.

>> No.10471138

>god forbid someone try to promote community and values.
this myth that evangelical conservatives are somehow the paragons of "family values" and that liberals are the antithesis of such really boggles my mind. every single time i hear about a politician fucking around on his wife or sucking off men in an airport bathroom or paying off his prostitute mistress to get an abortion, it's always an evangelical "family values" conservative.

>> No.10471147


Not only this, but the conservatives FORGIVE these people, sweep the incidents under the rug then put them right back into power come election day. Democrats neither condone nor forgive people, like Anthony Weiner for example, who behave this way.

The entire problem with Democrats is the fact that they constantly lose elections and seats by attempting to take the moral high ground whereas Republicans live and revel in the mud.

>> No.10471173

So you aren't actually for freedom of speech or diversity of opinion.

>> No.10471200

>every time

So Anthony weiner , a democrat, never sexted with teenage girls while married and with kids? Never sent sexts with his toddler on his lap?
That never happened according to you since you're retarded enough to believe that it is "always" conservative politicians who violate family values.

>> No.10471215

You're literally evil, you know that?

>> No.10471217

good job getting so buttflustered over your shitty, hypocritical political deology that you didn't even read the very next post in the thread lmao

>> No.10471220


A Russian owned arm of Fabian Society nonsense.

>> No.10471226

>Leftie calling anyone hypocritical.

You're worst than the right wingers; even in your own example.

>Left wing: fuck up and you're UNPERSONED AND DESTROYED FOR LIFE despite being apparently about tolerance, societal factors causing crime, etc.
>Right wing: fuck up, get punished, but possible to earn forgiveness and become a better person later on, which isn't hypocritical at all as it's perfectly in line with Christian theology.

Lefties are disgusting human beings.

>> No.10471271

You're never gonna be seen as standing for family values when you promote promiscuity, yass queen/"don't need no man" shit, easy divorces, abortion, atheism, and getting married in your late 30s.

There's a reason married people generally lean right while single women form the most reliable left-wing voting bloc.

>> No.10471393

> Also god forbid someone try to promote community and values.
What kind of argument is that? You could promote values such as "childhood innocence is glorified ignorance, let's fuck them" and "vegans are cattle, cannibalism now!" the only limit is that no-one will share them.

>> No.10471411

Wow two boards on the same site might have spillage in user base. Did you think /ck/ was Tumblr property or something? This isn't a safe space, schunkums.

>> No.10471551

I am a mod and everyone in this thread is banned.

>> No.10471580

"Values" is assumed to be good values you fucking sperg.

>> No.10471696

And can you give me an objectively good value which is discouraged by homosexuality?

>> No.10471725

Procreating to ensure the continuance of our species.

>> No.10471809

If this franchise was owned by Muslims and not Christians, they would get zero criticism and could espoose the exact same views.

>> No.10471932

That's a """Meal"""

>> No.10472021
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Only with the power of Christ

>> No.10472158
File: 232 KB, 999x1522, swa-1380-blew-up-because-of-trump-O1ydwU7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, a topic about a New Yawker writer bitching about "muh New Yawk values don't include Christianity or white people" is definitely off-limits for bitching about left-wing indoctrination. The Left would never try to cram their narrative into every fucking topic that comes up.

>> No.10472166
File: 63 KB, 563x850, podesta-artwork-1520417317876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could promote values such as "childhood innocence is glorified ignorance, let's fuck them"
You mean /b/? Or do you mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9_Guyon_Society ?

Or maybe John Pedosta, Hillary's campaign manager, who had this artwork in his house? picrelated

>> No.10472177

And the right would never try to cram their narrative into every fucking topic that comes up, eh?

>> No.10472202

It's PODESTA retard, and those are just fucking stupid lies conspiracy shills made up.

>> No.10472210

>If Person 1 can be blatantly disrespectful toward Person 2 without legal repercussion, then Person 2 should be able to throw Person one a goddamn beating without legal repercussion.

When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong was supposed to be a warning, not a how to. That attitude is why blacks get shot by cops and get in so many fights.

Muh respect ...

>> No.10472263

Some straight parents are bad, so let's shrug off astronomically high rates of child molestation, disease, drug abuse, and dangerous sexual practices?
>slamming popguns in their hands at the age of 4 to shoot at targets of nogs or latinos
The one time per year this happens it makes national headlines. Don't try to act like tired "ebil right wingers instilling hate" is normal.

>> No.10472264

yeah podesta is a pedo, but i never supported hillary so whats your point?

>> No.10472277

>I-it's just a lie!
Pretty sure the fact that it was hanging on his wall makes it the opposite.

>> No.10472340

>high rates of child molestation
LGBT's are in fact less likely to be pedos
New cases of HIV are higher among heterosexuals than lgbt
>drug abuse
Drug abuse is rampant among heteros as well
>dangerous sexual practices
lol, wat? Sodomy is practiced by heteros too.
>popguns for toddlers always national news
Nope, it's routine among troglodyte alt-righters and permitted 'cause muh nra

>> No.10472414

I remember those days as well. I hung out on /b/ pretty regularly from 2005-8. I remember moot complaining about the chance in culture around 2011. It comes down to the following: when the culture is people pretending to be monsters sooner or later you attract actual monsters. The Pedobear meme and occasional CP shitstorms pretty quiclky attracted a lot of actual pedos. Referring to ourselves as Anonymous quickly attracted a bunch of idiots who bought Guy Fawkes to be in the super secret activist club. Posting traps for shock value attracted people who were really into traps. And eventually the casual racism managed to attract a lot of people who were actually racist. That's just what happens. When a bunch of people start pretending to be retarded you eventually attract a bunch of actual retards.

>> No.10472428
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Nigga please, fags are fucked in the noggin

>> No.10472430

I really wonder what you could possibly gain by peddling blatant lies, I honestly just do not understand what the fuck you're tying to do here

>> No.10472439

Yeah basically because they don't have the global propaganda machine behind them

>> No.10472447

Nobody is denying that homos arent fucked in the head somehow.

But those specific points? >>10472340 is correct.

>> No.10472454


>> No.10472460

Its a pretty well known fact that the majority of pedos are gay

>> No.10472462

>getting triggered by chicken nuggets
The absolute state of the left.

>> No.10472463

>I don't like facts, so I just deny them

>> No.10472467

Classic leftism, pro-freedom of speech when spreading their propaganda, pro-censorship when their propaganda is challenged

Leftists have no ideology other than control, it's a cult of narcissism.

>> No.10472473

Yeah that's exactly what you did, we know

>> No.10472475

Why do libs say 'the nra' when they mean 'the atf'

Oh yeah..... cuz they dont know shit about dick involving firearm laws

>> No.10472481

They're against gay marriage. Not gays.

>> No.10472483

>firearm laws
They'll be changed soon. We WILL take your guns away, you know.

>> No.10472488

And it's not even chik-fil-a as a company, it's only the owner.

>> No.10472489

i legitimately dont understand how that combo became a thing, makes me love raising canes even more since there arent pickles anywhere near any of their chicken

>> No.10472500

And not a single source to back up any of this, huh you pozzed chomo?

>> No.10472512

There are no rights to slugging someone just because they talked mean to you. Thought lefties were for talking.

>> No.10472514

It's not the ATF either, assclown. The ATF enforces laws. It's congress who makes them.

Why would you want to? Evidence shows that bans don's work anyway. Columbine happened in the middle of an assualt weapons ban. Said ban had zero effect on crime rates, mass shootings included. Not even the incredibly strict gun laws of Norway could stop the deadliest shooting of youth ever at the hands of Neils Brevik. Why persue something that only gives a false sense of security?

How about we ban cell phones and cameras because some tiny % of those are used for kiddie porn? How would you feel about that?

>> No.10472527

>bans don's work anyway.
Ask Australia about that.

>> No.10472537

>words as the same thing has physical violence
Confirmed nigger who doesnt understand personal agency.

>> No.10472542

>well known fact that the majority of pedos are gay
Where is this a well known fact, "The Evangelical Weekly Hypocrite?"

>> No.10472552

Lmfao gayboys just mad hes going to hell

>> No.10472554
File: 1.23 MB, 1599x4058, Racist map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is the same
Sure thing.

>> No.10472558

>>Ask Austrailia
Why? We tried it. Here. 1994-2004. Banned al l those evil ARs, high cap mags, you name it. Did zero good. Columbine (et. al.) still happened.

And as for Australia and the UK, their home invasion rates, as well as stabbings, have been through the roof.

Pls anwer the question about the camera and cell phone ban BTW. And hopefully your answer isn't "well that's different". It's not. It's a case of innocent people's rights being affected by the actions of a few, and inanimate objects being blamed for those actions.

>> No.10472568

They had nearly no mass shootings to begin with ... then they had no mass shootings for a while, then a muslim gave them a new one.

Guess it's now time to ban muslims.

>> No.10472569

Ask Venezuela

>> No.10472593

It'll be worse. Probably another prohibition all over again. Groups concerned about moving only weight (ultimately the drug business is a logistics game) will now be motivated to move guns as well. You're going to see the rise of some new powerful groups there.

>> No.10472597

>Pls anwer the question about the camera and cell phone ban
False equivalence. Cameras and phones are not weapons. I don't care about people's so called rights if it means they think they have the right to military weapons. That's just fucking absurd.

>> No.10472613
File: 670 KB, 3872x2592, DSC_0064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily peoples rights dont end where you feelings begin you dumb faggot. Good luck getting rid of "military weapons," as some of us can build them from raw materials and will continue to do so even if you homos subvert the system.

>> No.10472618

You're a dinosaur, and your kind will be extinct soon.

>> No.10472626

>help, people have things I dont like, better ban them!
How does your lack of self agency feel? What does it feel like to give yourself willingly over to the new gods of science and state for false sense of security?

>> No.10472663

>stop being so paranoid, no one's trying to ban guns!
>we're going to ban guns and there's nothing you can do, u mad bro?
Which is it?
You can replace guns with white genocide shit as well

>> No.10472669

>ban cell phones and cameras because some tiny % of those are used for kiddie porn
Much of the left supports "pedosexuality" and argue to legalize CP because children can consent and choose their gender/sexuality etc

>> No.10472675


>> No.10472695

>your kind will be extinct soon
Next to every white kid leans right wing these days, and it's a far more Trump-like anti-idpol type than conventional Republicanism. Those "le triggered sjw comp #378" videos get millions of views from middle schoolers.
Even literal children aren't dumb enough to get swept up in self-hatred and lunacy.

>> No.10472711

Money is my only god.
Guns will eventually be banned. Unlikely to happen in your lifetime, but it will happen.
>Next to every white kid leans right wing these days
But they're getting to be a smaller and smaller percentage of the population. So what they think matters less and less.

>> No.10472730

>Money is my only god.
Then why are you begging papa govt to swoop in to ban things you dislike? Logically if money is that all that matters than human lives lost, for whatever reason, dont matter in the slightest. So which is it, does money matter more or does some vague notion of human life matter more?

>> No.10472755

good job triggering the mouthbreathers on this board with facts

>> No.10472768

Spite. Most gun enthusiasts are part of the kind of American culture I find embarrassing. I'm coastal elite. And we are working to put your culture down because it makes us look stupid to the rest of the world. It's not so much a conscious thing in media and entertainment as it is a knee jerk reaction against those of our countrymen we find embarrassing. And we know you guys love guns. We don't. So it's kind of the perfect way to stick it to you after we've already done such a good job of sticking it to you economically. Gas powered cars are next on the list, you know.

>> No.10472794

>spite is a good reason to legislate things away
>people who like guns cant be wealthy
>people who are more affluent know better than the rest of you
Ahh so youre just an insufferable cunt, which is fine, I guess I can just go make some ricin in my garage just as easily as a rifle to kill you with so I dont really care what you ban or take away as you will never take away my knowledge of machining or biochemistry and due to your love of technology you will never take my net worth down either.

>> No.10472821

>people who are more affluent know better than the rest of you
You're almost right. It's not that they know better, they're just in a better position to assert our will on everybody else.

>> No.10472869

>n-n-no, it isnt that we think we know better, its just that we have more money
That is no difference than what I said, you are just changing words but the logical meaning is still the same.

>> No.10472947

Words are hard for your kind, I know. Not much money for those schools, is there?

>> No.10472964

>I dont understand logical equivalence
Excellent post.

>> No.10473084

Knowing better and being in the position to assert your will are not the same thing.

>> No.10473093

>>false equivalence
Absolutely not. Both are examples of an inanimate object that people blame for horrific crimes. There are millions of both out there, and some tiny tiny % of both are used in crimes. Banning guns to stop shootings is just as silly as banning phones to stop kiddie porn:\
A) it won't solve any problems
B) it infringes on the rights of law-abiding citizens.

>have the right to military weapons
What military weapons?
The military uses machine guns. ARs are not machine guns.

>>That's just fucking absurd.
So is children playing violent video games. Want to ban those too?

Why do you hate the things that put you were you are now? How do you think the American Revolution would have gone if people didn't have guns? Your lifestyle couldn't exist without prior technology, such as petroleum cars.

And speaking of which, what are your plans for that 1500lb highly toxic waste battery in that Prius?

>> No.10473115

>our lifestyle couldn't exist without prior technology, such as petroleum cars.
My lifestyle wouldn't exist without slavery, either, but we gave that up.

>> No.10473336

There are more slaves now than ever before in human history, who do you think mines the rare earth minerals for the iPhone you own that provides me with dividends?