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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 500x333, pizzafold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10456375 No.10456375 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Americans fold their pizza?

>> No.10456376

Why does Europeans relevant?

>> No.10456378

they doesn't

>> No.10456381
File: 327 KB, 1000x1414, he actually did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only people who eat truly floppy, thin, greasy pizza do this. Whenever I see someone do this with a normal slice of pizza I feel bad for them because I know they grew up as poor white trash.

>> No.10456388

based shadman poster

>> No.10456391

Because we don't like oil and sauce making a mess on the edges of our mouth

>> No.10456395

so that the grease pools at the bottom of the fold and they can poor it down their throat with ease

>> No.10456397
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>> No.10456410

i'd eat it

>> No.10456413

>truly floppy, thin, greasy pizza
so new york pizza?

>> No.10456430
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>> No.10456438
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>> No.10456453
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>> No.10456454

This, you also run much less of a risk of overly topped bites going off the slice and instead just get engulfed with the entire bite

>> No.10456524

I don’t know what the picture is but it’s retarded. You only fold your pizza slice when it’s too big and floppy and will fall/drip all over the place if you don’t. Basically just for NY style pizza.

>> No.10456533


>> No.10456555

>european "pizza"

>> No.10456568
File: 128 KB, 800x719, taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Europeans fold their tacos?

>> No.10456578
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Dunno they seem to come prefolded.

>> No.10456606
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>poor white trash
>for not eating 16 inch thick pizza
lmao, you make your pizza with coconut oil or something soyboy?

>> No.10456618

>one city
Fuck off. Only nyc fags fold their pizza

>> No.10456627

Because despite their insistence that turd muddled water makes better crust, NY pizza usually sucks by being a floppy, greasy napkin. Better big slices can be found elsewhere.

>> No.10456641
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dumb yuros

>> No.10456645

Not gonna lie, that meme burger taco looks like it'd make a pretty good fucking lunch.

>> No.10456652


>> No.10456665
File: 2.04 MB, 2048x1360, GoldSliceP_MClassic.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither of those slices look good.

Also I have to admit that good Chicago-Style is actually pretty good.

>> No.10456677
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>Jew York
Oh, I am laffin

>> No.10456692
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>> No.10456693

who are you trying to impress with that garbage?

>> No.10456699
File: 216 KB, 588x589, 1522116917501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you guys for tricking me into trying that meme Monster. Absolutely DISGUSTING. It tastes like PURE artificial sweeter. FUCK YOU. And I liked every single other monster I've tried. THAT ONE TASTES LIKE SWEET FUCKING ASS. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?

>> No.10456710
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, first sip of the day GODDAMMIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10456716

Why do you care? Right now there are 326,000,000 Americans who have no idea how you eat pizza in your country and don't give a shit.

>> No.10456728

It's the most blatant viral marketing/shilling Ive ever seen on 4chan. If the deenz companies are doing it, at least it feels organic and isn't literally tied to one fucking brand.
Monster posters should be violently culled.

>> No.10456730

Gaussian Curvature. Curvature is intrinsic to a surface. When you don't fold the slice, it flops from crust to tip positive curvature), but stays uncurved in the perpendicular axis (0 curvature), so it has a net zero curvature. When you fold it, it becomes uncurved from crust to tip (0 curve), but is negative cured side to side, so the net curvature is still zero

>> No.10456744

>buying energy drinks
I thought we all outgrew this by 7th grade.

>> No.10456745

Sorry buddy but NE beach pizza is GOAT. Dubs confirm.

>> No.10456750

Why would anyone market anything on a slow board that is mostly trolls and dipshits arguing about what country they are from?

>> No.10456752
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>> No.10456776

Idk if it was marketing why would they shill the shittiest tasting drink in their line? If anything that would turn people off to their drinks.

>> No.10456830

>implying americans were not coming from europe
Do you think white americans evolved from the red indians or what?

>> No.10456832

jew yorkers aren't american.

>> No.10456839

who cares about crackers

>> No.10456844
File: 136 KB, 1035x800, Pizza-a-portafoglio-con-salame-piccante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does italians fold an entire pizza into the shape of one slice and eat it that way?

>> No.10456854

>european pizzas
>clearly american abomination cheese and fag pepperonis
>filename illiteracy

>> No.10456855

My fiance sent me a video of her eating what looked like a rice pizza from pizza hut in China
Looked like rice topped with pizza toppings

>> No.10456867

Seeing as I cannot detect any sauce, that is merely a disgusting cheesy roundbread with pepperoni. Smoothies....

>> No.10456880

"Sushi pizza is a Canadian dish and variant of sushi and pizza often served in Central Canada, and, less commonly, the Northeastern United States. It uses a slightly crispy yet chewy fried rice patty as the base and is topped with a layer of sliced avocado, a layer of sliced salmon, tuna or crab meat, a drizzle of blended mayonnaise and wasabi powder and is served in wedges. Nori, pickled ginger and roe are sometimes also served as toppings or sides"
Oh wait but canada is china satellite country

>> No.10456884

Depends on how hitty the pizza is. If the chef actually knows how to bake a crust it should be crispy enough to support the weight ot the pizza without needing to be folded but not so hard that it tastes more like a cracker. For poorly baked pizzas you need to fold it of the cheese will slide off the crust.

As popular is new york style is, 9/10 slices you will find in that city are garbage.

This is how pizza is supposed to look.

>> No.10456920

He said why does not why did, retard

>> No.10457220

That is so disgusting looking it makes me a bit nauseous.

>> No.10457232

But mutts only eat 10 cm thick 'za

>> No.10457259

>hello yes one folded slice of tomatoey dough pls

>> No.10457260

I am not Americans but I am britishes and I fold the entire pizza in half so I can eat it without requiring any cutlery.

>> No.10457294

>what is calzone

>> No.10457308

every fuckin [[[italian]] place i visit the pizza is so fuckin thin not even folding would keep it from flailing around, when you take a knife to the center it just turns to mush
that cant be fuckin normal

>> No.10457326

I don't, unless the slices are really big.

>> No.10457819

It's so the go za doesn't go

>> No.10457941
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>> No.10458082

fuck you man im 1/32nd Arapaho so check your privilege.

>> No.10458120

>that guy who eats in front of his computer

>> No.10458133
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>> No.10458146
File: 49 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying americans doesn't leaved europe

>> No.10458178

we wuz murican injunz. das rite, black boi. fake negro.

>> No.10458243
File: 90 KB, 800x531, cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does learn language from Europs.. An StiL MeASUrE in Cups an InchEs

>> No.10458294

flyover by birth, been living in nyc for 10 years. can confirm, only people in nyc do this.

>> No.10459016

Most americans dont, its mostly people from new york that do, and thats because their pizza is shit that consist of thin floppy triangles.

>> No.10459044

For the same reasons Italians fold their pizza. Except not as frequently.

>> No.10459065

Honestly the best cheapo pizza I've ever had was Walmart bacon pizza. And I've been to fucking Italy.

>> No.10460695

>not calling it Pizza shit

>> No.10460698

I do it because I have a mustache and it keeps me from getting sauce and stuff in it

>> No.10461334
File: 47 KB, 600x400, spanish cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time I see that american """""""cheese""""" I'm disgusted beyond relief

which is inexplicable, considering americans should have decent cheese like europeans do.

>> No.10461378

I folda my pizza justa like the true italiano peoples from Napoli! It's tradizioniale!

>> No.10461397

Real talk, why's it called "New York" pizza when it's normal pizza and didn't originate in New York?

>> No.10461543

North America in general, although not all parts of it, has naive taste, ingrained in the public by generations of mass manufactured shit that takes shortcuts to produce the cheapest and most efficient food possible, which of course waters down the actual taste of the food. There is a reason why wild caught fresh fish tastes a lot better than the farmed shit. But most people here either don't care about, don't know, or don't understand the difference in taste. I'm really jelly of the shit you guys have in Europe and other countries. The standard for food is just tiers higher.

>> No.10461563

>The standard for food is just tiers higher.
makes sense, more a matter of "not having" but "there being less variety because people have shit taste"

>> No.10461834

Why make a thread

>> No.10462650

Increases the strength of the cantilever

>> No.10462794


>> No.10462796

>folding the slice in half
>not taking two slices and turning them into a pizza sandwich
Are Europoors really this backwards?

>> No.10462807

because people from america always think everything revolves around themselves

>> No.10462819

>because people from america always think everything revolves around themselves
Oh I’m so sorry Ahmed, please tell me about your day, what you ate and how many trucks of religious peace you survived?

>> No.10462830

i looked out my window and saw nothing and then i went back to my chair
ate some potato wedges and marinated chicken breast with danish fake beanaise sauce

>> No.10462844

Good now tell how many potatoe wedges you can fit in your mouth, you slut

>> No.10462866

2 maybe 3
depending on the size

>> No.10462903

why does europeans obsessed?

>> No.10462918

american cheese was considered cheese up until (((Dairy Farmers))) screeched autistically that it was undercutting them too much so the gubmint had it reclassified

>> No.10462931

They did. Haven't you hear of the phrase, "red blooded American" before.

>> No.10462933

Amerimutt disgusting cunt """"""cheese""""""" is literally fucking plastic designed to be shoveled into the disgusting fucking maws of those obese fucking ham-galaxies as they waddle their fucking disgusting spawn to and fro in the goddamn walmart fucking disgusting fat retarded mutt americans holy fuck I hate them so much.

>> No.10462949

Europeans don't want to associate themselves with us

>> No.10462959

new yorkers are gay niggers who cant admit they ripped off montreal style pizza, which is appropriately simply referred to as "pizza"

diesel fuel has more in common with food than fucking kraft singles or velveeta do

>> No.10462972

Please read
And never post again

>> No.10462973

t. assmad wisconsinite dairy farmer who couldn't compete with the rich creamy taste of american cheese

>> No.10462992

Why are you so angry

>> No.10462997

because these fucking fat retarded faggot amerishartmutts have the goddamn nerve to call their """""cheeese'""" by the same names as real european cheese and it's fucking disgusting disgusting fucking fat breeder cunts jesus fuck how do you not hate them?

>> No.10462998

"New York style" is a distinct style though that's eaten across the Northeast. The name stuck because New York is actually a relavent city.

>> No.10463007

you'd be mad too if you saw a lovely land full of arable fields and stunning geology and natural waterways, and it ended up being populated exclusively by dipshits who would rather eat yellow dyed petroleum waste products and take Super Deluxe seriously than have any kind of real food or even basic industry, and then turn around and slam everyone else in the world for being smart enough not to eat the yolks of Kinder Eggs

>> No.10463241

is this soap

>> No.10463252

oh-- oh dear

>> No.10463479

I live in New England and a lot of people here enjoy "fine cheese". We have a lot of local producers; Vermont, for example, exports a lot of great goat cheeses. I just finished some Humboldt Fog that I grabbed at the local supermarket chain. People really only use that cheap shit on burgers, I think you are blowing it out of proportion.

>> No.10463655
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>> No.10463696

big y?

>> No.10463715

because pizza is a sandwich

>> No.10463728

how many hubby points did you need to spend for your wife to let you buy lunchables?

>> No.10463738

el goblino...

>> No.10463890

Allah Ackbar

>> No.10464004

eat your motherfucking crusts

>> No.10464184
File: 138 KB, 1024x683, closeup-of-various-bell-peppers-PMM9QRZ-1024x683[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all agree that red bell peppers are one of the best toppings for pizza?

>> No.10464205

Because their pizza is floppy

>> No.10464249

Well it only exists to subsidize dairy farmers, be a source of food if shit ever gets that bad that the govt has to break open their food stores, and also be given to low to no income families as free food. It's govt property, so yeah its not meant to be sold.

>> No.10464410

nice to see a /sci/ representative.

>> No.10464620

>eating a piece of currency with their pizza

do new yorkers really do this?

>> No.10464656

I do it and have seen people do it. Both in Italy and neighbouring regions

>> No.10464660


>> No.10464681

I save them to dip in coke.

>> No.10464828
File: 256 KB, 812x810, FF5C7A65-9229-47BD-A88D-A23BCB576F03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10464831


>> No.10464883

Velveeta and Kraft singles aren't American cheese, real American cheese can be found at a deli and is just a blend of mild cheddar and Colby jack

>> No.10464918

what are some kind of cheese elitists? you europeans are so pathetic with your blind hatred towards anything Americans

>> No.10465132

Market Basket

>> No.10465197

Peppers and red onions are a must

>> No.10465223
File: 212 KB, 1038x582, 1520015814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>european "pizza"
pizza comes from... ?
oh yeah

>> No.10465259

>My fiance
so you've never actually met her

>> No.10465282
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>"authentic italian"

>> No.10465413
File: 1.14 MB, 1200x786, Chicago_Style_Pizza_with_Rich_Tomato_Topping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does Americans fold their pizza?

only New York cheesebread is foldable

real actual PIZZA (pic related) cant be folded

>> No.10465416

>Im a faggot that thinks food has been perfected and theres only one way to make any dish

Theres a special kind of idiot that thinks a food as popular as pizza should only be made one way

>> No.10465481

>Europoor pizza is basically really thin toast with some cheese and some heinous topping like banana slices
>Jew York pizza is just cardboard with cheese on it
>Chicongo "pizza" is just a bread bowl filled with tomato sauce and cheese
Pizza is a meme

>> No.10465483

>>Taking the bait this hard

>> No.10465500
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>Not folding your pizza twice

>> No.10465506
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>> No.10465507
File: 1.08 MB, 317x263, That'll be 500 dorrar lizald.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not folding your pizza one million times

>> No.10465687

>Not ordering a calzone

>> No.10465710

>not ordering a stromboli

>> No.10465908

I'm American bro I like real American cheese, and Velveeta has it's place in some stuff too

>> No.10466394

tastes good man try it sometime.

>> No.10466503
File: 23 KB, 503x335, ADD2C039-3C76-4C68-A939-D7504A2FAD36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s amazing to see all these ancient, obsolete pizzas, here have some Ohio Valley pizza, it’s the ultimate food

>> No.10466650

>a 'cheese' pie
Italy has full right to declare war on Chicago

>> No.10467349

Kek, every fucking meme about amerimutts is true.

>> No.10468548
File: 1.30 MB, 1372x1356, Capture+_2018-04-01-10-59-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10468611

Mainly because there are so many Americans that some of them are bound to be quirky just by laws of probability alone.

>> No.10468870

We invented it; we do what we want with it.

>> No.10469053

>amerimutts invented pizza
Dude, that's alternative history that even the alt-right sturmdrumpfers or TX board of education revisionists couldn't support.

>> No.10469078
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>> No.10469083

That they're based?

>> No.10469092

He probably just watched this video

>> No.10469768
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for dubs

>> No.10469811
File: 1.34 MB, 3016x4032, IMG_20180418_132159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this pizza from Domino's in Australia last night.

>> No.10469819
File: 1.93 MB, 3016x4032, IMG_20180418_132214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't very good

>> No.10469842

Should have grabbed some meatpies and some stubbies, cunt

>> No.10469844

You got the wrong things on it.

>> No.10469855

Fair dinkum mate

>> No.10470107

We don't

>> No.10470389


Why does Americans compensatory feigning of indifference?

>> No.10470747

Until they get called out for it and now all of a sudden we need to honor their legacy.

>> No.10470756

Unbelievable. It's almost as if each country has unique characteristics, including the preference to use certain units of measurement. It's almost like each culture is different from another.

Who would have thought that?

>> No.10471689

The pepperoni version isn't too bad. My sister and l ordered two when they came out and underestimated how big they were - lasted us a few days

>> No.10471698

The entire civilised world uses SI, even shitholes like africa do

>> No.10471711

When you're the leader of an entire planet, you can basically do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.10472442
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