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10456066 No.10456066 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw inadvertently bought 5 pounds of cilantro

What should I cook?

>> No.10456076


>> No.10456096

not pho

>> No.10456102

There has got to be a story that goes with this.

How does one inadvertently buy 5 lbs of cilantro?

>> No.10456103


>> No.10456104

maybe pho

>> No.10456110

how about tacos?

>> No.10456122

kek, I used to love cilantro until someone told it tasted like soap. Since then that’s all I can taste.

>> No.10456133


>> No.10456163


I'd go looking for your receipt. There's literally nothing you can do with 5 pounds of cilantro before it goes bad unless you run a Mexican/SE Asian restaurant.

>> No.10456190
File: 33 KB, 419x351, images (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Cilantro/Corriander with a passion.

But I can eat Pho and Pebre.
I'd try Pebre.

>> No.10456221
File: 3.34 MB, 5312x2988, 20180331_174319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mojo pork

>> No.10456232

This. Pics/timestamp or it didn't happen. OP is probably a lying faggot tho

>> No.10456249

Yeah there's another way. Sell it to 14-15 yo kids as weed

>> No.10456250
File: 385 KB, 1600x1186, cilantro-pesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cilantro Pesto

>> No.10456306

Make a chutney. Freeze most of it immediately.

>> No.10456344
File: 388 KB, 2000x1333, zhoug-soframiz-110816[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then make a ton of falafel and go to town
if u dont do this ur a fag

>> No.10456353


>> No.10456360

All these.

>> No.10456607

anything you want after you throw that nasty shit away

kek. I never understood the soap taste, it just overpo

>> No.10456617

overpowers everything*

>> No.10456650

>people falling for this bait

>> No.10456912

never heard of this. going to give this one a try...

>> No.10456954


>> No.10457017

this or this

>> No.10457933
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>> No.10457967

I used to dislike cilantro. It never tasted like "soap" to me, but it's more of a strong, pungent, citrus-like taste. I've started to enjoy it in certain dishes though, especially Mexican.

>> No.10457975

Lots of Mexican and South-East Asian cuisine for a month

>> No.10458007
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x2448, 49698421-F2E0-4792-8510-212C15991CD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey can I get some recommendations for 50 lbs of onions?

>> No.10458033

onion rings
onion loaf
bloomin onion
fried onion
onion soup

>> No.10458097

Giant pot of caramelized onions

>> No.10458115

It's pretty obvious... Eat them raw like an apple

>> No.10458140

/fit/izen detected

>> No.10459633

my man.


add bhut jolokia to the zhoug, for spiciness

>> No.10459785

how could you buy that much inadvertently?
eitherway, a shitload of guacamole

>> No.10459790

it dropped from a truck.

>> No.10459821

I thought it was lettuce

>> No.10459844

bullshit, cilantro looks NOTHING like lettuce, I mean, not even close besides them both being green.

Hell, the price difference would be pretty noticeable too.

>> No.10459867

but it looks nothing alike, except colour. also why would you buy 5lbs of lettuce?

>> No.10459921

I wanted to make a salad but boy has this blown up in my face

>> No.10459929

A single head of lettuce is around 1lbs.

So you're telling me you wanted to buy 5 heads of lettuce for a salad?

Are you fucking retarded or a child?

>> No.10459933

not only that but lettuce is like $2 a head, 5kg of cilantro would be grossly expensive

>> No.10459947

starting a new diet, kek at least cilantro isn't fattening

>> No.10459966

Depends on where you live. In my local supermarkets you can get a huge bundle--about half the size of a big head of lettuce--for $0.29

>> No.10459968

yeah, the price alone should have been obvious.

5lbs of cilantro probably cost the equivalent of 10-15lbs of lettuce, if not more.

>> No.10460106

make some cilantro paste with some grapeseed oil, a little bit of grated parm(to help emulsify and add flavor), and pine nuts it will use up a ton of it and you can put it in he freezer with some plastic wrap covering the top of the paste to keep it from oxidizing and changing color.

>> No.10461267

so cilantro pesto...

>> No.10462145

You're retarded If you think 14 or 15 year olds these days will think cilantro is fucking were, unless therye a choir boy or just straight retarded
>inb4 therye all retarded and so are you
Yeah but therye smart enough when it comes to drugs, social media, and being little dickheads

>> No.10462150
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1509014772329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking weed* guess that's the infamous phone posting curse