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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 185 KB, 650x607, life-expectancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10454603 No.10454603 [Reply] [Original]


When will you embrace the glorious and healthy Swedish and Icelandic cuisine.

>> No.10454612

Italy is the country with the highest life expectancy according to this map.

>> No.10454618
File: 307 KB, 800x600, Food_sampler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Icelandic food

>> No.10454621
File: 44 KB, 804x402, lutefisk_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmm, so healthy :^)

>> No.10454625

>Nordic '''''''''''''cuisine''''''''''''''

>> No.10454631
File: 114 KB, 875x656, snotrockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in the european wastelands for 80+ years

>> No.10454638

Mmmh headcheese

>> No.10454643

>shits on mediterranean cuisine
>Italy has the highest life expectancy

Do they not teach geography or, you know, numbers in general in the north? Or are you just special?

>> No.10454646

Italian/Scandi fusion food trucks when?

>> No.10454655

>Swedish autism


>> No.10454658
File: 84 KB, 500x333, köttbullar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite. The best Swedish meatballs are NOT served with ketchup but with brunsås (brown sauce). The tang of the lingonberry jam is just wonderful aswell.

>> No.10454663

Ah yes, the famous swedish kebab pizza with extra semen sauce, I think I'll pass

>> No.10454664
File: 127 KB, 800x767, 3_Baejarins_bestu.max-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Hot Dogs in the world.

>> No.10454667

Italy's number has a decimal while the Swedish and Icelandic one are rounded down to closest whole number. Obviously Iceland and Swedish live longest.

>> No.10454680

>anytime anyone says communism is a good idea

>> No.10454707

And lets not forget the traditional dish Svið. Also known as sheeps head, consisting of a sheep's head cut in half, singed to remove the fur, and boiled with the brain removed

uma delicia

>> No.10454727
File: 121 KB, 640x427, 20120415-sheeps-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10454781

Hey, don't knock it until you try it. It's legitimately good.

>> No.10454866

2bh you're a pussy for refusing to eat something on the principle that it sounds icky. i'd gladly at least give it a try

>> No.10454997

>better food
>better culture
>better music
>better sports
>better cars
>better architecture
>better landscape
>actual history
The question is, why would you live anywhere else?

>> No.10455024 [DELETED] 

muh gunz
also, culture is for cucks

>> No.10455104

i have never in my entire life had or even seen swedish meatballs done with ketchup. the way my grandmother did them was just like that, with cucumber pickles and dill potatoes. she cooked the meatballs in a cast iron skillet, so the texture was different from these. she's from staten island, but her parents were from norway and sweden, respectively.

also, what's the name of the braided cardamom bread made with eggs and milk? she used to make that all the time. i can identify the scent of cardamom from a league away because of that bread.

>> No.10455116

So yankies are more concerned with guns and remaining ignorant. Sounds about right

>> No.10455134

old =/= better
no way in hell
your entire continent plays one bitch sport
your cars are all designed to drive on what americans consider alleys
highly debatable, especially considering the great glass buttplug of london
a majority of your landscape is developed countryside and polluted rivers
same with every other continent (except australia) on the eastern hemisphere

>> No.10455138

the far right is. they can get exceedingly violent and irrational at the slightest mention of taking away "muh gunz"

>> No.10455144

>culture is for cucks

>> No.10455145

literally nothing wrong with guns.

>> No.10455155

Headcheese is a Dutch thing too, I've had the pleasure of making it from scratch. Our butcher even loaned me and dear old dad a pan the head could fit in. I miss my dad.

>> No.10455163

What does headcheese taste like? I never actually have had it before.

>> No.10455185

Been a very long time since I ate it so I can't give a very accurate description. But if you like meat in gelatin, you'll like this! You could also include the brain and it would be called zure zult, but I never got to do that.

>> No.10455245

>your entire continent plays one bitch sport
No, the whole world plays a variety of sports together. The americans inverted their own sports, then play a """""""""""world""""""""""" series in which only they compete.
But what would you expect form an insular society that is culturally and physiologically unprepared to admit any failure or shotcoming.
Its the equivalent of a child spouting "my dad is better than your dad".
Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.10455279

>exceedingly violent and irrational at the slightest mention of taking away inalienable rights
you aint seen nothing yet, soiboi

>> No.10455300

>The americans inverted their own sports, then play a """""""""""world""""""""""" series in which only they compete.
Eh, thats misleading. Almost all of the world's best players are in the MLB. Keep in mind that you do not have to be from a place to play for a team there, its just a business. Players in other countries' leagues are generally trying to work their way to the majors

>> No.10455315

It's just bits of meat with some fat and/or skin in a thick meat stock. If you've ever made homemade stock before and had it turn into jelly when it cooled down, that's just what headcheese is but with bits of meat/fat/skin in it. It's really savory obviously, and the stock jelly pretty much melts as soon as it's in your mouth to make a kind of sauce.

>> No.10455324
File: 2.13 MB, 2976x3968, late night ramen w pickled herring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dane here.
That all looks really good to me.

I'd rather live for 60 years on delicious food than 80 years on bland food ingested in a closet whle a negro fucks my wife. I'm not sure Sweden is as based as you think.

>> No.10455330

>inalienable rights
And that's why we're bringing back "well regulated" since that's a long too ignored part of that right. Better head to your bimonthly paintball skirmishes to work on your tactics, lol!

>> No.10455339 [DELETED] 

>inalienable rights
that doesn't mean what you think it means, cleetus

>> No.10455382

Then why isn't 83.1 rounded down to 83 you brain dead Swedistani

>> No.10455461

There's a lot of really good meat on that, though.
Do you want them to just throw it out? Why are you so afraid to try something new? Even when the "something new" is just slightly different meat. You're a pathetic little puspus, that's why.
I'm not Icelandic myself but I've been there a few times and both the food and people are great.
You remind me of those grandparents and sometimes even parents who refuse to eat pasta because it's "foreign"

>> No.10456067

that's not how you spell Andorra

>> No.10456929

also traditionally eaten in some parts of italy for easter, cooked in the oven tho

>> No.10457411

On one hand, I totally admit I missed Andorra. On the other hand, I'm not gonna acknowledge Andorra as a real country.

>> No.10457907

i will fuck you inside out, and then proceed to fuck you with your collection of plastic euro pistols and that old nugget in the back of your closet, next to your box of baddragon dildos.

>> No.10457936

american football being the only actual example, which is now seeing a rising popularity in europe. basketball is played worldwide, and has players from nearly every continent. baseball is heavily played outside the US, especially in latin/south america and japan. hockey, albeit not invented in the US, is still a north american sport and is played in every nation where the water freezes for 3 months out of the year.

soccer is a bitch sport because of so many players overacting any physical contact and playing for penalty kicks. basketball has had this problem and has mostly gotten back from it. hockey used to have this problem, and then created a penalty for overacting to draw penalties.

>> No.10457939

you need to admit to yourself that you wouldn't be part of the rebel forces, you'd be the stormtroopers wantonly killing moisture farmers.

>> No.10458117

dam what are slavs eating

>> No.10458229

vodka and sadness

>> No.10459621

>your entire continent plays one bitch sport
what is rugby...

>> No.10459643

all icelandic people eat are hot dogs

>> No.10459651

How old is this? Most of us in first world countries are now looking at 100 year lives.

>> No.10459658

negating the true wonders of Italian cuisine

>> No.10461820

>Insert default Islam joke

>> No.10463626

Not in the mood for kebabs

>> No.10464758

>On one hand, I totally admit I missed Andorra. On the other hand, I'm not gonna acknowledge Andorra as a real country.

Good call.

>> No.10464776


>this infographic brought to you by fucking north africa

>> No.10464950

I wish there was a Swedish restaurant around here. I would go. There are Mediterranean restaurants on every corner though. WHy doyou think that is?

>> No.10464953

In Sweden eating meatballs with ketchup is pretty common when you have pasta as the main dish.

>> No.10465065

But italy is at 83.1 mate. And all they eat is pasta

>> No.10465303

I preffer the head boiled with cabbage and paprika.

>> No.10465388

If it is that braided version, Swedes call it vetelängd, or just längd. Common in Sweden and Finland. Bulle and pulla are also terms used for that kind of sweet breads

>> No.10465407

i miss my dad too, but i'm gonna see him when he's home from work

>> No.10465582

Pretty good though.

>> No.10465594

So smalahove is a thing in Iceland as well? Neat.

>> No.10465610

Swedes are born retarded. Don't expect them to understand what they're saying. Just don't.

>> No.10466191

wtf, i didnt even know it was a thing. still seems weird to me.
it was definitely one of the last two. the word started with the english "B" sound. my little sister learned how to make it, and my mother doesn't have the heart to tell my grandmother that it's better than hers. especially considering she's in her 90s. still, the smell of that, with meatballs and lingonberries is a very nostalgic scent for me.

>> No.10466234

Both are made from the same dough. The braided version just goes by a different name because it's not a sweet roll, but a larger pastry.

>> No.10466631

BS ss pylsur are made out of crap mixzed with old ram fat. They are worst pylsur i know.

Most of meat from ss is salty crap injected with water. It is impossible to fry SS bacon because it usually jumps out of pan.

Crappiest meat i know is from that crap factory ss.

>> No.10467297

isn't there a nordic country that literally eats shit?
i remember a video of a guy tlaking about it and going to the hospital to get himself checked before trying to eat it.

>> No.10467323

Are you doing social security fraud like the japs did?

>> No.10467899

relaxed work culture
germans actually aren't hard workers

>> No.10468232

>germans actually aren't hard workers
they really are not, but they are pretty efficient at it