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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10451188 No.10451188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

gimme some good wholesome places where a guy can get a bite to eat without supporting global corruption

>> No.10451191


Spend time getting to know the vendors at the local farmer's market. After that get involved with cooperatives and local grow ops. After that start your own.

>> No.10451196
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Give me a good place to eat without racking up the calories.

>> No.10451197
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>> No.10451200

>good wholesome places
lmfao, we're all in this rat race. anything that portrays itself as wholesome is a trick to get your money. life is a lot simpler once you understand this.

>> No.10451231

>purchase firearm
>go hunting
>kill small game
>cook it
>eat it

>> No.10451268

>Not supporting global corruption
Literally failed on the first step.

>> No.10451276

fuck off and die, you faggot

>> No.10451307

Yeah, arms manufacturers are totally innocent and moral businesses who've never contributed to corruption or political agendas.
Also you are literally a weak example of a human being if you need a fire arm to hunt small game.

>> No.10451317

i'm sorry for upsetting you

>> No.10451336

It's okay, I admit that it's hard for me to keep my cool when I see failed men trying to give people advice. I'm sorry your whole of a mother couldn't keep someone around to teach you these things, I know it's not your fault.

>> No.10451340

This image implies God is a person. In fact He's a spirit beyond our comprehension. If it helps your sad, feeble atheist mind comprehend it better, we are inside of God. He is everything you see around you. Pain is essentially going against Gods purpose and plan for you and all His creatures. That's why you feel shame when you masturbate. Or you are so swallowed up with sin you feel nothing and delve further in darkness. Isolating the pleasure away from sex in lieu of sexes natural purpose (childbearing) is a sin and is wrong, plain and simple.

I await your humorously childish response to me.

>> No.10451343

you upset soyboys can't type when you're upset.

>> No.10451366

>I'm not mad, YOU'RE mad!
>I'm not a soyboy, YOU'RE a soyboy!
Sure thing, kiddo.

>> No.10451369

kek. cry it all out, you big baby

>> No.10451373


>> No.10451386

Yeah, you sure got me little fella.

>> No.10451387

I don't feel shame when I masturbate. It simply doesn't exist.

For the people that do feel shame the explanation seems much simpler: they've been taught that it's shameful by their parents and/or peers.

Religion is fiction. And people get upset and have emotional responses to all sorts of silly things, fiction included.

>> No.10451392

nice try hippie

>> No.10451449

keep crying it all out.

>> No.10451461

And if you're buying food anyways, do your best to give the least amount of money to ZOG.

>> No.10451487

Yikes this is one of the most miserably bitter things I've read in a long time.

>> No.10451489

Fast food will never be strong enough for global corruption. The countries with the highest amounts of fast food chains are actually the ones that get lots of American tourists and don't impact the local economic market at all.
But it is sad how hard it is to get a good cheap meal in the US and I'm glad you're doing something about it. Try to find small, family-owned restaurants. The most obvious ones will have foreign food, mostly Asian. You can also find quite a few good burger joints. Basically just avoid anything you see on tv. If they have enough money for ads then you shouldn't give them your business.

>> No.10451499
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Holy fuck champ do you need a hug?

>> No.10451501

>Fast food will never be strong enough for global corruption
there are McDs and KFCs in every corner of the globe you mong

>> No.10451510
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>> No.10451511 [DELETED] 

Homosexuals are intent on tearing apart the moral fabric of the United States and promoting the fuck out of their obscene perversion of Gods image. I won’t rest easy until all the fags are gone and I can have a happy, healthy gay-free future with my wife and kids.

>> No.10451532

you closeted homos always say shit like that

>> No.10451534

Read what I said faggot. Just because they exist doesn't mean they're thriving. There are literally only 4 of them in the entire country of Italy, and they're all in cities with a heavy tourist industry.

>> No.10451592
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Is this the power of Leftwing Autism?

>> No.10451598

>maybe ur gay lol

>> No.10451602

you cruising me, bro?

>> No.10451615

>There are literally only 4 of them in the entire country of Italy,
congrats? McDs still pulls in tons of global revenue, about equal to its US earnings

>> No.10451632

I dunno, your god seems like a spook to me

>> No.10451637


You believe masturbation is real? Ooo, someone's about to get a nice slice of humble pie when they grow up

>> No.10451638

Your point? Just because the mcdonalds outside of America are located in big cities where money is constantly being spent doesn't mean it's influence or corrupting them. Mcdonalds is a purely American problem and I bet all the ones abroad would close down the instant Americans stop travelling there.

>> No.10451701

Lmao is this ad real

>> No.10451722

No it's not

>> No.10451724

Paragraph response to a single word bait

>> No.10451728

Chick fil a is based. Every menu item is a mcchicken. You can ask for as much Polynesian sauce as you want and they won’t say a word. Blows the fuck out of McDonalds