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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10450401 No.10450401 [Reply] [Original]

Lets start with this overpriced jizz

>> No.10450471
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>~€5 in every asian supermarket in my city

>> No.10450528
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>> No.10450534

It's $4.99 at my local Korean market. A bottle lasts me about a month, month and a half. I'm not the richest dude, but $5 a month isn't something that I worry about.

>> No.10450537

Its just mayonnaise
5 fucking dollars for mayonnaise!!!!

>> No.10450542

It's good mayonnaise.
But you spend your money how you see fit, I don't care.

>> No.10450558

>its good
Taste like hellmanns

>> No.10450567

Does it? Never had hellmanns.

>> No.10450579

making your own mayo is infinitely better and not that hard. get back to us when you've tried it

>> No.10450595

It's supposed to be used as a smaller portioned condiment, not to be scooped out of a jar, fat lardo.
The only meme here is only those who cannot even use it properly.
Also which shithole do you live in, those shit cost only three bucks.

>> No.10450624
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>> No.10450626

Its mayonnaise that is better than every other mayo except for pain in the ass home made

>> No.10450719

Kerrygold Butter

>> No.10450815

>pain in the ass home made

literally takes like 5 minutes...

>> No.10450832

Another memefood : homemade mayo

>> No.10450848
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First it was frozen yogurt, then it was cupcakes, then it was fucking bubble tea, more recently it was macarons... I'm pretty sure the new trendy fatty food of 2018 is gonna be egg waffle ice cream cones but someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


>> No.10450861

Challenge butter is far superior

>> No.10450863

>xD i start thread to make people mad!

>> No.10450867

There are plenty of memes that circulate around here but Kewpie is actually good.

>> No.10450872

It does not taste like hellman's.

>> No.10450873

You do know that announcing reports, even in jest, is bannable right newfriend?

>> No.10450886

thats only like a dollar more than regular mayo

>> No.10450889

Oh watch out, it's a wannabe janitor.

>> No.10450891

lick my kewpie faggot

>> No.10450917


>> No.10450927

It's still overpriced, especially given that normal mayo is overpriced. It's easy as hell to make yourself and costs a fraction of storebought.

>> No.10451090

Wow how butthurt

>> No.10451097

lol omg so rekt

>> No.10451155

I suspect Thai ice cream will be the big thing here, if the initial boom in 2015-ish didn't count.

>> No.10451180

Just buy it once. If it tastes like shit, then never buy it again. Look for uses for it as a sort of experiment, otherwise just throw it away if you really dislike it. 5 dollars is peanuts compared to the potential it has.

>> No.10451187

>complaining about 5 dollars for a thing of mayo
>krafts, dukes, or whatever brand you buy is 3.50 up to 4
>complaining about a 1.00 to 1.50 difference
>being poor

>> No.10451224

A large jar of hellmanns is 3.20 and its double the size. Kewpie Is pretenious mayo for people who inhale their own farts

>> No.10451226


>> No.10451235
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You can approximate kewpie mayo by getting hondashi at your asian market and stirring some into normal mayo, along with some sugar and MSG.

>> No.10451261

If you're at a place with hondashi then you might as well buy the mayo

>> No.10451272

Most people aren't going to do that. Mayo is still something a lot of people aren't ok with. You can definitely do it with a whisk but it's easier with a stick blender, which most people don't have. You're arguing with the wrong crowd. I would think that if you like eggs, you would like mayo. Just haven't had it seasoned properly or added garlic and herbs and whatnot. If that doesn't sound like something you'd make yourself and would just assume it's bad because that's what you get off the shelf, that sucks. You're missing out.
muh mayo blog

>> No.10451284

Then buy the product and use less of it. You don't need a full sized hellman's jar to enjoy the product anyways. A small film of mayo on a sandwich is more than enough. This isn't burgerking.

>> No.10451294
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>> No.10451312

Burn in hell, heathen

>> No.10451314

>most people don't have a stick mixer
What the fuck? It's like $10 for a brand new one with every attachment you could conceivably need and is basically the most useful thing you can own.

>> No.10451342

all of the asian markets near me have another brand of japanese mayo for 3.78 usd that tastes exactly the same

>> No.10451362

Whats their names

>> No.10451378


>> No.10451391

The naked baby is offputting and offensive, please fuck off to /b/ you pedophile

>> No.10451403

kenko is the name of the mayo

>> No.10451407


>> No.10451431

Different anon here. Sell me on it.

>> No.10451464



>> No.10451644
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this shit, in any way, shape, or form. Along with whatever you put it on.

>> No.10451659
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>> No.10451700

What comparable fast food do you like , gayboy?
>in before “I don’t eat any fast food”

>> No.10451708

Da fuck is this?
Is it even a meme

>> No.10451723
File: 258 KB, 1200x788, 60CE92FB-1D36-4F26-BB8B-6B2FDF0578FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a “new age” sort of bullshit, something lesbians might drink

This one here is pretty much overrated slim fast

>> No.10451737

It's expensive but I unironically like kombucha. It is effervescent and the flavors are often good. I don't like soda.

>> No.10451775

that guy looks like the spokesman for the national association of micro dick numales

>> No.10451799

God, yes. This shit is hipster trash.

>> No.10451814

>“I don’t eat any fast food”
Not that anon, but that is a valid answer.
Sorry your life is such a wreck you can't imagine not eating garbage tier "food".

>> No.10452208

I agree with this. They're just a weird combination of salt+vinegar and BBQ. It tastes good, but there's nothing special and the flavor isn't even unique enough to give them the hype that some people do.

>> No.10452223
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>> No.10452376

Kombucha is great you flyover cucks

>> No.10452388

As someone who likes sour beers and fermented food. Kombucha tastes like what’s not supposed to happen like it legimately spoiled

>> No.10452541

Never liked this stuff. I remember going out to Asian restaurants as a kid with my parents they would always use a shit ton of it and I never understood why.

>> No.10452548

Kombucha phased out of popularity in Asia about 40 years ago.

>> No.10452558

I would really like to try that now that I’m looking at it. Are the puffy bits hollow or what?

>> No.10452571


Not him but canes > chikfila

>> No.10452586 [DELETED] 
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Try the pink ones next time.

A lot more flavorful

>> No.10452595

Kombucha, any sauce with ghost peppers, and (at least on the east coast) fucking RAMPS


>> No.10452614

Yeah its hollow like an egg carton, hence the name. They are pretty tasty if you've never had one but honestly nothing too special and have the potential to become an overhyped meme.

>> No.10452732

Fermented Tea that is effervescent like beer. Good for your microbial gut health if you avoid the ones with lots of sugar.

Not really new age at all, just newly marketed, hence all the calls about it being 'soy'. It's just insecure 20 somethings that pin masculinity on products they've traditionally been sold.

>> No.10452748

Whayever that is looks good

>> No.10452758
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Sage and reported for autism

>> No.10452769

Oh shit then if it isnt popular why even drink it? You absolute fagalag

>> No.10452805

>Good for your microbial gut health if you avoid the ones with lots of sugar.
And if you avoid the ones that are pasteurized, and avoid the unpastuerized ones that make you ill, at which point why not just eat yoghurt because kombucha is overpriced and tastes a shit

>> No.10452816

You can just put in a little bit of rice vinegar to make regular mayonnaise taste like Kewpie.

>> No.10452860


>> No.10453008

You don't get it you hipster fag. You think it's unheard of and trendy when it's actually old as fuck and people who were so rural that planes didn't even fly over them back then stopped drinking it decades ago.

>> No.10453117

I live in Japan and this is the second cheapest mayo here. The only cheaper one comes in a huge amount.

>> No.10453124

nice claim, any evidence to back that up retarded faggot?

>> No.10454539

At that point just make your own mayonnaise. Kewpie literally just tastes like what actual egg mayonnaise tastes like, not the sour plastic Kraft crap.

>> No.10454544


>> No.10455123

Is this a weeaboo meme or something

Hellmanns is fine and cheaper, wanna get fancy get the Organic shit or whatever