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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.33 MB, 3264x1836, whatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10448472 No.10448472 [Reply] [Original]

I don't have anything against vegans or vegetarians (more meat for me) but I don't understand this obsession with making non-meat products look like meat. This doesn't happen the other way around, no one ever shows up to a party saying:

>hey guys! I brought these steaks that look just like cauliflower!

What's the purpose of this? Tofu and other mashed-up asshole-looking foods can be any shape or size you like. Is the implication here that the sausage link is the most effective food delivery device?

>> No.10448481

my dick looks like a carrot lol

>> No.10448509

They object to eating actual meat but still want a similar gustatory experience. It makes perfect sense. No one quits meat because it tastes bad.

>> No.10448520

This. It's not the taste or texture of things that bothers vegetarians and vegans. It's often a health or moral choice. And things like veggie sausages help them lead otherwise normal food lives by allowing them to consume their food in "normal" ways. BBQs with hotdogs and buns, for example. Yeah they could eat a pile of grains and vegetables, but shoving it in a faux casing so it can be eaten in a bun makes it easier to eat (utensil-free) and socially available in situations like parties, BBQs, etc.

>> No.10448627
File: 432 KB, 1957x1952, lcz0utwwfqr01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>afraid of foods that "look like asshole"
>eat ground up asshole
Meatcuck dissonance at it's finest

>> No.10448657

you have realize the average vegan is now college aged thots. The most commitment they can muster is substituting things. Actually eating a vegetable rich diet is simply beyond them (unless it comes in a trader joes freezer box). To be honest I'm glad with all the normands getting into veganism we might actually get some worthwhile statistics out it. Since it'll no longer be normal people vs health elitists, people with eating disorders, and a handful of nutters with animal rights issues.

>> No.10448687
File: 72 KB, 800x600, Tempeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the human body craves meat it's only natural to make vegetable and grain substitutes that look like meat. Especially because it takes so little effort.

Take this tempeh "steak" for instance. Just cut it a little jagged, rough it up a little, soak it in some diluted red food coloring, and sear it just like a steak.

>> No.10448749

>plating it with glorified cocktail garnishes

This is fucking atrocious and has nothing to do with tempeh.

>> No.10448774

>not eating vinegar-soaked peppers to help digest your soy-steak
Oh common anon, at least try it.

>> No.10448852
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>> No.10448870

Tempeh is literally made of soy. You're oversensitive.

>> No.10448909

I remember being a sensitive boy
Fucking vegan faggot

>> No.10448927

A lot of vegans formerly ate meat products and end up missing those meat products so they try to create replicas to satisfy their craving. Also, it's a way they can enjoy meals with others without needing some special dish prepared. For instance, if a vegan is attending a cook out they can just bring a pack of those bad boys with them and the cook can grill them right along with the others.

>> No.10448933

Kek triggered

>> No.10448942
File: 152 KB, 1200x987, meatcucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The implication is that hot dogs are fun to eat you autist

>> No.10449521
File: 69 KB, 521x960, do733g59p2l01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so we can trick dumbass flesh eating meatcucks into eating vegan food.

>> No.10449554
File: 93 KB, 708x708, meatcucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't understand you have downsyndrome

>> No.10449562

>I don't understand this obsession with making non-meat products look like meat
To exploit vegans.

>> No.10449566

This, their food should be super cheap but their insecure so go the trouble of making look like meat and quadruple the price

>> No.10449572
File: 96 KB, 1200x886, 58fe1f23284a8.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do omnivores make their food look nothing like its source? I guess it'd make people feel too guilty.

>> No.10449631

can you vegan fags get off this board? thanks.

>durrrrrr i don't understand the difference between someone's pet and pig farming

>> No.10449705
File: 2.07 MB, 320x180, Subhumans.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pet status determines moral worth

>> No.10449720

To avoid social awkwardness/feeling left out. "Hey, I'm having a sausage too!"

>> No.10449756

I'm also not veg, but bruhh have you tried those Field Roast sausages? Smoked apple sage is the bees knees.

>> No.10449807

Can't deny, frozen veggies are great. As fresh as they come, can forget forever in the fridge without them going bad, and extremely easy to prepare, no prewash and cutting. As a lazy single, frozen veggies are a life saver because everything else you can buy tends to be too much or too little.

>> No.10449862


>I have a soysage!

>> No.10450555

it does in non-subhuman countries. stupid fuck.

>> No.10450683

So if I raise them as livestock instead of pets you'd be fine eating them?

>> No.10450689

i did