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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 480x480, images(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10446633 No.10446633 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about Mexican food?

>> No.10446640 [DELETED] 

what does that image have to do with mexican food?

>> No.10446643


I love eating it and I love making it. Going to try making my own sauces soon. Enchilada sauce, mole etc.

>> No.10446647

Is this one of those teenagers that /r9k/ creepily obsesses over?

>> No.10446655

i would eat her taco if you know what i mean wink wink nudge nudge

>> No.10446659

Starting with a picture of an attractive woman GUARANTEES someone views your thread.

Pay attention and you'll start to notice this trend

>> No.10446671 [DELETED] 

>implying it's just r9k
it's not even threads though, people just add attractive women to random posts and then sperg out when someone asks a question or posts a comment other than "omg I totally would have sex with that attractive female, am I special yet"

>> No.10446710
File: 5 KB, 234x250, 1521059198717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a roastie, but my roommate is a robot and he has like a 20gb folder of these wide eyed goth looking girls that i'm pretty sure he jerks it to. Sometimes when i walk by his room and his door is open i'll see him just staring at a single image and then i'll walk by 20 minutes later and he's still just staring at the same pic. It's kind of unsettling.

>> No.10446722 [DELETED] 

Turbo virgins have a thing about pictures of girl's faces, they think it makes them more entitled to some rando's affections and legitimately believe they have a chance with them because they didn't see them naked, hence why they will fly off the handle if (a) you don't know who the girl is, or (b) you say something they construe as disparaging to the girl even in the slightest

There are /s/ threads based on this entire premise. I'm not sure what happens if these people ever get laid, because I don't think they ever do

>> No.10446738

Is that you in the image?

>> No.10446784

As OP, I love burritos. I buy one every 2nd day.
She's Mexican. Most mehico related pic I had.

>> No.10446824
File: 68 KB, 590x590, thumb_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love a sloppy styrofoam container of enchiladas, beans and rice. So comfy after work.

>> No.10447104

Tortillas are just edible plate-napkins

>> No.10447116 [DELETED] 

>40kb thumbnail of a random girl you're obsessed with
Yeah because you couldn't just google image search a picture of an enchilada

>> No.10447124

Nice, where did you get your degree in armchair psychology?

>> No.10447140

>not knowing who crispy is
Get a load of this guy

>> No.10447158

Underrated imo but that might be because I'm a wetback Americsn. Lots of memes about how it's just tortillas and cheese but I feel like that's just americanized mexican food.

>> No.10447159

As a Spaniard I wish I knew more about it, it does seem very nice and varied and with a lot of tradition behind it.

Si algún mejicano me lee, que me enseñe alguna receta que le guste. La verdad es que me siento como un tonto por no saber más sobre la cocina de hispano américa en general, teniendo en cuenta que compartimos el idioma y demás.

>> No.10447168

It also pretty much dooms your thread to be full of shit posts and hardly about the question you asked or the topic you wanted to discuss.

Next time put in the effort to make an interesting thread that can stand on it's own on it's merits. Rather than hoping a blurry pic of some cumdumpster will generate (you)s and you'll get a higher percentage of decent replies.

>> No.10447176

I'm a third gen spic and my spanish is really bad so excuse me for not indulging you with a conversation in our shared tongue. But I think my favorite thing I always ate growing up was Caldo de Res. Just a simple and hearty beef and vegetable soup that my grandma would make for us every time it was cold and rainy outside.

>> No.10447181

Also, add fried rice to it.

>> No.10447182

Ah yes forgot to mention the best part about it.>>10447181

>> No.10447193

I don't think it is , but that might be because I grew up in CA, so I was exposed to a lot more than just tacos and chips.

>> No.10447197

I grew up in south CA and moved to WA a few years ago. I discovered that if you go even an inch outside of CA or TX you'll find that most people only think of Taco Bell when they think mexican food.

>> No.10447213

I work at a taco bell seeing a burrito nearly makes me vomit

>> No.10447235

Sadly that was my experience as well. It's a damn shame too, because the food is great with lots of variation and regional dishes.

>> No.10447239

Being Mexican as well doesn't help my longing for actual mexican food and distaste for the fake shit. Be there's only a single good Taqueria in all of Seattle

>> No.10447243

I like Reddit more than 4chan

>> No.10447268

I hate how foreigners still use styrofoam containers
chinese and mexican places both still do and its fucking bullshit
it they put foil or parchment paper and then the food its alright
but these fucking niggers still havent read that styrofoam melts when you put hot food on it
and that shit mixes with the food and you end up eating it
and if you already havent guessed, yes its cancerous
mother fucking chinks and spics

>> No.10447782

>no nudes

why would I even care

>> No.10447852

Why roasties gotta shit themselves every time a prettier girl is posted

>> No.10447860 [DELETED] 

don’t like it

>> No.10447868

don’t like it
and i don’t like mexicans either

>> No.10447881

I think this thread has shown me that /ck/ has become /b/ with food.

>> No.10447889

Nothing, op is just a sad robot

>> No.10447902


Both of you are morons if you think anybody considers Taco Bell authentic in any way.

I live in WA and we have a lot of authentic Mexican restaurants close to where I live.

>> No.10447913


No, there's actually a lot. You're just retarded and don't know where to look.

>> No.10447933

>neckbeard detected

>> No.10448092

a what?

>> No.10448099

Name them.

>> No.10448120
File: 259 KB, 1500x1125, moleverde3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's near impossible to find good Mexican food outside of border states. Forgive me for being skeptical about Washington having decent Mexican food.

>> No.10448134

>Both of you are morons if you think anybody considers Taco Bell authentic in any way.
No one said that. Learn to read anon.

>> No.10448139

I don't know great I guess

>> No.10448153

florida here
huge majority of the """mexican""" food is complete dogshit from wypepo trying to make a dollar
cuban food is pretty amazing though in miami

>> No.10448178

North Delaware actually has some amazing mexican food, idk why.

>> No.10448239
File: 73 KB, 640x428, flan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some other good Mexican desserts?

>> No.10448254

Sopapillas. Had these all the time when I lived in Mexico, shits amazing, even better with honey.

>> No.10449280

>they’re just jealous of a thumbnail tgat will steal my affections
this is why you’re a kissless virgin

>> No.10449402

I love pig uterus

>> No.10449408
File: 82 KB, 800x755, Tres-Leches-Cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess tres leches isn't really "Mexican" but neither is flan. It's pretty great, though.

>> No.10449462

that's not mexican food. that's white people food.

>> No.10449465

Smartest thing I've read all day