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File: 88 KB, 767x767, waterglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10439682 No.10439682 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think if they colored water blue it would make it more appealing to drink? Maybe even just using a blue bottle works better?

I'm trying to figure out ways to like this stuff, the basic concept sounds great and seeing people drink it in fiction makes me want to like the dickens, but doing it just is a let down

>> No.10439691

Add some lemon if you are having trouble drinking water.

>> No.10439692

fantastic b8 m8

>> No.10439693

If water was colored blue people would confuse it for mana potions.

>> No.10439695
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>> No.10439698


>> No.10439699

He said more appealing, not taste like shit.

>> No.10439711

How do you know it tastes like shit? Did you actually buy it?

>> No.10439713
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> the zuckerbeast comes to us for water drinking advice

>> No.10439729
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>> No.10439756

I have and they taste like shit. Now the red kool aid one, that's a fine choice

>> No.10439762

>Buying something so perfectly pocket sized.

>> No.10440039

>wearing pockets

>> No.10440048

>He doesn't wear cargo pants.

>> No.10440056

Learn to enjoy iced herbal tea, it's basically no different than just more interesting water.

>> No.10440062

This website is the only place I ever see people bitching about water. Just drink your damn water and shut up about it.

>> No.10440074

>cargo pants
I wear cargo pants with a silk button down shirt, ball chain necklace, and adidas with fat laces

>> No.10440134

you could just buy some food coloring and put it in a glass of water, you won't need a lot and it doesn't have much taste
would it work? it's hard to say, there's been a bit of research into the relation between how something looks and how satisfying it is to eat or drink, but most of that kind of research obviously goes into taste and smell
there is at least one study that found drinking a liquid from a blue container will make people rate it as being colder than they would otherwise

>> No.10440146

This is the most pathetic and depressing thing I've read today

>> No.10440160

This, who says you're supposed to enjoy it? I just chug a glass or two every few hours so I don't get dehydrated.

>> No.10440193

People who need their water to be "interesting" are retarded.

>> No.10440335

if you drink nothing but overtly sugary drinks for a while (preferably not carbonated), or nothing but broth, you'll find water a lot more refreshing

>> No.10441028

t. Nigger

>> No.10441035

I can't tell if you're trolling. It's so boring and hard to swallow when there are so many nicer drinks. Surely you can understand that?

>> No.10441045

YOU are the fucking troll, nigga. You aint baitin me with that shit.

>> No.10441050
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>> No.10441059

Drinking water is not boring. Ingesting a completely transparent liquid. Full visual control over impurities. Is there ANY food that is transparent? No. Water is the most exciting thing to drink there is.

>> No.10441066

I mean the taste is boring. Like you're trying to swallow liquid sand or something. I think the gag reflex is natural and other people have simply trained themselves out of it.

>> No.10441084

So because it has a neutral taste, you want to change its color? Doesn't make any sense, sorry.

>> No.10441089

Bait, retard, whatever, just fucking stop posting.

>> No.10441119

i started with seltzer and developed a full blown 6L a day plain ol' water habit.

it's getting a bit expensive since my new city's tap water is tainted as fuck and fluoridated to shit.

>> No.10441135
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In Spain we have these blue bottles. Quite good looking I think

>> No.10441154

I'm not OP, I just agree with his assessment of water. I don't agree that color would help. I don't even understand the notion.

>> No.10441200

>americans are biologically unable to drink water
Lmao just drink your soda, it contains water anyway right?

>> No.10441238

I quit drinking soda cold turkey a few years back, and now only drink water and coffee. Is it because I like water so much? Not really (although I think it's hard to overestimate the impact that the object you drink water from has on the flavor and experience). Rather, it's because I like eating junk food, and avoiding soda lets me do so without gaining weight.

>> No.10442040
File: 14 KB, 355x355, 4146QNNt7iL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get one of pic related, high initial investment but will save you loads over time if you are buying a lot of bottled water. I have the carbon filters and the filters that remove fluoride, takes out all the chlorine, fluoride, and birth control from the water.

It has additional benefits too, I use the filtered chlorine-free water to make sourdough with and the pure water makes god-tier tea and coffee.

>> No.10442061
File: 27 KB, 510x498, when u drink water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>americans are actually like this

>> No.10442085

I'd like to live in a country where ZOG doesn't pour fag chemicals into the water supply via every toilet that has a birth-control taking roastie using it but that's how it is. Coming to a country near you too, anon, unless you fix yourselves up soon.

>> No.10442110
File: 301 KB, 642x453, usa week HAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking americans' advice on how to run a country

>> No.10442472

Your governments are already doing that, this is why Europe is going in the direction that it is.