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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 338 KB, 1321x1762, IPA_12_Pack_Lineup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10439243 No.10439243 [Reply] [Original]

At this point, the anti-IPA circle jerk has become more obnoxious and self-congratulatory than the IPA craze ever was. There are plenty of good IPAs, but snobs shun the style as a whole because of their immense popularity.

What IPAs do you like, /ck/?

>> No.10439256

I'm not super into them and just prefer clear pilsner if I'm even drinking beer at all.

>> No.10439263

I didn't like IPAs because they are bitter as fuck. I realized if you drink them more often you get past that, similar to black coffee. It was all down hill from there. I still prefer other shit though.

>> No.10439269

Well balanced ones with very little bitterness. I prefer pale lagers desu though.

>> No.10439274 [DELETED] 
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I switched to wine at the peak of the IPA craze
It's ultimately a much more interesting beverage

I still get beer a few times a month but I've largely abandoned it as a hobby, it's for dullards tbqh

>> No.10439294

>Anti ipa circle jerk
I thought that died in 2015. We are on the anti sour beer circle jerk now

>> No.10439296

what’s a good place to start with wine? I like all kinds of beer if that matters

>> No.10439300

I prefer strong IPAs/pale ales over the vast majority of beers since for whatever reason, yeast flavor makes me fucking ill

I'll drink fuel-esque liquor or whatever other sort of intense flavor, but starchy/yeasty fucking slays me

>> No.10439309
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Try socky. It pairs well with pocky.

>> No.10439314

It's for nu-males that think drinking shit and growing beards shit makes them manly in their "I'm with her" shirts

>> No.10439316

Cabernet suavignon for red and riesling for white

>> No.10439319

'look im a faggot, does everyone know im a faggot?'

>> No.10439364

that's trappist ales, sours, $8/bottle stouts, and expensive imports. IPAs are normified as fuck and probably the best-selling style in the US next to cheap domestic lager.

>> No.10439402
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beer brewed by monks sounds fucking cool, is it the atheist numale wave to drink it ironically or some shit like that?

>> No.10439405

If you're new to wines try some semi-drys or petite varieties until you adjust to the spectrum. Look for crisp and bright character in white wines and stay away from moscato and chardonnay. In red wines sweetness is generally undesirable unless it's a dessert wine or port. Red wines should be low-acidity and fruit-forward, with the body being provided by a tannic quality that shouldn't be so strong as to dry out your mouth but enough to make it feel full. Nothing's worse than a thin red wine.
Hope this helps!
t. Michigan Sommelier

>> No.10439421

I kind of lost my taste for IPA's. Used to love them but switched to imperial stouts over the winter and that's where the real luxury is. Have a shot of a nice bourbon or whiskey, then have a Ten Fiddy - that's nice.

Picked up a few Dogfish Head 90 minutes this weekend as the weather has been nicer and wanted something more refreshing (in a way). Decided to have a shot and follow it up with the IPA and it was terrible. The flavor combination was very bad and by the time my pallet adjusted to the IPA it was like hop juice *YUCK*

Green Flash's West Coast IPA and the 90 minute were my favorite toward the end of the run there though.

>> No.10439430

>hey everyone I’m not gay ok? look at thith beer, would a homo drink beer? I’m tho thraight I could jutht eat you up honey

>> No.10439433

>tfw have a bottle of pliny the elder waiting in fridge

How good is it really? I have a feeling it's overrated.

>> No.10439473

No it's people who want to come off like they know something about beer so they drink these beers that have been around forever and are widely available, but for some reason they think they're special because they're foreign and above average

>> No.10439484

I love IPAs

Theres a good one thats 8.4% and it just tastes good, unlike similar 8% malt beers.

>> No.10439495

>ipas taste good, get over it
You manage to even post like a numale.
>and thats a good thing

>> No.10439509
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I wouldn't know about IPAs. I oonly drink beer from the oldest brewery in the world that is brewed by monks in a small Abbey in Germany.

>> No.10439523

Just be careful you guys don't burn yourselves out with hopbombs, I did that for a few years because I had friends that were brewers and now all I want is a pbr or a yuengling

>> No.10439524

t. Wino

>> No.10439535

You can take the faggot out of Ameeica, but you can't take Amwrica out of the faggot.

>> No.10439538

I’m not even a s*yboy, and I love ‘em.

>> No.10439539

Wheat beers gets boring fast
>t. Just drank some

>> No.10439548

I'm pretty sure the anti-IPA people are mostly underage/new to beer and bitching because they haven't acquired the taste yet. That's how I was and that's how the kid who used to live next to me is being right now

>> No.10439599 [DELETED] 

I'm 37. It just got boring. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're boring.

>> No.10439612


if you had to “acquire the taste” for beer you don’t like beer. you’re just able to tolerate it after desensitization to your revulsion

drink something else and stop worrying about seeming “grown up”. maybe a white russian out of a sippy cup?

>> No.10439615

like clockwork

>> No.10439616

I honestly think they taste pish and always have

>> No.10439625

tl;dr: you are full of pretentious shit and this has been replicated multiple times.

>> No.10439635

Torpedo from Sierra Nevada is probably my favourite American beer.

>> No.10439638

I drank ipas for yesrs and now i csn stand them, stouts and porters sre my main stay.

>> No.10439659

>one specific scenario set up by a wine expert knowledgeable enough to pick the right wines to challenge people’s overconfidence in wine tasting vocabulary was repeatedly cited by plebs as “proof” of a conspiracy to make them feel dumb

>> No.10439674

I pride myself on being stupid but even I have no idea what you're trying to say or what semblance of a point you're trying to make. Irony aside, it's just gibberish and nonsense.

>> No.10439687
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>> No.10439707 [DELETED] 

You know there's an actual test to become a somm, with right and wrong answers, yes?

Since it's not customary to mix food coloring with wine in a restaurant context, the only concern is being able to pick a wine, as it comes out of the bottle, that will taste good with food.

They do a pretty good job of that usually.

>> No.10439759
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>> No.10439760

It's a bullshit test and it means next to nothing in any restaurant. Their is a craft beer certificatory equivalent called a "cicerone" that is even more laughed at then the almighty title of "sommelier"

>> No.10439766 [DELETED] 

They also do a pretty impressive job of causing butthurt from insecure neckbeards who think wine will turn them gay

>> No.10439770

>Master Somms don't regularly pull six+ figures

ok fag

>> No.10439774 [DELETED] 

> Their is a craft beer certificatory equivalent called a "cicerone"
So what we learned today is that beer is bullshit and all tastes the same

>> No.10439775

>projecting this hard

>> No.10439787

for every "master" sommelier there are 50,000 alcoholic sloppy messes that can't even tell a a pino from a merlot. Same thing goes with beer "experts", one in tens of thousands has the palate and the capability to make it a career and that's honestly about it.

>> No.10439795

Kim Kardashian pulls a hell of a lot more than that if your measure is purely financial. Guess she is the apex of entertainment then isn't she?

>> No.10439801 [DELETED] 

>the most elite level is elite
You don't say

>> No.10439869

Oh jeez I'm sorry maybe I didn't make my point clearly, I'm of the opinion that your "profession" is on the same level of legitimacy of a witch doctor or a fucking tarot card reader. I would rather ask a homeless man what he thinks about wine then some pretentious day drunk roastie slut

>> No.10439882 [DELETED] 

Thanks, it’s good to know you think so highly of software development

Not sure why you think we’re wine experts though

>> No.10439886

bitter piss water

>> No.10439890

is rainier an ipa? it's always the cheapest one wherever I go so i usually get that
I'm definitely in the beer is a meme school of thought. My thinking is that it's all to do with the alocohol, because beer tastes slightly better than mixed drinks but literally anything without alcohol in it probably tastes better than beer. Like a coke or lemonade.

>> No.10439999

You could blindfold me and I could tell you exactly what style beer I was drinking.

>> No.10440024
File: 100 KB, 960x960, bernie_beer..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries desperately to justify $50 USD for 750ml.

>> No.10440069

rainier is a standard american adjunct lager

>> No.10440080

I often get the red racer ipa but i enjoy pretty much any of them

>> No.10440089
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>> No.10440198

Deschutes Fresh Squeezed is really good. I don't drink a lot of IPAs because they make me shit like a sumbitch though.

>> No.10440636

i remember absolutely loving fresh squeezed the first time i had it, on tap at a bar. i don't like it quite as much out of the bottle or can, but it's serviceable. it smells fucking amazing

>> No.10440650

the best. ignore the h8rs

>> No.10440691
File: 411 KB, 1536x2048, lone pint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought two 4 packs of these over the weekend. Lone pint makes some great beers

>> No.10440711
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it's overrated af
tbf it's a solid IPA if you like them but it's all hype

>> No.10440712

Why does it make you so angry that some people know a lot about wine?

>> No.10440738
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 008769210918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only seen faggots drinking IPAs. You have to take it up the ass to enjoy that fruity shit.
The lager is the man's drink.

>> No.10440752


People who don't like IPA's don't like beer. End of story. No need to think too hard about it.

>> No.10440761


It's an aromatic hop forward double. If you don't drink it within a month of bottling you're not going to get the real experience.

>> No.10441574 [DELETED] 

Because hollywood has basically used wine as a lazy stand-in for "stuff that makes me feel unsophisticated" since the dawn of the moving picture. It's like slipping on a banana peel. Nobody knows why it's funny, we're just programmed to know it's the signal that "this is funny". Likewise with wine, it triggers some deep programming that gets laid down well before we're old enough to drink that operates below our reflective consciousness.

Just the sight of wine-related paraphernalia triggers a primordial fear of being humiliated by a snobby waiter or somm, by your date who comes from a higher social class, or by the villain with a vaguely foreign accent and of course wearing glasses because reading is for cucks. Be wary. Be strong. Wine is coming to try and make you look bad.

And the hero always "wins" by being "authentic" and "folksy" aka fighting back against wine oppression. So people think they're being somehow patriotic or defending the common man by flying off the handle with rage when the subject of wine comes up.

Is there even still hype around Pliny? I thought the backlash against west coast styles had basically rendered it uncool to even admit to knowing who RR brewing even is.

>> No.10441626

the new sam76 flavor is the perfect beer

>> No.10441670

It's another double ipa

>> No.10441755

the problem with IPA is that the hipsters who make non-mainstream IPAs make them as bitter as possible to prove a point they never really articulated properly

>immense popularity
wtf? everyone drinks lagers and all the most popular brands of beer in north america are lagers or blondes

>> No.10441765

>what’s a good place to start with wine?
the deppanneur, or as you yanks call it, the "corner store"

seriously, just look at the backs of the bottles for a description of the wine. they're usually accurate, if a bit optimistic about how good it actually is. if there isnt a meaningful description, put it back, it's probably too shit to be even worth the 10$ and the manufacturer knows it

>> No.10441768

>drinking shit and growing beards shit
it's really amazing how much of modern "masculine" culture is a parody of itself, in turn based on literal cartoons and caricatures

>> No.10441772

>they're usually accurate
in europe maybe
in america mislabeled food is legal

>> No.10441785

>in america mislabeled food is legal
wtf i already knew that "chocolatey (there is no chocolate)" is a thing but if you pick up a bottle of wine and it describes itself as "dry with hints of citrus" it'll actually probably be just grape juice with brandy in it?

>> No.10441791

Fuckin Quebec Frenchman

>> No.10441795
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>> No.10442407

>Is there even still hype around Pliny? I thought the backlash against west coast styles had basically rendered it uncool to even admit to knowing who RR brewing even is.

of course there is, idk why people are saying IPAs are dead now, they're bigger than ever. Go to any brewery or even any store that serves beer and it's filled with IPAs. Pliny the Younger was released a month or two ago at RR and it's like a fucking Mecca pilgrimage to Santa Rosa

>> No.10442425

West coast style ipas aren't popular anymore

>> No.10442461

Not a fan of IPA. I'm more of an ale and lager guy. But hey, if you like IPAs more power to you

>> No.10442463

IPAs are a Jewish scam. It's something for mid-20's college graduates to waste their money on, while feeling very smug and mature and masculine. You should see the look on these people's faces when they start talking about IPAs.. it's a serious, smugged-out normalfaggot expression that I can't find a word for.. "profound phoniness" is the only phrase that comes to mind.. also beer in general lowers your testosterone and makes into a faggy cuck.. drink Scotch and wine if you want to pretend that you're sophisticated.. at least scotch and wine get you drunk .. fuck...stupid, stupid goyim.

>> No.10442466


Fuck off. The hazy NE style fad is going to fucking die before it ever gets off the ground. West Coast will never die.

>> No.10442484

West coast style is dead, outside of California. Most people have transitioned to better balanced ipas. The hop bombs can only go so far.

>> No.10442557


Space Dust > Stone IPA > Stone Ruination > Ballast Point > Anderson Valley > Victory > 60 Minute > Shipyard > Goose > New Belgium

Don't think I've had the other two.

>> No.10442567

Imperial Amber ales and Imperial brown ales are better. You need some sweetness to offset the bitterness.

>> No.10443060

>We are on the anti sour beer circle jerk now

What's wrong with sours? I've always loved sour food, and discovering that sour beer is a thing exponentially improved my drinking life.

>> No.10443100
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>grape must, fermented
>different malts, unmalted grains, hop variety with different terroirs, steeped in local water, fermented with brewer's yeast, of which there are hundres of strains
which beverage could possibly be more complex?

>> No.10443143

i actually had space dust yesterday.
it's pretty good.

>> No.10443227

It's popular.

>> No.10443232

>Buy some IPA today to try it out because of this very thread
>Actually doesn't taste half bad

Brand was Leffe, i dont think it's sold in the US at all, probably France only

Any frenchfag with any knowledge of local beer to enlighten me ?

>> No.10443280

ipa bad

>> No.10443508

obviously wine since it’s so complex you simply gave up on attempting to articulate the wine making process or agricultural factors

>> No.10443618

Dont be dumb. The same wine changes every year with the same grapes due to changes in the climate they're grown in. On top of that different regions end up with different flavors from the same grape from different soil and growing condition. Wine is extremely complex. Beer can be as well. They also can be very simple and shitty. They're both great beverages.

>> No.10443813


Leffe is owned by inbev so it's pretty easy to find in America. I haven't had their IPA but their blonde and brown ales are alright. Nothing special.

>> No.10443878

I'm not on the hate train. I even drink an IPA once in a while. It's true that there's no good reason or their extreme popularity, but I just try to ignore it and drink the beer I like.

>> No.10444032


>don't think leffe is sold in the US

You're kidding, right?

>> No.10444316


Typical French elitism. Leffe is one of those beers that actually offends me because it markets itself as an "Abbey beer" when it's just a bottom tier Belgian made by a massive brewing company. At least Budweiser and Miller have no pretenses.

>> No.10444344


Confirmed beardlet

>> No.10444518 [DELETED] 

the year to year variation is easily the smallest factor, the reason there's so much focus on it in wine journalism is that some aspects of wine journalism focus on niche cult wines, at the most extreme a single vineyard can get a lot of attention, so when the same vines on a single small patch of land gets worked year after year according to a highly publicized set of rules, and the grapes are processed in a very specific fashion, and everyone already takes all that stuff for granted, the only thing left to talk about is the weather

the stuff that happens at and after harvest makes a much more noticeable difference for the average consumer drinking sub-$1000 wines


of course /ck/ being pleb city a $15 wine might as well be $1000, it's equally intimidating and will turn you just as gay

>> No.10444551

no. u.

>> No.10444583

Using big words doesn't make you any more right than make us wrong. The IPA craze is about as nu-male and soyboy as it gets. It's the latest style to become mass commercially produced and stocked because of these homos when plenty of better alternative exist.

Deal with it, you butt licking homosexer. Any IPA by my favorite breweries is probably a good IPA. Stone's stuff is amazing too. That Space Dust isn't half bad either.

>> No.10444610

I've never had an IPA I liked, and I don't feel like buying them over and over again to build a taste for it or find one I actually do like.

I'd much rather just have a beer I do like, which is nearly every other fucking style of beer in existence, but whenever I try to seek out something new I find myself staring at a fucking wall of shelves full of IPAs.

So yeah, fuck IPAs.

>> No.10444723

>dogfish head
I seriously hope none of you fell for this meme

>> No.10444747

They're unironically one of the best breweries around

>> No.10444754

have you only ever had California IPAs?

>> No.10444769

nu males don't fucking drink beer, its way to patriarchal and problematic for them

>> No.10444772

>Using big words doesn't make you any more right than make us wrong.
"Obnoxious"? "Self-congratulatory"?

>> No.10444784
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Top IPA coming through.

>> No.10444795
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Jai Alai is good, but when I was in FL I frankly preferred the canned Sweetwater IPA even though it doesn't have nearly the reputation.

>> No.10444806

wolf pup, light for those of us that enjoy drinking without getting hung over, but flavorful enough for those of us who also like the taste of a good IPA

>> No.10444956
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When it comes to IPAs, Fatheads' Headhunter comes out on top.

>> No.10444978

Sours or hating on them? Or both? Either way everyone's a fucking hipster faggot.

>> No.10444989

reading is for cucks

>> No.10445017
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Probably my favorite, though it is a bit sweet

>> No.10445472
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>oh anon I...

Sorry for your weak palate. Have you ever been to the north east? They hate the blacks there.

>> No.10445479


>> No.10445762

that is a damn good haul

>> No.10445775

Anyone try lagunitas waldo?

>> No.10445831
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Indisputably my favorite IPA

that looks incredible. I've had a couple of beers from Trillium and I'll definitely stop there again next time I'm in Boston.

hey their winter lager is pretty good

>Bernie with a Heady Topper
wtf I hate Bernie now

>> No.10445928

>Why do we need more than one kind of beer when there are people in this country without a living wage

t. bernie bro

>> No.10446016

>Having enough 90 Minute available to get sick of it
Not sure if I'm envious or not. I can't get it in Canada, and I've only had 2 in my life. Might be my favourite beer.

>> No.10446025

I like IPA's in hot weather.
>trying to drink a porter when it's 90 outside

>> No.10446206

IPA's are good because they get you drunk quick and there's always 6 to a pack.

>> No.10446443
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>> No.10446521

Pale Lager is the fucking most inoffensive style of beer
Real men drink dry stouts, FESs, Baltic Porters, Bocks.

>> No.10446594

I respect your taste in beer but I don't really care for IPAs.