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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10436319 No.10436319 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Great food inventions.

I'll start with the humble microwave rice.

>> No.10436325
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, premium-white-zojirushi-rice-cookers-ns-zcc10-64_1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Microwave rice sucks.

>> No.10436334

>spending an hour just to cook some flavourless shit

>> No.10436337

The other day I was in Whole Foods and a wh*te couple were arguing, blocking the aisle. As I tried to squeeze past the female wh*te said to the male wh*te, "go put it back. don't they have the normal uncle ben's?"

until then I always thought uncle ben's was a punch line, not a real thing people bought
Zoji is good, I have one of those myself. Not that particular model, mine is a little nicer but even the cheap ones are fine machines

>> No.10436342

>you have to stand over the rice cooker the whole time
No that's called a "stove"

>> No.10436346


>mine is a little nicer but even the cheap ones are fine machines

Gave me a chuckle. What model do you have?

>> No.10436351

As opposed to yo yo yo niggers that can't control their own children and have them running all over stores, opening up products because they feel entitled to sample them?

>> No.10436355


What the fuck are you 2 bickering about?
Uncle Ben's (at least those original) are fucking plain rice. It's principally the same as any other rice. You can steam them, microwave them, stick in a cooker and still get the same result.

>> No.10436356


The extra features are pointless (GABA is placebo bullshit) but the important thing is mine >> yours neener neener neener

t. petty azn, ask me about my SAT score

>> No.10436365

>but at least we're not black!
Yeah you'll always have that going for you, I guess
> principally the same as any other rice.
Not really, it tastes like ass and has a horrible texture. Nutritionally, maybe it's pretty similar, if that's all you're worried about.
> You can steam them, microwave them, stick in a cooker and still get the same result.
That isn't a good thing, anon-kun

>> No.10436369

>neener neener neener

Does the induction actually make a significant difference?

>> No.10436377

It allows more precise temperature control which is required for the GABA mode

If you're some kind of delusional hippie, then this is very important because daily intake of GABA sustains your chakra or some shit

Other than that it's the same end result

>> No.10436379
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>> No.10436383

Point is, there's no such thing as "microwave rice".
You can buy some flip rice, add some water, microwave them and get the same convenient result as any uncle ben's shit.
Although I agree, cook rice in a rice cooker.

>> No.10436389

Isn't parboiled rice microwavable?

>> No.10436395


I showered infrequently and juggled regularly enough to pass as a hippie and hook up with chill hippie grills back in college, but I honestly eat anything, and am really happy with the quality of the rice that comes out of my Neuro Fuzzy. I laugh at every anon that says they can make just as good of rice in a pot on a stove, but I honestly couldn't care less about GABA.

>> No.10436412

Claim to fame there? I can smell your stench from my computer's speakers.

>> No.10436418


I actually didn't identify as anything, but somehow passed as a hippie, a hipster, and a punk. For full blown assburgers I got a lot of action back in the day. But no, I published half a dozen papers and graduated with honors, if you want my "claim to fame".

>> No.10436436

For all of that, how much do you make now in real life?

>> No.10436445


I make enough, and actually enjoy what I do.

>> No.10436449

Good for you, I've never tried to pass myself off as anyone other than myself.

>> No.10436454


I never claimed I was happy. But I do get to stay in academia forever and brainwash kids into believing left-wing, Marxist philosophy. ;)

>> No.10436457

I guess one advantage to that would be access to dumb cute chicks. Cheers!

>> No.10436458

I was pretty sure I was eating fake plastic rice the first time I ate uncle bens.
Why would anyone subject themselves to that anyways? Basic thai white rice is cheaper and waay better.

>> No.10436462
File: 37 KB, 480x480, unclebenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10436463
File: 27 KB, 562x216, Vigo-Yellow_Rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10436464

Lots of dumb cute chicks, but also some of the smartest ones out there. I've already found someone my age and wouldn't fuck around with those girls even if I hadn't. Some of them do, and it's honestly kind of gross. When you're in your 30's most 20 year old's just seem like children.

>> No.10436465

They like to think that they're smart but really it's just daddy buying them degrees to keep them out of the house.

>> No.10436467


>being this bitter about never having gone to college

>> No.10436468

Nice assumption, fact is in business these chicks couldn't write themselves out of a paper bag, the h1b ones are the worst. But you have no experience in real life do you?

>> No.10436474

Do you often see flying saucers, lizard people, and get the anal probes?

>> No.10436475


Ivory tower for life, BB. And I've written papers about "real life", and it's not what you think. Stay mad, though.

>> No.10436480

I'm not angry or mad I just like making fun of idiots.

>> No.10436484

Anal probes occasionally. The other two are poverty and ignorance tier.

>> No.10436615

Get a real job outside of academia and learn what life is actually about. Its people like you that stay 3 steps removed from what is actually happening, yet vote and influence the minds of young people that make things so shit. Stop being a retarded, sheltered faggot.

>> No.10436635

Whenever I hear someone angrily raving about "the real world" I imagine an overweight blue collar type, whose life revolves around the TV, a punch clock, a pickup truck, and maybe a gun

How much do you weigh?

>> No.10436640

But it doesn't take an hour.
I'm too cheap for a rice cooker, but it takes 20 mins at max to make perfect rice on a stove.
Don't overcook your rice.

>> No.10436646


Stereotyping and not being able to imagine people that aren't liberal having normal lives, very typical.

>> No.10436647

>put rice in cooker
>add water
>select program
>select finish time
>leave for work
Wow that was hard
>it's overcooked!
No it's not, you just haven't tasted rice that wasn't uncle ben's

>> No.10436655

I never tasted rice that WAS uncle ben's.
Normal Basmati rice is pretty much the same if not better and costs far less.

>> No.10436668

Basmati a shit

>> No.10436675

at uni I lived in halls with a ton of asians and the kitchen was wall to wall rice cookers, one of them was shaped like a pig. They made awful rotten fish head soup and other disgusting shit, the rice cooker came to symbolise all my petty annoyances with them and I always dreamed of taking a baseball bat and smashing them all up, much like the printer scene in office space.

>> No.10436714

It's either that or Sushi rice.
Can't get any other nearby.

>> No.10436720

Can't even order online?

>> No.10436724

I never ordered food online.
What's so bad about Basmati?

>> No.10436735

It's an excellent ingredient in rice-based dishes like briyani or pilau because the grain length lets it absorb a lot of stuff and the natural dry texture is appropriate when you're adding oils and whatnot

It's just not really the greatest rice steamed plain, there is a reason indians dump ghee all over it and throw cardamom pods and salt in the water