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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 699 KB, 1504x1000, Iceland Cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10434810 No.10434810 [Reply] [Original]

>National cuisine is excellent, but alcohol is terrible
>Alcohol is amazing, but national cuisine is horrifying

Can you explain this phenomenon, /ck/?

>> No.10434818

Gonna need to be smashed to even think about eating some of that trash

>> No.10434821

Tell me how Japan, Italy, and France fit into this system first.

>> No.10434823
File: 1009 KB, 600x749, 1521772268066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That all looks really good. What are you supposed to drink with it in Iceland?

>> No.10434848

All of that looks fuckin legit. 10/10, would eat.

>> No.10434855
File: 92 KB, 454x640, big belly gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you won't eat the food in OP's pic then you're a lowtest beta who probably has a hard time getting erections.

>> No.10435019

Doesn't apply to Mexico my man

>> No.10435028

makgeolli is based

>> No.10435034
File: 13 KB, 259x194, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops pic

>> No.10435043

>small tits
>fat gut
/ck/ has horrible taste in women..

>> No.10435045
File: 52 KB, 608x456, downloadfile-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmmm, delicious

>> No.10435062


basically all of the anglosphere besides the UK and straya has good food and alcohol

>> No.10435090

Shit alcohol aside from some whisky.

>> No.10435104

>what is the Czech Republic


>> No.10435106

sake exists

>> No.10435110

good sake is excellent, anon

>> No.10435124

Most is shit
theres "a good beverage" in every culture.. as a whole Japan has pretty shit alcohol.

I've tasted some good sake but their prices weren't worth the bother. Could get a good bottle of single malt for that.

>> No.10435135

>shifting goalposts
>complaining about prices on what are almost certainly imports

you're a retard.

>> No.10436217

in Japan...
I think the low end of sake is just not worth it tastewise and the high end is not worth it money wise. Stop being a fucking weeb

>> No.10436223

Agreed, both are shit in Japan

>> No.10436225

>Low end booze isn't worth it tastewise
No shit sherlock.

>> No.10436226

Pretty much the only places that have shit food and good alcohol are in Scandinavia, and desu good vodka isn't really much of a feat.

>> No.10436381

UK has more 3 star Michelin restaurants than Belgium lole

>> No.10436388

Wine and sake are disgusting. Checks out.

>> No.10436399


Both are great in America.

>> No.10436416

with french chefs

>> No.10436419
File: 448 KB, 2048x1367, deutsche_kuche_bratwurst__kabvisio_istock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How excatly does this fit to germany?
>best beer in the world and great wine
>huge variety of fantastic regional cuisines

>> No.10436424

And? It's still the UK.
No different to how the US claims that if a brit moves there and brings their scientific or musical or whatever prowess with them it's now American.
Same as everything over there.

Not to mention Michelin stars in general, there are only 20 more starred restaurants in the states than the UK

>> No.10436426

>American alcohol
You can't make beer and you can't make whisky.
Exactly what is great about american alcohol?

>> No.10436429

Muh heritage. Muh motorcycle-and-guns related iconography

>> No.10436442


>best beer in the world
>in the top three countries for whiskey

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.10436453


>> No.10436456

How bout checking per capita you cockroach brit?

>> No.10436469
File: 45 KB, 600x480, 4chan memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10436470

American beer is utterly terrible.
How you even dare use anything but Water, Malt, Hops and Yeast is a mystery to me.
And yet your beer is pretty much tasteless.
What you're making isn't beer, it's dishwater.

>> No.10436485

both terrible

>> No.10436486


>t. bought a skunky bottle of bud lite in his village one time and thinks he knows about american beer

>> No.10436492

german sausages are actually not that great

>> No.10436503

I'm unable to find even one example that works.

>> No.10436514


Scotland makes great liquor but has terrible food aside from a small handful of places with really good seafood. Same with Russian vodka.

>> No.10436590
File: 109 KB, 281x400, Kostrizer.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't buy Budweiser in any normal shop here, because it can't be sold as beer.
And I wouldn't base my criticism on the most popular beer, because then you'd have to judge german beer based on Öttinger, which wouldn't have a very good result.
The most popular beers are usually pretty bad.
Few years ago a friend of mine brought a variety of american beers (including craft beers and beers that sought to imitate german beer brands) from a vacation in the USA and...I was not impressed.
The Hefeweizen tasted stale, the Pilsner (Of which I'm not a huge fan) tasted either like tap water or were fucking sour. (Actually, maybe that one went bad somehow, I can't imagine that was intentional)
To be fair, some of the Stouts were fine, but couldn't get close to THE Stout, the best beer ever made.
And it seems like there aren't many Schwarzbier (Black Lager) brands, which is one of my favourite kinds of beer.
But then, there was a Porter (And I don't really like Porter anyway) that was actually made with vanilla. That was one of the most disgusting beers I ever drank, only Desperados was worse.
Maybe Craft Beer is pretty important in the USA, considering the low quality of the mass-produced beers, but here it's not necessary and a lot of the variations with fancy ingredients can't be sold as beer anyway.

>> No.10436592

Icelandic food is horrifying.

>> No.10436621

Thats a fucking lie. But there are better sausages in the world. Especially chinese sausage/ cold cut game is on point.

t. german guy.

>> No.10436631

>Chinese sausage
Made from boiled-alive dogs. Delicious. Subhuman waste.

>> No.10436658

I'm greek and when I visited berlin I went to several of those fast food stands that specialize in sausages and I was never particularly impressed. I think it was the choice of spices or something. I can get better sausages from my local butcher, and for cheaper too.

>> No.10436860

You gain access to the full taste of glorious German sausage when you pay denbts. :^)

>> No.10436873

>pic rel
oh man, what a shame

>> No.10437123

Berlin is a shithole anyway. You get the best Currywurst in the Ruhrgebiet.