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File: 135 KB, 736x550, 1487504434157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10430231 No.10430231 [Reply] [Original]

Its time to face it: you are not ready to own a fancy home bar yet.
old thread: >>10418442

>> No.10430242

>no black and white silhouette image


>> No.10430264
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deal with it son

>> No.10430325

lads I'm having a lot of complicated feels all at once, I think maybe I should get up and clean my flat to deal with it

>> No.10430332

you faggots are pathetic, go to rehab already

>> No.10430337

shut up you bell end

>> No.10430358
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blow it out your ass

>> No.10430390

mmmmyou take a mortal man, and put 'im in controwolllllll

>> No.10430403

lads it thrash fort breakfast, four hundred thousand moere to die!

>> No.10430499
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Watching Goodfellas because it's a good movie to watch whilst drunk. I'm at a weird spot, lads. I've always been into running/cycling and I want to get to the next level and start running/cycling in the morning. I only drink at night, always have, and it's always 2-6 standard drinks/night. I want to be a sober guy, waking up in the morning, chasing after the shit that I want amidst a garbage job. Blow smoke up my ass, please. I drink every night and I get pretty toasted. I can wake up in the morning and still do my running/cycling in the afternoon but it's just not the same.
Anything you guys can help me out with as far tapering? I've done it two times before but I've just been having issues with tapering off this time around. My job is enough to give me a fucking ulcer and drinking is a wonderful escape. At the same time, every time I drink, I keep thinking that I could be better off if I stopped drinking--and that's the truth lol.
Aside from therapy, what's the easiest way you've coaxed yourself into quitting?

>> No.10430506


Stop buying it, and have some things ready to distract you if your brain starts wandering to drinking. Like, literally, if you start thinking about going to buy alcohol drop and do as many pushups as you can in a row. Or whatever, go play a few rounds of whatever vidya. Just something to distract you.

Once you get past the WDs (3 days) you won't need a distraction, you'll just have to avoid falling into that trap of "oh, just one night, it's fine". At your amount of drinking after 2-3 weeks you won't even want to drink anymore at all.

>> No.10430520

Almost two months sober after a fucking terrible manic episode nearly fucked all my shit up.

Things are pretty good, haven't felt the urge to drink, but man fucking anxiety is a god damn drag. I seem to be past the worst bits, but I have shitty intrusive thoughts about once a day.

My recommendation? Don't be a fucking binge drunk, it fucks your brain up.

>> No.10430543

good job man, I hope you carry on getting better

>> No.10430556

Thanks boss, I appreciate it. It was a looooooong time coming, these threads actually helped quite a bit. It's kind of nice to finally realize "yes, you do have a fucked brain, but that's kind of normal, get your shit together."

>> No.10430563

just keep sleeping at night and eating veggies. be a normal dude and you'll be ok

>> No.10430564

>no silhouette
Boycotting thread. Fucking newfags.

>> No.10430588

I sleep during the day, but yeah, nailing that sleep schedule was important. Part of the whole mental fuck up had to do with not really sleeping for three days.

I'm just super glad I wasn't to the point of long term daily drinker. My hangovers were starting to drift into the realm of dts, but I've never had the misfortune of the two or three day shitfests that some folks on here talk about contending with.

>> No.10430620


The sleep schedule is the most dangerous part of alcohol IMO. It sneaks up on people and they don't realize what's going on.

>Alcohol helps you sleep
>Alcohol withdrawal i.e. hangovers cause insomnia
>Well I can't sleep I'll just have a drink to help me sleep
>God I really shouldn't be drinking daily but I just can't sleep
>Need more and more alcohol to fall asleep
>Alcohol dependency.

>> No.10430668

This, except "pathetic" is too weak a word.

>> No.10430697

2-6 drinks is fucking nothing my man

the average soccer mum probably drinks more.. you'd be lucky to experience any withdrawals at all, let alone need to taper

>> No.10430815

Damn, this thread is a few months too early. I'm in the middle of rwnovating my home. Next on the docket is a dope wine rack in the cellar, and refinishing my wet bar downstairs. Maybe I'll post pictures when I'm all done.

>> No.10430825


We have this thread literally constantly running

>> No.10430835

No shit, but this is the "you are not ready to own a fancy home bar" edition.

>> No.10430887

you motherfuckers


>> No.10430985

What do you all do when light beer doesn't do shit but get you bloated?

Had 40+ over the past 2 days. Empties everywhere. Just want to get buzzed and watch Better Call Saul. Can't drink liquor b/c it gives me ungodly chest pain and can't afford craft beer.

>> No.10430989

drinks which contain more ethanol.

>> No.10430993
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Rate my fancy home bar fags

>> No.10430997

Knowing you fags your home bars would be garbage tier handles of crap spirits (Old Crow, Discount Costco vodka), Natty Ice and Old English.

>> No.10430998

alcoholics do not have "home bars".

>> No.10431002

This. If I could keep a bottle around for more than a few days I wouldn't be a fucking alky.

>> No.10431007

>home bar
Holy shit lol

>> No.10431020

You're adorable.

>> No.10431030

Things are looking good lads. I know it's not a place to "blog" but I have no one irl to tell.
I'm a binge drinker, usually go on 3-5 day binges, get withdrawal when stopping that I can't treat with more beer, so I have to suffer. Got hospitalised a few week ago. Binged from Thursday-Sunday last week. Been to get help today, they're going to give meds for anxiety and the shakes, I have a mental health assessment within 2 week, an alcohol treatment programme interview on Friday, a meeting with a support worker who helps with finding housing. I live in shared housing which sucks for my anxiety and its also next to a pub..
Things are looking good and I hope I can get out this mess and do something with my life.

>> No.10431038

Drinking is doing something.

>> No.10431067

Right on man, I was in the same boat, been sober for nearly two months now. It sucks, just gotta keep at it.

I know it's different from person to person but my anxiety settled down quite a bit after the first month, just take it easy and power through, brother.

>> No.10431076

The meds help but you might need something to make you sleep aswell. I got out two years ago and it took a year to find a job. Luckly the social workers in my town are old alcoholics and they have been to great help. Now the only problem i have is dealing with the long hours after work. I will start drinking a little bit on the weekends tho. You got to live a little.

>> No.10431090

Not the amount I was doing. 30 units a day for 5 days in a row, withdrawals then getting back on it. All it was doing was making me ill, and my mental health has seriously deteriorated.
I suffer from anxiety and possibly dpd, I drank to get rid of anxiety.
Sleeping isn't really an issue, I've listened to Karl pilkington to sleep for years and it works a charm, I'd rather that than chemicals. However, last 3 nights I've had terrible, weird things happening. When I'm nodding off I get like a flash that I've received a text message, then I'll start panicking, imagine someone having an heart attack and my chest will tighten, then I'll imagine they die and I'll just bolt up out of bed. They aren't visions they're just fleeting things. I know it's anxiety and get up and walk around for a while, but it's scary shit at times.

>> No.10431095

How long have you been keeping those opened bottles?

>> No.10431117

Pretty sure my drinking stems from an undiagnosed anxiety disorder too, dealing with a lot of stupid intrusive thinking now that I'm sober.

Also like, looking into my family history even a little bit, and it's like "oh, all of these people aren't neurotypical, I guess that's what happens when 17 kids get raised in a single room shake in the boonies."

>> No.10431430


Does anything else provide a more brutal hangover?

>> No.10431491

Fuck all to do for a week. Got an ounce of weed and a vape, some tins of deenz and fruits, a badass gaming pc, locked doors and closed curtains. might call a hooker today and fuck her on 100mg of mdma. alcohol can fuck off, this is living.

>> No.10431499

>tfw you can't enjoy video games or weed
>tfw you could never trust a hooker in your home
>tfw can only drink and shitpost

>> No.10431522

Fuck off reddit.

>> No.10431527

You shouldn't experience any withdrawal fron that intake, just dont buy booze for a couple weeks and enjoy waking up early not feeling like death

>> No.10431537
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Yes, yes, well done, Budweiser. Well done, Budweiser.

>> No.10431548

>>tfw you could never trust a hooker in your home
Thats very reasonable.

>> No.10431560

that sounds horrible friend. your life must suck if you think that sounds lika a good time loser

>> No.10431771

I got a message from my friend saying she loves me and I feel like a dog that's had its belly scratched. I know it's kind of pathetic but she makes med feel so good

>> No.10431790

there needs to be some kind of uber thing for hookers and johns, but with better privacy protection

>> No.10431800

You suicidal faggots belong on /r9k/. Unironically gas yourselves off of this board.

>> No.10431822

>implying all alcoholics are depressed
oh nononononono

>> No.10431824

lol see you tomorrow

>> No.10431834

If you're so happy go to r/drunk

Nah, took the half day off for champions league watching, will have a couple pints, and tomorrow be at work. You can kill yourself on your own.

>> No.10431835

>Its time to face it: you are not ready to own a fancy home bar yet.
Don't say that. I really want one.
I want to be able to make a fancy cocktail from the comfort of my breakfast bar.

>> No.10432349

I've only lived here for a few days and there's already 12 big empty plastic bottles of cider in the bin. 24 litres.

>> No.10432389

don't drink shitty cider lad, you're not a tramp

>> No.10432404

I live on benefits, it's all I can afford. I have bills to pay.

>> No.10432415

bennies can afford vodka, have some standards m80

>> No.10432481

oi james u here m8

>> No.10432485


fuck man I'm working on things and they could be worse but goddamn it's harsh sometimes

>> No.10432519

Cazadores is pretty good stuff desu

>> No.10432524

At least you don’t have a wall of glass to dispose of.

>> No.10432555

Bullshit can they.

>> No.10432571
File: 91 KB, 1229x1160, WN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah, took the half day off for champions league watching
>Leave my workplace, a shitty call centre. I step outside, there are odious bearded men patrolling the streets - they give me dirty looks, some call me scum and a kuffar. Litter and rubble is everywhere and pale, skinny hooded chavs comb the streets for cigarette butts

>Approach the bus stop, the first bus had been reappropriated by the local Islamists and ploughed through the last group waiting for it - there are body parts all over the road and the blood stains still haven't been cleaned up since yesterday.

>My ride approaches "LOVE IS THE ONLY TENET OF ISLAM" is emblazoned across the front - luckily this one hasn't been hijacked Get on the bus and pay the bus driver £5.50 for a ten minute journey there are women in niqabs and burkas on every seat so I have to stand. They all go silent as I enter.

>Arrive at the bus stop and get off, there is the daily beheading taking place across the street from where I get off, looks like they finally got Vicar Williams. People are walking past and cheering before kicking the poor Vicar's head into the gutter

>Get mugged of my phone by a pack of black men as I wait around. They back me into a corner and stab me with a short blade. They missed my vitals this time, luckily they missed the last £20 I had in my show.


>> No.10432614

If I drank that everyday I would be broke within a week or two. Cider is a godsend.

>> No.10432718
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>> No.10432775

lol I just went out for some air and nearly passed out on a park bench. living that tramp lyfe

>> No.10432777
File: 9 KB, 248x233, smug1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw down to only 8-12 beers or half a liter of liquor a day

>> No.10432780

I've cut back on drinking a bit but now I sleep nearly constantly. 12-14 hours a night and I'd do more if I didn't need to eat and maybe play some video games after work. I'm not sure if this is much of an improvement since I'm just sleeping my life away and living in my dreams. I just don't want to wake up anymore.

>> No.10432781

tripfagging and race-baiting on al/ck/, a real twofer

>> No.10432792

get back in brit/pol/ ya halfie

>> No.10432797

you didn't have any air at home?

>> No.10432804

it smells of lonely drunk guy in here, I wanted to go out and feel like a human for a few minutes

>> No.10432807

I am moot.

He started it by taking half a day off to watch football. The fact that the actual match happens 19:45 and he had to take half the day off signifies that he does not live in the UK.

>> No.10432813

Who needs a fancy bar when all you do is slug Beam straight from the bottle am I senpai

>> No.10432819
File: 425 KB, 768x1024, under the volcano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic always reminds me of the novel Under the Volcano.
It's mandatory drunk-core if you're into literature at all. Very good book. Very depressing book.

>> No.10432842

Dunno m8 booze is pretty rough
>be me
>6 weeks no cigs (smoked 25 years)
>new successful diet (no sugar)
>regular workouts (prev vidja/tv potato)
>drinking daily

not personally sure functional alky meme is actually a meme

>> No.10432852

>get your shit together


>> No.10432886

I'll give this book a shot

Will probably be the first book I've read in the past year

>> No.10432888

Dunno m8 sleeping to Karl might cross some wires or something that sounds super risky

>> No.10432894

Fireball or other equally sugary flavored "whiskey"

>> No.10432907


>> No.10432910
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Finally found an old folks home for my grandfather. Not everybody in the family is happy with it because it turns out these places cost money (duh) and I guess they're thinking they money he spends on care while he's alive won't be left for them when he's dead.
It was always a quirky but otherwise good and decent family but I can already see it it on the horizon; everybody clawing and screaming at eachother over the inheritance. It's not started yet but I can tell that it will and it fucking hurts to know.
I hope the old man himself can't see it. It would destroy him to know they'll be at eachother's throats like that.

Whisky and morphine for me tonight.

>> No.10432912

fuck me that was a big one, three days totally wiped.

>> No.10432966

grim mate, hope it doesn't go too badly

>> No.10432990

take b1 and folic acid and talk to a doc about meds if the symptoms dont go away

>> No.10433113

>spend a month sober
>somehow end up drinking
>spend all the money you saved from not drinking in the casino and fuck a prostitute, while being in a relationship

what's the point quitting drink when if I come back on it, I'll do something fucking mad

>> No.10433121

i do mad shit every day if i'm drinking. scared to death of alcohol, its taken basically everything from me, family won't even talk to me.

>> No.10433124

it just means you still want to do crazy stuff and party hard. admit it to yourself. own it. and try to minimize the damage next time you go down that road. quitting by itself does nothing much for your overall existence. youre still you.

>> No.10433285

three days is a big binge?

>> No.10433297
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>> No.10433301

Does anyone else have a sleepwalking problem? Apparently, last night I brewed a full pot of coffee and poured grounds all over the counter. I don't recall doing this. A couple of weeks ago I microwaved a computer mouse. Luckily, someone was awake and smelled it.

>> No.10433307

i used to do this decades ago as a (drunk/stoned) teen. i remember once waking up with a bar of soap in my pocket, and another time waking with two fresh eggs.

>> No.10433322

it depends on your drinking habits/style. i drink heavily every day, so to me, a "binge" is just a period of being extra reckless and consuming ridiculous amounts of alcohol. three days is a lot for that. but there are also people who will "binge" for a week or two at a time then take a few days off, cyclically. i guess for them, three days would probably be considered a short binge.

>> No.10433349

surely drinking heavily every day means drinking until you black out then pass out. how can it be more extreme, drugs too?

i wonder how much of this is exaggerated. apparently gervais has been drunk "every day" since he was a teenager.

>> No.10433360

>Ricky also reflected on when he wet his bed after his partner was away for a weekend: 'I went to the pub with my mate and I had about six pints of Guinness...I woke up and has p***** the bed'.

>> No.10433363

>surely drinking heavily every day means drinking until you black out then pass out.

That's well beyond "drinking heavily"

>> No.10433368

>surely drinking heavily every day means drinking until you black out then pass out
not really. i don't usually black out/pass out, and when i do, it's often early in the day and i wake up again a few hours later. when i "binge", yeah, i do more of other drugs, don't take any naltrexone so as to not hamper the bender, and generally just drink more

>> No.10433370

hardly. i've never intentionally begun drinking without continuing to drink until i pass out

>> No.10433374

It gets even dumber! According to scientists and researchers

>The definition of binge-drinking is "four or more drinks for a woman on an occasion, five or more for a man,"


Which is fucking ludicrous.

>> No.10433378
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Did anyone else attempt the Papa Doble challenge on the 8th? I only made it to 6 in spite of eating in between drinks...

>> No.10433388

I have an Absinthe glass since January and still didn't get to actually buy some.
I'll do it next week, I promise.

>> No.10433392

that's not really ludicrous imo. finishing a six pack in a night is considered quite a reasonable amount by non-alchie adults. normal people get drunk off that

>> No.10433395

>four drinks is a binge
wow, these are the guys to listen to, they're so knowledgeable

>> No.10433411

you can't seriously claim to have a better understanding than doctors of what constitutes any sort of overdrinking if you're an alcoholic. by definition, you are shit at accurately gauging that kind of thing.

>> No.10433526

Not him, but medical guidelines seem to be based around the safest you can possibly be, not what's going to kill you if you go beyond it.
Also you know that when a doctor helps you, despite all his experience and knowledge, it still is basically guesswork until you find something that works for you in cases of alchies.

>> No.10433561

am i the only al/ck/ who doesn't do this? I do have to wake like 5 fucking times a night to piss, but i always have my ample piss pot handy. i think i wake myself up no matter how smashed, within 1 min i'm asleep again

>> No.10433566

I had an absolutely lovely day today and want a bottle of whiskey to down my fucking misery in.

Suggestions under 60?

>> No.10433567

you are the reason why humans are doomed

>> No.10433617

whatever's on offer at the local supermarket

>> No.10433647

drinking vodka and orange juice and trying to decide if i should message these girls i drunkenly matched with on tinder last night lads

>> No.10433660

How do people be sociable? I stopped wanting to interact with people a while ago. Even when I'm drunk I'm just not interested anymore.

>> No.10433684

i'm also not sociable but i kind of want sex so i made a tinder to see what happens even though i have no intention of actually messaging anyone unless they talk to me

>> No.10433845
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i have been drinking basically since i got up today

i am INCREDIBLY BITTER about the ABSOLUTE STATE of my department and my place in it. i like the forces but i fucking hate my department. i like the people in it, but i have never had a fulfilling experience in my department

the department doesnt train. it does nothing of value, even to itself. this is abnormal. there are exercises, and my trade does things on the coast and on ships. i've been to the coasts, and i've been on ships, and there's their own share of dog-fucking but at the end of a day, you can at least say you went to work. and yet, t's been a very long time since I've had a work night that I've been able to say I was at some kind of real job. when people I meet ask me what I do for a living, I just say "I get checks from the government", because what the fuck else do I do? I know it can be better, though, which genuinely hurts me both for my own work ethic and for trying to defend the absolute state of my crew

but I also have beef with my department because I need work, this is all i have, and i never get it. i'm constantly begging for extra hours, but i always hear about how new guys have been shunted into different departments to do Class B shit. why not me? i'm not incompetent. i certainly complain less about having to work. I like working, I get restless when I don't. i have seniority and I have skills, why the fuck can't I get work? Why do I have to rely on the PAOs and Supply for work just schlepping stuff around while fresh recruits get to be ISA assistants?

my performance and competence clearly don't matter to what opportunities I get to actually do any work. I've been for four years and while my PDRs aren't glowing, the only major/consistent problems are uniform-related and my PDRs from real units and schools actually ARE very good.

I've been a couple of bad experiences from permanently checking out for a long time and this year, I've felt myself slide very quickly towards the void

>> No.10433851

as long as you message them drunk and reply drunk it will be fine. the problem is when you do one without the other.

>> No.10433858

nobody is going to read that blog tsunami. who the hell do you think you are?

>> No.10433887

finally got a job lads, ten dollars an hour here I come

>> No.10433904

good luck

>> No.10433914

the thing is i'm always still super aware of shit when i'm drunk. i'm not the type of person who loses all their inhibitions and just says whatever they're thinking in the moment. i wish i was like that desu though, it'd make things more interesting.

>> No.10433932
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>who the hell do you think you are?
I'm a tired drunk who has no business being this drunk or tired

>> No.10433936

>i wish i was like that desu though,
Drink more.

>> No.10434007

Why am I sweating so much? Holy shit
I'm two drinks in and everything

>> No.10434014

lose weight fatboy

>> No.10434025
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Maybe it's because you're an alcohol, mate

>> No.10434031

wait about 10 more minutes. you should be fine then.

if you are fine at that point it was alcohol withdrawal. you will need to taper down. google hams taper.

>> No.10434039

thanks anon I basically just pick weeds and mow lawns while I listen to podcasts, should be pretty comfy

>> No.10434060

you'll get sick of it eventually but try to keep some perspective. quitting isn't always a good idea when you're making money.

>> No.10434137

I recommend the History of Rome by Mike Duncan if you're at all interested in the topic

>> No.10434316
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I wouldn't be if i felt i had an actual job

>> No.10434540

Vodka master race report in. Got a bottle of Sobieski and a case of soda water today. Fuck it.

>> No.10434701

abandon this faggot thread




>> No.10434705

Come to /biz/. I've latched onto trading stocks as a degenerate. All us brokers are drunks from the stress, make money while you worry your hair gray.

>> No.10434800

cleaning is an amazing way to clear your mind man.

>> No.10435609

fuck the new thread