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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 346 KB, 1995x1330, my-600lb-life-pauline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10426706 No.10426706[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"(Muffled) I just don't know why I can't keep off the pounds"

>> No.10426713

What's the little pad in the corner? Looks a bit small for a whale scale.

>> No.10426743

Dr kino in the house

>> No.10426931

you're just retaining fluids

>> No.10427738

post a stream tho i've never seen this but i want to

>> No.10427780

do americans really not wear shoes in public areas?

>> No.10427781

People like this are an embarrassment to Whites.

>> No.10427797

You have massive bones is all. Especially your stomach bone.

>> No.10427816

Her feet are too fat for shoes.

>> No.10428005
File: 122 KB, 961x654, dr_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.10428467
File: 662 KB, 1000x794, 1522006181832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek'd heartily, thank you

>> No.10428550


>> No.10428566


>> No.10428605
File: 92 KB, 999x666, my-600lb-life-202-paula-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the scale.

>> No.10428611
File: 2.20 MB, 3200x1800, 1523314632141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10428620


>> No.10428627

At least it hasn't fused to the couch yet so it still has a chance.



>> No.10428631

There was one in Florida too from about 10 years ago.

>> No.10428639

Both, very sad. They became infused to their couches, they were sitting in the same position for so long that their skin grew into the couches and chairs. It's weird bizarroworld shit.

>> No.10428646

Instead of helping them, their children enabled them.

>> No.10428914
File: 3.96 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20171207_180607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw im 170kg

>> No.10428953

Honestly now... HOW does this happen?

>> No.10428962

For how much would you let her sit on your face /ck/?

>> No.10428968

>had a gf when he was fused to his own shit
fucking how? did he have legendary bantz?

>> No.10428983

I just fucking dropped ten pounds in two weeks

>> No.10429014

Ugh, so glad I don't have to take the bus anymore. Every fucking time, some motherfucker bigger than a goddamn house would plop down beside me.

>> No.10429047

>Paramedics were called to the home by the man's girlfriend after she found him unconscious.

>She admitted to medics she had been feeding him by hand since he got too big to get up.

That's how. The enablers are almost worse imo.

>> No.10429076

As a male RN, who consistently gets assigned to the fatties, the ladies complain they can't handle the weight, as if I'm some kind of fucking superman, this would not even be the worst person I've ever seen. I feel bad for the LPNs and the sorry fucks that do even lower tier work. We've had several custodians quit over the wretched smells they have to deal with when disposing of human waste.

>> No.10429085
File: 26 KB, 337x600, 1513643136803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, yes, it appears Niagara falls has been contained.

>> No.10429089


>Enjoy thing in moderation
>Don't overeat everyday
>Drink plenty of water

It's not hard to do.

>> No.10429237

A feeder, most likely.

>> No.10429251


>> No.10429931


>> No.10430447

It's too late, he's already got in

>> No.10430453

easiest way to take bed bugs home, friendo

it's worse when you're standing somewhere away from all the open space and some random motherfucker still comes over to stand near you

>> No.10430461
File: 142 KB, 906x537, fatpoopy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who get that big inevitably have mental issues. Mentally healthy people might become overweight but they'd reel themselves in before they reached that size.
This level of obesity is reserved for those with depression and obsessive disorders, and possibly some degree of retardation.

>> No.10430486

>He had a gf
I had a female patient in a similar state once. She wasn't particularly fat, though. She was schizophrenic and I guess she had just decided not to leave that sofa. Not for food and not for the toilet. Family must have been feeding her.
But yeah, there was no real distinction between her skin and the upholstery and nasty rotten patches of both had to be removed to get her out of the thing and to the hospital.
She eventually died. I was amazed she lived as long as she did. Constantly soaked in her own piss and shit for years. Her body must have been working incredibly hard at limiting the infections to the soaked parts that were fused with the sofa. Eventually something got through and she died of sepsis.
It's not a smell one forgets.

>> No.10430489

It's not as easy as you think. These people are often experts at manipulating their loved ones and making them feel guilty.
I know it's popular for folks to go "the wife killed him with that fried food" afterwards but truth is that the wife was being controlled like a damn puppet. It's often an abusive relationship and the fat person is the abuser.
It's easy to stand outside of it and judge but things are usually a little more complicated when you take a closer look.

>> No.10430504


>> No.10430507

I guess they think she should have left him there to starve.
Shitty manipulative "journalism" like this is how people like you end up having such a hateful and ignorant opinion. The fat fuck in the chair is the only person with any blame here. The girlfriend had a boyfriend who couldn't stand on his own legs so she brought him food. How the fuck does that make her a bad person?
As I said in the other post, he was probably a manipulative asshole who either guilted her or threatened her into bringing him snack foods.
Inb4 some genius goes "hurrr threatened? He couldn't have done anything to her". I know that and you know that, but hearing these things from someone you love can trump logic in people. Chances are the gf wasn't too bright and maybe has her own problems with depression or abandonment issues.

>the ladies complain they can't handle the weight
I know this one all too well. Don't let them take advantage of you. Your back is just as easily ruined as theirs and if you're replying on physical strength to move the patients your back is at risk per definition.

>> No.10430511


>> No.10430722

>so large that you can't function as a normal fucking human
ACTUALLY humans were meant to poo on the ground this whole toilet thing was never natural ergo if you use a toilet you're not functioning as a normal human being.

>> No.10430731


>> No.10430744

The children were raised in a fucked up environment where they had to take care of the parent, that they act as caregivers makes total sense (the same happens to children of drug addicts, alcoholics, the disabled, etc). It's the partners and other family members who have no excuse, though I think they do it for the benefits and caretaker money, along with whatever feeder fetish they may have.

>> No.10430849


>> No.10431043


>> No.10431047

no but they wear shoes in their own houses

>> No.10431074


>> No.10431189


>> No.10431249


>> No.10431320

Wow so I guess health isn't real and you should eat another rack of ribs you fat fuck

>> No.10431356


>> No.10431467

Pop off James!