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10425597 No.10425597 [Reply] [Original]

Is high quality/expensive butter worth it? Is making your own butter worth it?

>tfw Americant dairy products are inferior to glorious europiss dairy

>> No.10425798

Same shit. Not worth making your own unless you have a cow.

>> No.10425815

high-quality butter is worth it in some baking applications; but for general usage, not really.

>> No.10425839

Depends on the brand, really. I've tried many kinds of butter and some of them, IMHO, absolutely are worth the higher price, like Lurpak or Kerrygold. The taste of those is well worth the slightly increased price. Others, like Pleugra or my supermarket's "European Style", are not. They don't taste any better than Kerrygold to me despite being more expensive.

>> No.10425951

all you have to do is literally shake milk in a cup with a lid. find a local farmer who dosent shoot up his cow with chemicals, buy some raw milk and make your own. then buy the butter from your grocer that will be 8 bucks cheaper and realize they taste the fucking same

>> No.10426117

Plugra is cheaper than Kerrygold where I live. I also prefer it.

>> No.10426156

I only buy kerrygold anymore. Just tastes better

>> No.10426168

Plugra, and it's cultured with high fat %.
There is a reason it's the number one butter ordered by restaurants.

>> No.10426201

I like the higher fat content for baking recipes, but I don't think it tastes as good spread on toast or in a sandwich as many other butters (Lurpak, President, Isigny, Kerrygold, etc.)

>> No.10426205

>some of them, IMHO, absolutely are worth the higher price, like Kerrygold
Kerrygold was found to be full of germs in a recent consumer magazine test, and it placed dead last out of twenty other butter brands.

>> No.10426223

Well I've been eating it for over a decade now and it hasn't made me sick yet so I don't really care.

>> No.10426242

This desu. Only reason to worry about the germs anyways is if you're a soyboy whose immune system is fucked by AIDS, a sheltered life, or any other number of things.

>> No.10426257

>cultured butter
>full of germs
Ok grandpa, you can just use sweet cream butter instead

>> No.10426276
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>full of germs
What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.10426284

>full of germs
Go to bed Muhammad, we are too smart for your German propaganda.

>> No.10426292

You do know kerrygold makes sweet cream butter right?

>> No.10426301

Wouldn't it be obvious to buy a different brand of sweet cream if anon was afraid of kerrygold? You know there are alternative brands, right?

Also, you did know that sweet cream butter is made from pasteurized milk, right?

>> No.10426304

But you just told him to eat sweet cream when kerrygold sweet cream butter was the one found to be hazardous.

>> No.10426340

How is it hazardous

>> No.10426343

Youll have to ask kerrygold and the german consumermagazine that stated it was hazardous from microbes.

>> No.10426347

I can't ask them, so I'll ask the people regurgitating the information

>> No.10426353

oh, in that case A german magazine said that kerrygold sweet cream butter had a lot of microbes that may cause illness; kerrygold denies the claims.

>> No.10426354

>kerrygold sweet cream butter was the one found to be hazardous.

First off, nobody ever specified that the "hazardous" version was the sweet cream one. Generally speaking, sweet cream is safer than the alternative because it's made from pasteurized milk.

Second, see:
>Wouldn't it be obvious to buy a different brand of sweet cream if anon was afraid of kerrygold? You know there are alternative brands, right?

Nobody told him to eat KERRYGOLD sweet cream. The brand wasn't specified. So if babby was afraid of big bad Kerrygold, isn't it logical to choose a different brand?

how are we supposed to do that when nobody has specified the magazine?

>> No.10426362

Sounds like a crock of shit desu

>> No.10426380

>First off, nobody ever specified that the "hazardous" version was the sweet cream one.
Because 4chan is dumb and assumed the people doing the tests wouldn't know the difference between sweet cream and lactic fermented.

>Nobody told him to eat KERRYGOLD sweet cream.
Nobody said to eat kerrygold lactic fermented.

>how are we supposed to do that when nobody has specified the magazine?
Sorry didn't know you were an invalid. lmgtfy

>> No.10426412

Bacteria in food is OK, as long as it's a European produced product that I happen to also love.

>> No.10426420

Sorry that you get the shits from a small amount of bacteria, anon.

>> No.10426423

Bacteria is always in food

>> No.10426441

t. yuropoor

>> No.10426455

Bacteria is in/on literally everything on this earth exept the inside of an operating autoclave, nuclear reactor, or furnace.

>> No.10426470

How is buying kerrygold any different from store brand rolled around on my carpet? Other brands didn't have near the problem.

>> No.10426477

Feel good to be superieuropoor

>> No.10426487
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>> No.10426597

Nope. Just someone who realizes that obsessive cleanliness leads to allergies and super bacteria and isnt even good for your digestive system

>> No.10426618

Kerrygold is made with better milk than the avg. store brand.

what problem? It meets EU standards.

>> No.10426627

>Kerrygold is made with better milk
So they start with better milk? and then defile it by mishandling it so it grows microbes that can cause illness?

>> No.10426661

They still feed them corn

>> No.10426663

>americans unironically still eat sweet cream butter in 2018
Butter that isn't cultured is like bread that has no salt nor yeast. Sweet cream butter i.e. ameributter should not even exist. It's 100% an inferior product in every way.

As such, making your own butter is never worth it unless you happen to have access to an appropriate bacterial culture.

>> No.10426685

That's what it sounds like, but I never read the article.

Perhaps, but it still tastes better than any store brand I've ever tried.

We have the internet. Everyone has access to the appropriate culture.

>> No.10427213

Buy both and see if you can taste the difference. I can, so I buy expensive butter for certain applications, and cheap butter for others.

>> No.10427357
File: 319 KB, 600x400, SALTED-BUTTER-400X600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one.

>> No.10427373

I buy land o lakes unsalted. I'm interested in trying cultured butter, what should I try that I can get at Walmart?

>> No.10427375
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me doo :DDD

>> No.10427436

>nuclear reactor
Don't be so sure about that.

>> No.10427452

If you spread it on bread alone, it's worth it. If you just use it for cooking, nah, use regular butter instead.

>> No.10427456

This thread pleases Harlaus.

>> No.10427475

Bacillus stearothermophylus

>Nuclear reactor
Deinococcus radiodurans

I'll let you go this time.

>> No.10427698

Made shortbread with a higher quality butter for St. Patty's day, and now my friends think I'm some kind of shortbread savant. I moved away from that area, but before I left I gave my best friend my "top secret" shortbread recipe so they can still enjoy it. The secret is Kerrygold salted butter. That's it. As others in this thread have said, Kerrygold specifically is worth it. I can't speak of any others because it's so good, and at such a decent price, I've never bothered to try anything else.

>> No.10427709
File: 61 KB, 750x500, smør.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best butter coming through.

>> No.10427721

Any that could survive being immersed in fuming nitric acid?

How about dioxygen diflouride?

>> No.10428706

>dioxygen diflouride

I just looked that up. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

>> No.10429788

>worried about germs in your butter
>some overweight 60 year old frenchman is eating overly ripe cheese made of unprocessed milk that has a chance of giving him listeria

yea fuck off.

>> No.10429979
File: 326 KB, 600x461, img2.thejournal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so much better than regular butter

>> No.10429985

Hope you enjoy your germs

>> No.10429995

enjoy your safe, joyless life

>> No.10430062

I only buy organic butter because all the shitty toxins accumulate in the fat cells of a cow that’s been fed soy feed and hormones. Same with bacon. It all accumulates in the fat cells. Fatty meats are the worst because of this.

>> No.10430108

Sulfolobus acidocaldarius might, or Acidithiobacillus caldus although neither will probably reproduce.

>> No.10430143

You can get good American butter of you have Amish or Hutterites living nearby. It's occasionally in the dairy section at one of my local grocery stores.

>> No.10430251

Kerrygold is the cheapest at Costco.

I don't eat Kerrygold plain, though.

Basically, I make chop up and crush garlic and mix it with Kerrygold butter and store that mixture in a glass jar that used to hold pickles and refrigerate it and only take it out when I want to spread the garlic butter on toast.

Costco doesn't sell the unsalted version, though.

>> No.10430265

Bacteria can't survive in areas with the densest and highest concentrations of Bacteriophage, the natural predators of bacteria for millions of years.