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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 522x229, sprats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10423552 No.10423552 [Reply] [Original]

sprats are vastly superior to sardines. that's right, I said it, you wanna fight about it faggot?

>> No.10423559

>eating fish
not even once

>> No.10423571

t. landlocked pleb

>> No.10423572

I bet you put mayonnaise on everything you degenerate

>> No.10423951

Bet you like the taste of cock too don't you?

>> No.10423959

>56% goblin detected

>> No.10423988

The term sardine doesn't refer to any one species. Sprats are often sold as brisling sardines.

>> No.10423989
File: 29 KB, 355x240, King_Oscar_Sardines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oscar is the KING!

>> No.10424228

>not putting mayo ON fish

>> No.10424511

on salmon it's pretty good, or if it's deep fried.

>> No.10424520

must be a euro thing. Ive never seen sprats here


>> No.10424538

there's only one place where I live at that sells them, and surprisingly they're cheaper than sardines.

>> No.10424562
File: 26 KB, 450x450, k2-_e1ddcf13-1803-4240-9919-65bc4d35bc49.v1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true king coming through.

>> No.10424567

They are sardines, you idiot. Riga gold is choice, through.

>> No.10424568

so if I want to try sprats, I need to haunt dollar stores?

>> No.10424581

no idea. only place I found them was a supposed "world" market so it's got meme food from other countries.
same family, different species shit for brains, someone hasn't been eating their omega 3, faggot.

>> No.10424603

No, but he's close. Bar Harbor or Wild Planet takes the throne for sardines, but King Oscar has the best mackerel.
Try the Mediterranean style ones. They're ambrosia.

>> No.10424605

I was underwhelmed with my first time trying sprats, I had Riga Gold but in a little jar not a can. Maybe they were just too talked up or I was sick or something.

I think maybe
kippers = smoked trout > smoked oysters > sprats > sardines > anchovies
I have cans of mackerel, octopus, and cuttlefish that I have not tried yet but soon will fit into the list.

>> No.10424623

anchovies are definitely god tier.

>> No.10424624

I'll have to try out Bar Harbor and Wild Planet, the thing is I just never see those in stores.

>> No.10424630
File: 425 KB, 1500x603, King_Oscar_Kipper_Snacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pretty good.

>> No.10424633

Hey RETARD, spratz are sardeenz. LMAO!

>> No.10424635

where you get those?

>> No.10424639

Price Chopper, just a supermarket in NY.

>> No.10424650

I've had those, but I feel like Bar Harbor does those a bit better.

>> No.10424656

>deep fried mayo
you burgers are insane

>> No.10424662

I'll try those out, the thing is doing comparitves is difficult since I have to sort everything out. I'd be surprised if someone didn't already have some comparitive website dedicated to comparing herrings and such.

There's already a sardine one.

>> No.10424669

>There's already a sardine one.

>> No.10424677


Somebody here linked it and I grabbed the link.

>> No.10424678

you're missing out friend

>> No.10425291

Ye should all visit Sardine Land!
Sardine Land

>> No.10425304

dude...you shoulda saged, and stop shit posting that site

>> No.10427143
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1030, peons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10427481

>same family, different species shit for brains, someone hasn't been eating their omega 3, faggot.
Sardine is a catch-all term for small fish, not a species. Sprats (brislings) are a particular breed of small fish native to northern European waters.
All sprats are sardines. All sardines aren't sprats. Now get off the internet, you dumb kid.

>> No.10427524
File: 96 KB, 960x668, fish-and-chips-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't put mayo on his fish

>> No.10427525

Fuck off cunt!

>> No.10427540

The discerning gentleman uses tartar sauce.

>> No.10427546

you need some midol or something dear? you're awfully cranky

>> No.10427550

not if I have malt vinegar, lard ass

>> No.10427554
File: 44 KB, 355x330, Bigglesworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok mr bigglesworth.

>> No.10427583

you now it baby, but to the subject at hand: sardines>sprats. much more delicate and fresher than the deenz.