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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10419259 No.10419259 [Reply] [Original]

these fucking retard sticks are a prime example of why two nukes just wasn't enough.
Sure, take the time and effort to learn them, but what can you eat with them that you couldn't eat better with a fork or spoon?

>> No.10419266

The wrong country was nuked if you wanted to get rid of chopsticks.

>> No.10419267

but chopsticks are a chinese invention not a japanese one. i see why you struggle with such a remedial task as using chopsticks.

>> No.10419290

Do Americans really call a mouth-shovel a 'spoon'?

>> No.10419292

Chop sticks are what poor people use. The Chinese made them because they found forks (something they invented as well) where too difficult to mass produce at the time. They found that two fucking sticks were way easier, could be found anywhere, and worked.

>> No.10419301

Chopsticks help with fine finger motor movements and strengthens your wrist.

>> No.10419310

The fuck is wrong with chopsticks? Thrifty, effective, and those big ass steel ones the Koreans use for cooking are at least as good as tongs for quick manipulation of cooking food.

>> No.10419742


>> No.10419803

doritos while gaming

>> No.10419812

>mutts think chopsticks come from Japan
Can't say I'm surprised tho

>> No.10419813

Lifelong chopstick users have a higher incidence of arthritis in the wrist in their twilight years.

>> No.10419824
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>two nukes wasn't enough
Fucking fresh and hilarious. I've never seen this exact phrase before in countless unfunny posts all over the internet.
Do you have a degree in web comedy?

>> No.10419842

It takes like 5 minutes to learn to be comfortable with chopsticks if you have even the slightest amount of dexterity with your fingers.

I use them sometimes just for the novelty of it. They cost like 3 bucks for a pack of 10 pairs as well, so you can cut down your utensil costs if you are a poorfag, which I am not, but still it is a merit.

>> No.10419843

He clearly has a Doctorate anon.
How else could he have such a unique wit?

>> No.10419856

So does posting on the internet.

>> No.10419858

We also called pronged-stabbers forks.
And flat-cutters knives.
We are a long way removed from proper English I know, I blame liberals.

>> No.10419861

Prove it. Bonus points for making up things about their diet being a contributing factor for your autusm.

>> No.10419874


>> No.10419875

inexpensive, versatile, and great for cooking with
flat-ended squared wooden ones are probably best

>> No.10419893

Show me YOUR research, with a link to a reputable study that proves beyond doubt that using chopsticks specifically does result in arthritis (ie. not some broad study that implies using joints wears the joints).
Show me specific data to validate your claims.

>> No.10419904

Chopsticks are just convenient for everything when you've been using them for your entire life.

Grab large pieces of meat easy-peasy without piercing it with a fork or without using tongs. I make a lot of chicken wings and chopsticks are simply more convenient.
Make scrambled eggs or omelettes without a spatula, chopsticks are more convenient.
How about washing them? Sometimes debris can get stuck in between the teeth of forks that makes them take longer to clean (or people just neglect cleaning that shit because they don't know better). This isn't an issue with chopsticks.
>what can you eat with them that you couldn't eat better with a fork or spoon?
The real question is what can you eat better with a fork that you can't with chopsticks. Chopsticks allow you to delicately control your food if your good enough with them, but a fork is pretty much just stab and go. I wouldn't want to eat at a Korean BBQ with a fork or eat sushi with a fork.

>> No.10419912

i mean to be fair you also don't eat sushi with chopsticks

>> No.10419939

You shouldn't throw aside tradition if it's not harmful, immoral, or unjust. They don't take any skill to use, so just use them.

>> No.10420097

I do, probably 95% of the time, unless chopsticks aren't available. Probably most people do too, and the whole "japanese will laugh at you if you don't use your hands to eat sushi" was way overblown and false. Most of them probably use chopsticks too, I mean they use chopsticks for nearly every other meal so why wouldn't they use it for sushi? Those clickbait articles, videos, and some sushi chefs just tell you that people can use their hands so that they don't have to feel like idiots when they can't pick up a nigiri without dropping it every 2 seconds or breaking the rice in half.

>> No.10420114

lol no

westerners eat most things with fork and knife, doesn't mean they eat pizza with them. sushi is finger food unless you're a girl trying to be dainty.

>> No.10420171
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>> No.10420234

>american education
>ameriturd raging because his too fat hands cannot fit the chopsticks and became a laughing stock of the restaurant

>> No.10420239

Yeah nah you're clearly never been to japan

>> No.10420254
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obviously :^)

>> No.10420258


>> No.10420279


>> No.10420285
File: 328 KB, 960x540, Rekt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10420286

how do chopsticks take time and effort to learn? it's not an instrument. you just hold them a certain way and you're done. it's like taking "time and effort" to learn how to hold an umbrella

>> No.10420326
File: 31 KB, 393x349, 1505519307120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoons are legit the pinnacle of the human genius

>> No.10420353

Imagine being this butthurt that you can't figure out how to eat with sticks.
Something even Chimpanzees know how to do.

Stay mad, OP. #Madstrong

>> No.10420416

The spork is the utensil of the gods

>> No.10420423


>> No.10420449


>> No.10420455

Do you have a source for that or are you just talking out through your arse.

>> No.10420464


Will they ever get back to healthy food?

>> No.10420474

Jesus, don't wet your pants anon, it's only a post

>> No.10420523
File: 51 KB, 800x647, superbrain18932741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit sporks 4 life

>> No.10420565

Popcorn or cheetos, someone have the comic? "modern day prometheus"

>> No.10421089
File: 26 KB, 949x647, 172D5A5746A24AFABCE4D9451DAF413C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10421120

>using muscles weakens the muscles
>body builders just rest all day

You might like being lied to but I don't and neither do the people who didn't vote for Shillary.

>> No.10421141

gb2 reddit, moneybags

>> No.10421678

It's similar to writing with a pencil. A 5 year old can write the alphabet poorly, and a 20 year old can hopefully write the alphabet with better legibility and mastery.
An American that only uses chopsticks a few times a month is the same way. He may barely be able to pick up his fat gluteny orange chicken with the chopsticks and probably has difficulty picking up lo mein with it. An Asian would use chopsticks to pick the small bones out of a fried fish like it was nothing. There's no reason to use a fork when they can eat almost every meal with chopsticks (some combination of rice + meat + veggie).

>> No.10421717

They're for finger foods you fuck-up, so you don't get your fat, greasy, cum stained gaijin hands all over the food you're about to eat

>> No.10421865

If you're too retarded to use two sticks then perhaps the retard isn't the stick but you.
Reminder chopstick is not a manifestation of exact thing. Anything can be made for chopsticks by using anything as two sticks.
Kill yourself braindead.