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10416681 No.10416681 [Reply] [Original]

>buns packs of 8
>dogs packs of 10

This shit HAS TO STOP.

>> No.10416699

Just buy five packs of buns and four packs of dogs over the course of like, two months.
Forty assembled hot dogs isn't that much, especially seeing as dogs and buns both freeze like a dream.

>> No.10416706

Is this an American thing?
Both buns and dogs come in packs of 12

>> No.10416708

that is at least 1 dog a day for a month. get on the dog economics, OP!

>> No.10416709

Are you doing a Steve Martin bit?

>> No.10416716
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>4 or 8 buns
>6 burger patties
Yes, and it honestly might be intentional, this is the type of thing American companies do.

>> No.10416718

Dad used to argue with me that they don't do that anymore, that dumb fucker. Going to burn his albums in the milk crate he gave them to me in.

>> No.10416728




>> No.10416730

You sound like a real jerk.

>> No.10416734

why are americans, Chicago people especially, so autistic and elitist about putting ketchup on their boiled pork trimmings?

>> No.10416743

ur a bad son

>> No.10416747

I've heard this but never seen it. I've only seen both dogs and buns come in packs of 8. Is this a meme?

>> No.10416748

Hotdogs should be cheap food, but the "pricier" ones ($6+) with natural casing or 100% beef come in packs of 5~6, while the cheaper ones that are chicken/beef/pork mixtures will come in 8~12 here. Buns always seem to be 8 packs though.

>> No.10416749

They have nothing else. Literally nothing else to form an identity around

>> No.10416753

Are you seriously asking someone to apply logic to a tradition?

>> No.10416758

Because Chicago knows they're an afterthought of a city and compensates by pedantic pretentious bullshit about their dumb street-food.

>> No.10416759

Right? It's like the mexicans who pop out from behind the wall, "ackshully, a real traditional cultural taco uses..."

>> No.10416761

there is literally nothing wrong with freezing your bread

>> No.10416765

t. man who posts goza thread 3 times a day for 2 years straight

>> No.10416768

>not double-dogging the last two buns


>> No.10416772

There is a reason Chicagoans don’t be ketchup on their hot dog: it’s called sweet relish.

The neon green condiment contains about two grams of sugar in every tablespoon. While that’s only half as much as ketchup, it’s still a fair amount of sweetness in each bite. Considering that, there is a reason why you wouldn’t want to to put both sweet relish and ketchup on at the same time: the sugar overload probably would mask anything going on underneath.

You could ditch the relish and just go for ketchup, especially if mustard were allowed to go along for the ride. That’s totally fine. Those who love Chicago-style dogs could eat theirs in peace right next to those who just want ketchup. This is already the case at most stands around town. Still, the ketchup fans would miss out on a little secret about all those toppings on a Chicago dog.

When perfectly portioned, the seven toppings on a traditional Chicago-style hot dog — mustard, sweet pickle relish, chopped onion, sliced tomato, dill pickle spear, sport peppers, and celery salt — combine to create something like a less-sweet ketchup. Hear us out. There’s tomato, obviously, but the sweetness of the relish is balanced off by the mustard. The onion, pickle, and sport peppers add savoriness, tang, and a little heat. We have no idea where the celery salt comes in, but it somehow enhances each bite.

>> No.10416775

i buy expensive hotdogs and buns that come in packages of 6
fuck that other nonsense

>> No.10416776

relish is pickled, of course it overpowers anything under it, while ketchup is just sweet. they're both awful and will never complement a meat you're trying to taste. You use it to mask bologna or cheap hotdogs.

>> No.10416785

This is a masterclass of intolerable writing.

>> No.10416802

I came here to explain how to work around these issues while upping your cooking game but after reading some comments here, no, you don't deserve the knowledge.

>> No.10416809
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Detroit Coneys are the best dogs.

>> No.10416813

That's not even true you bandwagon dipshit. Ketchup is also vinegar, garlic, and whathaveyou or else we'd just be using tomato paste.

It has a historical precedence as well that isn't just American fast food. Portugese roast pork is accompanied by tomato ketchup, for example.

Rebelling against the conventional makes you a hipster, not an authority of good taste.

>> No.10416827

>his grocery store only has 1 option of buns and 1 option of hotdogs

where the fuck do you shop? just buy the brands that have the correct bun/dog ratio. I buy 8 buns and 8 hotdogs all the time.

>> No.10416865

Friendly reminder that hebrew national will jew you out of a fucking wiener.

>> No.10416876

I am not even a chicago cuck but you are literally subhuman and probably autistic if you put ketchup on a fucking hotdog. Or anything for that matter, actually.

>> No.10416884

>t. chicagoan

>> No.10416895

just for that I'm gonna put gummy worms on my next hotdog

>> No.10416908
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I would
Eat it
Eat it
Eat it
Wouldn't touch it
Eat it

>> No.10416953


it's another episode of sauce elitism. literally what the fuck is so wrong with ketchup that people have seizure fits over it? it's literally just a sweet and tangy sauce that pairs well with meat.

>> No.10416966


ketchup is a several hundred year old condiment that predates tomatoes, clearly there is something good about the sauce.

>> No.10416979


big city barf dogs are always terrible and entirely a required taste. only a fuck would mix mustard with chili

>> No.10416986

I'm sorry, but it's not just "chili", it's a chili sauce that we just call chili. It's not the same thing you get from Wendys thats full of beans and peppers.

>> No.10416997

>a required taste

>> No.10417001

>that predates tomatoes
wait, what?

>> No.10417002

Imagine being this autistic of a Shitcagoan.

>> No.10417004
File: 21 KB, 385x460, hotdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's storebought hotdog buns. Who gives a shit?

>> No.10417027

Maybe use google?

>> No.10417037


>> No.10417111

I put mustard on my hotdogs, I don't like ketchup.

>> No.10417234

idk about Chicago but you fast realize Hot Dogs can be a much better cheap meal the second you drop ketchup and add other shit

>> No.10417283

they fixed this like thirty years ago
they both come in eights now

>> No.10417302

you sound like an arrogant yet ignorant Brit

>> No.10417308

>dogs packs of 10
Sounds like you get the manlet hotdogs

>> No.10417335


>> No.10417341


i put ketchup, mustard, and a pickle slice on my hot dog.

>> No.10417665

my first thought when i saw this post was Father of the Bride.

>> No.10417782
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>> No.10417811 [DELETED] 

>not thinking like a business man

If you buy 10 pack of hotdogs; you need 10 buns but if you only get 8 buns back; you'll need to buy another pack of buns to fill all 10 dogs. but now you have 6 buns left over so you need to buy another pack of hotdogs to use up the buns. its captalism at its finest.

>> No.10417848

it backfires tho since i just don't buy hotdogs when they pull that shit

>> No.10417852 [DELETED] 

You're not the average person.

>> No.10418261

>eating hotdogs
literally fucking why
Sausages are less shitty and taste better

>> No.10418519


>> No.10418530

where is this from?

>> No.10418825


>> No.10418839

big trouble in fuck you

>> No.10418864

It used to be made of mushrooms anon, it switched to tomatoes when people discovered the red parts are hella poisonous and are tasty as fuck and it became fashionable to add them to everything that is the version we still use today.

>> No.10418933

stfu u german bitch

>> No.10419044

>not buying 5 packs of buns and 4 packs of hotdogs

>> No.10419052

Wang Ching leave the foot

>> No.10419067

Bitch you can buy ketchup and mustard in the big containers and smother your dogs at a cost of like $0.04 per quantity of sauce per dog.

>> No.10419191

What the fuck is your problem

>> No.10419205
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>hotdogs aren't sausages

>> No.10419224

>shit from the 1990s

It is 2018, packs of each come in the same amount now.

>> No.10420890
