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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 165x306, 7up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10415876 No.10415876 [Reply] [Original]

So uh, do you "fresh up" with 7up the original uncola? It seems interesting to me, this lemon lime drink, began as medication like lots of things but now is basically just a sweet beverage. Thoughts on how it compares to rivals Sprite?

>> No.10415887

Sprite>any other clear soda

>> No.10415900

Care to elaborate? This really interests me.

>> No.10415905
File: 22 KB, 236x333, Coca-Cola-The_Drink_That_Fights_Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10415918

You pepsi faggots deserve what you'll get!

>> No.10415931
File: 33 KB, 450x450, 6f403cba-ff2f-406b-8d0d-b20571f3e685_1.4cae8237914bd8f354ef63941766782f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff came out ten years before 7UP but I've only seen it twice in my life.

>> No.10415944

>be child
>have puking fit
>mom gives me lemon-lime soda
>repeat for years
>be adult
>try lemon lime soda
>think "oh no I'm sick"
Can't drink that shit.

>> No.10415961
File: 194 KB, 640x456, sodag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10415988

When I was a little kid my mom gave me sips of coke, that always does now, even with the worst hangover, a sip of coke is very nice.

>> No.10416020

A sip of coke and a saltine.

>> No.10416335

do you have actual, real autism?
this is interesting i will check back later

>> No.10416486

How did 7up help our sickness?

>> No.10416543 [DELETED] 

I prefer sprite, but ginger ale is my go-to soda, and Fresca is my second choice. Not because it’s zero calories, I just like grapefruit soda.

>> No.10416613

Whenever I have the flu or am nausious I drink sprite or 7up because its the least worst thing to throw back up. It almost tastes the exact same coming back up.
I was so sick once I was throwing up my stomach acid because I hadnt eaten. Sprite at least gave me something to throw up and it didnt taste bad.

>> No.10416683

carbonation makes it less likely to be thrown up, sugar meant my body was getting at least some calories.

>> No.10417511

7up originally had lithium in it

>> No.10417570

What’s it like to have only been sick enough to throw up stomach acid once in your life?

>> No.10418274

cherry 7up, amazing.

>> No.10418308

>carbonation suppresses vomiting
How can you possibly think this to be true? The original remedy is nearly flat soda.

>> No.10418319

Uh oh looks like we have a badass over here

>> No.10418372


7up was never an anti-emetic, it was originally a mood stabilizer. You're thinking of cola syrup.
It's a fine drink though, tastes exactly the same as lithium carbonate going down.

>> No.10418382

Carbonation helps you because you belch instead of puke.

>> No.10418407
File: 17 KB, 500x275, coca-cola-kid-eric_roberts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pepsi people are fags.
Now join with a proper Coca-Cola fizz!

>> No.10418467

Sprite is more sugary, light on the lime flavor, heavy on the lemon-sugardrop flavor.
7Up is less sugary, almost dry, more lime over lemon and tastes more naturally flavored.
Sierra Mist is the least flavored, and also more lemony than limey, and quite sugary as the predominant flavor, though flavors are natural tasting as well.

Decide which you want as a mixer, and which to sip outright, accordingly. Sprite becomes really perfectly balanced if you add a squeeze of citrus yourself. I think if you're going to have more than one, 7UP is the choice, as the others become too cloyingly sweet over time.

>> No.10418485

This has to be bait. How much did they pay you for this thread?

>> No.10418534

mtn dew ice is actually the best of this genre of soda

>> No.10418652

Likely tree fiddy of a percentage of a cent.

>> No.10418671

This is why I prefer Cherry Sprite. I notice this 7up shilling Anonymous is at least 30-foot long and has a tail. Get out of here you goddamned lochness monster!

>> No.10420501


>> No.10420538

>throwing up my stomach acid
I know what that's like.
Terrible fucking feeling.

>> No.10422179

i just know when to accept that a new product is an improvement on the old standards