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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10415580 No.10415580 [Reply] [Original]

The only reason people do this is they're afraid wine is going to damage their fragile sense of masculinity. Beer is too gassy and has the wrong flavors to go with most foods other than tortilla chips or whatever.

If you're afraid of looking "gay" or "foreign" then just don't drink anything with your meal. You are not obligated to have a beverage with your meal. Or if you are such an out of control drunkard that you require alcohol at all times, then have some liquor in a glass. Not in the flask, you filthy bum. Whisky is no worse and no better than beer in terms of flavor competition with food, but it has the advantage of not making you feel like Jabba the Hutt afterwards.

Beer should only be consumed by itself, at least 2 hours before or after any meal.

You do not need to respond to this post as it is merely a PSA. The facts speak for themselves.

>> No.10415585


>> No.10415593


>> No.10415600

>at BWW
>"can I see your wine selection?"
>what would pair well with my medium tradition wings?"

Being such a retard

>> No.10415615

What is BWW, is that an airport code?

>> No.10415671

Beer goes with bar food.

>> No.10415681

I thinks it's those fat chicks who do porn.

>> No.10415701


buffalo wild wings, aka Salt and Cheese Emporium

while we're at it here's my ranking of american baby boomer/ gen X focused slophouses, because OP's thread sucks

>BJ's Brewhouse
>Buffalo Wild Wings
>TGI Friday's
>Bob Evans

>> No.10415706

Where does Embers rank? I still have one near me and dont know if I should go

>> No.10415710

>he hasn't experienced a good barley wine paired with a roast

>> No.10415716

I've lived in lot of places in the US and never heard of that place. Are you a midwesterner?

>> No.10415730

I'm good with that ranking, but maybe I'd put Applebees one tier below chili's. Seems like you wanted to have two to each tier, though, idk

>> No.10415766

No bro I meant in n out heh heh isnt the ocean great? Love that New York za :^)

>> No.10415773


That's fine that you're upset, but I was just curious about the place. Drop the self consciousness.

>> No.10415780

Jesus, you got BTFO in some flyovers vs coasties thread and you're still this mad? Kudos to whoever did this to you

>> No.10415783

That's one exceptions. Wings only taste good with beer. They don't even taste good alone.

>> No.10415808

I ultimately agree - depending on a few factors.
Mexican beer tends to go well with Mexican foods as it's generally mostly flavorless piss water
Japanese beer tends to go well with sushi for the same reason as Mexican beer

Otherwise, if we're talking craft beer, ales tend to have too strong of flavors, generally, to go well with food, usually overtakes the flavors of the food. Especially IPA's, pale ales, etc. A rich stout I could see with dessert, maybe as some kind of a night cap, but otherwise, if you want to enjoy your meal, the beer generally wont help.

>> No.10415818

No one thinks wine is going to make them less masculine - it has MORE ALCOHOL in it than beer.

>> No.10415848


That's not how it's viewed by older men in America at least. Consumer culture runs so deep that your identity is called into question over the littlest purchase decisions. Outside of wine connoisseurs themselves, it's perceived as an effeminate drink.

>> No.10415851

>Mexican beer tends to go well with Mexican foods as it's generally mostly flavorless piss water
If you're talking about like, street tacos slathered in Cholula at 2 AM, sure. A full meal, you'd be wrong. Mexican food goes with wine same as any other food containing a broad spectrum of flavors, ingredients, and methods. Grignolinos, fino sherries, kabinett rieslings, nebbioli, full malo chards, it really depends on the region and the dish.

>> No.10415855

My favorite beer+food pairings:
Asahi Super Dry + edamame w/ sea salt (cold), followed up by a cucumber sushi or avocado salad
Sweetwater 420 + Steakhouse burger w/onion rings or sweet potato
hefeweizen + fresh pretzel w/hot whole grain mustard or bratwurst
Light pilsner+ chicken wings w/ blue cheese and celery
Guinness + scotch egg w/mustard or sausage roll w/ mustard or ribs
Schofferhofer grapefruit + crab, cobb salad or

>> No.10415868


Sapporo is a better sushi beer, but your other recommendations are good

>> No.10415872

Sure I'll just order a fucking red wine to go with my burger you cretin.

>> No.10415883

This but unironically, a dark zinfandel works well

>> No.10415886

>If you're talking about like, street tacos slathered in Cholula at 2 AM, sure
Mostly this. Tacos, burritos, taco salad - more simple Mexican food than for example Gallina En Mole or something with the beans, rice, tortillas etc, then you're right, a wine would likely be better.

>> No.10415890
File: 104 KB, 960x678, eatshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this pleb. Nothing beats a greasy bacon cheeseburger with an old school high extraction mountain zinfandel. No beer could ever even hope to come close

>> No.10415895

>pairing drinks with your food
>not pairing food with your drinking
plebs, I swear

>> No.10415896

I just have water

>> No.10415898

midcult the post

>> No.10415974

Guys seriously I live on the coast. Just drop it okay? Embers was a joke. I only visit places where the staff speaks 0 English and spits in my food.

>> No.10415979


I drink wine all the time and I'm a guy. Quite frankly hypermasculine dudes who boast about consuming beer and steak have been some of the dumbest, closeted fags I've known. It's true.

>> No.10416007


It's about Perkin's tier.

Their breakfast skillets are good.

>> No.10416022

You sound like a fag.

>> No.10416029

the "Quite frankly" gave it away for me. who the fuck talks like that?

>> No.10416038

It was the framing of being closeted out of left field for me, but now that you mention it...

>> No.10416090

Enjoy your ignorant misery in nowheresville, never enjoying what your country has to offer let alone the wider world. You defensive, smug little cornfed faggot.

>> No.10416125

Imagine actually having a small stomach and not just eating and drinking whatever the hell you want

>> No.10416161

Zinfadel and pizza just dont sound right

>> No.10416164

>Caring what 56% goblin think

An hero

>> No.10416165

t. wine shill

>> No.10416169


Where do you think I live, idiot?

>> No.10416191

I love Beer in so much situations. Had a good BBQ one hour ago, with beer. Why do u write so much stupid stuff about your own taste and the taste of others in such a narrowmindet way? Greetings from Germany.

>> No.10416196

Don't worry a mod will be along to delete this thread soon enough. All the mods here are flyovers and get mad when people talk about stuff that isn't IPA, hamburgers, or tater tots.

>> No.10416203

You're starting to piss me off bro. I already told you I'm a coastie. I eat stupid pizza and ethnic food and lap up my own piss with a big ol grin. What more do you want?

>> No.10416208

your power of attorney and signed access to your bank account

>> No.10416209

Imagine being a landwhale

>> No.10416212

I'll give you access to somethin *unzips sweatpants*

>> No.10416924

>he doesn’t like steak, sourdough bread, salad, and a good brew
Lmao what a fag

>> No.10416944

just because a thing is good by itself doesn't mean you can randomly throw things together and the sum of enjoyment is equal to the inputs

you sound like one of those gross people who combines food with sex

>> No.10416951

>beer doesn't pair with food because a bunch of arbitrary rules I made up about pairing beverages with food regardless of how much better it tastes because of my many feelings about toxic masculinity

>> No.10416974

>you like meat and bread and vegetables?
>ugh I bet you have sex with food
What did he mean by this???????

>> No.10416980 [DELETED] 

I don’t enjoy any alcohol with food. I drink water with food. Alcohol is before and after food. I’m not saying alcohol doesn’t belong with food, I’m just saying I don’t want it with food.

>> No.10416991

Well, nobody cares what you want.

>> No.10417184

I guess im a 6'0 155 pound landwhale then.

>> No.10417253


Probably California, now off yourself goblino

>> No.10417746

the only people who think wine is unmanly are teenagers and virgins

>> No.10417781

Wine is pretty inherently unmanly as all fruit juices are

>> No.10417828
File: 69 KB, 720x716, IMG_1605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw drinking Margaritas and Draft beer at a good Mexican restaurant

>> No.10418395

I agree with you OP. Drinking a beer right after taking a bite of the food messes with the taste of the beer too much. So I definitely prefer to keep beer and food separate unless it's popcorn.

>> No.10418402

I don't give a fuck what you think, I am a grown ass man and I will do whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.10418416

What kind of micropenis hipster faggot doesn't like fruit

>> No.10418417

I'm more of a legs man myself

>> No.10418444

>Outside of wine connoisseurs themselves, it's perceived as an effeminate drink.

Most people drink wine, even in college we had slap the bag, I don't know what the fuck you're on about or if you just suffer from a fragile ego.

>> No.10418484

Fruit is basically just candy, its for women or children unless used as an accent.

>> No.10418487

Most people drink wine sometimes, very few 18-40 year old people, especially amongst men, prefer wine

>> No.10418494

PSA: OP sucks cocks

>> No.10418495

fuck you and your bait beer til death fuck every other form f alcohol.... maybe one day ill handle a bottle of jack daniels when i hang myslef but thats one day brew gang kill yourself

>> No.10418511

I'm 25 and I enjoy a nice bottle of cabernet from time to time, as do my friends, I usually prefer beer, but I've never heard the stigma for liking wine as being effeminate outside of white wine because white wine is trash anyways.

>> No.10418532

Yeah, wine is fine. I am definitely not saying it is bad. Its just rarely the preferred alcoholic beverage of younger men

I don't think its effeminate or anything like that, I just think the quality to price ratio is way worse than something like beer. Good wine just costs way the fuck more than good beer. You can get some of the best beer in the world for less than most mid tier wine. The older generation developed their habits when this wasn't really true, and grew up in a time where wine was seen as fancy and classy because good beer basically wasn't a thing outside Belgium 30 years ago

and obviously women are worse with money than men on average so this plays a larger role with men

>> No.10418539

>white wine is trash
I felt that way until I was in my late 20s and started trying white wines that weren't cougar juice and blue nun

>> No.10418593

Yes and no. You certainly can't get a bottle of mid tier barolo for the same price as a six pack of mainstream IPA, but this winter I got a bottle of brett imperial porter that cost more than I could possibly spend on a bottle of cotes du rhone even if I tried.

You seem like you have some odd ideas about wine, as demonstrated by your comment about it being "fancy and classy". The price of wine is driven by the cost of what people perceive to be a reasonable alternative. For a one-off crazy beer there's no reasonable alternative, and it comes down to more than just the taste, but also reputation and people wanting to see what all the hype is all about on a limited production scale. Same goes for certain cult wines. For other wines, where the region or producer flies under the radar, you can get great stuff for next to nothing, often because of the same dumb consumer mindset. Sherries and mosel rieslings for instance are highly undervalued because morons think they're "for women" or "for old people", and I'm totally fine with that. In another timeline they'd be trading for hundreds of dollars a bottle and nobody would give a shit about DRC la tache.

>> No.10418602

You all spew hate because you know he speaks ths truth. Beer is for hipster numale soybois, the civilized man drinks wine with his meals.

>> No.10418606

Am I on Buzzfeed?

>> No.10418625

It's really sad that gender norms have made their way into foods. Strawberries and chocolate and wine? That's for women. Beer and whiskey and steak? That's for men.

It's really the dumbest thing, but you will find that if you stop giving a fuck about whether what you're eating is okay for your gender, you're a lot happier.

Men drink wine all the time. The only people that seem to have a problem with it are little sick chads.

>> No.10418634

I have been arriving at the same conclusion.

>> No.10418640

>as demonstrated by your comment about it being "fancy and classy".
Was was certainly perceived as such in America by our grandparents' and some of our parents' generation
More to my point, even most super top tier excellent beer is less than $25 per bomber, and even prices that high are still rare. Meanwhile even most better than average wine.
Its really affordable to be into beer, and try new things all the time relative to wine or liquor

>> No.10418667

Beer is fine with fast food imo

>> No.10418675

You keep saying "average wine" or "mid tier wine" but I have no idea what you mean by that. An average pomerol? An average lodi zin? Do you mean the average local price of any wine, by retail sales in your area? The average price of what you personally might buy? Average in the sense of one of those dumb 100-point scoring systems?

You can get the best of the best beaujolais crus for like $25-30, and that's a world-class wine. You cannot physically find vinho verde for more than $10 a bottle and that's after all the middlemen get to it.

The fact that you measure wine by the price of the bottle is a reflection of your tastelet disposition, more than anything. Like those people who think wine is only "good" if Robert Parker gave it a certain score.

>> No.10418697

I am more talking about general perceptions than my own opinion. I was mainly trying to not make any of it about my feelings but simply how most people perceive them.
and I am talking about in America

>> No.10418707


>> No.10418706

To be fair, the best beer is simply better than the best wine

>> No.10418712

Curry and beer are made for each other

>> No.10418823 [DELETED] 

I care what I want, and the only things I care about are the things I care about.

>> No.10419201

Drinking alcohol when eating is dumb since your body will prioritise metabolising the alcohol (getting rid of the poison). The food you eat during this time won't be digested and absorbed properly. If you drink while you eat you're wasting food.

>> No.10419207

As a person who loves beer. I agree with you. I hate drinking alcohol with a quality meal. Now if I go grab some bar food it's fine, but normally I prefer to drink after I eat.

>> No.10420206
File: 843 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20180329_202348_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Wine is girly !"

Here literally everyone drinks it while eating during occasions, and the only people that wouldn't do that are trailerpark level

Sorry that you're poor, Cletus

>> No.10420777

That probably explains a lot. People who think beer always goes with food only eat deep fried bar food because they're afraid a vegetable or fish will turn them gay.

>> No.10420936

>it's fine i dont care but do what i say

>> No.10422639

Is there a wine general I could visit? Interested in learning more about wine in general.


>> No.10422742

I love chilis though. The chips with cheesy meat dip in the pan (we always steal the red handle cover) is good, and the fajitas are perfect too.

>> No.10422767

best way to learn wine is to drink wine desu

>> No.10422800
File: 294 KB, 1190x1610, 379582_wookmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to you, the /ck/ guide to wine:

-All wine is exactly the same, a study showed so-called experts can't even tell red wine from white wine
-The above study notwithstanding, cheap wine is better than expensive wine
-If you aren't gay, or a female boomer (I hate my mom!), drinking wine will turn you into a gay, female boomer
-You may have heard words like "champagne", "rhone", "rioja", "napa", and so on. You may have some erroneous impressions about what these words mean. They do not in fact refer to places, but bets. As in: I bet that this $11 charmat-carbonated prosecco from Italy probably tastes identical to this $71 bottle-fermented pinot noir from a region in France which is totally just imaginary, and if you have experience to the contrary, you obviously hate science and favor protectionist trade policies
-Australia makes the best wine in the world, Yellow Tail Chardonnay. You may have tasted some Australian wine that was absolutely vile, but take our word for it. Obviously you haven't had the GOOD Australian wine, aka Yellow Tail Chardonnay. We only have it in Australia, foreigners don't have access to it.
-America makes the best wine in the world according to a wikipedia article which they made a movie about starring the chick from Dollhouse. My interest in wine begins and ends with this wikipedia article and this just goes to show you Mommy's Time Out White Zinfandel is better than any of that obsolete europoor stuff
-Wine is very fancy. If you have ever enjoyed wine, even once, you obviously think you are better than us. Who do you think you are? I bet you can't tell the difference.
-There are no other wine producing parts of the US other than Napa Valley. If you don't think overpriced bordeaux blends from Napa Valley are literally the best thing ever, you obviously hate America and have literally never set foot here

Lastly, here is a useful chart which arbitrarily miscategorizes appellations as grapes, grapes as appellations, etc.

>> No.10422817

dude, what are you even talking about?