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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10414783 No.10414783 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to improve my diet, how's this for a basic foods list? I'm aiming to have one cup from each group per meal, about a half gallon of food per day across two meals.




Vitamin C:

>> No.10414836

Jesus Christ you're retarded.


only if you are poor
fat and protein, not that many carbs. good though
not healthy at all, empty calories, avoid

enjoy your kidney stones
mercury poisoning hello
they're okay but chicken breasts and eggs is what you'll want for protein

olive oil and avocados have the best fat

what? beans are an okay protein source if you are poor or vegan but the farts aren't worth it imo

>sugar sugar sugar

>vitamin c
bell peppers my dude, if you want vitamin c, you should eat bell peppers

>> No.10414850


I already eat peppers, my current diet is 80% refried beans, 10% mini red peppers and 10% grapes.

>> No.10414863

eat eggs, friend

>> No.10414913

>Man's intended diet, fruit, is unhealthy
Do you have even a drop of common sense in you, boy? What do you think we ate when we still lived in a tropical climate?

>> No.10415104

can someone please give me a serious response

>> No.10415168

Fruit has been verboten ever since that wench Eve gave Adam the apple.

>> No.10415193

You should center your diet around raw veganism and/or nutritarianism.

>> No.10415197

Here is a serious response: Don't come to /ck/ for nutrition advise. You will get a lot of idiots who know nothing about nutrition but are very convinced that they do, like >>10414836

If you want to eat healthier, I'd recommend getting a food tracking program such as MyFitnessPal and tracking your calorie consumption and macros. From that, you can start to adjust your diet.

>> No.10415220

Tracking is well and good but you have to actually DO something with that information.

I have a couple of fat friends who started logging their diet on fitness apps. It's incredibly annoying because every time we go out to eat they have to pull out their phone toy and record things. Yet they're still both fucking landwhales because they don't actually DO anything with the information. They log it....and that's it. Logging is completely useless unless you ACT upon the information that you are logging.

>> No.10415227

>can someone please give me a serious response

Basic foods list sounds silly, because it's restrictive for no actual benefit. Eat a wide variety of foods, just do so in moderation.

>> No.10415241


this is already a pretty wide variety compared to what I eat now see >>10414850

my doctor told me that all my weird vision problems is because I'm technically malnourished

>> No.10415243

>good health is forbidden

>> No.10415246

you sound like a soyboy ketotard
>he fell for the avocado meme
fucking lel

>> No.10415271

Buy why make a list at all? What purpose does the list serve? It may be less restrictive than before, but it's still restrictive. Eat all foods.

>> No.10415276

Yes, but it is hard to know where to adjust if you don't know where you are going wrong. Most people don't have any idea how healthy/unhealthy the food they are eating is, so it's an effective way to retrain people to understand how healthy/unhealthy things are, plus it usually gives a fairly accurate calorie goal that will lead to weight loss if you are consistent. The problem is, you cannot lie to the app, like your fat friends probably do.

The other thing I would say is, weigh your food when cooking at home. You'd be surprised how small a serving size is of some foods, like nuts.

>> No.10415311

Records alone doesn't tell you anything about where the excesses or deficiencies are. You have to compare those records with some kind of a standard.

>>The problem is, you cannot lie to the app, like your fat friends probably do.
belive it or not, one of them actually brings a portable postal scale with him and weighs things. He's a sperg about accurate recording. But like I said, all he does is record things. He doesn't actually look at the data and see where he's over- or under- consuming things. Recording is great, assuming that you ACT on the results. Without action it's just a waste of time.

>> No.10415359


80% plants + 20% everything else = god diet

Add chicken for protein
And add something for Iodine (algae)

>> No.10415364

Just eat less

>> No.10415366
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McDougall diet.

>> No.10415393

Don't know who they are but I get the feeling that they'll eventually be on the receiving end of a flash bang.

>> No.10415423

Shit. I love spinach.

Guess I'm going back to collard greens...

>> No.10415435

That is why I recommended MyFitnessPal, which has standards built right in, and allows you to display not only calories but also carbs, protein and sugars right up front if your diet is based on reducing one of those.

Acting on the information is absolutely essential, and you need to use that info to adjust your meals so that they are healthier. You will want to research how many calories you need to lose weight, if it's not already built into the app, and be sure to stay under it. There are also many other diets that might work for you, but calories in/calories out is one of the easiest and most accommodating.

I'd recommend planning your meals for the week ahead of time, so that you know that you should be under every day. For instance, I have a list of 500 calorie breakfasts, lunches and dinners that I eat 5/7 days a week.

Also, bringing a scale to a restaurant is about the most autistic thing you could do. I'd honestly not even go out to eat with that person.

>> No.10415464

Just drink more water. The reason spinach may cause kidney stones is because it is high in oxalate, which raise your oxalate content in your urine, but if you drink more, it dilutes it and it will decrease the overall oxalate content. Alternatively, you can have food high in calcium, which bonds to the oxalate in the gut and neutralizes it.

>> No.10415584

do you know what wild fruit looks and tastes like? nothing like the stuff you find in the supermarket. that shit was small and not full of sugar. tropical apes and monkeys eat a shitload of leafy greens, a surprising amount of insects and sometimes small game. they do not get to eat only fruit all day because it's simply not widely available if it isn't cultivated.

what specifically do you take issue with in my post? it's easy to say somebody knows nothing when you yourself offer nothing other than calorie counting.

>> No.10415694

It’s stupid keto shit. You don’t deserve to be taken seriously when you still post that meme shit.
Carbs are fine and so is fruit.

>> No.10415727

The impression I get is that wild fruit is just as sweet and palatable as our "conventional" fruit, but I don't live in the wilderness so I don't really have the opportunity to test it. What I'm saying is this: what requires the least amount of effort to harvest and eat in nature? What appeals to our monkey-like nature? My first post was very knee-jerk, but I feel like fruit today is strongly indicated as our natural diet if you consider it from the angle of simplicity and of what tastes good as it comes in nature. There's a reason it's "nature's candy".

>> No.10415902
File: 346 KB, 567x425, musa-forest-banana-72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a reason it's "nature's candy"
Yes, because your whole diet shouldn't consist of candy. The things is though that they re not natures candy because in nature they are almost nothing but seed with very little flesh and nowhere near as sweet, that spot would go to honey.

The fruit we know has been cultivated by humans for thousands of years. The difference to wild fruit is as drastic as the difference between wolves and dogs. Pic related is a wild grown banana.

>carbs are fine
>stupid keto shit

Oh, so you actually are a retarded sugar junkie nigger. You don't have to be a ketotard to understand that spiking your insulin super high with every meal isn't a good idea. It's not a meme, it's science. Pure high carb foods like pasta or bread have no health benefits whatsoever, fruits in moderation are good as they come with lots of vitamins and enzymes but carbs are not a priority when you want to eat for health. You'll get enough carbs from veggies alone if you eat a healthy diet. Pasta is a treat and should be considered as that.

>> No.10415995

>spiking your insulin super high with every meal isn't a good idea
Nips eat rice or noodles virtually every meal, smoke like demons drink like fish and have the highest life expectancy in the world. Consider yourself to have been absolutely rekt, meme diet faggot!

>> No.10416126
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the dosage makes the poison, asians eat small portions and don't have an obesity epidemic. also, I looked it up and Japan does not have the highest life expectancy, that's Monaco by far because it's full of rich people dodging taxes. the numbers also don't vary all that much among developed nations.

as an aside, are you advocating alcohol and cigarettes as part of a healthy diet now?

>> No.10416158

>enjoy your kidney stones
Look at this retard. The sugar in fruit is fructose, not sucrose or dextrose. It's also bound up in fiber. Fruit is 90% water, 9% fiber, 1% fructose and vitamins. I'm not gonna piss myself over 30 calories worth of "sugar" when it's a multivitamin and fiber bar rolled into one.

>> No.10416302

one serving of pineapple has 16 grams of sugar

>> No.10416348

>almonds under carbs
>spinach under protein
>beans under fat
you don't even understand the very basics of macronutrients so spend some time doing research on this shit

>carbs are all unhealthy
behold the formerly obese ketotard who can't grasp the concept of moderation
>tuna is going to give you mercury poisoning
luckily fish is also a great source of selenium so there's really nothing to worry about

>> No.10416423

I didn't say carbs are unhealthy, just that they are not healthy, especially not when isolated. you faggots are seriously overreacting. I didn't even fucking recommend keto. I've never in my fucking life eaten keto. the idea of having cheese, mayo and bacon three times a day doesn't sound that appealing to me. literally fuck you people.

If you want to eat healthy you should eat lots of vegetables (much more than keto would ever allow you fucking double nigger) and try to stick to foods with a low glycemic index. Pasta has no fucking health benefits and you do not have to watch out if you get enough carbs each day. You get plenty without eating empty calories like pasta or bread.

Fuck off with fucking keto shit just because I said stuffing your face with carbs and sugar isn't healthy, which it fucking isn't. Protein, vegetables, healthy fats. That's all you need if you want to eat only for health. Carbs just shouldn't be a daily staple food if you are not poor and want to maximize health. This has absolutely nothing to do with keto. It's simply a matter of nutrients which carbs do not have a lot of.

You can eat anything you want every once in a while, and you should or you risk becoming some obsessive nutcase like vegan or ketofags.

>> No.10416448 [DELETED] 

If you’re going to eat potatoes, eat sweet potatoes. They are nutritional gods. Regular potatoes are shit in comparison. Don’t listen to people who say carbs are unhealthy. Refined sugars are unhealthy. What is your goal? Are you trying to lose weight? What you eat doesn’t matter for weight loss. It’s about how many calories you eat. That being said, you still want to eat healthy because loading your body with shit won’t do you many favors, even if you are losing weight. Also, you need a lot more variety than what is on your list, and eating massive amounts of tuna isn’t ideal. If you’re going to eat lots of fish, try to get fish that comes from the arctic. It’s the least polluted ocean. Don’t be afraid of beef, pork, and poultry. Just get lean cuts.

>> No.10416454 [DELETED] 

I have eaten a bag of spinach every week for the last 15+ years and I have never had kidney stone issues. Where does this bullshit come from? Do people not drink enough water?

>> No.10418341

What are you malnourished in that causes your vision problem.