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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10414512 No.10414512 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a vegan, but I like to have some eggs and ice cream on my cheat day.

>> No.10414570

pretty based, but try a good hamburger once in a while and you'll achieve peak human diet

>> No.10414751

My cheat day is today and a burger sounds yummy. Any recommendations for a good burger? I'm in SoCal

>> No.10414763

You sully the name of true vagans.
Even though there is little left to sully.

>> No.10414774

I am a true vegan though.
Most vegans ate meat and animal products at some point in their life before they became vegan. There is literally zero difference between that and having a cheat day.

>> No.10414788

>literally no difference
when they were eating animal products they didn't label themseles as vegan
do you consider yourself vegan on your cheat day?

>> No.10414799

I am a vegan, it's who I am. Eating meat or animal products for one day a week doesn't change that.
If another vegan were forced to eat steak at gunpoint are they no longer vegan? Of course not.

>> No.10414803

>if another vegan were forced to eat steak at gunpoint are they no longer vegan?
by definition

>> No.10414808

So if a carnists eats a salad he becomes a vegan, by definition? You follow some retarded "logic", bro.

>> No.10414810

>im an autistic brainlet the thread

>> No.10414814

>So if a carnists eats a salad he becomes a vegan, by definition?
Yes. Is this your first day on /ck/? Pizza is considered a vegetable around here and apparently shashuka is the hip new "ethnic" food taking Grand Forks by storm

>> No.10414815

>im an autistic brainlet
Oh we know, sweetie. Believe me, we know.

>> No.10414822

by carnist do you mean someone who eats meat exclusively?
if so, they would cease to be a carnivore and become - just like you and I, sweetie - an omnivore

>> No.10414826

I'm, by definition, a vegan not an omnivore.

>> No.10414828


>> No.10414831

no, that would be a "carnivore"
"carnist" refers to an ideology hence the different suffix

>> No.10414832

That makes you a vegetarian then. If you’re a vegan, you only eat what is acceptable for a vegan based diet. There are no “cheat days” since it’s a lifestyle change that you either commit too fully or don’t commit at all. Disobeying that completely destroys the premise of veganism and what it stands for if you’re just going to eat whatever.

>> No.10414835

A carnivore is an organism that gets all of its diet from consuming meat, you autist.

>> No.10414838

I'm not vegan and eating a slice of bread right now.

>> No.10414841

but /ck/ told me that if I get salad instead of soup that makes me a vegan extremist PETA nazi
why would anyone eat a vegetable except under duress?

>> No.10414842

>someone who eats exclusively non-animal products
>has days where you eat animal products
hm something doesn't quite add up here

>> No.10414844

why are you replying to me as if you think you're correcting me? I literally just explained to you the difference between "carnist" and "carnivore", which part didn't you get?

>> No.10414851
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Check your privilege, shitlord. Xhe a strong independent person identifying as vegan. You got an angry Tumblr post coming your way!

>> No.10414855

I strictly eat vegan foods 6 days a week. I'm a vegan NOT a vegetarian despite these erroneous claims to the contrary.
The only thing I agree with in this post is that being vegan is a lifestyle, and I live by that lifestyle entirely, except on Saturdays (my cheat day).

If a person regularly diets and exercises for 6 days a week but on the 7th day they eat some cookies that doesn't automatically make them obese or man all the hard work and discipline they put into it is rendered null and void.

Educate yourself further on the matter before you reply again, you're making a fool of yourself

>> No.10414868

I'd consider my self a vegan to but sometimes I eat McD's nuggets and drink milk to wash it down. I feel a little guilty sometimes but the thing is I grew up eating that practically my whole childhood and sometimes I crave them and my menstrual cramps won't go away until I do

>> No.10414870
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You're another violent omnivore bragging about doing the right thing 6 of 7 days, when in reality you're promoting brutal slaughter, pain and abuse once a week.
If I told you I don't torture babies 6 of 7 days, but go nuts on the 7th, does that make me a good person? Disgusting meatgobbler.

>> No.10414871

This isn't wrong. Just like there are Jews who keep kosher for passover but at other times, that doesn't make them not Jews.

>> No.10414879

>hey just thought I'd let you know, I'm on a strict no exercise routine
>but you go to the gym on saturday
>that's still no exercise you dumb fuck, I don't do anything 6 days a week

>> No.10414880

See >>10414871

>> No.10414889

You missed the entire point of my post but your tears are scrumptious. It's a good thing it's my cheat day because otherwise drinkng them would really make me a vegetarian

>> No.10414894

I'm an omnivore, but occasionally I'll go all day without consume meat and sometimes I'll eat vegan, inadvertently, of course.

>> No.10414897

Nice false equivalency and ad hom you psychopath. Idiots like you are the reason veganism will never recieve mainstream approval. You're basically shilling for the Big Meat and Big Dairy industry by scaring people away from it.

>> No.10414899

no, I definitely got your point
you want a label that accurately represents the struggle you put yourself through on a six day basis because vegetarian just doesn't cut it anymore
it's okay

>> No.10414904

This. """Vegans""" like the one you responded to give us a bad name. They are indirectly responsible for the murder of billions of animals because they tarnish the lifestyle in the public's eye
You should be ashamed of yourself, you're not even a real vegan

>> No.10414916

Thank you for helping our cause and ignore idiots like >>10414870. We need all the help we can get even if it's just 1 day

>> No.10414921

Being vegan isn't all about animal ethics it's also about being a part of setting a trend

>> No.10414922

for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat twelve (:

>> No.10414931

Thank you for taking a stand against food waste.

>> No.10414987

That's retarded, go vegan for long term health benefits. If you need "cheat days" to eat meat you've clearly got something wrong with your head. Consume no added oils fats or animal products in your diet. You will be so healthy and invigorated. Join my discord for questions. https://discord.gg/3gyyUns
>food I could eat in a day
Sweet potatoes
Bread (white or whole grain, hardly matters to a vegan we're so healthy already)
Beans (pinto, black, garbanzo, soy, kidney)
Nutritional yeast
Salad (peas, cucumbers, carrots, tofu (optional), tomatoes, onions, croutons)
Most people did not exist until they were born. See how stupid you sound?

>> No.10414992

You cancerous veganfags would use discord

>> No.10414994

I bet you use reddit.

>> No.10414996

Says the vegan

>> No.10415003
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>this thread

>> No.10415005

Sorry but moralfags are inherently reddit

>> No.10415014

This has to be a troll thread. I was raised omnivore, and started eating vegan 4 years ago, with cheat days. I wouldn't consider myself a vegan until last year when I stopped having cheat days.

>> No.10415023

You became a vegan 4 years ago when started eating vegan tho

>> No.10415025

Whatever happened to vegetarians?
They were so much less annoying.

>> No.10415030

Nobody likes a fence sitter

>> No.10415041

I liked them a lot more. At least you could actually cook for them without alienating every other non-vegetarian guest.

>> No.10415056

Vegan food is tastier and far better then food filled with cow pus AKA "milk" and that's a fact jack

>> No.10415073
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ok m8, im out

>> No.10415091

>You became a vegan 4 years ago when started eating vegan tho
Cheat days implies not a vegan, anon. If you're eating meat sometimes you sure as hell don't have a meat-free diet.

>> No.10415103

lol, what are you talking about? I adhere to a vegetarian diet most of the time but I still eat meat a few times a month, that doesn't make my diet "not vegetarian" the rest of the time

some people even go veg for just a day a week, hindus for instance do it tuesdays and thursdays. it's still vegetarian regardless of how many nuggets they ate on wednesday

stop acting like this is some kind of church where the pope excommunicates you for doing the wrong thing, it's just food

>> No.10415122

It means you eat "vegetarian" some of the time, and "omnivore" some of the time. Taken in total, for your whole diet, you are an omnivore.

>> hindus for instance do it tuesdays and thursdays. it's still vegetarian regardless of how many nuggets they ate on wednesday
Sure. So they're veg on tues and thurs. But overall--taking into account their diet over a long period of time--they are not vegetarian.

>>stop acting like this is some kind of church
You just seem not to know what the word "Vegetarian" means. If you eat meat sometimes then you're not vegetarian. Simple as that. It's got nothing to do with religion. It has to do with what words fucking mean.

For example: if I only steal things on Fridays does that make me "not a thief"?

>> No.10415158
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Imagine being this angry about vegetables. Omg yuck-eee it looks like a leaf! Mommy why aren't we having normal food?

Reminds me of a joke: what do brussels sprouts and anal sex have in common?

>> No.10415173
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About people using words correctly, anon. Vegetables have nothing to do with it.

>> No.10415192
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A meal is vegetarian in virtue of not containing meat. Seems pretty simple and billions understand it, why can't you? What is it you expect, like maybe it has to have kale and activated almonds or some such thing?

>> No.10415201

Simple. We're not talking about a single meal. We're talking about diet as a whole. If the diet as a whole contains meat then it's certainly not vegetarian now is it?

>>like maybe it has to have kale and activated almonds
I wouldn't know. I am not a vegetarian or vegan. I just find it ironic when people claim to be veggie or vegan "oh except for my weekly cheat day".

BTW you never answered my question earlier. If I only steal things on Fridays does that mean I'm not a thief?

>> No.10415209


Almost all humans who have ever been alive at any time since the dawn of man have eaten meat, at some point. I guess that just proves all food is meat!

>> No.10415232

>I guess that just proves all food is meat!
Just that very few people are honestly vegetarian or vegan.

Reminder to answer my thief question please!

>> No.10415247

>very few people are honestly vegetarian or vegan
Has anyone ever suggested otherwise?

We are all thieves, anon. Nobody has ever gone through life without stealing something, at some point. And yet most of us are also honest. Life is so full of mysteries isn't it.

>> No.10415267

>Has anyone ever suggested otherwise?
Did you even read the thread? Plenty of people claimed to be "vegetarian" (***except for my cheat days****)

>> No.10415275

"Plenty of people did X" and "very few people did X" are perfectly consistent with one another, anon-kun

>> No.10415277

what’s the point in being vegetarian or vegan if you have cheat days? i mean sometimes i’ll eat something and not realise it’s not vegetarian until after i eat it, but i never intentionally eat anything like that

>> No.10415288
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What's the point of anything? Death is the only answer

>> No.10415291

Isn't that a "flexitarian", plant based diet with occasional meat.

>> No.10415300

Your brain is broken. Why don't you go pray to god that he will give you a new one?

>> No.10415303
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Wow, great bait OP. You really got people pissed.

>> No.10415313

Maybe you can pray for me with your superior carnist brain.

>> No.10415331
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She has great feet but looks like Jeff Goldblum, maybe I need a new fetish

Also would you try a Goldblum Dog, /ck/?

>> No.10415507

>diet usually based on an ideology
>cheat day

>> No.10415518

I do it for health not morals

>> No.10415526

Such a glaring false equivalence betrays your ignorance and intellectual dishonesty. Devotion to a religion entails much, much more than dietary laws, which merely enforce orthodoxy. In contrast, the core of the vegan lifestyle is abstinence from all animal products, no matter how they're derived.

Simply put, I can eat lobster and remain Catholic, but I can't eat dairy and remain vegan. Admit you're a vegetarian and save yourself the denial headache.

>> No.10415534

Oh, so you're not a vegan.

>> No.10415553

> In contrast, the core of the vegan lifestyle is abstinence from all animal products, no matter how they're derived.
It does? No it doesn't. You made that up.
>Simply put, I can eat lobster and remain Catholic
The interesting thing about Catholicism is even though it's far more rules-based than "the vegan lifestyle" (whatever that means), even the Church has made context-specific allowances for the rules like when and which meats can be eaten.
>Admit you're a vegetarian
I'm a person, who sometimes eats vegetarian, sometimes vegan, and sometimes neither. Today I had some fried anchovies with my breakfast, so today doesn't count as a vegetarian day.

>> No.10415590

>It does? No it doesn't. You made that up.
Go look up "Veganism" on wikipedia or in a dictionary. I'd say your greentext is a very accurate definition.

>>I'm a person, who sometimes eats vegetarian, sometimes vegan, and sometimes neither.
You're an omnivore.

>> No.10415609

Which dictionary has "the vegan lifestyle" as an entry?
>You're an omnivore.
Yes, and?

>> No.10415610

Let's check the Wikipedia entry for 'veganism', shall we?

>Veganismis the practice of abstaining from the use ofanimal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects thecommodity status of animals.

Their words, not mine. Admittedly, dietary veganism does not include ethical veganism, but your lack of adherence to even the basic requirements disqualifies you from the get-go. Again, you are a lacto-pesco-vegetarian by any rational standard.

>> No.10415635
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>wikipedia is the dictionary

>> No.10415639

To be fair when someone says "I'm vegan" almost everybody just thinks about the diet aspect.

>> No.10415667

I adhere to a vegan diet for 23 hours everyday

>> No.10415691

Makes sense to me, maybe not ethical in terms of veganism but it’s not as offensive as the soy boys are making t out to be

>> No.10415997

Considering it cites actual fucking authorities on veganism, it's as good as you're going to get. And guess what, the dictionary doesn't support your half-assed interpretation either.


If you're going to play pedant, do your fucking homework first.

>> No.10416008

That's called an ovi-lacto vegetarian diet. Vegan diest are no animals or animal byproduct

>> No.10416050

It's like saying I am vegan, but my favorite vegatable is rump steak.
You're not vegan faggot

>> No.10416092

OP explicitly said he is a vegan NOT a vegetarian.

>> No.10416141

If you're vegan you DON'T EAT BYPRODUCTS it's literally in the definition. Milk and eggs are byproducts. Byproduct means produced by meat based animals, or all animals Durr, you can't eat eggs and dairy and be vegan that's literally what it is. That's like saying a table is a chair cuz you choose to sit on it.

>> No.10416155
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>> No.10416167

shit i just realized vegans can't have ice cream

>> No.10416168
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>mutt reading comprehension

>> No.10416172

>no source
Not an argument

>> No.10416173

You can have ice cream made by soy milk
Haha SOY milk, almond
Vegan 'MILK'
Haha soyboys milk!!xdxd

>> No.10416174

Or eggs.

>> No.10416176

>still not understanding what vegan means

>> No.10416179

There's pretty decent vegan ice cream. Can't compete with Häagen Dazs but it's still good.

>le soy milk
Go back to /pol/ retard.

>> No.10416184
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>I'm a vegan
>my cheat day

You're not vegan. You're a spineless phony.

>> No.10416187

>Honey is made by bees for bees, and their health can be sacrificed when it is harvested by humans. Importantly, harvesting honey does not correlate with The Vegan Society's definition of veganism, which seeks to exclude not just cruelty, but exploitation.
Shit sucks to be you dude but no honey either lmao

>> No.10416188

>"Vegan means what I want it to mean cuz it sounds cool"

>> No.10416190

Hey don't talk shit about soy milk, that's the holy food for vegans

>> No.10416193

Or a normal brain to process the simple facts that humans are omnivores.

>> No.10416197

>a vegan that doesn't understand veganism
Ah indeed you're one of those bandwagon thots, I see.

>> No.10416213

>not eating a lamb chop on your cheat day

>> No.10416225

Why not a whole spit roast? If you're gonna cheat, do it well.

>> No.10416228
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>this entire thread
best bait i've seen in a long while

>> No.10416245

i see no problem there.
yes you arent vegan by definition more like part time vegan but call yourself what you want.
we dont need all to stop eating animal products to make the wold "better" but if we just all be part time vegan/vegetarian it would make a huge difference.
istn there something called flexitarian so you are flexiganer?

>> No.10416290

>I don’t consume animal products
>occasionally consuming animal products doesn’t change that
The absolute state of vegans/cremeposters...

>> No.10416289

Why are vegan threads allowed here?

>> No.10416310

honey can lick a dog weiner but no ice cream is a situation for me

>> No.10416330

You need more than healt reasons if you want to be a vegan.
Veganism demands that you don't use anything derived from animals and a non food example would be leather.
You can justigy a vegan diet perfectly with health reasons, but did you come up with reasons not to use any animal products whatsoever?

>> No.10416341

Veganism doesn't demand anything. There is no vegan police. You're being autistic over semantics here.

>> No.10416381

Veganism by definition is a person who doesn’t use or consume animal products in any way to the best of their ability. Having a cheat day every week when they eat animal products means they aren’t a vegan. I’m not a vegan, I don’t support or encourage veganism, but god damn, stop being retarded on purpose.

>> No.10416384

It's funny. He's really desperate for some kind of "gotcha" because it bothers him a great deal that some people choose different things than he does. And all this to justify the straw man of a "pushy vegan", despite the fact that he is the one being pushy.

>> No.10416782

That's true. I like to eat bacon six days a week but I also have one day of vegan diet because I'm a vegan

>> No.10416892

In like this too. When I eat I usually have some meat, but when I don’t eat I never eat animal products because I’m a strict vegan.

>> No.10416899

Breakfast burger from carls jr

>> No.10417538

The only respectable vegan that I've met, in my opinion, is this based physics professor at a state college who isn't preachy about the vegan thing.

I asked him why he does it, and he says it's not about the animals so much as it's about thermodynamics. Eating at a lower level on the food chain is magnitudes more efficient.

The dude's all about the environment - Solar oven, solar everything, bikes everywhere. Quite eloquent about energy (and he actually knows the the different forms, crystal bullshit not included) and can quantify things rather accurately.

The other vegans just seem like evangelizing posers in comparison.

>> No.10417556
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>Eating at a lower level on the food chain is magnitudes more efficient
Damn right

>> No.10417638

There are. It's classifications of vegetarianism. As stated, this is a prime example of ovi-lacto vegetarian. Ovi for egg lacto for milk, pesca for fish and so on. There's even one for just not eating red meat

>> No.10417667
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>112 replies omitted

>> No.10417673
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Interesting how the states in darkest red are universally reviled for having the most abhorrent food culture

>> No.10417676

>Eating at a lower level on the food chain is magnitudes more efficient.
In addition to being more efficient, it also greatly reduces your exposure to environmental toxins that bioaccumulate in animals higher on the food chain. Sure, you get some pesticides in your bread but not as much as you get from eating a cow that's eaten thousands and thousands of pounds of grain during its life.

>> No.10417768

The one that comes to mind is mercury. Mind providing an ncbi for your claim?

I happen to know a few people at the EPA in charge of this sort of thing and that doesnt sound familiar AT ALL.

A study in 92 reports a biomagnification factor (BMF) of well below 1.0 (1.0 being retains comparable levels and anything above 1.0 would be bioaccumulation)

Got a different source?

>> No.10417778

lurk more newfag

>> No.10417793

gz on being logically incoherent
if it wasnt for insufferably retarded people like you veganism would be a lot more mainstream, faggot

>> No.10417898
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>> No.10418244

How do you check? Which archive?