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10410982 No.10410982 [Reply] [Original]

My rice always turns out tasteless, undercooked, yet burnt, even if I overseason it and no matter if I cook it on high for a short time or low for a long time.

What I'm doing now is:
> Tin of coconut milk to the boil with salt, tumeric, thyme, onion, garlic, or whatever (making sure the seasoning is much heavier than I want it to be once it's cooked)
> Add brown basmati to under the liquid level, cover and boil for 25 minutes.
> After 25 minutes, rice isn't cooked, all the flavour is zapped away, and replaced with horrible burnt rice flavour from the black rice stuck to the bottom of the pan.
> This happens even if I cook it on low heat for a longer time.

My friend cooks this all the time and it works perfectly without doing anything special.

Help me please. This is infuriating.

>> No.10410985

>not using a rice cooker
Theres your problem right there.

>> No.10410990

Shouldn't be *necessary*

>> No.10411014

Do you have a glass top stove? If so try a thicker bottomed pot

>> No.10411024

Normal electric stove and fairly thick bottomed pots. But that could be it...

>> No.10411027

clearly you are not a very good rice cooker, but you could buy one for $20. For you, it is necessary.

>> No.10411044

Heavier pots will distribute the heat more evenly, I know because I have a glass top which is really bad with a certain inherited pot set with paper thin bottoms that I own. I can't even carmelize onions on the lowest heat setting without singing/frying them

>> No.10411045

I merely don't yet know what constitutes a good rice cooker (person), which is the aim of this thread.

>> No.10411062

one of the most important qualities of a good rice cooker is, apparently, not being you

>> No.10411066

>good rice cooker
literally cannot cook rice better than on the stove
educate yourself on the vast history and depth of rice cookers before giving retarded advice in the internet
if you're not spending over ~$150 USD don't get one, the price really does reflect quality in rice cookers. the issue here is you're a retard overcooking your rice and using too much liquid

>> No.10411081

Bring to boil, cover, put on low. That's how I make rice but I've never tried it with coconut milk

>> No.10411087
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>boiling coconut milk for 25 minutes
How did you expect anything else to happen?

>> No.10411089

You need fat to activate your fat soluble spices. Throw in some butter

>> No.10411161

That obviously isn't the issue, since the rice is undercooked and the liquid sometimes needs topping up (which is normal). And even if that were what was happening, the issue would be with my technique, which you haven't addressed.

>> No.10411168

Tried that; same thing.

>> No.10411178

If I cooked it less, it'd be even less cooked. Can you give some constructive criticism?

>> No.10411182

Coconut milk is very fatty.

>> No.10411184

>eye-balling rice to liquid measurements
Are you retarded? Just measure out your rice, and then measure out 2x liquid, then let it boil together until there is no more liquid in the pot. If the rice is still undercooked, the flames too high and too much liquid evaporated instead of getting absorbed. Even babies can cook rice

>> No.10411193

I will try that next time. Thank you.

What is it with you people and calling people 'retarded'? Did you realise everyone else who called me retarded gave contrary advice to eachothers' and yours? And how am I supposed to know something before I learn it?

>> No.10411198

>buy Jasmine rice
>1 cup of rice to 1.75 cups of water
>you may use chicken stock instead
>add rice to water and bring to boil, uncovered
>once boiling, stir, add lid, and reduce temp to very low (as low as possible)
>steam 20-25 minutes
>remove from heat
>fluff before serving
I like to add salt, butter, garlic, and green onion to my rice. All after it's done cooking except the salt.

>> No.10411205

You're supposed to do a cursory Google search before coming here, retard.

>> No.10411215

Kinda what the other anon said, only someone metally challenged can't Google "how to cook rice"

>> No.10411231

Just get a fuckin zojirushi already.

>> No.10411240

Hmm. The steaming method works the least well for me, but I think I will have to try that recipe to the tea. Thank you.

And indeed I did.

Other anon said too much liquid. Exact opposite. And I did google it. I also like asking people directly. Literally just "you are doing w wrong because x, do y instead because z" would suffice.

>> No.10411241

Just get a rice cooker and stop trying so hard. I saw one for 15 bucks at the CVS if youre poor, if not shop for a better quality one.

>> No.10411258

1) Make sure you are buying coconut milk, not sweetened condensed coconut solids, ie cream of coco. Check the label for added sugar. Switch brands anyway.
2) There is simply not enough water in coconut milk to use it alone. Rehydrating rice requires more actual water than that coconut milk is providing. All recipes I've quickly looked up still show 1.5 cups of water along with the can of coconut milk for 2cups rice. Check your ratio.
3) brown rice does not hydrate as fast as white rice, whether basmati or jasmine or whatever. You have to add 15-20 more minutes. Allow for a cheap pan to lose more steam, but you'll eventually get it right. For white rice, I bring to boil, lift lid, stir to lift up all the grains from bottom, replace lid, set timer for 20 mins, and reduce to simmer/low. After 20 minutes I do nothing but turn the burner off and add 10 minutes to my timer. I will only lift a lid after 30 minutes is up (20+10=30). That last 10 minutes is essential to steam up the rest of the rice or it will be hard. For brown rice? It's 25-35+10=45 mins or more. You make it once and see how those size grains do at 35 and reduce or add time. I typically also had another 1/4c of water. You might be going dry from not enough water, as well as a leaky lid, adjust per your pan situation.
3) If your pan sucks, you buy another, or switch to a double boiler setup, where there is no direct heat with the bottom of the nested bowl, and that leads to no contact to burn.

>> No.10411283

That is excellent advice! Thank you!

>> No.10411286

Relatively speaking.

>> No.10411449

actual, unironic respond to op

Watch this video, do what he says ans enjoy. Guaranteed to get your Rice cooked nicely everytime!


>> No.10411458

This is 4chan you absolute buffoon. What did you expect, actual advice? Why the fuck did you come here of all places.

>> No.10412076

>wash rice
>replace water
>slap it in the rice cooker
how hard is it for white people to do this?

>> No.10412657

Just go to the store and buy a jar of salsa dip. Through a few spoon fulls into the ricer cooker with the rice and water and give it a mix and then let it cook normally. Voila, easy Mexican rice.

>> No.10412697

Holy fuck rice is supposed to be a simple carb base for a meal. The stuff you eat with the rice is supposed to have the flavor. Why the fuck would you want to season your rice? To get the best rice buy the Three Ladies brand of Jasmine rice.

>> No.10413180

i hate when people use merely as a synonym for simply. i fucking despise that shit.

>> No.10413204
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Google, "DIY haybox cooker" or "DIY thermal cooker" You'll never burn rice ever again.

>> No.10413229
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>tasteless, undercooked, yet burnt
Not enough water and too high of heat or left on the burner too long. As for the taste add a little more salt. Also try using broth instead of water. I like to saute a bit of onion, garlic and chili in the pot first. Keep trying anon. Cooking is trial and error.

>> No.10413243
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>to under the liquid level
2:1 ratio always works for me. "Under the water lever" is vague and dumb.
>2 cups water with salt and butter
>1 cup rice
>mix and bring to boil
>cover and reduce heat to lowest setting
>leave for at most 20 minutes or turn off heat sooner if you plan to leave uncovered for at least 30 minutes.
Hit up thrift stores or goodwill for an old glass pot. It may help you get a sense of water absorbtion but trial and error should suffice.

>> No.10413248

I just read that you have an electric stove. Ignore my previous advice. Good luck cooking fucking anything.

>> No.10413250

try being less of a stupid nigger

>> No.10413283

It's not necessary if you're mentally competent. It is convenient though and necessary for OP.

>> No.10413297

>ctrl f
>no "msg"
That's why you failed. You are a retard and are listening to retards

>> No.10413389

brown rice usually requires more water and time to cook than white rice

>> No.10413417

use chicken stock you stupid fuck

>> No.10413425

use chicken stock, eggs, and yo momma pussy juices. Let is all swim together over night

>> No.10414190

>msg prevents burning

Kysf yourself faggot :D