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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 720x900, kamienie nerkowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10407772 No.10407772 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of foods and drinks should I avoid to not get kidney stones?

>> No.10407781

jesus christ that looks horrifying

>> No.10407782

Avoid not dehydrating.
Also drink a serving of OJ every couple of days

>> No.10407792

dont drink soda

>> No.10407794

jesus fucking christ
don't drink soda

>> No.10407816

depends on the type of stone. Uric acid stones are caused by dehydration. 80% of stones are calcium oxalate though so make sure you get plenty of calcium (I know that sounds weird but it makes sense physiologically, trust me) and avoid oxalates. Coffee, tea, chocolate, spinach, potatoes, almonds

>> No.10407826

my 30 seconds on google just now told me to avoid soy and have more sex

so avoid soy and have more sex

s o y

>> No.10407829

>What kind of foods and drinks should I avoid to not get kidney stones?
Calcium supplements are great for bone health, but an excess ends up in the kidneys. Same goes for chomping on antacids that are calcium based.
There is some carbonated soda/water association in some studies as well as their link to benign breast lumps in both sexes and bone mineral loss. There are multiple explanations. Don't consume it to excess or be one of those people that only drink seltzer.
There are foods high in oxalates, like spinach and they also grab that calcium while in the presence of uric acid in the kidneys. Don't avoid the list of high oxalate veggies, but you should also know about them, and realize you should eat a variety of foods, not the same things day after day.

Drinks lot of water throughout the day, not just at once. This will let you kidneys get all the liquid they want as they do their job, so impurities aren't in there in concentrated form maybe doing some magical bonding with each other, as elements and molecules like to do.

>> No.10407835
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Coffee and tea reduces risk.
Beer was the best beverage in preventing stones

>> No.10407857
File: 99 KB, 700x887, we-are-the-ubf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work Agent. We've successfully provided the world with one more excuse to drink.

>> No.10407868

Another reason to continue my caffeine addiction with coffee

>> No.10407877

I dont really drink soda anymore in my life, but I drink a lot of lemonade...
Ah well

>> No.10407881

long live science

>> No.10408940

so what happens if you drink alot of sugar sweetened coffee?

>> No.10408945

organic life is gross.

>> No.10408967

I’ve had kidney stones before, worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life.

My stones were caused by stress. I actually have a full record of every single thing that I ate leading up to the stones via Chronometer. But yeah, drink water, avoid high fat and high protein (no meat) and don’t eat too much spinach, don’t listen to that other retarded anon, too much calcium WILL cause stones, drink plenty of water but not too much. You should not be thirsty when you wake up in the morning, that is a good tell.

>> No.10408972

Why have there been so many fucking threads about kidneystones and gallstones recently?

At what point is it a shitty meme?

>> No.10409025

You'll know if you ever get one.

Then you'll realize nobody else should have to go through that pain.

>> No.10409053

i want to take a hammer to those

>> No.10409501
File: 557 KB, 1936x2592, kidney stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink wa'ah.

>> No.10409510
File: 18 KB, 228x227, Horrifying 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't come to /ck/ to browsed a Junji Ito thread OP.

>> No.10409522

i feel the urge to take each one of those stones out and eat it

>> No.10409536

>open pic
>go and chug 1litre of water right after

>> No.10409547

I'm surprised I never had a kidney stone back when I drank energy drinks everyday. Now I mostly drink orange juice and green tea so I guess I'm safe.

>> No.10409556

I imagine those each stone having the texture of toffee, like you could really bite into them and it’d break them apart in your mouth

>> No.10409612

>tfw that picture triggers the same urge to pick at it as with those photos of dogs covered with ticks
Is there a name for this?

>> No.10409638
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>Avoid not dehydrating

>> No.10409864
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>Avoid not dehydrating

>> No.10409922

No factual proof against diet itself, it's caused mostly by not drinking enough or bad luck, since it's normal for the kidney to generate some sand, and the stone just happens when it gets stuck in the way out.

>> No.10409929

The person who wrote that ass whipe was then fired from the university for failing to make a simple paper, and daring a correlation = cause conclusion as an adult without real proof.

>> No.10409941
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>human pearls

>> No.10410127

get used to drinking 4l water a day

then make sure you know where your public toilets are

>> No.10410135
File: 69 KB, 1280x971, fb5e71166931115fb61b6d46bbc782e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about tonsil stones?

>> No.10410144

That's enormous. I hope that was removed surgically.

>> No.10410167

more like ambergris

>> No.10410172

Gargle non-alcoholic mouth wash every day or have your tonsils removed

>> No.10410181

>tonsil stones
you mean teeth?

>> No.10410188

It appeals to me. Just like the urge to destroy a teeth by cutting it down the middle and seeing the inside. So satisfactory.

>> No.10410205

brb drinking 2 liters of water right now

>> No.10410243

>"coffee isn't as likely to give you kidney stones compared to soda"

How about stick with water, tardo?

>> No.10410254

Jesus christ, how horrifying.

>> No.10410262

For caffeine, you dink. Drink coffee instead of sodas.

>> No.10410272

Having your tonsils removed is what gives you tonsil stones.

>> No.10410273

Who cares what they look like when you can get them surgically removed?

>> No.10410290

I heard orange peel tea helps eliminate stones.

>> No.10410297

Well drinking plenty of water helps prevent stones so it's probably the fluid intake.

>> No.10410396

that first sip of bro science of the day

>> No.10410409

coffee is just hot bean water, asshole

>> No.10410414

>don't avoid not dehydrating

>> No.10410458

I don't like this thread and I am now paranoid and uncomfortable. Why do I keep coming back to this website?

>> No.10410478


This shits getting fucking ridiculous. I don't come to ck to discuss the health impact of food or drinking. If you want to post gross organ pictures and talk about how shitty your health is, go to fit or something.

>> No.10410494
File: 105 KB, 979x653, spinach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So will I really get kidney stones if I eat this fresh? I really fucking hate cooked spinach, but fresh is an amazing addition to salads. Anything I should add to my salads to probably negate the effect? I usually consume it with arugula, onions, mozarella and olive oil, sometimes add nuts

>> No.10410553

if you're still young enough that you don't undestand what a statistically valid correlation is you need to lurk more

>> No.10410568


>> No.10410677

well I don't think anyone would be able to pee that out

>> No.10410681

Then fuck off, you whiny nigger. Go be a soyboy on /fa/ or something.

>> No.10410724

No he doesn't mean teeth you dense mother fucker, go do a google image search for "tonsil stones"

>> No.10410747

Sounding has unknown benefits

>> No.10410828

Looks pretty, like a sandrose
*chugging water

>> No.10410840

>Avoid not dehydrating
this doesnt make sense to me, like my brain blacks out
i know avoid dehydrating is not the one you want, so i can only assume avoid not dehydrating is not the one you want. but avoid not dehydrating still doesnt make sense
am i a brainlet?

>> No.10410845

How in gods green earth

>> No.10410923

No you aren't a brainlet.
He just should have said avoid dehydrating. That's all.

>> No.10411048
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 1521434974755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having tonsils past age 5

>> No.10411056

the amount of acid in the fruits that would get in the stones is negligible.

>> No.10411059

There's no reasons for soda to cause stones. American urban legend.

>> No.10411065

I like em strong smell

>> No.10411085

I think you could get a necklace and a bracelet out of those stones.

>> No.10411102

explain thyself

>> No.10411118

it's fructose that causes stones, thats why the study in this thread specifically stated "sugared cola"

>> No.10411131

At last, my high beer intake is having health benefits!

>> No.10411146
File: 33 KB, 480x454, Nervous Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckkk offffffff!

>> No.10411234

Dermatilomania came to mind, but its not the same.

>> No.10411243

>Being so genetically inferior you need your tonsils removed by age 5 or at all

>> No.10411246

Christ I just got into spinach for the iron and calcium gains, now you're telling me I'm gonna be pissing boulders if I eat this stuff?

>> No.10411262

Dehydrated retard, drink more water.

>> No.10411478
File: 40 KB, 398x407, satanism_666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way that's happening inside me... is it?

>> No.10411490
File: 15 KB, 200x200, 1471021370385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet jesus, to think my kidneys could look like that right now

>> No.10411492

Tonsils are our mouth filters

>> No.10411513

beer is pretty fucking healthy if you drink it moderately

>> No.10411518

I didn't know kidneys could grow teeth

>> No.10411521


>> No.10411526


If your kidneys looked like that, you'd either know it or be dead already.

>> No.10411559

Either my tonsils got stolen from me for no reason when I was young, and I don't remember it, or you're wrong.

>> No.10411566

The stuff of nightmares. Imagine pissing all those out...

>> No.10411570
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>> No.10411586

Remove stones flush


>> No.10411626

>it's fructose that causes stones,
No. Let's make it simple. No.

>> No.10411637
File: 18 KB, 400x300, stones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they let you keep the stones after they come out?

>> No.10411680
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god that looks delicious

imagine it as a deep fried popler from futurama with some Sweet and sour dip mmm *crunch*

>> No.10411721

How do you get screened for stones before it's too late? I've never heard of anyone just going to the hospital for a liver check.

>> No.10411722

>Do they let you keep the stones after they come out?
They do. Some people make a necklace/bracelet out of them.

>> No.10411878
File: 67 KB, 877x587, fructose-kidney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10412700

They look like teeth! Wtf!!!

>> No.10412729

They let me keep about 1/2 of my gallstones.

>> No.10412743

I've passed a sharp kidney stone. It's like getting raped in the urethra. You should hear those screams.

>> No.10412931

I passed a kidney stone new years eve. Holy shit. It was like being kicked in the balls repeatedly with a pair of pointy steel tipped boots. Pain so bad that it makes you puke.

>> No.10413048

My brother had kidney stones and he screamed more than my wife did giving birth.

This is a 6'3" Marine Force Recon vet and he was crying like an infant just from the pain. Dude's got a Purple Heart from losing his foot to an IED and he said the stones were worse than that.

I drink a lot more water now.

>> No.10413057

Sounds like fun. How can I ensure I get one? I'd really like to feel that. Fwiw, I let a black widow spider bite me once because a nature doc said it was the most painful of all insect/arachnid bites/stings. It hurt, yeah, but nothing to write home about.

>> No.10413061

It's colas and energy drinks that exacerbates it. I remembered not drinking those for 3 months straight after got a stone 8 years ago.

>> No.10413081

Even women who've given birth rank kidney stones, migraines, and dental abscesses as more painful.

>> No.10413162

we could talk about how to cook kidneys, and whether you remove the stones before cooking

>> No.10413196

Kidney stones are made of calcium.

>> No.10413326

puur wa'ah

>> No.10413342

Can confirm kidney stones are the worst. I went into some weird shock and vomited all over the bathroom while passing mine.

>> No.10413372

When I had kidney stones I got them on both sides at the same time, they stopped up my ureters, caused my kidneys to back up and I went into kidney failure.

Fuck kidney stones, man.

>> No.10413375

what do they taste like?

>> No.10413378

bump I would like to know

>> No.10413383

the couple times i had kidney stones they hurt 10x more when stuck then when i pissed them out

>> No.10413392

>Beer was the best beverage in preventing stones

al/ck/ies win again

>> No.10413434

So to sum up prevention:
- Stay hydrated
- Monitor calcium intake,
- Avoid eating high oxalate foods on a regular basis

>> No.10413472

If memory serves this is a wart, not a kidney stone.

>> No.10413475

water...also water

>> No.10413479

They are wrong. I have my tonsils and get them. It seems just based on anatomy. My left side of my throat gets them, but rarely my right because it is harder for food to get in there.

>> No.10413484

>eat/drink too much
>get kidney stones
>eat/drink too little
>get kidney stones

>> No.10413500
File: 26 KB, 261x400, rotary_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should put them in pic related polish them up

>> No.10413528

>hurr this kid has a sore throat
>better cut out an organ!
doctor logic

To avoid stones just do a fucking water fast and your body will dissolve all the shit inside your kidneys. 14 days should do it for you fat fucks

>> No.10413533

>eat junk food
>get kidney stones
>eat healthy food
>get kidney stones

>> No.10413662

What the fuck, I've never personally known someone who has had kidney stones. Are they really that common? Do you just have to be overtly retarded and refuse to drink water when thirsty to develop them?

>> No.10414174

>Are they really that common?

My dad had them. Laid him the fuck out for a whole week plus some days extra.

>> No.10414176


Hahah fuck that

>> No.10414185
File: 182 KB, 768x820, 1516392469205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pussy and gatorade. Send it and I can make both. (in to a broth).

>> No.10414187

I'm no doctor, but do warts typically grow in mineral lattices?

That thing looks like one of those fuckers that sticks to the walls of the first Metroid game.

>> No.10414254
File: 750 KB, 625x626, E8A83B48-3A44-481D-A412-D2261AF2C69D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one right now. 2-3 hours in the emergency room.
Toradol, fentanyl, and morphine within an hour.
4mm Stone.
Too small to lithotripsy so I’m trying to pass it now.
Occasional vomiting, dizziness.
Constant pain ranging from “punched in nuts” to “Being murdered by a power drill”

I have lost part of my leg to a chainsaw, right arm surgically reattached, and right leg rebuilt ( three separate incidents)

This hurts far more.

Drink water

>> No.10414259

>I have lost part of my leg to a chainsaw, right arm surgically reattached, and right leg rebuilt ( three separate incidents)
Do you work at Camp Crystal Lake?!

>> No.10414265

Kidney Zoomer

>> No.10414267
File: 111 KB, 640x468, 8E51D8C7-AB91-409A-BAB5-C61E52CFD009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly enough I lived about 40 miles from Hard Labor Creek, the filming location for Camp Crystal Lake.

>> No.10414268
File: 48 KB, 610x343, 96040ADC-4602-4443-9DD9-44EF78BAF0BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those three injuries were in 2003, 2010, and 2014 though. Not unlucky or unsafe, just a dangerous job.

>> No.10414271

Potassium citrate, which is found in orange juice and even in sodas (albeit in small amounts) may significantly reduce the chance of kidney stones.

>> No.10414311

Report it. You'd be perfectly justified in doing so. This is a SFW board.

>> No.10414324

You're probably pretty young. It's not a thing people talk about much to teenagers or college aged people. But once you get around 30 it's a pretty common topic of conversation among adults and a lot of older men have had them.

>> No.10414325

That's not what SFW means tumblerite.

It's meant to keep nudity, porn, illegal activities, and shameless gore (snuff and dead bodies) in /b/, /hc/, /r9k/, etc to prevent it from derailing every thread. A medical picture of a human organ is perfectly fine.

>> No.10414330

>shameless gore
the OP fits in that category

>> No.10414336

Shameless gore is a motorcyclist crashing into a semi, or a person split open with the kidney still inside. This one has been removed out of clear medical necessity and has been cleaned and opened.

But if you want to report it fine. It's just stupid because that's not what SFW was ever for and if you're browsing 4chan at work for anything other than research you should be fired anyways. And if you can't explain to your boss why you're looking at a thumbnail of a diseased kidney while discussing kidneystones then you need to seek other employment or stop dicking around at work.

>> No.10414373

you're an idiot

>> No.10414377

Are you saying to avoid those food items or consume them?

>> No.10414381

They look like corn.

>> No.10414688

Don't always make sure you never avoid getting not undehydrated

>> No.10414693
File: 75 KB, 720x211, 1515984584044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a glass of whole milk a day and have done for the last 10 years. How fucked am I /ck/?

>> No.10414704

Is this because alcohol and caffeine are a diuretic and make you piss more which flushes out your kidneys?

>> No.10414821

It's a meme, but a meme that works provided you drink an increased amount of water to balance out the effects of alcohol and caffeine on the water levels in your body.

>> No.10414839


>> No.10414846

>make you piss more
that's an illusion, you will piss that much with just clear water, but some people are just unable to enjoy a full glass at once while they can sip the former 2 all day

>> No.10414867

my mate had them, they just gave him drugs and sent him home for him to cry to his wife and piss them out in a bloody mess. Sure you can keep them if you're keen.

>> No.10414873

There's no way that's a human organ... right guys?

>> No.10414883

>such a genelet he has to get surgery to not die
Lmao, untersmesch

>> No.10414896

Hello, Polish OP. I think the most important part about drinking water is that the water mustn't be from a tap but filtered or bottled. Remember this.

>> No.10415015

ready for the skeleton war/10

>> No.10415069

After my attack last new years eve a pharmacist recommended this. Rowatinex. Small gel capsules full of some essential oils that soften the stones. It seems to work. The government did a study and says that it is 89 percent effective in helping eliminate the stones.

>> No.10416926

alot of shitters in this thread. Kidney stones are simply calcium build up that have hardened and turned to "stones" in the kidney. the number 1 cause of this is drinking too much milk (i know because ive had them twice as a kid from drinking GALLONS of chocolate milk in a day or 2)

you can usually pass them via enema or pills that cause diarrhea. to avoid them simply dont over intake on foods/drinks that are high in calcium.

there is no foods that "reduce risk" of getting kidney stones... you have to actually TRY very hard to get that many stones into your body or just be a lazy fat fuck that doesnt watch what he is eating. guy in OPs pic is more than likely dead if he had that many stones in him.

>> No.10416939

do Europeans have that bad of water that you can't drink from the tap?

>> No.10416952

some areas have very high mineral content in the water. I know this might seem shocking to you that even in america there are such variations but if you try leaving the immediate 150 mile radius of your birthplace you might even experience this yourself

>> No.10416973


>> No.10416975

Kinda looks like chopped garlic.

>> No.10416976

Almost all tap water in America is very safe to consume, municipal water sources are highly treated.
And very few Americans rely on personal wells, only in rural areas, and even the vast majority of these are completely safe to drink from
What does any of this have to do with traveling?

>> No.10416988

I am not sure you understand what that word means or what this discussion is about
>What does any of this have to do with traveling?
It's ok, don't worry your little flyover head about it

>> No.10416999

>The yuro clutches at xer pearls, admitting literal sludge flows out of his tap but subtly twisting it in a childish attempt to mock le flyober amerimutts.
Watching you people work is a treat.

>> No.10417003

>someone said something that confused me
>they must be from europe!

>> No.10417008

would you drink water from a bathroom? or from a toilet? how about shower water? or the water from your garden hose? its all the same water that comes from the same tap so why not? if you answered no to ANY of these then please be quiet because you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.10417020

>tfw my tap water is incredibly chalky and I've been drinking it for years

I really hope the whole "hard water causes stones" is a meme. Otherwise I'm pretty much fucked.

>> No.10417031

>would you drink water from a bathroom? or from a toilet?
From a bathroom sink, sure. Not from a toilet but thats 100% related to the vessel, not the water source
> how about shower water?
My hot water is softened, so no, but cold water, sure, though seems kinda inconvenient
>or the water from your garden hose?
If the hose wasn't all mildewy, this is a super common thing that anyone who grew up with a yard has done

>> No.10417041

Yes and I sometimes do.
From the tank yes, not the bowl.
Yes and I sometimes do.
Yes and I did many times as a kid.
American tap water is 100 percent safe to drink unless you live in a shithole run by niggers like Flint.

>> No.10417058

any liquid that is high in minerals or mineral forming ingredients (such as calcium) is going to give you stones. thats not a meme, its just common sense.

if you drink chalky water from the tap then you prob also eat undercooked foods and get food poisoning constantly and therefore have diarrhea often, so you should be fine.

>> No.10417060

>Gets entire shitty post disassembled by a literal le flyober
Low effort.

>> No.10417066

>I have no point but I enjoy filling out captchas
yes, we can tell

>> No.10417067

>if the hose wasnt all mildewy.

do you honestly think the inside of your faucet from years of being uncleaned in the kitchen doesnt have mold and mildew in the pipes?

stop kidding yourselves people.

>> No.10417068

>not spending your euro neetbux on ultrafast posting

>> No.10417074

i also use to drink water from a garden hose at my own house and friends houses. got soar throats every time so i stopped and learned my lesson. im sure you did too.

>> No.10417075

Pipes are metal not rubber, you tard. Metal is not a surface conducive to mildew growth.

>> No.10417078

I haven't seen any study confirming that.

>> No.10417081

Was your hose made of asbestos?

>> No.10417087

>paying for 4chan

>> No.10417094

>not supporting the elite you spent so much time bitching to other people on
Sorry I'm paying for you to be angry at other people

>> No.10417101

I think almost everyone here would be far better off if this site were to just go away forever

unfortunately, we're stuck. thanks, I guess?

>> No.10417110

>lel this site is so shit wouldn't it be better if it just STOPPED EXISTISNG lolololol
Go back to wherever you came from

>> No.10417112

>o you honestly think the inside of your faucet from years of being uncleaned in the kitchen doesnt have mold and mildew in the pipes
I am referring to hoses with a noticeably mildewy smell and taste, which is probably most of them, and is almost never the case in actual plumbing

>> No.10417117

That really is pathetic, you newfag. I hope this site dies, but here we are.

>> No.10417122

>i also use to drink water from a garden hose at my own house and friends houses. got soar throats every time
lol what?
This is not possibly a thing

>> No.10417140


>> No.10417141

spider eggs. masses of spider eggs.

>> No.10417144

I've been shitposting here for 13 years. I wouldn't wish this on anyone

>> No.10417156

nah he's pretty much right

>> No.10417250

Have fun dying at 35

>> No.10417273


Are people so retarded that they think mold and other bacteria dont grow inside pipes? are Americans really this stupid? or is it the EU fags being retarded which is less surprising?

im an amateur plumber myself, but even in my experience ive seen some gross shit in pipes and faucets. Surely you idiots dont think they are clean and bacteria free 24/7 do you? if you dont maintain them you WILL get some gross shit growing in there.

>> No.10417274

I wish I was smart enough to be a surgeon. That looks so satisfying.

>> No.10417284

>dont drink water for 14 days

Honestly, if 4chan had an IQ test the site would be so much more enjoyable.

>> No.10417298

Believe it or not, it’s not the calcium that causes the stones, per se.
high oxalate foods can cause calcium oxalate stones when eaten in large amounts IF you don’t bind the oxalates with calcium, which prevents it from being absorbed into the bloodstream and passed through the kidneys.

So drink milk with your spinach, almonds, chocolate. Use that calcium to bind those oxalates.

Also.., drink water. At least half your body weight (in ounces) per day. Keep those kidneys running clean.

>> No.10417300

Do Europeans really not chlorinated their drinking water?

>> No.10417309

Remember this.

Europeans call tea and crackers "breakfast".

>> No.10417321

Calcium phosphate stones are caused by a different mechanism, not the calcium itself

Uric acid stones are caused by dehydration, bacterial infections, and high stress

Cytosine stones are an amino acid uptake problem. Pretty rare

>> No.10417324

Except for Parisians, who call cigarettes and coffee breakfast.

>> No.10417338

As long as you don't drink soda nonstop and drink water it's pretty much a nonissue.

>> No.10417428

What the fuck....

>> No.10417445
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>> No.10417453
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>> No.10417470

Mold and bacteria do not grow well in pipes where there is routine flowing water, and little oxygen
Mold grows super well in hoses which are half full and sit open to the outside air for weeks at a time. Its incredibly easy to observe that

>> No.10417701

>Not knowing that tonsils have a biological function
I bet you support circumcision too

>> No.10418056

Why the fuck did this thread turn into /int/ all of a sudden, fuck off and get on-topic

>> No.10418108
File: 47 KB, 370x412, 1416607857675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what shit hole are you from, pedro?

>> No.10418550

>Coffee, tea, chocolate, spinach, potatoes, almonds

yes these are things. da fuq

>> No.10418691
File: 44 KB, 529x502, 1486031799749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one here drinks two glasses of water before bed
>no one here drinks a glass after waking up
>no one here drinks another two glasses at lunch
>no one here drinks a glass after work

>> No.10419228


Spinach won't give you iron gains.

>> No.10419245

Water fasting is amazing. Im going for a 5-7 day one soon.

>> No.10419247

You just described the exact opposite of a water fast...

>> No.10419359

I practically get off to this kind of irony.

>> No.10419611

>all these dehydrated plebs
people who say "i hate water" or "i just dont drink water" are unfailingly, every single time, the worst kinds of people ever
>he doesn't drink water as soon as he wakes up
>he doesn't drink water right before and after eating
i'm guessing some of you dry wipe your ass as well

>> No.10419645

just keep a bottle by your side and sip occasionally. no need to get ritualistic about it.
and you are cancer if you use wet-wipes, install a fucking badet fag.

>> No.10419684


>> No.10419688

Whats you job?

>> No.10419696

I dont think I could actually survive a kidney stone. The shits that I have when I don't eat right are enough to make me cry.

>> No.10419701

very wrong.
Try ignoring one of your bathrooms or something for like 30 days. You will have mold, bacteria, all kinds of shit you wished you never saw in the tank and down the pipes. These pipes connect with the rest of the plumbing int he house and contaminate the faucets.

>> No.10419708

shitting out a kidney stone ( depending on the size ) can be more painful than giving birth, destroys your penis.

>> No.10419736


>> No.10419767

I know two people who have had kidney stones at my work. The older guy drinks a ton of water now, the younger guy, well, he drink less soda now.

>> No.10420436

>sacrifice my liver for the sake of my kidneys

Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

>> No.10420465

I so badly want to rinse that fucker out.

>> No.10420639

Fuck, my father told me just two months ago that he had a stone when he was my age and the doctor needed to cut it out of his dick.
now I read that softdrinks make it worse and I drank CocaCola and Pepsi exclusively during my teenager years.
*ordering another Nalgene 1.5L bottle for maximum water intake*

>> No.10420953

>Coffee and tea reduces risk.
Tea RAISES risk significantly. It has a lot of oxalates in it. Same with spinach.

I assume since you got that wrong about tea, you also got it wrong about coffee and alcohol.

Had one or possibly two; mine were caused by being poisoned by a local restaurant. Fuck Chinese culture and all the fucking Chinese cocksuckers who think it's ok to dump industrial chemicals into their food because they can make more money doing that than by using edible ingredients.

Those aren't real kidney stones anyway, at least not from a human. Real ones are jagged as fuck. That's why they hurt so much -- they absolutely shred your kidneys, ureters, urethra, bladder . . . every tissue they pass through.

>> No.10420959

That. THAT is a real kidney stone.

>> No.10421026

You can get an ultrasound done. There's no real point in "screening" for them, though. There's no way to guess which people will develop them, and unless they're huge you'll just be told to piss them out anyway. If they are huge, then they'll break them up with ultrasound and THEN you get to piss out the fragments. . . .

You should find a new doctor. The pain index for insects is pretty well known.


However, they pale in comparison to venomous sea creatures. Apparently the venom of the stonefish is so agonizing that people die just from the pain.

There are at least four different types of kidney stones. Whatever type your body tends to grow will determine what you shouldn't do or eat.

You're either retarded or trolling. But I repeat myself. . . .

>> No.10421989

Omfg this is the stuff of nightmares

>> No.10422859
File: 64 KB, 620x388, buddeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to drink more water buddeh

>> No.10422927

all these faggots mentioning water....
its not drinking water. its the water inside raw tender veggies that will help you with hydratation and kidney stones.
also lemon juice is the boss.

>> No.10422941

Wtf u on about?

>> No.10423004

>wet wipes


>> No.10423283

>how about shower water?
I do that almost every time.

>> No.10423458

Oh god thank you for posting this.