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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 500x500, raw-whole-chicken-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10401936 No.10401936 [Reply] [Original]

>spend the day dethawing the chicken
>husband calls and says he isn't coming home for dinner

>> No.10402028

Make it anyways and let him have leftovers

>> No.10402043

now you have time to brine it till tomorrow

>> No.10402051


He's probably getting fucked in the ass by a big black dude, so why can't you also enjoy yourself?

>> No.10402062

It'll be fine in the fridge for a day.

>> No.10402065

if you were dethawing it isn't it frozen now?

>> No.10402074
File: 1.11 MB, 2560x1440, 15228856853331138966142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chop it up, make stock. Then use the rest meat to make soup with the stock tomorrow.

>> No.10402092

you deserve better where do you live

>> No.10402109

This. Shove it up his BBC expanded hole.

>> No.10402113

yeah, and your childrem would be 'fine' dead in the fucking ground for a day

>> No.10402404

Are you immunocompromised or just paranoid?

>> No.10402417

tits. now

>> No.10402427

Is dethawing the same thing as freezing? Were you actively doing something to dethaw it to make it such a disappointment?

>> No.10402433

He's taking mad dick in every whole while you complain about spending the day letting a piece of meat thaw on the counter. You deserve each other.

>> No.10402437

>He's taking mad dick in every whole
in every whole what?

>> No.10402456

His whole hole. The entirety of his hole. You know the one.

>> No.10402461

ah yes, the fourth mouth...

>> No.10403698

OP here
I'm a dude

>> No.10403753

Tits anyway.

>> No.10403765

You're one of those people who always makes excuses aren't you

>> No.10403767


ah, will you be killing them with the nunchucks (sorry, nunchaku), or the katana? and is the leather trenchcoat knee-length or full shoulder to toe?

>> No.10403798

Dude wut. So you froze it?

>> No.10403821
File: 371 KB, 983x1062, IMG_20170926_105810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't keep a chicken in his freezer just in case too busy or lazy to go shopping

>> No.10403975


>Thawing meat on the counter

I hope you don't cook for others

>> No.10403981

What are the other three mouths

>> No.10404037
File: 992 KB, 2560x1440, 15229097233581755877435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not understand how suffixes work?

>> No.10404052

A stupid weeb can't even grasp his own language but wants to move to Japan.

>> No.10404055


I'm not even a part of this thread but what kind of retardation are you even trying to spew?

>> No.10404063

If you were to "de-" thaw something that is already thawed you would be freezing it you stupid autist. You need to go back to elementary school.

>> No.10404071



Oh, so you just don't know what "suffix" means but are going to shout about other anons need to go back to elementary school.

>> No.10404077

I'm not the person who replied first and he's stupid for confusing prefixes with suffixes but you are more retarded than him.

>> No.10404083

You spent an entire day doing what should take you a couple minutes?

>> No.10404090
File: 20 KB, 329x399, 1520491416622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10404091


I unironically use the word "literally" all the time as a way to denote hyperbole and don't give a shit, because it's part of the common vernacular despite internet retards spazzing out about it to make themselves feel smart. The same is true about "dethawing" not technically being correct. The difference is that "suffix" is actually a technical term with a singular meaning, so using it to say the opposite of what it means is base stupidity.

>> No.10404095

You're a retard for everything you just stated. Thank you for pricing my point.

>> No.10404100

Well then you don't really have a husband, do you? That piece of paper only proves the growing insanity of your society. It doesn't make a true marriage.

>> No.10404101


Great counterpoint. I'm literally floored (though I'm laying in bed right now).

>> No.10404190

Do you buy a whole chicken and expect to eat it fully in a day? Besides if you thaw chicken in water it can stay there for 3 days

>> No.10404202

This would be valid if there were a satisfactory alternative to "literally." As it is you're just making it difficult for others to communicate clearly by advocating an entirely unnecessary usage.

>> No.10404211

People without autism don't find communication difficult.

>> No.10404213


Only an idiot can't tell if "literally" is being used literally or not. Or did you mean to say, "if there weren't a satisfactory alternative"?

>> No.10404227

>cook it anyway
>enjoy extra chicken
>enjoy leaving him shitty cold chicken

>> No.10404238

I'm literally astounded by these responses.

>> No.10404366

I'll kill them with your chicken

>> No.10404372

>spend all day
All you have to do is leave it in the fridge though.