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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10401459 No.10401459 [Reply] [Original]

Has he lost the plot?

>> No.10401481

what a shame

>> No.10401547

>cant fit mouth over restaurant owner's burger

>> No.10401654

from what I remember from watching that video 6 months ago, that burger is about 70% pure salt due to his overseasoning.

>> No.10403347


>> No.10403490

Welcome home? Is this home? Yea, it's a rental, stop name dropping your neighbors who actually bought their houses. Why not pose in front of another Bentley or Lear Jet Ramsay. Talk about chip on your shoulder.

Ramsay's food prep is scary. He has no concept of clean hands, clean cutting board, cross-contamination, plating, none of it. EGG IN THE BURGER (and make sure to put that raw egg in there and let that e.coli sit around another 24hrs). He's such a hack. You think fuddruckers is grinding that meat the day before? Hell no. Next, let's rub some bread in raw burger juices in these old eggy ground beef, and make sure to flip bread right after getting meat juices all over the spatulas. I'm positive my tropical lifestyle gave me more grilling sense in one finger than he ever got in his iceberg of a backyard back in England, I guess. I'm using fresh spatulas after the first flip and I have a clean tray to place my food on. I'm still not sure why he's flipping them over and over.

I'll tell you something else, I've had burgers enough times in my life to understand you don't put the lettuce on the bottom and that those burgers sucked. The bread looks crazy dense and thick.

I wonder when Gordon will stop pretending he's not a drug addict or alcoholic. That dancing hyperactive shaking thing is so hard to watch.

Gordon "I'm not a fan of raw onion on a burger" Ramsay strikes again with the egg burger.

>> No.10403512


>> No.10403524

is this copypasta

>> No.10403549

>I'm using fresh spatulas after the first flip
If this isn't a pasta, it is now

>> No.10403985

You're supposed to turn them sideways like jack

>> No.10404057

No but he is going pear-shaped

>> No.10404067

Gordon has absolutely and completely lost the plot because he strayed from the true path of his mentor Marco who's the best. Marco is real. Gordon could have taken the keys to the kingdom and he thew them away for commercialism.
Marco advertised, did television shit, but not to the extent of Gordon who had the good fortune of being able to learn from Marco back in the day.

>> No.10404081

Dude, do you write for a newspaper in Puerto Rico as a white American who went down there for a job?

>> No.10404112

Sorry that I can't afford a 1,000 sq. ft house for $500,000, cunt

>> No.10404120


>> No.10404123

Just watched it again. His seasoning is horrifically overdone here and he honestly seems to be tweaking or some shit. Like he's fucked up in this video. Obviously the whole fuckin stack looks ridiculous because of those gigantic patties.

>> No.10404142


>> No.10404163

Actually, lamb chops and saffron can't really be considered budget ingredients.

>> No.10404168

That is the joke. Every single comment mock the video.

>> No.10404378

>plate arrives
Right, thank you darling
>starts prodding at food with knife and fork
>messily cuts up meal
Look at that.
>starts dissecting food like a science project
Dear oh dear.
>brings camera in for a close up
>squishes food into plate with the side of a fork
They've lost the plot.
>plants camera lens inside the meat
It looks like mother's bloody used tampon
>picks pieces off the food and starts flinging them haphazardly around
This is no way to run a business
>spills his drink on the plate
Awful soupy texture.
>presses food down with palm and smears it around
Bland, soupy, pretentious. I mean just look at THAT.
>chucks plate into the bin
Right, what we need is to simplify the menu. Keep it rustic.

>> No.10404876

He was suffering from heat stroke.

>> No.10407089

Why does he have the face of a 10yr old?

>> No.10407136
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>> No.10407149

You forgot what happens before the play arrives.

>Can I take your order?
Right, I'll have the steak.
>Yes, Chef.
Really, ya know, looking forward to this
>Cut to people arguing in the kitchen
Nice, beautiful steak. A classic.
>Owner nervously looks out from kitchen window

But if it was everything he wanted it to be, he wouldn't be there with his show, would he? The "first dinner" scene only serves to let Gordon bully the restaurant owner and cooks. Regardless of how it tastes, Gordon is going to talk it up before it arrives, then talk it down while dissecting it like a frog in anatomy class.

But if he talks down what the actual cooks make, why would you ever want to go there, even after he "fixes" it? If the ship's sinking, let them drown. But Gordon has a hand-drill and he's all too eager to drill more holes in the boat.

>> No.10407151

burg looks good to me. Sorry you faggy soyboys can't open your mouth large enough. After all, it must be sore from taking Jamal's fat cock.

>> No.10407161

>Sorry you faggy soyboys can't open your mouth large enough.

Ramsay verbally crucifies any restaurant that does this, then makes his own enormous burger. Really tasteless.

>> No.10407164
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>soyboys can't open your mouth large enough

>> No.10407165

Homecooked meals≠restuant meals

>> No.10407171
File: 100 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, that burger was stated to be 16 oz of meat and they used a regular sized bun for a giant burger.

>> No.10407189

Yes. Restaurant's no one goes to, making large burgers that are usually poorly made a bad idea for place who's balance sheets are in the red.

>> No.10407209

I don't know, but the way he acts around his daughter is creepy as fuck, I guarantee you he has fucked her

>> No.10407213

>*shouting in the kitchen*
>someone rushes out. good guy gordon goes after him
>they try to set him back on track, but he fails
>"we have to shut down the restaurant"
>owner is crying, he a good boy
>we need a fresh start
>they redo the whole dinning room
>everyone is in fake awe
>evening is a success, good guy gordon leaves
>restaurant is closed after 6month
>everyone goes "Oh man"

>> No.10407216

is she hot?

>> No.10407243
File: 36 KB, 685x385, gordonThot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you be the judge

>> No.10407261

The majority of those restaurants that close were in debt before they were on the show. Gordon always redecorates and changes the menu, but he doesn't help them to manage their money. There was only one episode where he got them an accountant and that was because the restaurant wasn't even keeping track of their finances.

>> No.10407266
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>> No.10407276

Nimm Trashy aus dem pic da raus >:(

>> No.10407375

chill, i know you can't save retards. but the greentext is the general recipe to each show.

>> No.10407395

>he honestly seems to be tweaking or some shit. Like he's fucked up in this video
He absolutely always acts like just like that, hopping around, hyper, yet claims zero drugs, ever.

Look at this fake act. What kind of chef needs to know how coke is made?

>> No.10407401

Lets see a link nigga

>> No.10407408

Gordon can not teach people how to manage their finances. He's shit at it.

>> No.10407419

Doesnt marco do chicken buillion commercials for knorr?

>> No.10407510


>> No.10407572

There's a few Kitchen Nightmares restaurants that are still open. But the majority of them are closed.

>> No.10407986

wow sweet rum diary reference

>> No.10408863

Marco doesn't give a fuck about being a chef or celebrity anymore. At this point he probably regrets not just opening up a greasy spoon chip shop where he could work and be happy.

>> No.10408902

I do remember watching that video and thinking he was acting a little off. May have just been fatigue or could have been some inebriation but i felt like he was acting strange.

>> No.10410349

A hamburger is so ridiculously simple as a food that Ramsey had to adlib things to make his burger sound more fancy and decadent than it actually was and he was not very good at it.

>> No.10410357

I dunno, I think it looks fine.

>> No.10410460


>> No.10410645


bongs can't burger

>> No.10410746

>I've had burgers enough times in my life
>you don't put the lettuce on the bottom
Literal proof you know absolutely nothing.
That's how you get a soggy bun that falls apart.
How many restaurants have you owned, chump?

>> No.10410811

There isn't a chef alive that doesn't do drugs. Why even bother putting on a clean act?

>> No.10410823
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>> No.10411133

For his children and younger viewers

>> No.10411145

English people have no idea how to make a burger.

>> No.10411557

That pic doesn't do her justice. She's as British as marry fucking Poppins. Also,

>Ramsay: what's it like having the best chef in the world as a father?
>daughter: the best chef in the world is not my dad

>> No.10411581

You think Ramsay really cares if they succeed? He gets to exploit their failed business to create a heavily scripted reality show so he can generate ad revenue for the network.

>> No.10411604

It's so easy to make a burger too. It must be some genetic disability.

>> No.10411640
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It's going to be great to watch her grow up into a greasy slam piggy as all British women eventually do. She is going to be a slag for sure but whether she is going to be a chav or convert to Muslim I cannot say yet

>> No.10411660

I hope she releases nudes before that happens.

>> No.10411661

Do Americans really get so infuriated at good meat?

>> No.10411663

lamb is pretty cheap there.

>> No.10412673

i'm not sure it's scripted, but they play the clips in the wrong order. the true order would be like
1. he arrives
2. they teach them kitchen stuff
3. they cook for him, but he doesn't like it
4. someone is crying
5. they buy the new stuff
6. they tell the owner he has to pay it back
7. owner goes mental
8. they leave

and they play it like
1. he arrives
3. they cook for him, but he doesn't like it
2. they teach them kitchen stuff
4. someone is crying
7. owner goes mental
5. they buy the new stuff
8. they leave


>> No.10412754

>i'm not sure it's scripted
>goes on to explain the script formula
There is a disclaimer that the scenes we're not played in the order they were shot at the end of these shows. Ulimatepy this is made for entertainment, not actually in the sincere interest of fixing broken businesses ran by idiots who don't understand economics or business.

>> No.10413023

scripted would require them to know what is expected from them and to play a role. but they are oblivious.

>> No.10413074
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His place in Atlantic City is like two doors down from Guy Ferri's place do ever think sometimes they meet up and do come together and then raw dog in the parking lot of Revel?

>> No.10413075

Thanks for the definition captain obvious. It is a reality show like any other. The folks on the show may not be actors but they are playing a role and can't say whatever random thing that comes to mind because of things like legal liabilities. It's not scripted like a play, its more lose like an improv show centered around a specific theme or topic. It isn't a fucking nature documentary. Ramsay is clearly acting though. You can tell because he has a very different personality when he is being himself.

>> No.10414738

>Uhhh yeah can I get the extra large meatball on a bun please?
Fucking trash.

>> No.10415720

You should've seen the show where he travels around the world to learn exotic dishes from the locals and tries to recreate it. He was in Thailand or Indonesia and sweating like a fucking pig, leaning over pots and pans with food in them with sweat dropping from his face.

He was legit sweating into the food.

>> No.10416961

>You think fuddruckers is grinding that meat the day before?
He didn't, but he does say you should actually do that.

>> No.10417010

Drinking game suggestion:
- Whenever he seasons
- Whenever he says caramelize

>> No.10417042


>> No.10417189

gimme an s. s. gimme an a. a. gimme an l. l. gimme a t. t. salt and peppa the tomato.