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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10399752 No.10399752 [Reply] [Original]

What vegetable do Americans like to eat?

>> No.10399759

high fructose corn syrup is the closest thing to a vegetable they will eat

>> No.10399781

All of them. Never met a vegetable I didn't like. Right now I'm excited for all the spring veg, artichokes, asparagus, cardoons, new potatoes, peas of all kinds, all the spring greens....yum. As a matter of fact, I feel like I need to make a springtime risotto and some artichokes this weekend.

>> No.10399785

are you really a U.S citizen?

>> No.10399789

Asparagus, corn, broccoli, and potatos all seem pretty popular.
Big pots of fatty greens are common in the south.

>> No.10399793


>> No.10399797

I like steamed broccoli with a bit of salt.

>> No.10399802

I personally love veg of all kinds (brussel sprouts and califlower I could do without most times, must be made perfectly) but rarely make sides out of laziness so I don't get enough most days. I drink a can or two of spicy v8 a day. The salt probably isn't great for me.

>> No.10399829

Yep. Born and raised in Texas, and now a resident of NorCal. My parents always had a huge garden growing up, I remember wandering around in it as a toddler just eating veg straight off the vine/stalk. I've always loved vegetables. Now that I live in the "produce basket" of America, there's no vegetable I can't find and eat. Farmers markets are a treasure hunt, and even the ethinic markets get their unusual produce grown locally. It's a vegetable lovers dream, and cheap too. Asaparagus is 99 cents a bundle at the store down the street right now. I've been eating a ton of it. Can't wait for cardoons, those are like cheaper and easier to use artichokes.

>> No.10399852

do you guys think vegetable really makes you healthy? or is it just a meme?

>> No.10399856

Recently discovered brussel sprouts are baller as hell. Been cooking them regularly. Other than that I admit I don't buy enough veggies, but I love eating most of them. I eat tomatoes like apples.

>> No.10399861

I don't understand the question.

>> No.10399862

sugar's a veggie, right?

>> No.10399881

You mean collards? They aren't that fatty, just often prepared with bits of pork or other meat.

You can still cook them however you want.

Oh, you left out Okra. Can't forget okra.

>> No.10399884

tastes like cum tbqh

>> No.10399885

Pizza or ketchup.

>> No.10399890

Not entirely wrong, but the nice healthy cum not the bad tasting stuff and with a better texture.

>> No.10399911

Oh trust me, I love collards. I make great greens in general. I may have been projecting because I make mine with plenty of bacon and people fucking love it. Even made cabbage greens when my plants didn't go to head, looked like a collard. Was great.

>> No.10399930


>> No.10399941

I mostly eat turkey and steak tips. Sometimes I get a ham and cheese crackers lunchable, or a chocolate chip muffin. I eat my own nut too which indont know if its good or bad for you and i eat my boogers but lots of people do.

>> No.10401633

i bet she was really cool

>> No.10401642

for me, it‘s ranch dressing.

>> No.10401921
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>> No.10401926


>> No.10402122

Baked beans
jalapeno poppers
onion rings

>> No.10402448

haha pizza lol GOT'EM XD

>> No.10402567

Onions, peppers, and broccoli are my favorites

>> No.10402572



>> No.10402576

Pizza thanks to uncle sam's classification.

>> No.10402597

vegetables literally make me gag. Ketchup and tomato sauce is ok. French fries and onion rings are great. Some LTO on burgers is acceptable, though I prefer without. Honestly that's the only time I will eat vegetables. Maybe beans in a burrito or in chili, but I'm not sure if those count as a vegetable.

>> No.10402599

It's a grain you troglodyte

>> No.10402671

Not a meme. They contain a lot of what the body needs to function. B vitamins amino acids etc
Inb4 you have that cooking with cum cookbook

>> No.10403678
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>> No.10403797

I love dried and seasoned kale.

>> No.10403842

Onions, cabbage, potatoes, a bunch of botanical fruits like peppers, tomatoes, avocado, eggplant, legumes like beans and lentils....

>> No.10403872

I only eat fruit and vitamin supplements
vegetables have too much heavy metal in them

>> No.10403901

pretty much everything besides carrots

>> No.10403912

Tomatoes, potatoes, and corn. Fitting, since they're all New World crops.

>> No.10403940

Yuropoor hearts

>> No.10403951


>> No.10403982

Any vegetable you can put a lot of butter on

>> No.10404018

He just made a throwaway topic so he could post a picture of the shooter.

>> No.10404066
File: 137 KB, 960x540, EC50C097-5AD9-4447-A123-D2D580509097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven’t eaten physical food in 10 years. I’m able to sustain myself with the knowledge that Yuropoors, Leafs, and Ausfailians constantly think about the United States. The mere fact that there’s some Yuropoor out there right now, sitting in his little village hut, constantly enraged at the United States, is akin to 1500 calories for any other person. Honestly, if foreignfag tears had any real fats or cholesterol in them, I’d probably be the first person ever to contract Type 3 diabeetus. Just rewarding this thread has nourished me for the next week.

>> No.10404070


>> No.10404072

Potatos, cut into rectangles and cooked in vegetable oil